Featured Researches

Differential Geometry

Classification of stationary compact homogeneous special pseudo Kähler manifolds of semisimple groups

The variation of Hodge structure of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold induces a canonical Kähler metric on its Kuranishi moduli space, known as the Weil-Petersson metric. Similarly, special pseudo Kähler manifolds correspond to certain (abstract) variations of Hodge structure which generalize the above example. We give the classification of homogeneous special pseudo Kähler manifolds of semisimple groups with compact stabilizer.

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Differential Geometry

Closed curves in R^3: a characterization in terms of curvature and torsion, the Hasimoto map and periodic solutions of the Filament Equation

If a curve in R^3 is closed, then the curvature and the torsion are periodic functions satisfying some additional constraints. We show that these constraints can be naturally formulated in terms of the spectral problem for a 2x2 matrix differential operator. This operator arose in the theory of the self-focusing Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation. A simple spectral characterization of Bloch varieties generating periodic solutions of the Filament Equation is obtained. We show that the method of isoperiodic deformations suggested earlier by the authors for constructing periodic solutions of soliton equations can be naturally applied to the Filament Equation.

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Differential Geometry

Cobordism theory and localization formulas for Hamiltonian group actions

We announce the following result and give several applications: A Hamiltonian T -space (for T a torus) with isolated fixed points is cobordant to a disjoint union of weighted projective spaces which are constructed from its fixed point data. The applications concern the Duistermaat-Heckman formula, the topological Jeffrey-Kirwan localization theorem, and geometric quantization.

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Differential Geometry

Cocycles, symplectic structures and intersection

We investigate the cross ratio for closed negatively curved manifolds. As one of several applications, we obtain that for two such homotopy equivalent manifolds M and N, the following is true : If M and N have the same marked length spectrum and if the Anosov splitting for M is C^1 then M and N have the same volume.

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Differential Geometry

Coherent states and geodesics: cut locus and conjugate locus

The intimate relationship between coherent states and geodesics is pointed out. For homogenous manifolds on which the exponential from the Lie algebra to the Lie group equals the geodesic exponential, and in particular for symmetric spaces, it is proved that the cut locus of the point 0 is equal to the set of coherent vectors orthogonal to |0> . A simple method to calculate the conjugate locus in Hermitian symmetric spaces with significance in the coherent state approach is presented. The results are illustrated on the complex Grassmann manifold.

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Differential Geometry

Coherent states, transition amplitudes and embeddings

The transition amplitudes between coherent states on a coherent state manifold are expressed in terms of the embedding of the coherent state manifold into a projective Hilbert space. Consequences for the dimension of projective Hilbert space and a simple geometric interpretation of Calabi's diastasis follows.

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Differential Geometry

Cohomology of Kaehler manifolds with c_1=0

A linear constraint is given on the Betti numbers of a compact hyper-Kaehler manifold, using an index formula for c_1c_{n-1} on an almost complex manifold. The topology of some other manifolds with reduced holonomy is also discussed briefly.

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Differential Geometry

Cohomology of a Quaternionic Complex

We investigate the cohomology of a certain elliptic complex defined on a compact quaternionic-Kähler manifold with negative scalar curvature. We show that this particular complex is exact, with the possible exception of one term.

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Differential Geometry

Combinatorial invariants computing the Ray-Singer analytic torsion

It is shown that for any piecewise-linear closed orientable manifold of odd dimension there exists an invariantly defined metric on the determinant line of cohomology with coefficients in an arbitrary flat bundle E over the manifold (E is not required to be unimodular). The construction of this metric (called Poincare - Reidemeister metric) is purely combinatorial; it combines the standard Reidemeister type construction with Poincare duality. The main result of the paper states that the Poincare-Reidemeister metric computes combinatorially the Ray-Singer metric. It is shown also that the Ray-Singer metrics on some relative determinant lines can be computed combinatorially (including the even-dimensional case) in terms of metrics determined by correspondences.

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Differential Geometry

Compact null hypersurfaces and collapsing Riemannian manifolds

Restrictions are obtained on the topology of a compact divergence-free null hypersurface in a four-dimensional Lorentzian manifold whose Ricci tensor is zero or satisfies some weaker conditions. This is done by showing that each null hypersurface of this type can be used to construct a family of three-dimensional Riemannian metrics which collapses with bounded curvature and applying known results on the topology of manifolds which collapse. The result is then applied to general relativity, where it implies a restriction on the topology of smooth compact Cauchy horizons in spacetimes with various types of reasonable matter content.

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