Featured Researches

Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Coupled Oscillator Model for the Origin of Bimodality and Multimodality

Perhaps because of the elegance of the central limit theorem, it is often assumed that distributions in nature will approach singly-peaked, unimodal shapes reminiscent of the Gaussian normal distribution. However, many systems behave differently, with variables following apparently bimodal or multimodal distributions. Here we argue that multimodality may emerge naturally as a result of repulsive or inhibitory coupling dynamics, and we show rigorously how it emerges for a broad class of coupling functions in variants of the paradigmatic Kuramoto model.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Data Driven Vector Field Oscillator with Arbitrary Limit Cycle Shape

Cyclic motions in vertebrates, including heart beating, breathing and walking, are derived by a network of biological oscillators having fascinating features such as entrainment, environment adaptation, and robustness. These features encouraged engineers to use oscillators for generating cyclic motions. To this end, it is crucial to have oscillators capable of characterizing any periodic signal via a stable limit cycle. In this paper, we propose a 2-dimensional oscillator whose limit cycle can be matched to any periodic signal depicting a non-self-intersecting curve in the state space. In particular, the proposed oscillator is designed as an autonomous vector field directed toward the desired limit cycle. To this purpose, the desired reference signal is parameterized with respect to a state-dependent phase variable, then the oscillator's states track the parameterized signal. We also present a state transformation technique to bound the oscillator's output and its first time derivative. The soundness of the proposed oscillator has been verified by carrying out a few simulations.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Discrete-Time, Time-Delayed Lur'e Model with Biased Self-Excited Oscillations

Self-excited systems arise in many applications, such as biochemical systems, mechanical systems with fluid-structure interaction, and fuel-driven systems with combustion dynamics. This paper presents a Lur'e model that exhibits biased self-excited oscillations under constant inputs. The model involves asymptotically stable linear dynamics, time delay, a washout filter, and a saturation nonlinearity. For all sufficiently large scalings of the loop transfer function, these components cause divergence under small signal levels and decay under large signal amplitudes, thus producing an oscillatory response. A bias-generation mechanism is used to specify the mean of the oscillation. The main contribution of the paper is a detailed analysis of a discrete-time version of this model.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Formal Model for Adaptive Free Choice in Complex Systems

In this article, I develop a formal model of free will for complex systems based on emergent properties and adaptive selection. The model is based on a process ontology in which a free choice is a singular process that takes a system from one macrostate to another. I quantify the model by introducing a formal measure of the `freedom' of a singular choice. The `free will' of a system, then, is emergent from the aggregate freedom of the choice processes carried out by the system. The focus in this model is on the actual choices themselves viewed in the context of processes. That is, the nature of the system making the choices is not considered. Nevertheless, my model does not necessarily conflict with models that are based on internal properties of the system. Rather it takes a behavioral approach by focusing on the externalities of the choice process.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Frequency-Phase Potential for a Forced STNO Network: an Example of Evoked Memory

The network studied here is based on a standard model in physics, but it appears in various applications ranging from spintronics to neuroscience. When the network is forced by an external signal common to all its elements, there are shown to be two potential (gradient) functions: One for amplitudes and one for phases. But the phase potential disappears when the forcing is removed. The phase potential describes the distribution of in-phase/anti-phase oscillations in the network, as well as resonances in the form of phase locking. A valley in a potential surface corresponds to memory that may be accessed by associative recall. The two potentials derived here exhibit two different forms of memory: structural memory (time domain memory) that is sustained in the free problem, and evoked memory (frequency domain memory) that is sustained by the phase potential, only appearing when the system is illuminated by common external forcing. The common forcing organizes the network into those elements that are locked to forcing frequencies and other elements that may form secluded sub-networks. The secluded networks may perform independent operations such as pattern recognition and logic computations. Various control methods for shaping the network's outputs are demonstrated.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Method for Evaluating Chimeric Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators and Its Application for Creating a Neural Network Information Converter

This paper presents a new method for evaluating the synchronization of quasi-periodic oscillations of two oscillators, termed "chimeric synchronization". The family of metrics is proposed to create a neural network information converter based on a network of pulsed oscillators. In addition to transforming input information from digital to analogue, the converter can perform information processing after training the network by selecting control parameters. In the proposed neural network scheme, the data arrives at the input layer in the form of current levels of the oscillators and is converted into a set of non-repeating states of the chimeric synchronization of the output oscillator. By modelling a thermally coupled VO2-oscillator circuit, the network setup is demonstrated through the selection of coupling strength, power supply levels, and the synchronization efficiency parameter. The distribution of solutions depending on the operating mode of the oscillators, sub-threshold mode, or generation mode are revealed. Technological approaches for the implementation of a neural network information converter are proposed, and examples of its application for image filtering are demonstrated. The proposed method helps to significantly expand the capabilities of neuromorphic and logical devices based on synchronization effects.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Multilayer Structure Facilitates the Production of Antifragile Systems in Boolean Network Models

Antifragility is a property from which systems are able to resist stress and furthermore benefit from it. Even though antifragile dynamics is found in various real-world complex systems where multiple subsystems interact with each other, the attribute has not been quantitatively explored yet in those complex systems which can be regarded as multilayer networks. Here we study how the multilayer structure affects the antifragility of the whole system. By comparing single-layer and multilayer Boolean networks based on our recently proposed antifragility measure, we found that the multilayer structure facilitated the production of antifragile systems. Our measure and findings will be useful for various applications such as exploring properties of biological systems with multilayer structures and creating more antifragile engineered systems.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Phase Model Approach for Thermostatically Controlled Load Demand Response

A significant portion of electricity consumed worldwide is used to power thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs) such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and water heaters. Because the short-term timing of operation of such systems is inconsequential as long as their long-run average power consumption is maintained, they are increasingly used in demand response (DR) programs to balance supply and demand on the power grid. Here, we present an \textit{ab initio} phase model for general TCLs, and use the concept to develop a continuous oscillator model of a TCL and compute its phase response to changes in temperature and applied power. This yields a simple control system model that can be used to evaluate control policies for modulating the power consumption of aggregated loads with parameter heterogeneity and stochastic drift. We demonstrate this concept by comparing simulations of ensembles of heterogeneous loads using the continuous state model and an established hybrid state model. The developed phase model approach is a novel means of evaluating DR provision using TCLs, and is instrumental in estimating the capacity of ancillary services or DR on different time scales. We further propose a novel phase response based open-loop control policy that effectively modulates the aggregate power of a heterogeneous TCL population while maintaining load diversity and minimizing power overshoots. This is demonstrated by low-error tracking of a regulation signal by filtering it into frequency bands and using TCL sub-ensembles with duty cycles in corresponding ranges. Control policies that can maintain a uniform distribution of power consumption by aggregated heterogeneous loads will enable distribution system management (DSM) approaches that maintain stability as well as power quality, and further allow more integration of renewable energy sources.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Simple Model of Cell Proliferation of Bacteria Using Min Oscillation

A mathematical model of Min oscillation in Escherichia coli is numerically studied. The oscillatory state and hysteretic transition are explained with simpler coupled differential equations. Next, we propose a simple model of cell growth and division using the Min oscillation. The cell cycle is not constant but exhibits fluctuation in the deterministic model. Finally, we perform direct numerical simulation of cell assemblies composed of many cells obeying the simple growth and division model. As the cell number increases with time, the spatial distribution of cell assembly becomes more circular, although the cells are aligned almost in the x-direction.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

A Universal Route to Explosive Phenomena

Critical transitions are observed in many complex systems. This includes the onset of synchronization in a network of coupled oscillators or the emergence an epidemic state within a population. "Explosive" first-order transitions have caught particular attention in a variety of systems when classical models are generalized by incorporating additional effects. Here we give a mathematical argument that the emergence of such first-order transitions is not surprising but rather a universally expected effect: Varying a classical model along a generic two-parameter family must lead to a change of the criticality. To illustrate our framework, we give three explicit examples of the effect in distinct physical systems: a model of adaptive epidemic dynamics, for a generalization of the Kuramoto model, and for a percolation transition.

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