Featured Researches

Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Spacing ratio characterization of the spectra of directed random networks

Previous literature on random matrix and network science has traditionally employed measures derived from nearest-neighbor level spacing distributions to characterize the eigenvalue statistics of random matrices. This approach, however, depends crucially on eigenvalue unfolding procedures, which in many situations represent a major hindrance due to constraints in the calculation, specially in the case of complex spectra. Here we study the spectra of directed networks using the recently introduced ratios between nearest- and next-to-nearest eigenvalue spacing, thus circumventing the shortcomings imposed by spectral unfolding. Specifically, we characterize the eigenvalue statistics of directed Erdős-Rényi (ER) random networks by means of two adjacency matrix representations; namely (i) weighted non-Hermitian random matrices and (ii) a transformation on non-Hermitian adjacency matrices which produces weighted Hermitian matrices. For both representations, we find that the distribution of spacing ratios becomes universal for a fixed average degree, in accordance with undirected random networks. Furthermore, by calculating the average spacing ratio as a function of the average degree, we show that the spectral statistics of directed ER random networks undergoes a transition from Poisson to Ginibre statistics for model (i) and from Poisson to Gaussian Unitary Ensemble statistics for model (ii). Eigenvector delocalization effects of directed networks are also discussed.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Spectral rigidity of non-Hermitian symmetric random matrices near Anderson transition

We study the spectral rigidity of the non-Hermitian analog of the Anderson model suggested by Tzortzakakis, Makris and Economou (TME). This is a L×L×L tightly bound cubic lattice, where both real and imaginary parts of on-site energies are independent random variables uniformly distributed between −W/2 and W/2 . The TME model may be used to describe a random laser. In a recent paper we proved that this model has the Anderson transition at W= W c ≃6 in three dimension. Here we numerically diagonalize TME L×L×L cubic lattice matrices and calculate the number variance of eigenvalues in a disk of their complex plane. We show that on the metallic side W<6 of the Anderson transition, complex eigenvalues repel each other as strongly as in the complex Ginibre ensemble only in a disk containing N c (L,W) eigenvalues. We find that N c (L,W) is proportional to L and grows with decreasing W similarly to the number of energy levels N c in the Thouless energy band of the Anderson model.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Spin glasses in a field show a phase transition varying the distance among real replicas (and how to exploit it to find the critical line in a field)

We discuss a phase transition in spin glass models which have been rarely considered in the past, namely the phase transition that may take place when two real replicas are forced to be at a larger distance (i.e. at a smaller overlap) than the typical one. In the first part of the work, by solving analytically the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model in a field close to its critical point, we show that even in a paramagnetic phase the forcing of two real replicas to an overlap small enough leads the model to a phase transition where the symmetry between replicas is spontaneously broken. More importantly, this phase transition is related to the de Almeida-Thouless (dAT) critical line. In the second part of the work, we exploit the phase transition in the overlap between two real replicas to identify the critical line in a field in finite-dimensional spin glasses. This is a notoriously difficult computational problem, because of huge finite-size corrections. We introduce a new method of analysis of Monte Carlo data for disordered systems, where the overlap between two real replicas is used as a conditioning variate. We apply this analysis to equilibrium measurements collected in the paramagnetic phase in a field, h>0 and T c (h)<T< T c (h=0) , of the d=1 spin glass model with long-range interactions decaying fast enough to be outside the regime of validity of the mean-field theory. We thus provide very reliable estimates for the thermodynamic critical temperature in a field.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Spin-glass dynamics in the presence of a magnetic field: exploration of microscopic properties

The synergy between experiment, theory, and simulations enables a microscopic analysis of spin-glass dynamics in a magnetic field in the vicinity of and below the spin-glass transition temperature T g . The spin-glass correlation length, ξ(t, t w ;T) , is analysed both in experiments and in simulations in terms of the waiting time t w after the spin glass has been cooled down to a stabilised measuring temperature T< T g and of the time t after the magnetic field is changed. This correlation length is extracted experimentally for a CuMn 6 at. % single crystal, as well as for simulations on the Janus II special-purpose supercomputer, the latter with time and length scales comparable to experiment. The non-linear magnetic susceptibility is reported from experiment and simulations, using ξ(t, t w ;T) as the scaling variable. Previous experiments are reanalysed, and disagreements about the nature of the Zeeman energy are resolved. The growth of the spin-glass magnetisation in zero-field magnetisation experiments, M ZFC (t, t w ;T) , is measured from simulations, verifying the scaling relationships in the dynamical or non-equilibrium regime. Our preliminary search for the de Almeida-Thouless line in D=3 is discussed.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Stability of 2D quantum many-body scar states against random disorder

Recently a class of quantum systems exhibiting weak ergodicity breaking has attracted much attention. These systems feature a special band of eigenstates called quantum many-body scar states in the energy spectrum. In this work we study the fate of quantum many-body scar states in a two-dimensional lattice against random disorders. We show that in both the square lattice and the honeycomb lattice the scar states can persist up to a finite disorder strength, before eventually being killed by the disorder. We further study the localization properties of the system in the presence of even stronger disorders and show that whether a full localization transition occurs depends on the type of disorder we introduce. Our study thus reveals the fascinating interplay between disorder and quantum many-body scarring in a two-dimensional system.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Stability of electric-field-driven MBL in an interacting long range hopping model

We study the fate of many-body localization (MBL) in the presence of long-range hopping ( ∼1/ r σ ) in a system subjected to an electric field (static and time-periodic) along with a slowly-varying aperiodic potential. We show that the MBL in the static electric-field model is robust against arbitrary long-range hopping in sharp contrast to other disordered models, where MBL is killed by sufficiently long-range hopping. Next, we show that the drive-induced phenomena associated with an ac square wave electric field are also robust against long-range hopping. Specifically, we obtain drive-induced MBL, where a high-frequency drive can convert the ergodic phase into the MBL phase. Remarkably, we find that coherent destruction of MBL is also possible with the aid of a resonant drive. Thus in both the static and time-periodic square wave electric field models, the qualitative properties of the system are independent of whether the hopping is short-ranged or long-ranged.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Stability of mobility edges in disordered interacting systems

Many-body localization provides a mechanism to avoid thermalization in isolated interacting quantum systems. The breakdown of thermalization may be complete, when all eigenstates in the many-body spectrum become localized, or partial, when the so-called many-body mobility edge separates localized and delocalized parts of the spectrum. Previously, De Roeck \textit{et al.}[arXiv:1506.01505] suggested a possible instability of the many-body mobility edge in energy density. The local ergodic regions -- so called "bubbles" -- resonantly spread throughout the system, leading to delocalization. In order to study such instability mechanism, in this work we design a model featuring many-body mobility edge in \emph{particle density}: the states at small particle density are localized, while increasing the density of particles leads to delocalization. Using numerical simulations with matrix product states we demonstrate the stability of MBL with respect to small bubbles in large dilute systems for experimentally relevant timescales. In addition, we demonstrate that processes where the bubble spreads are favored over processes that lead to resonant tunneling, suggesting a possible mechanism behind the observed stability of many-body mobility edge. We conclude by proposing experiments to probe particle density mobility edge in Bose-Hubbard model.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Stark many-body localization: Evidence for Hilbert-space shattering

We study the dynamics of an interacting quantum spin chain under the application of a linearly increasing field. This model exhibits a type of localization known as Stark many-body localization. The dynamics shows a strong dependence on the initial conditions, indicating that the system violates the conventional ("strong") eigenstate thermalization hypothesis at any finite gradient of the field. This is contrary to reports of a numerically observed ergodic phase. Therefore, the localization is crucially distinct from disorder-driven many-body localization, in agreement with recent predictions on the basis of localization via Hilbert-space shattering.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Stationarization and Multithermalization in spin glasses

We develop further the study of a system in contact with a multibath having different temperatures at widely separated timescales. We consider those systems that do not thermalize in finite times when in contact with an ordinary bath but may do so in contact with a multibath. Thermodynamic integration is possible, thus allowing one to recover the stationary distribution on the basis of measurements performed in a `multi-reversible' transformation. We show that following such a protocol the system is at each step described by a generalization of the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution, that has been studied in the past. Guerra's bound interpolation scheme for spin-glasses is closely related to this: by translating it into a dynamical setting, we show how it may actually be implemented in practice. The phase diagram plane of temperature vs "number of replicas", long studied in spin-glasses, in our approach becomes simply that of the two temperatures the system is in contact with. We suggest that this representation may be used to directly compare phenomenological and mean-field inspired models.Finally, we show how an approximate out of equilibrium probability distribution may be inferred experimentally on the basis of measurements along an almost reversible transformation.

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Disordered Systems And Neural Networks

Statistical analysis of edges and bredges in configuration model networks

A bredge (bridge-edge) is an edge whose deletion would split the network component on which it resides into two components. Bredges are vulnerable links that play an important role in network collapse processes, which may result from node or link failures, attacks or epidemics. Therefore, the abundance and properties of bredges affect the resilience of the network. We present analytical results for the statistical properties of bredges in configuration model networks. Using a generating function approach based on the cavity method, we calculate the probability P ^ (e∈B) that a random edge e in a configuration model network with degree distribution P(k) is a bredge (B). We also calculate the joint degree distribution P ^ (k, k ′ |B) of the end-nodes of a random bredge. We examine the distinct properties of bredges on the giant component (GC) and on the finite tree components (FC) of the network. On the finite components all the edges are bredges and there are no degree-degree correlations. We calculate the probability P ^ (e∈B|GC) that a random edge on the giant component is a bredge. We also calculate the joint degree distribution P ^ (k, k ′ |B,GC) of the end-nodes of bredges and the joint degree distribution P ^ (k, k ′ |NB,GC) of the end-nodes of non-bredge (NB) edges on the giant component. Surprisingly, it is found that the degrees k and k' of the end-nodes of bredges are correlated, while the degrees of the end-nodes of NB edges are uncorrelated. We thus conclude that all the degree-degree correlations on the giant component are concentrated on the bredges. We calculate the covariance of end-nodes of bredges and show it is negative, namely bredges tend to connect high degree nodes to low degree nodes. The implications of the results are discussed in the context of common attack scenarios and dismantling processes.

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