Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Quantum criticality in the 2d quasiperiodic Potts model

Quantum critical points in quasiperiodic magnets can realize new universality classes, with critical properties distinct from those of clean or disordered systems. Here, we study quantum phase transitions separating ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases in the quasiperiodic q -state Potts model in 2+1d . Using a controlled real-space renormalization group approach, we find that the critical behavior is largely independent of q , and is controlled by an infinite-quasiperiodicity fixed point. The correlation length exponent is found to be ν=1 , saturating a modified version of the Harris-Luck criterion.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Quantum dynamics in strongly driven random dipolar magnets

The random dipolar magnet LiHo x Y 1−x F 4 enters a strongly frustrated regime for small Ho 3+ concentrations with x<0.05 . In this regime, the magnetic moments of the Ho 3+ ions experience small quantum corrections to the common Ising approximation of LiHo x Y 1−x F 4 , which lead to a Z 2 -symmetry breaking and small, degeneracy breaking energy shifts between different eigenstates. Here we show that destructive interference between two almost degenerate excitation pathways burns spectral holes in the magnetic susceptibility of strongly driven magnetic moments in LiHo x Y 1−x F 4 . Such spectral holes in the susceptibility, microscopically described in terms of Fano resonances, can already occur in setups of only two or three frustrated moments, for which the driven level scheme has the paradigmatic Λ -shape. For larger clusters of magnetic moments, the corresponding level schemes separate into almost isolated many-body Λ -schemes, in the sense that either the transition matrix elements between them are negligibly small or the energy difference of the transitions is strongly off-resonant to the drive. This enables the observation of Fano resonances, caused by many-body quantum corrections to the common Ising approximation also in the thermodynamic limit. We discuss its dependence on the driving strength and frequency as well as the crucial role that is played by lattice dissipation.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Quantum dynamics in the interacting Fibonacci chain

Quantum dynamics on quasiperiodic geometries has recently gathered significant attention in ultra-cold atom experiments where non trivial localised phases have been observed. One such quasiperiodic model is the so called Fibonacci model. In this tight-binding model, non-interacting particles are subject to on-site energies generated by a Fibonacci sequence. This is known to induce critical states, with a continuously varying dynamical exponent, leading to anomalous transport. In this work, we investigate whether anomalous diffusion present in the non-interacting system survives in the presence of interactions and establish connections to a possible transition towards a localized phase. We investigate the dynamics of the interacting Fibonacci model by studying real-time spread of density-density correlations at infinite temperature using the dynamical typicality approach. We also corroborate our findings by calculating the participation entropy in configuration space and investigating the expectation value of local observables in the diagonal ensemble.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Quantum ergodicity in the many-body localization problem

We generalize Page's result on the entanglement entropy of random pure states to the many-body eigenstates of realistic disordered many-body systems subject to long range interactions. This extension leads to two principal conclusions: first, for increasing disorder the "shells" of constant energy supporting a system's eigenstates fill only a fraction of its full Fock space and are subject to intrinsic correlations absent in synthetic high-dimensional random lattice systems. Second, in all regimes preceding the many-body localization transition individual eigenstates are thermally distributed over these shells. These results, corroborated by comparison to exact diagonalization for an SYK model, are at variance with the concept of "non-ergodic extended states" in many-body systems discussed in the recent literature.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Quasi-Many-Body Localization of Interacting Fermions with Long-Range Couplings

A number of experimental platforms for quantum simulations of disordered quantum matter, from dipolar systems to trapped ions, involve degrees of freedom which are coupled by power-law decaying hoppings or interactions, yet the interplay of disorder and interactions in these systems is far less understood than in their short-ranged counterpart. Here we consider a prototype model of interacting fermions with disordered long-ranged hoppings and interactions, and use the flow equation approach to map out its dynamical phase diagram as a function of hopping and interaction exponents. We demonstrate that the flow equation technique is ideally suited to problems involving long-range couplings due to its ability to accurately simulate very large system sizes. We show that, at large on-site disorder and for short-range interactions, a transition from a delocalized phase to a quasi many-body localized (MBL) phase exists as the hopping range is decreased. This quasi-MBL phase is characterized by intriguing properties such as a set of emergent conserved quantities which decay algebraically with distance. Surprisingly we find that a crossover between delocalized and quasi-MBL phases survives even in the presence of long-range interactions.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Quasi-one-dimensional Ising models with defects of the "random local field" type: Imry-Ma phase in spaces with dimension higher than the lower critical one

The phase diagram in coordinates "temperature - concentration of defects" of quasi-one-dimensional Ising models with defects of the "random local field" type is investigated. The confrontation of the tendency to the emergence of the long-range order due to a weak interaction between one-dimensional spin chains and the tendency to the formation of the Imry-Ma phase in which the order parameter follows the fluctuations of the random field created by defects is studied. The possibility of the appearance of the Imry-Ma phase in a situation where the space dimension exceeds the lower critical dimension is shown. The question of the existence of the long-range order in the Ising model with random fields in space with the critical dimension dl = 2 is considered.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Radio-Frequency Multiply-And-Accumulate Operations with Spintronic Synapses

Exploiting the physics of nanoelectronic devices is a major lead for implementing compact, fast, and energy efficient artificial intelligence. In this work, we propose an original road in this direction, where assemblies of spintronic resonators used as artificial synapses can classify an-alogue radio-frequency signals directly without digitalization. The resonators convert the ra-dio-frequency input signals into direct voltages through the spin-diode effect. In the process, they multiply the input signals by a synaptic weight, which depends on their resonance fre-quency. We demonstrate through physical simulations with parameters extracted from exper-imental devices that frequency-multiplexed assemblies of resonators implement the corner-stone operation of artificial neural networks, the Multiply-And-Accumulate (MAC), directly on microwave inputs. The results show that even with a non-ideal realistic model, the outputs obtained with our architecture remain comparable to that of a traditional MAC operation. Us-ing a conventional machine learning framework augmented with equations describing the physics of spintronic resonators, we train a single layer neural network to classify radio-fre-quency signals encoding 8x8 pixel handwritten digits pictures. The spintronic neural network recognizes the digits with an accuracy of 99.96 %, equivalent to purely software neural net-works. This MAC implementation offers a promising solution for fast, low-power radio-fre-quency classification applications, and a new building block for spintronic deep neural net-works.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Random Sampling Neural Network for Quantum Many-Body Problems

The eigenvalue problem of quantum many-body systems is a fundamental and challenging subject in condensed matter physics, since the dimension of the Hilbert space (and hence the required computational memory and time) grows exponentially as the system size increases. A few numerical methods have been developed for some specific systems, but may not be applicable in others. Here we propose a general numerical method, Random Sampling Neural Networks (RSNN), to utilize the pattern recognition technique for the random sampling matrix elements of an interacting many-body system via a self-supervised learning approach. Several exactly solvable 1D models, including Ising model with transverse field, Fermi-Hubbard model, and spin- 1/2 XXZ model, are used to test the applicability of RSNN. Pretty high accuracy of energy spectrum, magnetization and critical exponents etc. can be obtained within the strongly correlated regime or near the quantum phase transition point, even the corresponding RSNN models are trained in the weakly interacting regime. The required computation time scales linearly to the system size. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to combine the existing numerical methods for the training process and RSNN to explore quantum many-body problems in a much wider parameter regime, even for strongly correlated systems.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Random quench predicts universal properties of amorphous solids

Amorphous solids display numerous universal features in their mechanics, structure, and response. Typically, these are rationalized with distinct models, leading to a profusion of control parameters. Here we propose a universal field-theoretic model of an overdamped quench, and compute structural, mechanical, and vibrational observables in arbitrary dimension d . We show that previous results are subsumed by our analysis and unify spatial fluctuations of elastic moduli, long-range correlations of inherent state stress, universal vibrational anomalies, and localized modes into one picture.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Rare regions and avoided quantum criticality in disordered Weyl semimetals and superconductors

Disorder in Weyl semimetals and superconductors is surprisingly subtle, attracting attention and competing theories in recent years. In this brief review, we discuss the current theoretical understanding of the effects of short-ranged, quenched disorder on the low energy-properties of three-dimensional, topological Weyl semimetals and superconductors. We focus on the role of non-perturbative rare region effects on destabilizing the semimetal phase and rounding the expected semimetal-to-diffusive metal transition into a cross over. Furthermore, the consequences of disorder on the resulting nature of excitations, transport, and topology are reviewed. New results on a bipartite random hopping model are presented that confirm previous results in a p+ip Weyl superconductor, demonstrating that particle-hole symmetry is insufficient to help stabilize the Weyl semimetal phase in the presence of disorder. The nature of the avoided transition in a model for a single Weyl cone in the continuum is discussed. We close with a discussion of open questions and future directions.

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