Featured Researches

Nuclear Theory

Nuclear Structure Physics in Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering

The prospects of extracting new physics signals in a coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE ν NS) process are limited by the precision with which the underlying nuclear structure physics, embedded in the weak nuclear form factor, is known. We present microscopic nuclear structure physics calculations of charge and weak nuclear form factors and CE ν NS cross sections on 12 C, 16 O, 40 Ar, 56 Fe and 208 Pb nuclei. We obtain the proton and neutron densities, and charge and weak form factors by solving Hartree-Fock equations with a Skyrme (SkE2) nuclear potential. We validate our approach by comparing 208 Pb and 40 Ar charge form factor predictions with elastic electron scattering data. In view of the worldwide interest in liquid-argon based neutrino and dark matter experiments, we pay special attention to the 40 Ar nucleus and make predictions for the 40 Ar weak form factor and the CE ν NS cross sections. Furthermore, we attempt to gauge the level of theoretical uncertainty pertaining to the description of the 40 Ar form factor and CE ν NS cross sections by comparing relative differences between recent microscopic nuclear theory and widely-used phenomenological form factor predictions. Future precision measurements of CE ν NS will potentially help in constraining these nuclear structure details that will in turn improve prospects of extracting new physics.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear binding energy predictions using neural networks: Application of the multilayer perceptron

In recent years, artificial neural networks and their applications for large data sets have became a crucial part of scientific research. In this work, we implement the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), which is a class of feedforward artificial neural network (ANN), to predict ground-state binding energies of atomic nuclei. Two different MLP architectures with three and four hidden layers are used to study their effects on the predictions. To train the MLP architectures, two different inputs are used along with the latest atomic mass table and changes in binding energy predictions are also analyzed in terms of the changes in the input channel. It is seen that using appropriate MLP architectures and putting more physical information in the input channels, MLP can make fast and reliable predictions for binding energies of atomic nuclei, which is also comparable to the microscopic energy density functionals.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear charge densities in spherical and deformed nuclei: towards precise calculations of charge radii

Background: Precise measurements of atomic transitions affected by electron-nucleus hyperfine interactions offer sensitivity to explore basic properties of the atomic nucleus and study fundamental symmetries, including the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Such measurements impose higher precision requirements on a theoretical description. Purpose: The nuclear charge density is composed of the proton point distribution folded with the nucleonic charge distributions. The latter induce subtle relativistic corrections due to the coupling of nucleon magnetic moments with the nuclear spin-orbit density. We assess the precision of nuclear charge density calculations by studying the behavior of relativistic corrections. Methods: The calculations are performed using Skyrme energy density functionals and density-dependent pairing force. We used the general expression for the spin-orbit form factor that is valid for spherical and deformed nuclei. Results: We studied the impact of various correction terms on the charge radii, fourth radial moments, diffraction radii, and surface thickness of spherical and deformed nuclei. The spin-orbit corrections to charge radial moments and surface thickness show strong shell fluctuations which impact high-precision predictions of isotopic shifts. Conclusions: To establish reliable constraints on the existence of new forces from isotope shift measurements,precise calculations of nuclear charge densities of deformed nuclei are needed. The proper inclusion of the spin-orbit charge density and other correction terms is essential when aiming at extraction of subtle effects which become particularly visible in isotopic trends.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear ground states in a consistent implementation of the time-dependent density matrix approach

Background: Time-dependent techniques in nuclear theory often rely on mean-field or Hartree-Fock descriptions. Beyond mean-field dynamical calculations within the time-dependent density matrix (TDDM) theory have often invoked symmetry restrictions and ignored the connection between the mean-field and the induced interaction. Purpose: We study the ground states obtained in a TDDM approach for nuclei from A=12 to A=24 , including examples of even and odd-even nuclei with and without intrinsic deformation. We overcome previous limitations using three-dimensional simulations and employ density-independent Skyrme interactions self-consistently. Methods: The correlated ground states are found starting from the Hartree-Fock solution, by adiabatically including the beyond-mean-field terms in real time. Results: We find that, within this approach, correlations are responsible for ????% of the total energy. Radii are generally unaffected by the introduction of beyond mean-field correlations. Large nuclear correlation entropies are associated to large correlation energies. By all measures, 12 C is the most correlated isotope in the mass region considered. Conclusions: Our work is the starting point of a consistent implementation of the TDDM technique for applications into nuclear reactions. Our results indicate that correlation effects in structure are small, but beyond-mean-field dynamical simulations could provide new insight into several issues of interest.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear reactions in artificial traps

Coupled-channel two-particle systems bound by a harmonic trap are discussed in the present paper. We derive the formula that relates the energy levels of such trapped systems to phase shifts and inelasticity of coupled-channel reactions. The formula makes it possible to extract amplitudes of inelastic nuclear reactions from ab initio calculations of discrete levels of many-nucleon systems in a harmonic trap.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear resonance fluorescence of 208 Pb in heavy-ion colliders

In ultraperipheral collisions (UPC) of nuclei the impact of Lorentz-contracted electromagnetic fields of collision partners leads to their excitations. In case of heavy nuclei the emission of neutrons is a main deexcitation channel and forward neutrons emitted in UPC were detected at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) and at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) by means of Zero Degree Calorimeters. However, the excitation of low-lying discrete nuclear states is also possible in UPC below the neutron separation energy. In this work by means of the Weizsacker-Williams method the data on nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) induced by real photons in 208 Pb are used to model the excitations of discrete levels in colliding nuclei. Due to Lorentz boosts one can expect that deexcitation photons with energies up to 40 GeV and 300 GeV are emitted in very forward direction, respectively, at the LHC and at the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh). Energy, rapidity and angular distributions of such photons are calculated in the laboratory system, which can be used for monitoring of collider luminosity or triggering particle production in UPC.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear shape evolution and shape coexistence in Zr and Mo isotopes

The phenomena of shape evolution and shape coexistence in even-even 88−126 Zr and 88−126 Mo isotopes is studied by employing covariant density functional theory (CDFT) with density-dependent point coupling parameter sets DD-PCX and DD-PC1, and with separable pairing interaction. The results for rms deviation in binding energies, two-neutron separation energy, the differential variation of two-neutron separation energy, and rms charge radii, as a function of neutron number, are presented and compared with available experimental data. In addition to the oblate-prolate shape coexistence in 96−110 Zr isotopes, the correlation between shape transition and discontinuity in the observables are also examined. A smooth trend of charge radii in Mo isotopes is found to be due to the manifestation of triaxiality softness. The observed oblate and prolate minima are related to the low single-particle energy level density around the Fermi level of neutron and proton respectively. The present calculations also predict a deformed bubble structure in 100 Zr isotope.

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Nuclear Theory

Nuclear spin features relevant to ab initio nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering

Background: Effective interactions for elastic nucleon-nucleus scattering from first principles require the use of the same nucleon-nucleon interaction in the structure and reaction calculations, as well as a consistent treatment of the relevant operators at each order. Purpose: Previous work using these interactions has shown good agreement with available data. Here, we study the physical relevance of one of these operators, which involves the spin of the struck nucleon, and examine the interpretation of this quantity in a nuclear structure context. Methods: Using the framework of the spectator expansion and the underlying framework of the no-core shell model, we calculate and examine spin-projected, one-body momentum distributions required for effective nucleon-nucleus interactions in J=0 nuclear states. Results: The calculated spin-projected, one-body momentum distributions for 4 He, 6 He, and 8 He display characteristic behavior based on the occupation of protons and neutrons in single particle levels, with more nucleons of one type yielding momentum distributions with larger values. Additionally, we find this quantity is strongly correlated to the magnetic moment of the 2 + excited state in the ground state rotational band for each nucleus considered. Conclusions: We find that spin-projected, one-body momentum distributions can probe the spin content of a J=0 wave function. This feature may allow future \textit{ab initio} nucleon-nucleus scattering studies to inform spin properties of the underlying nucleon-nucleon interactions. The observed correlation to the magnetic moment of excited states illustrates a previously unknown connection between reaction observables such as the analyzing power and structure observables like the magnetic moment.

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Nuclear Theory

Nucleon clustering at kinetic freezeout of heavy-ion collisions via path-integral Monte Carlo

Clustering of the four-nucleon system at kinetic freezeout conditions is studied using path-integral Monte Carlo techniques. This method seeks to improve upon previous calculations which relied on approximate semiclassical methods or few-body quantum mechanics. Estimates are given for the decay probabilities of the 4N system into various light nuclei decay channels and the strength of spatial correlations is characterized. Additionally, a simple model is presented to describe the impact of this clustering on nucleon multiplicity distributions. The effects of a possible modification of the inter-nucleon interaction due to the close critical line (and hypothetical QCD critical point) on the clustering are also studied.

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Nuclear Theory

Nucleon localization function in rotating nuclei

Background: An electron localization function was originally introduced to visualize bond structures in molecules. It became a useful tool to describe electron configurations in atoms, molecules and solids. In nuclear physics, a nucleon localization function (NLF) has been used to characterize clusters in light nuclei, fragment formation in fission and pasta phases in the inner crust of neutron stars. Purpose: We use the NLF to study the nuclear response to fast rotation. Methods: We generalize the NLF to the case of nuclear rotation. The extended expressions involve both time-even and time-odd local densities. Since current density and density gradient contribute to the NLF primarily at the surface, we propose a simpler spatial measure given by the kinetic-energy density. Illustrative calculations for the superdeformed yrast band of 152 Dy were carried out by using the cranked Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method. We also employed the cranked harmonic-oscillator model to gain insights into patterns revealed by the NLF at high angular momentum. Results: In a deformed rotating nucleus, several NLFs can be introduced, depending on the definition of the spin-quantization axis and self-consistent symmetries of the system. The oscillating pattern of the NLF can be explained by a constructive interference between the kinetic-energy and particle densities. The nodal pattern seen in the NLF along the major axis of a rotating nucleus comes from single-particle orbits with large aligned angular momentum. The variation of the NLF along the minor axis is traced back to deformation-aligned orbits. Conclusions: The NLF allows a simple interpretation of the shell structure evolution in the rotating nucleus in terms of the angular-momentum alignment of individual nucleons. We expect that the NLF will be useful for the characterization of other collective modes and time-dependent processes.

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