Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Rigidity-Controlled Crossover: From Spinodal to Critical Failure

Failure in disordered solids is accompanied by intermittent fluctuations extending over a broad range of scales. The implied scaling has been previously associated with either spinodal or critical points. We use an analytically transparent mean-field model to show that both analogies are relevant near the brittle-to-ductile transition. Our study indicates that in addition to the strength of quenched disorder, an appropriately chosen global measure of rigidity (connectivity) can be also used to tune the system to criticality. By interpreting rigidity as a timelike variable we reveal an intriguing parallel between earthquake-type critical failure and Burgers turbulence.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Ring-localized states, radial aperiodicity and quantum butterflies on a Cayley tree

We present an analytical method, based on a real space decimation scheme, to extract the exact eigenvalues of a macroscopically large set of pinned localized excitations in a Cayley tree fractal network. Within a tight binding scheme we exploit the above method to scrutinize the effect of a deterministic deformation of the network, first through a hierarchical distribution in the values of the nearest neighbor hopping integrals, and then through a radial Aubry Andre Harper quasiperiodic modulation. With increasing generation index, the inflating loop less tree structure hosts pinned eigenstates on the peripheral sites that spread from the outermost rings into the bulk of the sample, resembling the spread of a forest fire, lighting up a predictable set of sites and leaving the rest unignited. The penetration depth of the envelope of amplitudes can be precisely engineered. The quasiperiodic modulation yields hitherto unreported quantum butterflies, which have further been investigated by calculating the inverse participation ratio for the eigenstates, and a multifractal analysis. The applicability of the scheme to photonic fractal waveguide networks is discussed at the end.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Robust Zero Modes in Disordered Two-Dimensional Honeycomb Lattice with Kekulé Bond Ordering

Robustness of zero-modes of two-dimensional Dirac fermions is examined numerically for the honeycomb lattice in the presence of Kekulé bond ordering. The split n=0 Landau levels in a magnetic field as well as the zero-modes generated by topological defects in the Kekulé ordering are shown to exhibit anomalous robustness against disorder when the chiral symmetry is respected.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Robustness and Independence of the Eigenstates with respect to the Boundary Conditions across a Delocalization-Localization Phase Transition

We focus on the many-body eigenstates across a localization-delocalization phase transition. To characterize the robustness of the eigenstates, we introduce the eigenstate overlaps O with respect to the different boundary conditions. In the ergodic phase, the average of eigenstate overlaps O ¯ is exponential decay with the increase of the system size indicating the fragility of its eigenstates, and this can be considered as an eigenstate-version butterfly effect of the chaotic systems. For localized systems, O ¯ is almost size-independent showing the strong robustness of the eigenstates and the broken of eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. In addition, we find that the response of eigenstates to the change of boundary conditions in many-body localized systems is identified with the single-particle wave functions in Anderson localized systems. This indicates that the eigenstates of the many-body localized systems, as the many-body wave functions, may be independent of each other. We demonstrate that this is consistent with the existence of a large number of quasilocal integrals of motion in the many-body localized phase. Our results provide a new method to study localized and delocalized systems from the perspective of eigenstates.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Robustness and Stability of Spin Glass Ground States to Perturbed Interactions

Across many scientific and engineering disciplines, it is important to consider how much the output of a given system changes due to perturbations of the input. Here, we study the robustness of the ground states of ±J spin glasses on random graphs to flips of the interactions. For a sparse graph, a dense graph, and the fully connected Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, we find relatively large sets of interactions that generate the same ground state. These sets can themselves be analyzed as sub-graphs of the interaction domain, and we compute many of their topological properties. In particular, we find that the robustness of these sub-graphs is much higher than one would expect from a random model. Most notably, it scales in the same logarithmic way with the size of the sub-graph as has been found in genotype-phenotype maps for RNA secondary structure folding, protein quaternary structure, gene regulatory networks, as well as for models for genetic programming. The similarity between these disparate systems suggests that this scaling may have a more universal origin.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Robustness of the Floquet many-body localized phase in the presence of a smooth and a non-smooth drive

In this work, we investigate how the critical driving amplitude at the Floquet MBL-to-ergodic phase transition differs between smooth and non-smooth driving over a wide range of driving frequencies. To this end, we study numerically a disordered spin-1/2 chain which is periodically driven by a sine or a square-wave drive, respectively. In both cases, the critical driving amplitude increases monotonically with the frequency, and at large frequencies, it is identical for the two drives in the appropriate normalization. However, at low and intermediate frequencies the critical amplitude of the square-wave drive depends strongly on the frequency, while the one of the cosine drive is almost constant in a wide frequency range. By analyzing the density of drive-induced resonance in a Fourier space perspective, we conclude that this difference is due to resonances induced by the higher harmonics which are present (absent) in the Fourier spectrum of the square-wave (sine) drive. Furthermore, we suggest a numerically efficient method to estimate the frequency dependence of the critical driving amplitudes for different drives, based on measuring the density of drive-induced resonances.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Roughness and scaling properties of oxide glass surfaces at the nanoscale

Using atomistic computer simulations we determine the roughness and topographical features of melt-formed (MS) and fracture surfaces (FS) of oxide glasses. We find that the topography of the MS is described well by the frozen capillary wave theory. The FS are significant rougher than the MS and depend strongly on glass composition. The height-height correlation function for the FS shows an unexpected logarithmic dependence on distance, in contrast to the power-law found in experiments. We thus conclude that on length scales less than 10 nm FS are not self-affine fractals.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev circuits for braiding and charging Majorana zero modes

The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model is an all-to-all interacting Majorana fermion model for many-body quantum chaos and the holographic correspondence. Here we construct fermionic all-to-all Floquet quantum circuits of random four-body gates designed to capture key features of SYK dynamics. Our circuits can be built using local ingredients in Majorana devices, namely charging-mediated interactions and braiding Majorana zero modes. This offers an analog-digital route to SYK quantum simulations that reconciles all-to-all interactions with the topological protection of Majorana zero modes, a key feature missing in existing proposals for analog SYK simulation. We also describe how dynamical, including out-of-time-ordered, correlation functions can be measured in such analog-digital implementations by employing foreseen capabilities in Majorana devices.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Scaling of the Reduced Energy Spectrum of Random Matrix Ensemble

We study the reduced energy spectrum { E (n) i } , which is constructed by picking one level from every n levels of the original spectrum { E i } , in a Gaussian ensemble of random matrix with Dyson index β∈(0,∞) . It's shown { E (n) i } bears the same form of probability distribution as { E i } with a rescaled parameter γ= n(n+1) 2 β+n−1 . Notably, the n -th order level spacing and non-overlapping gap ratio in { E i } become the lowest-order ones in { E (n) i } , hence their distributions will rescale in an identical way. Numerical evidences are provided by simulating random spin chain as well as modelling random matrices. Our results establish the higher-order spacing distributions in random matrix ensembles beyond GOE,GUE,GSE, and reveals a hierarchy of structures hidden in the energy spectrum.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Scaling up the Anderson transition in random-regular graphs

We study the Anderson transition in lattices with the connectivity of a random-regular graph. Our results indicate that fractal dimensions are continuous across the transition, but a discontinuity occurs in their derivatives, implying the non-ergodicity of the metal near the Anderson transition. A critical exponent ν=1.00±0.02 and critical disorder W=18.2±0.1 are found via a scaling approach. Our data support that the predictions of the relevant Gaussian Ensemble are only recovered at zero disorder.

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