Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

Negative-curvature spacetime solutions for graphene

We provide a detailed analysis of the electronic properties of graphene-like materials with charge carriers living on a curved substrate, focusing in particular on constant negative-curvature spacetime. An explicit parametrization is also worked out in the remarkable case of Beltrami geometry, with an analytic solution for the pseudoparticles modes living on the curved bidimensional surface. We will then exploit the correspondent massless Dirac description, to determine how it affects the sample local density of states.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Neutrino-Antineutrino Asymmetry From The Space-time Noncommutativity

A new mechanism having as an origin the space-time noncommutativity has been shown to generate anisotropy and axial-like interaction giving rise to a leptonic asymmetry for fermionic particles propagating in a curved noncommutativeFRWuniverse. As a by-product, for ultra-relativistic particles like neutrinos, an analytical expression of this asymmetry is derived explicitly. Constraints and bounds from the cosmological parameters are also discussed.

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High Energy Physics Theory

New Heat Kernel Method in Lifshitz Theories

We develop a new heat kernel method that is suited for a systematic study of the renormalization group flow in Horava gravity (and in Lifshitz field theories in general). This method maintains covariance at all stages of the calculation, which is achieved by introducing a generalized Fourier transform covariant with respect to the nonrelativistic background spacetime. As a first test, we apply this method to compute the anisotropic Weyl anomaly for a (2+1)-dimensional scalar field theory around a z=2 Lifshitz point and corroborate the previously found result. We then proceed to general scalar operators and evaluate their one-loop effective action. The covariant heat kernel method that we develop also directly applies to operators with spin structures in arbitrary dimensions.

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High Energy Physics Theory

New effect in wave-packet scatterings of quantum fields: Saddle points, Lefschetz thimbles, and Stokes phenomenon

We find a new contribution in wave-packet scatterings, which has been overlooked in the standard formulation of S-matrix. As a concrete example, we consider a two-to-two scattering of light scalars?by another intermediate heavy scalarΦ, in the Gaussian wave-packet formalism:???�Φ�???. This contribution can be interpreted as an "in-time-boundary effect" ofΦfor the correspondingΦ?�ϕ�?decay, proposed by Ishikawa et al., with a newly found modification that would cure the previously observed ultraviolet divergence. We show that such an effect can be understood as a Stokes phenomenon in an integral over complex energy plane: The number of relevant saddle points and Lefschetz thimbles (steepest descent paths) discretely changes depending on the configurations of initial and final states in the scattering.

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High Energy Physics Theory

No Scalar-Haired Cauchy Horizon Theorem in Einstein-Maxwell-Horndeski Theories

Recently, a no inner (Cauchy) horizon theorem for static black holes with non-trivial scalar hairs has been proved in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theories. In this paper, we extend the theorem to the static black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Horndeski theories. We study the black hole interior geometry for some exact solutions and find that the spacetime has a (space-like) curvature singularity where the black hole mass gets an extremum and the Hawking temperature vanishes. We discuss further extensions of the theorem, including general Horndeski theories from disformal transformations.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Non-SUSY Heterotic String Vacua of Gepner Models with Vanishing Cosmological Constant

We study a natural generalization of that given in [arXiv:2005.13198 [hep-th]] to heterotic string. Namely, starting from the generic Gepner models for Calabi-Yau 3-folds, we construct the non-SUSY heterotic string vacua with the vanishing cosmological constant at the one loop. We especially focus on the asymmetric orbifolding based on some discrete subgroup of the chiralU(1)-action which acts on both of the Gepner model and theSO(32)orE8?E8-sector. We present a classification of the relevant orbifold models leading to the string vacua with the properties mentioned above. In some cases, the desired vacua can be constructed in the manner quite similar to those given in [arXiv:2005.13198 [hep-th]] for the type II string, in which the orbifold groups contain two generators with the discrete torsions. On the other hand, we also have simpler models that are just realized as the asymmetric orbifolds of cyclic groups with only one generator.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Non-abelian fermionic T-duality in supergravity

Field transformation rules of the standard fermionic T-duality require fermionic isometries to anticommute, which leads to complexification of the Killing spinors and results in complex valued dual backgrounds. We generalize the field transformations to the setting with non-anticommuting fermionic isometries and show that the resulting backgrounds are solutions of double field theory. Explicit examples of non-abelian fermionic T-dualities that produce real backgrounds are given. Some of our examples can be bosonic T-dualized into usual supergravity solutions, while the others are genuinely non-geometric. Comparison with alternative treatment based on sigma models on supercosets shows consistency.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Non-flat elliptic four-folds, three-form cohomology and strongly coupled theories in four dimensions

In this note we consider smooth elliptic Calabi-Yau four-folds whose fiber ceases to be flat over compact Riemann surfaces of genusgin the base. These non-flat fibers contribute Kaehler moduli to the four-fold but also add to the three-form cohomology forg>0. In F-/M-theory these sectors are to be interpreted as compactifications of six/five dimensionalN=(1,0)superconformal matter theories. The three-form cohomology leads to additional chiral singlets proportional to the dimension of five dimensional Coulomb branch of those sectors. We construct explicit examples for E-string theories as well as higher rank cases. For the E-string theories we further investigate conifold transitions that remove those non-flat fibers. First, we show how non-flat fibers can be deformed from curves down to isolated points in the base. This removes the chiral singlet of the three-forms and leads to non-perturbative four-point couplings among matter fields which can be understood as remnants of the former E-string. Alternatively, the non-flat fibers can be avoided by performing birational base changes, analogous to 6D tensor branches. For compact bases these transitions alternate all Hodge numbers but leave the Euler number invariant.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Non-local reparametrization action in coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models

We continue the investigation of coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev(SYK) models without Schwartzian action dominance. Like the original SYK, at large N and low energies these models have an approximate reparametrization symmetry. However, the dominant action for reparametrizations is non-local due to the presence of irrelevant local operator with small conformal dimension. We semi-analytically study different thermodynamic properties and the 4-point function and demonstrate that they significantly differ from the Schwartzian prediction. However, the residual entropy and maximal chaos exponent are the same as in Majorana SYK. We also discuss chain models and finite N corrections.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Non-perturbative quantum Galileon in the exact renormalization group

We investigate the non-perturbative renormalization group flow of the scalar Galileon model in flat space. We discuss different expansion schemes of the Galileon truncation, including a heat-kernel based derivative expansion, a vertex expansion in momentum space and a curvature expansion in terms of a covariant geometric formulation. We find that the Galileon symmetry prevents a quantum induced renormalization group running of the Galileon couplings. Consequently, the Galileon truncation only features a trivial Gaussian fixed point.

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