Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Rare thermal bubbles at the many-body localization transition from the Fock space point of view

In this work we study the many-body localization (MBL) transition and relate it to the eigenstate structure in the Fock space. Besides the standard entanglement and multifractal probes, we introduce the radial probability distribution of eigenstate coefficients with respect to the Hamming distance in the Fock space from the wave function maximum and relate the cumulants of this distribution to the properties of the quasi-local integrals of motion in the MBL phase. We demonstrate non-self-averaging property of the many-body fractal dimension D q and directly relate it to the jump of D q as well as of the localization length of the integrals of motion at the MBL transition. We provide an example of the continuous many-body transition confirming the above relation via the self-averaging of D q in the whole range of parameters. Introducing a simple toy-model, which hosts ergodic thermal bubbles, we give analytical evidences both in standard probes and in terms of newly introduced radial probability distribution that the MBL transition in the Fock space is consistent with the avalanche mechanism for delocalization, i.e., the Kosterlitz-Thouless scenario. Thus, we show that the MBL transition can been seen as a transition between ergodic states to non-ergodic extended states and put the upper bound for the disorder scaling for the genuine Anderson localization transition with respect to the non-interacting case.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Real space topological invariant and higher-order topological Anderson insulator in two-dimensional non-Hermitian systems

We study the characterization and realization of higher-order topological Anderson insulator (HOTAI) in non-Hermitian systems, where the non-Hermitian mechanism ensures extra symmetries as well as gain and loss disorder.We illuminate that the quadrupole moment Q xy can be used as the real space topological invariant of non-Hermitian higher-order topological insulator (HOTI). Based on the biorthogonal bases and non-Hermitian symmetries, we prove that Q xy can be quantized to 0 or 0.5 . Considering the disorder effect, we find the disorder-induced phase transition from normal insulator to non-Hermitian HOTAI. Furthermore, we elucidate that the real space topological invariant Q xy is also applicable for systems with the non-Hermitian skin effect. Our work enlightens the study of the combination of disorder and non-Hermitian HOTI.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Realizations of Isostatic Material Frameworks

This paper studies the set of equivalent realizations of isostatic frameworks in two dimensions, and algorithms for finding all such realizations. We show that an isostatic framework has an even number of equivalent realizations that preserve edge lengths and connectivity. We enumerate the complete set of equivalent realizations for a toy framework with pinned boundary in two dimensions and study the impact of boundary length on the emergence of these realizations. To ameliorate the computational complexity of finding a solution to a large multivariate quadratic system corresponding to the constraints; alternative methods - based on constraint reduction and distance-based covering map or Cayley parameterization of the search space - are presented. The application of these methods is studied on atomic clusters, a model two-dimensional glasses, and jamming.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Recognition Capabilities of a Hopfield Model with Auxiliary Hidden Neurons

We study the recognition capabilities of the Hopfield model with auxiliary hidden layers, which emerge naturally upon a Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation. We show that the recognition capabilities of such a model at zero-temperature outperform those of the original Hopfield model, due to a substantial increase of the storage capacity and the lack of a naturally defined basin of attraction. The modified model does not fall abruptly in a regime of complete confusion when memory load exceeds a sharp threshold.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Reconstruction of Pairwise Interactions using Energy-Based Models

Pairwise models like the Ising model or the generalized Potts model have found many successful applications in fields like physics, biology, and economics. Closely connected is the problem of inverse statistical mechanics, where the goal is to infer the parameters of such models given observed data. An open problem in this field is the question of how to train these models in the case where the data contain additional higher-order interactions that are not present in the pairwise model. In this work, we propose an approach based on Energy-Based Models and pseudolikelihood maximization to address these complications: we show that hybrid models, which combine a pairwise model and a neural network, can lead to significant improvements in the reconstruction of pairwise interactions. We show these improvements to hold consistently when compared to a standard approach using only the pairwise model and to an approach using only a neural network. This is in line with the general idea that simple interpretable models and complex black-box models are not necessarily a dichotomy: interpolating these two classes of models can allow to keep some advantages of both.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Recovery thresholds in the sparse planted matching problem

We consider the statistical inference problem of recovering an unknown perfect matching, hidden in a weighted random graph, by exploiting the information arising from the use of two different distributions for the weights on the edges inside and outside the planted matching. A recent work has demonstrated the existence of a phase transition, in the large size limit, between a full and a partial recovery phase for a specific form of the weights distribution on fully connected graphs. We generalize and extend this result in two directions: we obtain a criterion for the location of the phase transition for generic weights distributions and possibly sparse graphs, exploiting a technical connection with branching random walk processes, as well as a quantitatively more precise description of the critical regime around the phase transition.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Network Wave Functions

A core technology that has emerged from the artificial intelligence revolution is the recurrent neural network (RNN). Its unique sequence-based architecture provides a tractable likelihood estimate with stable training paradigms, a combination that has precipitated many spectacular advances in natural language processing and neural machine translation. This architecture also makes a good candidate for a variational wave function, where the RNN parameters are tuned to learn the approximate ground state of a quantum Hamiltonian. In this paper, we demonstrate the ability of RNNs to represent several many-body wave functions, optimizing the variational parameters using a stochastic approach. Among other attractive features of these variational wave functions, their autoregressive nature allows for the efficient calculation of physical estimators by providing independent samples. We demonstrate the effectiveness of RNN wave functions by calculating ground state energies, correlation functions, and entanglement entropies for several quantum spin models of interest to condensed matter physicists in one and two spatial dimensions.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Relationship between two-level systems and quasi-localized normal modes in glasses

Tunnelling Two-Level Systems (TLS) dominate the physics of glasses at low temperatures. Yet TLS are extremely rare and it is extremely difficult to directly observe them insilico . It is thus crucial to develop simple structural predictors that can provide markers for determining if a TLS is present in a given glass region. It has been speculated that Quasi-Localized vibrational Modes (QLM) are closely related to TLS, and that one can extract information about TLS from QLM. In this work we address this possibility. In particular, we investigate the degree to which a linear or non-linear vibrational mode analysis can predict the location of TLS independently found by energy landscape exploration. We find that even though there is a notable spatial correlation between QLM and TLS, in general TLS are strongly non-linear and their global properties cannot be predicted by a simple normal mode analysis.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Relative variations of nonlinear elastic moduli in polystyrene-based nanocomposites

In this paper we apply the methodology based on the analysis of changes in acoustic wave velocities under static stress for measurements of the third-order elastic moduli in three polystyrene-based nanocomposites with different fillers: SiO2 particles, halloysite natural tubules, and carbon black particles. The samples were fabricated by the same technology and our data provide information on relative changes of nonlinear properties of the composites caused by addition of the fillers. The data obtained for composites are compared with that for commercial grade polystyrene. The substantial variations of the nonlinear elastic moduli for composites with different types of fillers are demonstrated and analyzed. The results are in a qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Relaxation dynamics of the three-dimensional Coulomb Glass model

In this paper, we analyze the dynamics of the Coulomb Glass lattice model in three dimensions near a local equilibrium state by using mean-field approximations. We specifically focus on understanding the role of localization length ( ΞΎ ) and the temperature ( T ) in the regime where the system is not far from equilibrium. We use the eigenvalue distribution of the dynamical matrix to characterize relaxation laws as a function of localization length at low temperatures. The variation of the minimum eigenvalue of the dynamical matrix with temperature and localization length is discussed numerically and analytically. Our results demonstrate the dominant role played by the localization length on the relaxation laws. For very small localization lengths we find a crossover from exponential relaxation at long times to a logarithmic decay at intermediate times. No logarithmic decay at the intermediate times is observed for large localization lengths.

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