Featured Researches

Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Bicycle flow dynamics on wide roads: Experiment and modeling

Cycling is a green transportation mode, and is promoted by many governments to mitigate traffic congestion. However, studies concerning the traffic dynamics of bicycle flow are very limited. This study experimentally investigated bicycle flow dynamics on a wide road, modeled using a 3-m-wide track. The results showed that the bicycle flow rate remained nearly constant across a wide range of densities, in marked contrast to single-file bicycle flow, which exhibits a unimodal fundamental diagram. By studying the weight density of the radial locations of cyclists, we argue that this behavior arises from the formation of more lanes with the increase of global density. The extra lanes prevent the longitudinal density from increasing as quickly as in single-file bicycle flow. When the density is larger than 0.5 bicycles/m2, the flow rate begins to decrease, and stop-and-go traffic emerges. A cognitive-science-based model to reproduce bicycle dynamics is proposed, in which cyclists apply simple cognitive procedures to adapt their target directions and desired riding speeds. To incorporate differences in acceleration, deceleration, and turning, different relaxation times are used. The model can reproduce the experimental results acceptably well and may also provide guidance on infrastructure design.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Bifurcation analysis and structural stability of simplicial oscillator populations

We present an analytical description for the collective dynamics of oscillator ensembles with higher-order coupling encoded by simplicial structure, which serves as an illustrative and insightful paradigm for brain function and information storage. The novel dynamics of the system, including abrupt desynchronization and multistability, are rigorously characterized and the critical points that correspond to a continuum of first-order phase transitions are found to satisfy universal scaling properties. More importantly, the underlying bifurcation mechanism giving rise to multiple clusters with arbitrary ensemble size is characterized using a rigorous spectral analysis of the stable cluster states. As a consequence of S O 2 group symmetry, we show that the continuum of abrupt desynchronization transitions result from the instability of a collective mode under the nontrivial antisymmetric manifold in the high dimensional phase space.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Bifurcation in the angular velocity of a circular disk propelled by symmetrically distributed camphor pills

We studied rotation of a disk propelled by a number of camphor pills symmetrically distributed at its edge. The disk was put on a water surface so that it could rotate around a vertical axis located at the disk center. In such a system, the driving torque originates from surface tension difference resulting from inhomogeneous surface concentration of camphor molecules released from the pills. Here we investigated the dependence of the stationary angular velocity on the disk radius and on the number of pills. The work extends our previous study on a linear rotor propelled by two camphor pills [Phys. Rev. E, 96, 012609 (2017)]. It was observed that the angular velocity dropped to zero after a critical number of pills was exceeded. Such behavior was confirmed by a numerical model of time evolution of the rotor. The model predicts that, for a fixed friction coefficient, the speed of pills can be accurately represented by a function of the linear number density of pills. We also present bifurcation analysis of the conditions at which the transition between a standing and a rotating disk appears.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Bifurcations in the time-delayed Kuramoto model of coupled oscillators: Exact results

In the context of the Kuramoto model of coupled oscillators with distributed natural frequencies interacting through a time-delayed mean-field, we derive as a function of the delay exact results for the stability boundary between the incoherent and the synchronized state and the nature in which the latter bifurcates from the former at the critical point. Our results are based on an unstable manifold expansion in the vicinity of the bifurcation, which we apply to both the kinetic equation for the single-oscillator distribution function in the case of a generic frequency distribution and the corresponding Ott-Antonsen(OA)-reduced dynamics in the special case of a Lorentzian distribution. Besides elucidating the effects of delay on the nature of bifurcation, we show that the approach due to Ott and Antonsen, although an ansatz, gives an amplitude dynamics of the unstable modes close to the bifurcation that remarkably coincides with the one derived from the kinetic equation. Further more, quite interestingly and remarkably, we show that close to the bifurcation, the unstable manifold derived from the kinetic equation has the same form as the OA manifold, implying thereby that the OA-ansatz form follows also as a result of the unstable manifold expansion. We illustrate our results by showing how delay can affect dramatically the bifurcation of a bimodal distribution.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Birth and destruction of collective oscillations in a network of two populations of coupled type 1 neurons

We study the macroscopic dynamics of large networks of excitable type 1 neurons composed of two populations interacting with disparate but symmetric intra- and inter-population coupling strengths. This nonuniform coupling scheme facilitates symmetric equilibria, where both populations display identical firing activity, characterized by either quiescent or spiking behavior, or asymmetric equilibria, where the firing activity of one population exhibits quiescent but the other exhibits spiking behavior. Oscillations in the firing rate are possible if neurons emit pulses with non-zero width but are otherwise quenched. Here, we explore how collective oscillations emerge for two statistically identical neuron populations in the limit of an infinite number of neurons. A detailed analysis reveals how collective oscillations are born and destroyed in various bifurcation scenarios and how they are organized around higher codimension bifurcation points. Since both symmetric and asymmetric equilibria display bistable behavior, a large configuration space with steady and oscillatory behavior is available. Switching between configurations of neural activity is relevant in functional processes such as working memory and the onset of collective oscillations in motor control.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Birth and stabilization of phase clusters by multiplexing of adaptive networks

We propose a concept to generate and stabilize diverse partial synchronization patterns (phase clusters) in adaptive networks which are widespread in neuro- and social sciences, as well as biology, engineering, and other disciplines. We show by theoretical analysis and computer simulations that multiplexing in a multi-layer network with symmetry can induce various stable phase cluster states in a situation where they are not stable or do not even exist in the single layer. Further, we develop a method for the analysis of Laplacian matrices of multiplex networks which allows for insight into the spectral structure of these networks enabling a reduction to the stability problem of single layers. We employ the multiplex decomposition to provide analytic results for the stability of the multilayer patterns. As local dynamics we use the paradigmatic Kuramoto phase oscillator, which is a simple generic model and has been successfully applied in the modeling of synchronization phenomena in a wide range of natural and technological systems.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Bistability and Synchronization in Coupled Maps Models

Several coupled maps models are sketched and reviewed in this short communication. First, a discrete logistic type model that was proposed for the symbiotic interaction of two species. Second, a model of many of these symbiotic species evolving together under the coupling action of a global mean field. Third, a similar model with many of these species interacting in a symbiotic way with the nearest neighboring species in different kind of networks. The phenomena of bistability and synchronization is discussed in these models. Finally, some new results concerning the last model embedded in different topologies will be presented.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Bounds and Estimates for the Response to Correlated Fluctuations in Asymmetric Complex Networks

We study the spreading of correlated fluctuations through networks with asymmetric and weighted coupling. This can be found in many real systems such as renewable power grids. These systems have so far only been studied numerically. By formulating a network adapted linear response theory, we derive an analytic bound for the response. For colored we find that vulnerability patterns noise are linked to the left Laplacian eigenvectors of the overdamped modes. We show for a broad class of tree-like flow networks, that fluctuations are enhanced in the opposite direction of the flow. This novel mechanism explains vulnerability patterns that were observed in realistic simulations of renewable power grids.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Car following behavioral stochasticity analysis and modelling: Perspective from wave travel time

This paper analyzes the car following behavioral stochasticity based on two sets of field experimental trajectory data by measuring the wave travel time series of vehicle n. The analysis shows that (i) No matter the speed of leading vehicle oscillates significantly or slightly, wave travel time might change significantly; (ii) A follower's wave travel time can vary from run to run even the leader travels at the same stable speed; (iii) Sometimes, even if the leader speed fluctuates significantly, the follower can keep a nearly constant value of wave travel time. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test indicates that the time series the changing rate of wave travel time follows a mean reversion process, no matter the oscillations fully developed or not. Based on the finding, a simple stochastic Newell model is proposed. The concave growth pattern of traffic oscillations has been derived analytically. Furthermore, simulation results demonstrate that the new model well captures both macroscopic characteristic of traffic flow evolution and microscopic characteristic of car following.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Cascading failures in scale-free interdependent networks

Large cascades are a common occurrence in many natural and engineered complex systems. In this paper we explore the propagation of cascades across networks using realistic network topologies, such as heterogeneous degree distributions, as well as intra- and interlayer degree correlations. We find that three properties, scale-free degree distribution, internal network assortativity, and cross-network hub-to-hub connections, are all necessary components to significantly reduce the size of large cascades in the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model. We demonstrate that correlations present in the structure of the multilayer network influence the dynamical cascading process and can prevent failures from spreading across connected layers. These findings highlight the importance of internal and cross-network topology in optimizing stability and robustness of interconnected systems.

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