Featured Researches

Differential Geometry

Approximating L^2 invariants of amenable covering spaces: A combinatorial approach

In this paper, we prove that the L 2 Betti numbers of an amenable covering space can be approximated by the average Betti numbers of a regular exhaustion, proving a conjecture that we made in an earlier paper. We also prove that an arbitrary amenable covering space of a finite simplicial complex is of determinant class.

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Differential Geometry

Approximating L^2 invariants of amenable covering spaces: A heat kernel approach

In this paper, we prove that the L^2 Betti numbers of an amenable covering space can be approximated by the average Betti numbers of a regular exhaustion, under some hypotheses. We also prove that some L^2 spectral invariants can be approximated by the corresponding average spectral invariants of a regular exhaustion. The main tool which is used is a generalisation of the "principle of not feeling the boundary" (due to M. Kac), for heat kernels associated to boundary value problems.

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Differential Geometry

Asimptotic dimension and Novikov-Shubin invariants for open manifolds

A trace on the C^*-algebra A of quasi-local operators on an open manifold is described, based on the results in \cite{RoeOpen}. It allows a description `a la Novikov-Shubin \cite{NS2} of the low frequency behavior of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. The 0-th Novikov-Shubin invariant defined in terms of such a trace is proved to coincide with a metric invariant, which we call asymptotic dimension, thus giving a large scale ``Weyl asymptotics'' relation. Moreover, in analogy with the Connes-Wodzicki result \cite{CoCMP,Co,Wo}, the asymptotic dimension d measures the singular traceability (at 0) of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, namely we may construct a (type II_1) singular trace which is finite on the ∗ -bimodule over A generated by Δ −d/2 .

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Differential Geometry

Associativity properties of the symplectic sum

In this note we apply a 4-fold sum operation to develop an associativity rule for the pairwise symplectic sum. This allows us to show that certain diffeomorphic symplectic 4 -manifolds made out of elliptic surfaces are in fact symplectically deformation equivalent. We also show that blow-up points can be traded from one side of a symplectic sum to another without changing the symplectic deformation class of the resulting manifold.

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Differential Geometry

Asymptotic properties of energy of harmonic maps on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds

Asymptotic behavior of energy of a harmonic map defined on an asymptotically hyperbolic manifold is considered. Using the growth of energy, we show that a harmonic map defined on some asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds has to be constant if the total energy is finite, or if the map approaches a point fast enough, in terms of a defining function for the boundary.

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Differential Geometry

Backlund transformations and knots of constant torsion

The Backlund transformation for pseudospherical surfaces, which is equivalent to that of the sine-Gordon equation, can be restricted to give a transformation on space curves that preserves constant torsion. We study its effects on closed curves (in particular, elastic rods) that generate multiphase solutions for the vortex filament flow (also known as the Localized Induction Equation). In doing so, we obtain analytic constant-torsion representatives for a large number of knot types.

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Differential Geometry

Bonnet pairs and isothermic surfaces

In this note we classify all Bonnet pairs on a simply connected domain. Our main intent was to apply what we call a quaternionic function theory to a concrete problem in differential geometry. The ideas are simple: conformal immersions into quaternions or imaginary quaternions take the place of chart maps for a Riemann surface. Starting from a reference immersion we construct all conformal immersions of a given (simply connected) Riemann surface (up to translational periods) by spin transformations. With this viewpoint in mind we discuss how to construct all Bonnet pairs on a simply connected domain from isothermic surfaces and vice versa. Isothermic surfaces are solutions to a certain soliton equation and thus a simple dimension count tells us that we obtain Bonnet pairs which are not part of any of the classical Bonnet families. The corresponcence between Bonnet pairs and isothermic surfaces is explicit and to each isothermic surface we obtain a 4-parameter family of Bonnet pairs.

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Differential Geometry

Bott-type and equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer homology I

We construct Bott-type and stable equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer homology and cohomology for rational homology spheres, and prove their diffeomorphism invariance.

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Differential Geometry

Bounded and L 2 Harmonic Forms on Universal Covers

We relate the positivity of the curvature term in the Weitzenbock formula for the Laplacian on p-forms on a complete manifold to the existence of bounded and L 2 harmonic forms. In the case where the manifold is the universal cover of a compact manifold, we obtain topological and geometric information about the compact manifold. For example, we show that a compact manifold cannot admit one metric with pinched negative curvature and another metric with positive Weitzenbock term on two-forms. Many of these results can be thought of as differential form analogues of Myers' theorem. We also give pinching conditions on certain sums of sectional curvatures which imply the positivity of the curvature term, and hence yield vanishing theorems. In particular, we construct a compact manifold with planes of negative sectional curvature at each point and which satisfies the hypothesis of our vanishing theorems.

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Differential Geometry

Can We Look at The Quantisation Rules as Constraints?

In this paper we explore the idea of looking at the Dirac quantisation conditions as ℏ -dependent constraints on the tangent bundle to phase-space. Starting from the path-integral version of classical mechanics and using the natural Poisson brackets structure present in the cotangent bundle to the tangent bundle of phase- space, we handle the above constraints using the standard theory of Dirac for constrained systems. The hope is to obtain, as total Hamiltonian, the Moyal operator of time-evolution and as Dirac brackets the Moyal ones. Unfortunately the program fails indicating that something is missing. We put forward at the end some ideas for future work which may overcome this failure.

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