Featured Researches


Predicting Recession Probabilities Using Term Spreads: New Evidence from a Machine Learning Approach

The literature on using yield curves to forecast recessions typically measures the term spread as the difference between the 10-year and the three-month Treasury rates. Furthermore, using the term spread constrains the long- and short-term interest rates to have the same absolute effect on the recession probability. In this study, we adopt a machine learning method to investigate whether the predictive ability of interest rates can be improved. The machine learning algorithm identifies the best maturity pair, separating the effects of interest rates from those of the term spread. Our comprehensive empirical exercise shows that, despite the likelihood gain, the machine learning approach does not significantly improve the predictive accuracy, owing to the estimation error. Our finding supports the conventional use of the 10-year--three-month Treasury yield spread. This is robust to the forecasting horizon, control variable, sample period, and oversampling of the recession observations.

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Predictive Quantile Regression with Mixed Roots and Increasing Dimensions

In this paper we study the benefit of using the adaptive LASSO for predictive quantile regression. It is common that predictors in predictive quantile regression have various degrees of persistence and exhibit different signal strengths in explaining the dependent variable. We show that the adaptive LASSO has the consistent variable selection and the oracle properties under the simultaneous presence of stationary, unit root and cointegrated predictors. Some encouraging simulation and out-of-sample prediction results are reported.

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Profit-oriented sales forecasting: a comparison of forecasting techniques from a business perspective

Choosing the technique that is the best at forecasting your data, is a problem that arises in any forecasting application. Decades of research have resulted into an enormous amount of forecasting methods that stem from statistics, econometrics and machine learning (ML), which leads to a very difficult and elaborate choice to make in any forecasting exercise. This paper aims to facilitate this process for high-level tactical sales forecasts by comparing a large array of techniques for 35 times series that consist of both industry data from the Coca-Cola Company and publicly available datasets. However, instead of solely focusing on the accuracy of the resulting forecasts, this paper introduces a novel and completely automated profit-driven approach that takes into account the expected profit that a technique can create during both the model building and evaluation process. The expected profit function that is used for this purpose, is easy to understand and adaptable to any situation by combining forecasting accuracy with business expertise. Furthermore, we examine the added value of ML techniques, the inclusion of external factors and the use of seasonal models in order to ascertain which type of model works best in tactical sales forecasting. Our findings show that simple seasonal time series models consistently outperform other methodologies and that the profit-driven approach can lead to selecting a different forecasting model.

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Quantile regression methods for first-price auctions

The paper proposes a quantile-regression inference framework for first-price auctions with symmetric risk-neutral bidders under the independent private-value paradigm. It is first shown that a private-value quantile regression generates a quantile regression for the bids. The private-value quantile regression can be easily estimated from the bid quantile regression and its derivative with respect to the quantile level. This also allows to test for various specification or exogeneity null hypothesis using the observed bids in a simple way. A new local polynomial technique is proposed to estimate the latter over the whole quantile level interval. Plug-in estimation of functionals is also considered, as needed for the expected revenue or the case of CRRA risk-averse bidders, which is amenable to our framework. A quantile-regression analysis to USFS timber is found more appropriate than the homogenized-bid methodology and illustrates the contribution of each explanatory variables to the private-value distribution. Linear interactive sieve extensions are proposed and studied in the Appendices.

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Quantile regression with generated dependent variable and covariates

We study linear quantile regression models when regressors and/or dependent variable are not directly observed but estimated in an initial first step and used in the second step quantile regression for estimating the quantile parameters. This general class of generated quantile regression (GQR) covers various statistical applications, for instance, estimation of endogenous quantile regression models and triangular structural equation models, and some new relevant applications are discussed. We study the asymptotic distribution of the two-step estimator, which is challenging because of the presence of generated covariates and/or dependent variable in the non-smooth quantile regression estimator. We employ techniques from empirical process theory to find uniform Bahadur expansion for the two step estimator, which is used to establish the asymptotic results. We illustrate the performance of the GQR estimator through simulations and an empirical application based on auctions.

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Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of break point in high-dimensional factor models

This paper estimates the break point for large-dimensional factor models with a single structural break in factor loadings at a common unknown date. First, we propose a quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) estimator of the change point based on the second moments of factors, which are estimated by principal component analysis. We show that the QML estimator performs consistently when the covariance matrix of the pre- or post-break factor loading, or both, is singular. When the loading matrix undergoes a rotational type of change while the number of factors remains constant over time, the QML estimator incurs a stochastically bounded estimation error. In this case, we establish an asymptotic distribution of the QML estimator. The simulation results validate the feasibility of this estimator when used in finite samples. In addition, we demonstrate empirical applications of the proposed method by applying it to estimate the break points in a U.S. macroeconomic dataset and a stock return dataset.

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Rationalizing Rational Expectations: Characterization and Tests

In this paper, we build a new test of rational expectations based on the marginal distributions of realizations and subjective beliefs. This test is widely applicable, including in the common situation where realizations and beliefs are observed in two different datasets that cannot be matched. We show that whether one can rationalize rational expectations is equivalent to the distribution of realizations being a mean-preserving spread of the distribution of beliefs. The null hypothesis can then be rewritten as a system of many moment inequality and equality constraints, for which tests have been recently developed in the literature. The test is robust to measurement errors under some restrictions and can be extended to account for aggregate shocks. Finally, we apply our methodology to test for rational expectations about future earnings. While individuals tend to be right on average about their future earnings, our test strongly rejects rational expectations.

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Real-Time Fixed-Target Statistical Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice Extent

We propose a simple statistical approach for fixed-target forecasting of Arctic sea ice extent, and we provide a case study of its real-time performance for target date September 2020. The real-time forecasting begins in early June and proceeds through late September. We visually detail the evolution of the statistically-optimal point, interval, and density forecasts as time passes, new information arrives, and the end of September approaches. Among other things, our visualizations may provide useful windows for assessing the agreement between dynamical climate models and observational data.

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Real-Time Real Economic Activity Entering the Pandemic Recession

Entering and exiting the Pandemic Recession, I study the high-frequency real-activity signals provided by a leading nowcast, the ADS Index of Business Conditions produced and released in real time by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. I track the evolution of real-time vintage beliefs and compare them to a later-vintage chronology. Real-time ADS plunges and then swings as its underlying economic indicators swing, but the ADS paths quickly converge to indicate a return to brisk positive growth by mid-May. We show, moreover, that daily real activity path was highly correlated with the daily COVID-19 cases. Finally, I provide a comparative assessment of the real-time ADS signals provided when exiting the Great Recession.

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Real-time Inflation Forecasting Using Non-linear Dimension Reduction Techniques

In this paper, we assess whether using non-linear dimension reduction techniques pays off for forecasting inflation in real-time. Several recent methods from the machine learning literature are adopted to map a large dimensional dataset into a lower dimensional set of latent factors. We model the relationship between inflation and these latent factors using state-of-the-art time-varying parameter (TVP) regressions with shrinkage priors. Using monthly real-time data for the US, our results suggest that adding such non-linearities yields forecasts that are on average highly competitive to ones obtained from methods using linear dimension reduction techniques. Zooming into model performance over time moreover reveals that controlling for non-linear relations in the data is of particular importance during recessionary episodes of the business cycle.

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