Featured Researches

Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Contour Loss for Instance Segmentation via k-step Distance Transformation Image

Instance segmentation aims to locate targets in the image and segment each target area at pixel level, which is one of the most important tasks in computer vision. Mask R-CNN is a classic method of instance segmentation, but we find that its predicted masks are unclear and inaccurate near contours. To cope with this problem, we draw on the idea of contour matching based on distance transformation image and propose a novel loss function, called contour loss. Contour loss is designed to specifically optimize the contour parts of the predicted masks, thus can assure more accurate instance segmentation. In order to make the proposed contour loss to be jointly trained under modern neural network frameworks, we design a differentiable k-step distance transformation image calculation module, which can approximately compute truncated distance transformation images of the predicted mask and corresponding ground-truth mask online. The proposed contour loss can be integrated into existing instance segmentation methods such as Mask R-CNN, and combined with their original loss functions without modification of the inference network structures, thus has strong versatility. Experimental results on COCO show that contour loss is effective, which can further improve instance segmentation performances.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Contrastive Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search

This paper proposes a novel cell-based neural architecture search algorithm (NAS), which completely alleviates the expensive costs of data labeling inherited from supervised learning. Our algorithm capitalizes on the effectiveness of self-supervised learning for image representations, which is an increasingly crucial topic of computer vision. First, using only a small amount of unlabeled train data under contrastive self-supervised learning allow us to search on a more extensive search space, discovering better neural architectures without surging the computational resources. Second, we entirely relieve the cost for labeled data (by contrastive loss) in the search stage without compromising architectures' final performance in the evaluation phase. Finally, we tackle the inherent discrete search space of the NAS problem by sequential model-based optimization via the tree-parzen estimator (SMBO-TPE), enabling us to reduce the computational expense response surface significantly. An extensive number of experiments empirically show that our search algorithm can achieve state-of-the-art results with better efficiency in data labeling cost, searching time, and accuracy in final validation.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Corner Cases for Visual Perception in Automated Driving: Some Guidance on Detection Approaches

Automated driving has become a major topic of interest not only in the active research community but also in mainstream media reports. Visual perception of such intelligent vehicles has experienced large progress in the last decade thanks to advances in deep learning techniques but some challenges still remain. One such challenge is the detection of corner cases. They are unexpected and unknown situations that occur while driving. Conventional visual perception methods are often not able to detect them because corner cases have not been witnessed during training. Hence, their detection is highly safety-critical, and detection methods can be applied to vast amounts of collected data to select suitable training data. A reliable detection of corner cases will not only further automate the data selection procedure and increase safety in autonomous driving but can thereby also affect the public acceptance of the new technology in a positive manner. In this work, we continue a previous systematization of corner cases on different levels by an extended set of examples for each level. Moreover, we group detection approaches into different categories and link them with the corner case levels. Hence, we give directions to showcase specific corner cases and basic guidelines on how to technically detect them.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Counting and Locating High-Density Objects Using Convolutional Neural Network

This paper presents a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) approach for counting and locating objects in high-density imagery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first object counting and locating method based on a feature map enhancement and a Multi-Stage Refinement of the confidence map. The proposed method was evaluated in two counting datasets: tree and car. For the tree dataset, our method returned a mean absolute error (MAE) of 2.05, a root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of 2.87 and a coefficient of determination (R 2 ) of 0.986. For the car dataset (CARPK and PUCPR+), our method was superior to state-of-the-art methods. In the these datasets, our approach achieved an MAE of 4.45 and 3.16, an RMSE of 6.18 and 4.39, and an R 2 of 0.975 and 0.999, respectively. The proposed method is suitable for dealing with high object-density, returning a state-of-the-art performance for counting and locating objects.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Coupled Feature Learning for Multimodal Medical Image Fusion

Multimodal image fusion aims to combine relevant information from images acquired with different sensors. In medical imaging, fused images play an essential role in both standard and automated diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a novel multimodal image fusion method based on coupled dictionary learning. The proposed method is general and can be employed for different medical imaging modalities. Unlike many current medical fusion methods, the proposed approach does not suffer from intensity attenuation nor loss of critical information. Specifically, the images to be fused are decomposed into coupled and independent components estimated using sparse representations with identical supports and a Pearson correlation constraint, respectively. An alternating minimization algorithm is designed to solve the resulting optimization problem. The final fusion step uses the max-absolute-value rule. Experiments are conducted using various pairs of multimodal inputs, including real MR-CT and MR-PET images. The resulting performance and execution times show the competitiveness of the proposed method in comparison with state-of-the-art medical image fusion methods.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Crop mapping from image time series: deep learning with multi-scale label hierarchies

The aim of this paper is to map agricultural crops by classifying satellite image time series. Domain experts in agriculture work with crop type labels that are organised in a hierarchical tree structure, where coarse classes (like orchards) are subdivided into finer ones (like apples, pears, vines, etc.). We develop a crop classification method that exploits this expert knowledge and significantly improves the mapping of rare crop types. The three-level label hierarchy is encoded in a convolutional, recurrent neural network (convRNN), such that for each pixel the model predicts three labels at different level of granularity. This end-to-end trainable, hierarchical network architecture allows the model to learn joint feature representations of rare classes (e.g., apples, pears) at a coarser level (e.g., orchard), thereby boosting classification performance at the fine-grained level. Additionally, labelling at different granularity also makes it possible to adjust the output according to the classification scores; as coarser labels with high confidence are sometimes more useful for agricultural practice than fine-grained but very uncertain labels. We validate the proposed method on a new, large dataset that we make public. ZueriCrop covers an area of 50 km x 48 km in the Swiss cantons of Zurich and Thurgau with a total of 116'000 individual fields spanning 48 crop classes, and 28,000 (multi-temporal) image patches from Sentinel-2. We compare our proposed hierarchical convRNN model with several baselines, including methods designed for imbalanced class distributions. The hierarchical approach performs superior by at least 9.9 percentage points in F1-score.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

Custom Object Detection via Multi-Camera Self-Supervised Learning

This paper proposes MCSSL, a self-supervised learning approach for building custom object detection models in multi-camera networks. MCSSL associates bounding boxes between cameras with overlapping fields of view by leveraging epipolar geometry and state-of-the-art tracking and reID algorithms, and prudently generates two sets of pseudo-labels to fine-tune backbone and detection networks respectively in an object detection model. To train effectively on pseudo-labels,a powerful reID-like pretext task with consistency loss is constructed for model customization. Our evaluation shows that compared with legacy selftraining methods, MCSSL improves average mAP by 5.44% and 6.76% on WildTrack and CityFlow dataset, respectively.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

DEFT: Detection Embeddings for Tracking

Most modern multiple object tracking (MOT) systems follow the tracking-by-detection paradigm, consisting of a detector followed by a method for associating detections into tracks. There is a long history in tracking of combining motion and appearance features to provide robustness to occlusions and other challenges, but typically this comes with the trade-off of a more complex and slower implementation. Recent successes on popular 2D tracking benchmarks indicate that top-scores can be achieved using a state-of-the-art detector and relatively simple associations relying on single-frame spatial offsets -- notably outperforming contemporary methods that leverage learned appearance features to help re-identify lost tracks. In this paper, we propose an efficient joint detection and tracking model named DEFT, or "Detection Embeddings for Tracking." Our approach relies on an appearance-based object matching network jointly-learned with an underlying object detection network. An LSTM is also added to capture motion constraints. DEFT has comparable accuracy and speed to the top methods on 2D online tracking leaderboards while having significant advantages in robustness when applied to more challenging tracking data. DEFT raises the bar on the nuScenes monocular 3D tracking challenge, more than doubling the performance of the previous top method. Code is publicly available.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

DPointNet: A Density-Oriented PointNet for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds

For current object detectors, the scale of the receptive field of feature extraction operators usually increases layer by layer. Those operators are called scale-oriented operators in this paper, such as the convolution layer in CNN, and the set abstraction layer in PointNet++. The scale-oriented operators are appropriate for 2D images with multi-scale objects, but not natural for 3D point clouds with multi-density but scale-invariant objects. In this paper, we put forward a novel density-oriented PointNet (DPointNet) for 3D object detection in point clouds, in which the density of points increases layer by layer. In experiments for object detection, the DPointNet is applied to PointRCNN, and the results show that the model with the new operator can achieve better performance and higher speed than the baseline PointRCNN, which verify the effectiveness of the proposed DPointNet.

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Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition

DSRN: an Efficient Deep Network for Image Relighting

Custom and natural lighting conditions can be emulated in images of the scene during post-editing. Extraordinary capabilities of the deep learning framework can be utilized for such purpose. Deep image relighting allows automatic photo enhancement by illumination-specific retouching. Most of the state-of-the-art methods for relighting are run-time intensive and memory inefficient. In this paper, we propose an efficient, real-time framework Deep Stacked Relighting Network (DSRN) for image relighting by utilizing the aggregated features from input image at different scales. Our model is very lightweight with total size of about 42 MB and has an average inference time of about 0.0116s for image of resolution 1024?1024 which is faster as compared to other multi-scale models. Our solution is quite robust for translating image color temperature from input image to target image and also performs moderately for light gradient generation with respect to the target image. Additionally, we show that if images illuminated from opposite directions are used as input, the qualitative results improve over using a single input image.

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