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High Energy Physics Theory

Nonrelativistic near-BPS corners ofN=4super-Yang-Mills withSU(1,1)symmetry

We consider limits ofN=4super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory that approach BPS bounds and for which anSU(1,1)structure is preserved. The resulting near-BPS theories become non-relativistic, with aU(1)symmetry emerging in the limit that implies the conservation of particle number. They are obtained by reducingN=4SYM on a three-sphere and subsequently integrating out fields that become non-dynamical as the bounds are approached. Upon quantization, and taking into account normal-ordering, they are consistent with taking the appropriate limits of the dilatation operator directly, thereby corresponding to Spin Matrix theories, found previously in the literature. In the particular case of theSU(1,1|1)near-BPS/Spin Matrix theory, we find a superfield formulation that applies to the full interacting theory. Moreover, for all the theories we find tantalizingly simple semi-local formulations as theories living on a circle. Finally, we find positive-definite expressions for the interactions in the classical limit for all the theories, which can be used to explore their strong coupling limits. This paper will have a companion paper in which we explore BPS bounds for which aSU(2,1)structure is preserved.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Normalization of D-instanton Amplitudes

D-instanton amplitudes suffer from various infrared divergences associated with tachyonic or massless open string modes, leading to ambiguous contribution to string amplitudes. It has been shown previously that string field theory can resolve these ambiguities and lead to unambiguous expressions for D-instanton contributions to string amplitudes, except for an overall normalization constant that remains undetermined. In this paper we show that string field theory, together with the world-sheet description of the amplitudes, can also fix this normalization constant. We apply our analysis to the special case of two dimensional string theory, obtaining results in agreement with the matrix model results obtained by Balthazar, Rodriguez and Yin.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Nucleon-nucleon potential from skyrmion dipole interactions

We derive the nucleon-nucleon interaction from the Skyrme model using second order perturbation theory and the dipole approximation to skyrmion dynamics. Unlike previous derivations, our derivation accounts for the non-trivial kinetic and potential parts of the skyrmion-skyrmion interaction lagrangian and how they couple in the quantum calculation. We derive the eight low energy interaction potentials and compare them with the phenomenological Paris model, finding qualitative agreement in seven cases.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Numerical study of Gauss-Bonnet holographic paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition with Power-Maxwell electrodynamics

Based on shooting method, we numerically investigate the properties of holographic paramagnetism-ferromagnetism phase transition in the presence of Gauss-Bonnet (\emph{GB}) corrections on the gravity side. On the matter field side, however, we consider the effects of the Power-Maxwell (\emph{PM}) nonlinear electrodynamics on the phase transition of this system. For this purpose, we introduce a massive2??form coupled to \emph{PM} field, and neglect the effects of2??form fields and gauge field on the background geometry. We observe that increasing the strength of both the power parameterqand \emph{GB} coupling constantαdecrease the critical temperature of the holographic model, and lead to the harder formation of magnetic moment in the black hole background. Interestingly, we find out that at low temperatures, the spontaneous magnetization and ferromagnetic phase transition happen in the absence of external magnetic field. In this case, the critical exponent for magnetic moment has the mean field value,1/2, regardless of the values ofqandα. In the presence of external magnetic field, however, the magnetic susceptibility satisfies the Cure-Weiss law.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Octagon with finite bridge: free fermions and determinant identities

We continue the study of the octagon form factor which helps to evaluate a class of four-point correlation functions inN=4SYM theory. The octagon is characterised, besides the kinematical parameters, by a "bridge" of??propagators connecting two non-adjacent operators. In this paper we construct an operator representation of the octagon with finite bridge as an expectation value in the Fock space of free complex fermions. The bridge??appears as the level of filling of the Dirac sea. We obtain determinant identities relating octagons with different bridges, which we derive from the expression of the octagon in terms of discrete fermionic oscillators. The derivation is based on the existence of a previously conjectured similarity transformation, which we find here explicitly.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Old and new vacua of 5D maximal supergravity

We look for critical points with U(2) residual symmetry in 5-dimensional maximally supersymmetric gauged supergravity, by varying the embedding tensor, rather than directly minimizing the scalar potential. We recover all previously known vacua and we find four new vacua, with different gauge groups and cosmological constants. We provide the first example of a maximal supergravity model inD??having critical points with both positive and vanishing cosmological constant. For each vacuum we also compute the full mass spectrum. All results are analytic.

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High Energy Physics Theory

On a classical solution to the Abelian Higgs model

A particular solution to the equations of motion of the Abelian Higgs model is given. The solution involves the Jacobi elliptic functions as well as the Heun functions.

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High Energy Physics Theory

On small black holes, KK monopoles and solitonic 5-branes

We review and extend results on higher-curvature corrections to different configurations describing a superposition of heterotic strings, KK monopoles, solitonic 5-branes and momentum waves. Depending on which sources are present, the low-energy fields describe a black hole, a soliton or a naked singularity. We show that this property is unaltered when perturbative higher-curvature corrections are included, provided the sources are fixed. On the other hand, this character may be changed by appropriate introduction (or removal) of sources regardless of the presence of curvature corrections, which constitutes a non-perturbative modification of the departing system. The general system of multicenter KK monopoles and their 5-brane charge induced by higher-curvature corrections is discussed in some detail, with special attention paid to the possibility of merging monopoles. Our results are particularly relevant for small black holes (Dabholkar-Harvey states, DH), which remain singular after quadratic curvature corrections are taken into account. When there are four non-compact dimensions, we notice the existence of a black hole with regular horizon whose entropy coincides with that of the DH states, but the charges and supersymmetry preserved by both configurations are different. A similar construction with five non-compact dimensions is possible, in this case with the same charges as DH, although it fails to reproduce the DH entropy and supersymmetry. No such configuration exists ifd>5, which we interpret as reflecting the necessity of having a 5-brane wrapping the compact space.

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High Energy Physics Theory

On systems of maximal quantum chaos

A remarkable feature of chaos in many-body quantum systems is the existence of a bound on the quantum Lyapunov exponent. An important question is to understand what is special about maximally chaotic systems which saturate this bound. Here we provide further evidence for the `hydrodynamic' origin of chaos in such systems, and discuss hallmarks of maximally chaotic systems. We first provide evidence that a hydrodynamic effective field theory of chaos we previously proposed should be understood as a theory of maximally chaotic systems. We then emphasize and make explicit a signature of maximal chaos which was only implicit in prior literature, namely the suppression of exponential growth in commutator squares of generic few-body operators. We provide a general argument for this suppression within our chaos effective field theory, and illustrate it using SYK models and holographic systems. We speculate that this suppression indicates that the nature of operator scrambling in maximally chaotic systems is fundamentally different to scrambling in non-maximally chaotic systems. We also discuss a simplest scenario for the existence of a maximally chaotic regime at sufficiently large distances even for non-maximally chaotic systems.

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High Energy Physics Theory

On the BPS spectrum of 5d SU(2) super-Yang-Mills

We provide a closed-form expression for the motivic Kontsevich-Soibelman invariant for M-theory in the background of the toric Calabi-Yau threefoldKF0. This encodes the refined BPS spectrum ofSU(2)5dN=1Yang-Mills theory onS1?R4, corresponding to rank-zero Donaldson-Thomas invariants forKF0, anywhere on the Coulomb branch.

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