Featured Researches

Nuclear Theory

New equations of state constrained by nuclear physics, observations, and QCD calculations of high-density nuclear matter

We present new equations of state for applications in core-collapse supernova and neutron star merger simulations. We start by introducing an effective mass parametrization that is fit to recent microscopic calculations up to twice saturation density. This is important to capture the predicted thermal effects, which have been shown to determine the proto-neutron star contraction in supernova simulations. The parameter range of the energy-density functional underlying the equation of state is constrained by chiral effective field theory results at nuclear densities as well as by functional renormalization group computations at high densities based on QCD. We further implement observational constraints from measurements of heavy neutron stars, the gravitational wave signal of GW170817, and from the recent NICER results. Finally, we study the resulting allowed ranges for the equation of state and for properties of neutron stars, including the predicted ranges for the neutron star radius and maximum mass.

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Nuclear Theory

New signatures of phase transition from Statistical Models of Nuclear multifragmentation

The study of liquid-gas phase transition in heavy ion collisions has generated a lot of interest amongst the nuclear physicists in the recent years. In heavy ion collisions, there is no direct way of measuring the state variables like entropy, pressure, energy and hence unambiguous characterization of phase transition becomes difficult. This work proposes new signatures of phase transition that can be extracted from the observables which are easily accessible in experiments. It is observed that the temperature dependence of the first order derivative of the order parameters in nuclear liquid gas phase transition exhibit similar behavior as that of the variation of specific heat at constant volume Cv which is an established signature of first order phase transition. This motivates us to propose these derivatives as confirmatory signals of liquid-gas phase transition. The measurement of these signals in easily feasible in most experiments as compared to the other signatures like specific heat, caloric curve or bimodality. Total multiplicity, size of largest cluster are some of the order parameters which have been studied. Statistical Models based on canonical ensemble and lattice gas model has been used for the study. This temperature where the peak appears is designated to be the transition temperature and the effect of certain parameters on this has also been examined. The multiplicity derivative signature proposed in this work has been further confirmed by other theoretical models as well as in experimental study.

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Nuclear Theory

Non-flow effects in correlation between harmonic flow and transverse momentum in nuclear collisions

A large anti-correlation signal between elliptic flow v 2 and average transverse momentum [ p T ] was recently measured in small collision systems, consistent with a final-state hydrodynamic response to the initial geometry. This negative v 2 - [ p T ] correlation was predicted to change to positive correlation for events with very small charged particle multiplicity N ch due to initial-state momentum anisotropies of the gluon saturation effects. However, the role of non-flow correlations is expected to be important in these systems, which is not yet studied. We estimate the non-flow effects in pp , p Pb and peripheral PbPb collisions using {\tt Pythia} and {\tt Hijing} models, and compare them with the experimental data. We show that the non-flow effects are largely suppressed using the rapidity-separated subevent cumulant method (details of the cumulant framework are also provided). The magnitude of the residual non-flow is much less than the experimental observation in the higher N ch region, supporting the final-state response interpretation. In the very low N ch region, however, the sign and magnitude of the residual non-flow depend on the model details. Therefore, it is unclear at this moment whether the sign change of v 2 - [ p T ] can serve as evidence for initial state momentum anisotropies predicted by the gluon saturation.

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Nuclear Theory

Nonuniform temperature effects on the QCD phase transition

We study the phase transition in a steady temperature-nonuniform system in the frame of the Ising model. We calculate the nonuniform-temperature effects on the phase transition point, the fluctuations, and the correlation length of the order parameter. We find the phase transition could happen at a temperature higher than the equilibrium phase transition temperature of a temperature-uniform system. Besides, the fluctuations and the correlation length are enhanced near the phase transition point, and they monotonously increase from the crossover regime to the first-order phase transition regime without exotic behavior at the critical point. Our study is helpful to understand the behaviors of QCD phase transition in the relativistic heavy-ion collision and provides a method to evaluate the nonuniform-temperature effects for the order parameter.

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Nuclear Theory

Normalizing flows for microscopic calculations of the nuclear equation of state

Normalizing flows are a class of machine learning models used to construct a complex distribution through a bijective mapping of a simple base distribution. We demonstrate that normalizing flows are particularly well suited as a Monte Carlo integration framework for nuclear many-body calculations that require the repeated evaluation of high-dimensional integrals across smoothly varying integrands and integration regions. As an example, we consider the finite-temperature nuclear equation of state. An important advantage of normalizing flows is the ability to build highly expressive models of the target integrand, which we demonstrate enables precise evaluations of the nuclear free energy and its derivatives. Furthermore, we show that a normalizing flow model trained on one target integrand transfers remarkably well to related integrals, such that the nuclear equation of state at varying density and temperature can be mapped with computational efficiency and precision. This work will support future efforts to build microscopic equations of state for numerical simulations of supernovae and neutron star mergers that employ state-of-the-art nuclear forces and many-body methods.

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Nuclear Theory

Novel feature of doubly bubble nuclei in 50 ≤ Z(N) ≤ 82 region along with magicity and weakly bound structure

In this work, we identify a unique and novel feature of central density depletion in both proton and neutron named as doubly bubble nuclei in 50 ≤ Z(N) ≤ 82 region. The major role of 2d-3s single-particle (s.p.) states in the existence of halo and bubble nuclei is probed. The occupancy in s.p. state 3s 1/2 leads to the extended neutron density distribution or halo while the unoccupancy results in the central density depletion. By employing the Relativistic Mean-Field (RMF) approach along with NL3* parameter, the separation energies, single-particle energies, pairing energies, proton, and neutron density profiles along with deformations of even-even nuclei are investigated. Our results are in concise with few other theories and available experimental data. Emergence on new shell closure and the magicity of conventional shell closures are explored systematically in this yet unknown region.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear Currents in Chiral Effective Field Theory

In this article, we review the status of the calculation of nuclear currents within chiral effective field theory. After formal discussion of the unitary transformation technique and its application to nuclear currents we will give all available expressions for vector, axial-vector currents. Vector and axial-vector currents will be discussed up to order Q with leading-order contribution starting at order Q −3 . Pseudoscalar and scalar currents will be discussed up to order Q 0 with leading-order contribution starting at order Q −4 . This is a complete set of expressions in next-to-next-to-next-to-leading-order (N 3 LO) analysis for nuclear scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axial-vector current operators. Differences between vector and axial-vector currents calculated via transfer-matrix inversion and unitary transformation techniques are discussed. The importance of consistent regularization is an additional point which is emphasized: lack of consistent regularization of axial-vector current operators is shown to lead to a violation of the chiral symmetry in the chiral limit at order Q . For this reason, a hybrid approach at order Q , discussed in various publications, is non-applicable. To respect the chiral symmetry the same regularization procedure needs to be used in the construction of nuclear forces and current operators. Although full expressions of consistently regularized current operators are not yet available an isoscalar part of the electromagnetic charge operator up to order Q has a very simple form and can be easily regularized in a consistent way. As an application, we review our recent high accuracy calculation of the deuteron charge form factor with a quantified error estimate.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture in Excited Ions

A nuclear excitation following the capture of an electron in an empty orbital has been recently observed for the first time. So far, the evaluation of the cross section of the process has been carried out widely using the assumption that the ion is in its electronic ground state prior to the capture. We show that by lifting this restriction new capture channels emerge resulting in a boost of various orders of magnitude to the electron capture resonance strength. The present study also suggests the possibility to externally select the capture channels by means of vortex electron beams.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear Multifragmentation: Basic Concepts

We present a brief overview of nuclear multifragmentation reaction. Basic formalism of canonical thermodynamical model based on equilibrium statistical mechanics is described. This model is used to calculate basic observables of nuclear multifragmentation like mass distribution, fragment multiplicity, isotopic distribution and isoscaling. Extension of canonical thermodynamical model to a projectile fragmentation model is outlined. Application of the projectile fragmentation model for calculating average number of intermediate mass fragments and the average size of largest cluster at different Z bound , differential charge distribution and cross-section of neutron rich nuclei of different projectile fragmentation reactions at different energies are described. Application of nuclear multifragmentation reaction in basic research as well as in other domains is outlined.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear Resonances, Scattering and Reactions from First Principles: Progress and Prospects

We present a brief overview of recent developments in ab initio calculations of nuclear scattering and reactions with a focus on applications of the no-core shell model with continuum method.

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