Featured Researches

Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Collective synchronization of undulatory movement through contact

Many biological systems synchronize their movement through physical interactions. By far the most well studied examples concern physical interactions through a fluid: beating cilia, swimming sperm and worms, and flapping wings, all display synchronization behavior through fluid mechanical interactions. However, as the density of a collective increases individuals may also interact with each other through physical contact. In the field of "active matter" systems, it is well known that inelastic contact between individuals can produce long-range correlations in position, orientation, and velocity. In this work we demonstrate that contact interactions between undulating robots yield novel phase dynamics such as synchronized motions. We consider undulatory systems in which rhythmic motion emerges from time-independent oscillators that sense and respond to undulatory bending angle and speed. In pair experiments we demonstrate that robot joints will synchronize to in-phase and anti-phase oscillations through collisions and a phase-oscillator model describes the stability of these modes. To understand how contact interactions influence the phase dynamics of larger groups we perform simulations and experiments of simple three-link undulatory robots that interact only through contact. Collectives synchronize their movements through contact as predicted by the theory and when the robots can adjust their position in response to contact we no longer observe anti-phase synchronization. Lastly we demonstrate that synchronization dramatically reduces the interaction forces within confined groups of undulatory robots indicating significant energetic and safety benefits from group synchronization. The theory and experiments in this study illustrate how contact interactions in undulatory active matter can lead to novel collective motion and synchronization.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Colored noise in oscillators. Phase-amplitude analysis and a method to avoid the Ito-Stratonovich dilemma

We investigate the effect of time-correlated noise on the phase fluctuations of nonlinear oscillators. The analysis is based on a methodology that transforms a system subject to colored noise, modeled as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, into an equivalent system subject to white Gaussian noise. A description in terms of phase and amplitude deviation is given for the transformed system. Using stochastic averaging technique, the equations are reduced to a phase model that can be analyzed to characterize phase noise. We find that phase noise is a drift-diffusion process, with a noise-induced frequency shift related to the variance and to the correlation time of colored noise. The proposed approach improves the accuracy of previous phase reduced models.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Combinatory Chemistry: Towards a Simple Model of Emergent Evolution

An explanatory model for the emergence of evolvable units must display emerging structures that (1) preserve themselves in time (2) self-reproduce and (3) tolerate a certain amount of variation when reproducing. To tackle this challenge, here we introduce Combinatory Chemistry, an Algorithmic Artificial Chemistry based on a minimalistic computational paradigm named Combinatory Logic. The dynamics of this system comprise very few rules, it is initialised with an elementary tabula rasa state, and features conservation laws replicating natural resource constraints. Our experiments show that a single run of this dynamical system with no external intervention discovers a wide range of emergent patterns. All these structures rely on acquiring basic constituents from the environment and decomposing them in a process that is remarkably similar to biological metabolisms. These patterns include autopoietic structures that maintain their organisation, recursive ones that grow in linear chains or binary-branching trees, and most notably, patterns able to reproduce themselves, duplicating their number at each generation.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Comment on "Adaptive modification of the delayed feedback control algorithm with a continuously varying time delay" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2011.08.072

In the paper this https URL authors propose a modification of the conventional delayed feedback control algorithm, where time-delay is varied continuously to minimize the power of control force. Minimization is realized via gradient-descent method. However, the derivation of the gradient with respect to time-delay is not accurate. In particular, a scalar factor is omitted. The absolute value of the scalar factor is not crucial, as it only changes the speed of the gradient method. On the other hand, the factor's sign changes the gradient direction, therefore for negative value of the multiplier the gradient-decent becomes gradient-ascent method and fail power minimization. Here the accurate derivation of the gradient is presented. We obtain an analytical expression for the missing factor and show an example of the Lorenz system where the negative factor occurs. We also discuss a relation between the negativeness of the factor and the odd number limitation theorem.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Comment on "Convergence towards asymptotic state in 1-D mappings: A scaling investigation"

Nonequilibrium phase transitions are characterized by the so-called critical exponents, each of which is related to a different observable. Systems that share the same set of values for these exponents also share the same universality class. Thus, it is important that the exponents are named and treated in a standardized framework. In this comment, we reinterpret the exponents obtained in [Phys Lett A 379:1246-12 (2015)] for the logistic and cubic maps in order to correctly state the universality class of their bifurcations, since these maps may describe the mean-field solution of stochastic spreading processes.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Comment on "The Winfree model with non-infinitesimal phase-response curve: Ott-Antonsen theory" [Chaos 30, 073139 (2020)]

In a recent paper [Chaos 30, 073139 (2020)] we analyzed an extension of the Winfree model with nonlinear interactions. The nonlinear coupling function Q was mistakenly identified with the non-infinitesimal phase-response curve (PRC). Here, we asses to what extent Q and the actual PRC differ in practice. By means of numerical simulations, we compute the PRCs corresponding to the Q functions previously considered. The results confirm a qualitative similarity between the PRC and the coupling function Q in all cases.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Competitive percolation strategies for network recovery

Restoring operation of critical infrastructure systems after catastrophic events is an important issue, inspiring work in multiple fields, including network science, civil engineering, and operations research. We consider the problem of finding the optimal order of repairing elements in power grids and similar infrastructure. Most existing methods either only consider system network structure, potentially ignoring important features, or incorporate component level details leading to complex optimization problems with limited scalability. We aim to narrow the gap between the two approaches. Analyzing realistic recovery strategies, we identify over- and undersupply penalties of commodities as primary contributions to reconstruction cost, and we demonstrate traditional network science methods, which maximize the largest connected component, are cost inefficient. We propose a novel competitive percolation recovery model accounting for node demand and supply, and network structure. Our model well approximates realistic recovery strategies, suppressing growth of the largest connected component through a process analogous to explosive percolation. Using synthetic power grids, we investigate the effect of network characteristics on recovery process efficiency. We learn that high structural redundancy enables reduced total cost and faster recovery, however, requires more information at each recovery step. We also confirm that decentralized supply in networks generally benefits recovery efforts.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Complexity Matching and Requisite Variety

Complexity matching characterizes the role of information in interactions between systems and can be traced back to the 1957 Introduction to Cybernetics by Ross Ashby. We argue that complexity can be expressed in terms of crucial events, which are generated by the processes of spontaneous self-organization. Complex processes, ranging from biological to sociological, must satisfy the homeodynamic condition and host crucial events that have recently been shown to drive the information transport between complex systems. We adopt a phenomenological approach, based on the subordination to periodicity that makes it possible to combine homeodynamics and self-organization induced crucial events. The complexity of crucial events is defined by the waiting-time probability density function (PDF) of the intervals between consecutive crucial events, which have an inverse power law (IPL) PDF ψ(τ)∝1/(τ ) μ with 1<μ<3 . We show that the action of crucial events has an effect compatible with the shared notion of complexity-induced entropy reduction, while making the synchronization between systems sharing the same complexity different from chaos synchronization. We establish the coupling between two temporally complex systems using a phenomenological approach inspired by models of swarm cognition and prove that complexity matching, namely sharing the same IPL index μ , facilitates the transport of information, generating perfect synchronization. This new form of complexity matching is expected to contribute significantly to progress in understanding and improving biofeedback therapies.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Complexity Reduction Ansatz for Systems of Interacting Orientable Agents: Beyond The Kuramoto Model

Previous results have shown that a large class of complex systems consisting of many interacting heterogeneous phase oscillators exhibit an attracting invariant manifold. This result has enabled reduced analytic system descriptions from which all the long term dynamics of these systems can be calculated. Although very useful, these previous results are limited by the restriction that the individual interacting system components have one-dimensional dynamics, with states described by a single, scalar, angle-like variable (e.g., the Kuramoto model). In this paper we consider a generalization to an appropriate class of coupled agents with higher-dimensional dynamics. For this generalized class of model systems we demonstrate that the dynamics again contain an invariant manifold, hence enabling previously inaccessible analysis and improved numerical study, allowing a similar simplified description of these systems. We also discuss examples illustrating the potential utility of our results for a wide range of interesting situations.

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Adaptation And Self Organizing Systems

Complexity reduction in the 3D Kuramoto model

The dynamics of large systems of coupled oscillators is a subject of increasing importance with prominent applications in several areas such as physics and biology. The Kuramoto model, where a set of oscillators move around a circle representing their phases, is a paradigm in this field, exhibiting a continuous transition between disordered and synchronous motion. Reinterpreting the oscillators as rotating unit vectors, the model was extended to allow vectors to move on the surface of D-dimensional spheres, with D=2 corresponding to the original model. It was shown that the transition to synchronous dynamics was discontinuous for odd D, raising a lot of interest. Inspired by results in 2D, Ott et al proposed an ansatz for density function describing the oscillators and derived equations for the ansatz parameters, effectively reducing the dimensionality of the system. Here we take a different approach for the 3D system and construct an ansatz based on spherical harmonics decomposition of the distribution function. Our result differs significantly from that proposed in Ott's work and leads to similar but simpler equations determining the dynamics of the order parameter. We derive the phase diagram of equilibrium solutions for several distributions of natural frequencies and find excellent agreement with simulations. We also compare the dynamics of the order parameter with numerical simulations and with the previously derived equations, finding good agreement in all cases. We believe our approach can be generalized to higher dimensions and help to achieve complexity reduction in other systems of equations.

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