Featured Researches

High Energy Physics Theory

On the trace anomaly of Chaudhuri-Choi-Rabinovici model

Recently a non-supersymmetric conformal field theory with an exactly marginal deformation in the largeNlimit was constructed by Chaudhuri-Choi-Rabinovici. On a non-supersymmetric conformal manifold,ccoefficient of the trace anomaly in four dimensions would generically change. In this model, we, however, find that it does not change at the first non-trivial order given by three-loop diagrams.

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High Energy Physics Theory

On the universality of AdS2diffusion bounds and the breakdown of linearized hydrodynamics

The chase of universal bounds on diffusivities in strongly coupled systems and holographic models has a long track record. The identification of a universal velocity scale, independent of the presence of well-defined quasiparticle excitations, is one of the major challenges of this program. A recent analysis, valid for emergent IR fixed points exhibiting local quantum criticality, and dual to IR AdS2geometries, suggests to identify such a velocity using the time and length scales at which hydrodynamics breaks down -- the equilibration velocity. The latter relates to the radius of convergence of the hydrodynamic expansion and it is extracted from a collision between a hydrodynamic diffusive mode and a non-hydrodynamic mode associated to the IR AdS2region. In this short note, we confirm this picture for holographic systems displaying the spontaneous breaking of translational invariance. Moreover, we find that, at zero temperature, the lower bound set by quantum chaos and the upper one defined by causality and hydrodynamics exactly coincide, determining uniquely the diffusion constant. Finally, we comment on the meaning and universality of this newly proposed prescription.

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High Energy Physics Theory

On topological recursion for Wilson loops inN=4SYM at strong coupling

We considerU(N)N=4super Yang-Mills theory and discuss how to extract the strong coupling limit of non-planar corrections to observables involving the12-BPS Wilson loop. Our approach is based on a suitable saddle point treatment of the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion in the Gaussian matrix model. Working directly at strong coupling we avoid the usual procedure of first computing observables at finite planar couplingλ, order by order in1/N, and then taking theλ??limit. In the proposed approach, matrix model multi-point resolvents take a simplified form and some structures of the genus expansion, hardly visible at low order, may be identified and rigorously proved. As a sample application, we consider the expectation value of multiple coincident circular supersymmetric Wilson loops as well as their correlator with single trace chiral operators. For these quantities we provide novel results about the structure of their genus expansion at large tension, generalising recent results in arXiv:2011.02885.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Open Fishchain in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

We consider a cusped Wilson line with J insertions of scalar fields in N=4 SYM and prove that in a certain limit the Feynman graphs are integrable to all loop orders. We identify the integrable system as a quantum fishchain with open boundary conditions. The existence of the boundary degrees of freedom results in the boundary reflection operator acting non-trivially on the physical space. We derive the Baxter equation for Q-functions and provide the quantisation condition for the spectrum. This allows us to find the non-perturbative spectrum numerically.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Operator lifetime and the force-free electrodynamic limit of magnetised holographic plasma

Using the framework of higher-form global symmetries, we examine the regime of validity of force-free electrodynamics by evaluating the lifetime of the electric field operator, which is non-conserved due to screening effects. We focus on a holographic model which has the same global symmetry as that of low energy plasma and obtain the lifetime of (non-conserved) electric flux in a strong magnetic field regime. The lifetime is inversely correlated to the magnetic field strength and thus suppressed in the strong field regime.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Oscillating Multiple Giants

We propose a new example of the AdS/CFT correspondence between the system of multiple giant gravitons in AdS5?S5and the operators withO(Nc)dimensions inN=4super Yang-Mills. We first extend the mixing of huge operators on the Gauss graph basis in thesu(2)sector to all loops of the 't Hooft coupling, by demanding the commutation of perturbative Hamiltonians in an effectiveU(p)theory, wherepcorresponds to the number of giant gravitons. The all-loop dispersion relation remains gapless at anyλ, which suggests that harmonic oscillators of the effectiveU(p)theory should correspond to the classical motion of the D3-brane that is continuously connected to non-maximal giant gravitons.

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High Energy Physics Theory

P?�Vcriticality and Joule-Thomson Expansion of Hayward-AdS black holes in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

In this paper, theP?�Vcriticality and Joule-Thomson Expansion of Hayward-AdS black holes in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity are studied in the extended phase space. We find the black hole always exhibits a phase transition similar to that of the Van der Waals system for any arbitrary positive parametersαandg. We also study the dependence ofαandgon the inversion curves and plot the inversion and isenthalpic curves in theT?�Pplane, which can determine the cooling-heating regions.

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High Energy Physics Theory

PCT Theorem, Wightman Axioms and Conformal Bootstrap

The axiomatic Wightman formulation for nonderivative conformal field theory is adopted to derive conformal bootstrap equation for the four point function. The equivalence between PCT theorem and {\it weak local commutativity}, due to Jost, play a very crucial role in axiomatic field theory. The theorem is suitably adopted for conformal field theory to derive the desired equations in CFT. We demonstrate that the two Wightman functions are analytic continuation of each other.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Particle in uniform field in noncommutative space with preserved time reversal and rotational symmetries

Quantized space described by time reversal invariant and rotationally invariant noncommutative algebra of canonical type is studied. A particle in uniform field is considered. We find exactly the energy of a particle in uniform field in the quantized space and its wavefunctions. It is shown that the motion of the particle in the field direction in time reversal invariant and rotationally invariant noncommutative space is the same as in the ordinary space (space with the ordinary commutation relations for operators of coordinates and operators of momenta). Noncommutativity of coordinates has influence only on the motion of the particle in the directions perpendicular to the field direction. Namely, space quantization has effect on the mass of the particle.

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High Energy Physics Theory

Perturbative and Nonperturbative Studies of CFTs with MN Global Symmetry

Fixed points in three dimensions described by conformal field theories withMNm,n=O(m)n??Snglobal symmetry have extensive applications in critical phenomena. Associated experimental data form=n=2suggest the existence of two non-trivial fixed points, while theεexpansion predicts only one, resulting in a puzzling state of affairs. A recent numerical conformal bootstrap study has found two kinks for small values of the parametersmandn, with critical exponents in good agreement with experimental determinations in them=n=2case. In this paper we investigate the fate of the corresponding fixed points as we vary the parametersmandn. We find that one family of kinks approaches a perturbative limit asmincreases, and using large spin perturbation theory we construct a largemexpansion that fits well with the numerical data. This new expansion, akin to the largeNexpansion of criticalO(N)models, is compatible with the fixed point found in theεexpansion. For the other family of kinks, we find that it persists only forn=2, where for largemit approaches a non-perturbative limit with????.75. We investigate the spectrum in the caseMN100,2and find consistency with expectations from the lightcone bootstrap.

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