Featured Researches


Nonclassical Measurement Error in the Outcome Variable

We study a semi-/nonparametric regression model with a general form of nonclassical measurement error in the outcome variable. We show equivalence of this model to a generalized regression model. Our main identifying assumptions are a special regressor type restriction and monotonicity in the nonlinear relationship between the observed and unobserved true outcome. Nonparametric identification is then obtained under a normalization of the unknown link function, which is a natural extension of the classical measurement error case. We propose a novel sieve rank estimator for the regression function and establish its rate of convergence. In Monte Carlo simulations, we find that our estimator corrects for biases induced by nonclassical measurement error and provides numerically stable results. We apply our method to analyze belief formation of stock market expectations with survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and find evidence for nonclassical measurement error in subjective belief data.

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Nonparametric Estimation of the Random Coefficients Model: An Elastic Net Approach

This paper investigates and extends the computationally attractive nonparametric random coefficients estimator of Fox, Kim, Ryan, and Bajari (2011). We show that their estimator is a special case of the nonnegative LASSO, explaining its sparse nature observed in many applications. Recognizing this link, we extend the estimator, transforming it to a special case of the nonnegative elastic net. The extension improves the estimator's recovery of the true support and allows for more accurate estimates of the random coefficients' distribution. Our estimator is a generalization of the original estimator and therefore, is guaranteed to have a model fit at least as good as the original one. A theoretical analysis of both estimators' properties shows that, under conditions, our generalized estimator approximates the true distribution more accurately. Two Monte Carlo experiments and an application to a travel mode data set illustrate the improved performance of the generalized estimator.

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Nonparametric Identification of First-Price Auction with Unobserved Competition: A Density Discontinuity Framework

We consider nonparametric identification of independent private value first-price auction models, in which the analyst only observes winning bids. Our benchmark model assumes an exogenous number of bidders N . We show that, if the bidders observe N , the resulting discontinuities in the winning bid density can be used to identify the distribution of N . The private value distribution can be identified in a second step. A second class of models considers endogenously-determined N , due to a reserve price or an entry cost. If bidders observe N , these models are also identifiable using winning bid discontinuities. If bidders cannot observe N , however, identification is not possible unless the analyst observes an instrument which affects the reserve price or entry cost. Lastly, we derive some testable restrictions for whether bidders observe the number of competitors and whether endogenous participation is due to a reserve price or entry cost. An application to USFS timber auction data illustrates the usefulness of our theoretical results for competition analysis, showing that nearly one bid out of three can be non competitive. It also suggests that the risk aversion bias caused by a mismeasured competition can be large.

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Nonparametric Tests of Tail Behavior in Stochastic Frontier Models

This article studies tail behavior for the error components in the stochastic frontier model, where one component has bounded support on one side, and the other has unbounded support on both sides. Under weak assumptions on the error components, we derive nonparametric tests that the unbounded component distribution has thin tails and that the component tails are equivalent. The tests are useful diagnostic tools for stochastic frontier analysis. A simulation study and an application to a stochastic cost frontier for 6,100 US banks from 1998 to 2005 are provided. The new tests reject the normal or Laplace distributional assumptions, which are commonly imposed in the existing literature.

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Nonparametric estimation of causal heterogeneity under high-dimensional confounding

This paper considers the practically important case of nonparametrically estimating heterogeneous average treatment effects that vary with a limited number of discrete and continuous covariates in a selection-on-observables framework where the number of possible confounders is very large. We propose a two-step estimator for which the first step is estimated by machine learning. We show that this estimator has desirable statistical properties like consistency, asymptotic normality and rate double robustness. In particular, we derive the coupled convergence conditions between the nonparametric and the machine learning steps. We also show that estimating population average treatment effects by averaging the estimated heterogeneous effects is semi-parametrically efficient. The new estimator is an empirical example of the effects of mothers' smoking during pregnancy on the resulting birth weight.

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Nonparametric prediction with spatial data

We describe a nonparametric prediction algorithm for spatial data. The algorithm is based on a flexible exponential representation of the model characterized via the spectral density function. We provide theoretical results demonstrating that our predictors have desired asymptotic properties. Finite sample performance is assessed in a Monte Carlo study that also compares our algorithm to a rival nonparametric method based on the infinite AR representation of the dynamics of the data. We apply our method to a real data set in an empirical example that predicts house prices in Los Angeles.

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Nowcasting in a Pandemic using Non-Parametric Mixed Frequency VARs

This paper develops Bayesian econometric methods for posterior inference in non-parametric mixed frequency VARs using additive regression trees. We argue that regression tree models are ideally suited for macroeconomic nowcasting in the face of extreme observations, for instance those produced by the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. This is due to their flexibility and ability to model outliers. In an application involving four major euro area countries, we find substantial improvements in nowcasting performance relative to a linear mixed frequency VAR.

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On the Aggregation of Probability Assessments: Regularized Mixtures of Predictive Densities for Eurozone Inflation and Real Interest Rates

We propose methods for constructing regularized mixtures of density forecasts. We explore a variety of objectives and regularization penalties, and we use them in a substantive exploration of Eurozone inflation and real interest rate density forecasts. All individual inflation forecasters (even the ex post best forecaster) are outperformed by our regularized mixtures. From the Great Recession onward, the optimal regularization tends to move density forecasts' probability mass from the centers to the tails, correcting for overconfidence.

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On the Existence of Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Binary Logit Model with Fixed Effects

By exploiting McFadden (1974)'s results on conditional logit estimation, we show that there exists a one-to-one mapping between existence and uniqueness of conditional maximum likelihood estimates of the binary logit model with fixed effects and the configuration of data points. Our results extend those in Albert and Anderson (1984) for the cross-sectional case and can be used to build a simple algorithm that detects spurious estimates in finite samples. As an illustration, we exhibit an artificial dataset for which the STATA's command \texttt{clogit} returns spurious estimates.

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On the Factors Influencing the Choices of Weekly Telecommuting Frequencies of Post-secondary Students in Toronto

The paper presents an empirical investigation of telecommuting frequency choices by post-secondary students in Toronto. It uses a dataset collected through a large-scale travel survey conducted on post-secondary students of four major universities in Toronto and it employs multiple alternative econometric modelling techniques for the empirical investigation. Results contribute on two fronts. Firstly, it presents empirical investigations of factors affecting telecommuting frequency choices of post-secondary students that are rare in literature. Secondly, it identifies better a performing econometric modelling technique for modelling telecommuting frequency choices. Empirical investigation clearly reveals that telecommuting for school related activities is prevalent among post-secondary students in Toronto. Around 80 percent of 0.18 million of the post-secondary students of the region, who make roughly 36,000 trips per day, also telecommute at least once a week. Considering that large numbers of students need to spend a long time travelling from home to campus with around 33 percent spending more than two hours a day on travelling, telecommuting has potential to enhance their quality of life. Empirical investigations reveal that car ownership and living farther from the campus have similar positive effects on the choice of higher frequency of telecommuting. Students who use a bicycle for regular travel are least likely to telecommute, compared to those using transit or a private car.

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