Featured Researches

Nuclear Theory

Possible octupole deformation of 208 Pb and the ultracentral v 2 to v 3 puzzle

Recent measurements have established the sensitivity of ultracentral heavy-ion collisions to the deformation parameters of non-spherical nuclei. In the case of 129 Xe collisions, a quadrupole deformation of the nuclear profile led to an enhancement of elliptic flow in the most central collisions. In 208 Pb collisions a discrepancy exists in similar centralities, where either elliptic flow is over-predicted or triangular flow is under-predicted by hydrodynamic models; this is known as the v 2 -to- v 3 puzzle in ultracentral collisions. Motivated by low-energy nuclear structure calculations, we consider the possibility that 208 Pb nuclei could have a pear shape deformation (octupole), which has the effect of increasing triangular flow in central PbPb collisions. Using the recent data from ALICE and ATLAS, we revisit the v 2 -to- v 3 puzzle in ultracentral collisions, including new constraints from recent measurements of the triangular cumulant ratio v 3 {4}/ v 3 {2} and comparing two different hydrodynamic models. We find that, while an octupole deformation would slightly improve the ratio between v 2 and v 3 , it is at the expense of a significantly worse triangular flow cumulant ratio. In fact, the latter observable prefers no octupole deformation, with β 3 ≲0.0375 for 208 Pb, and is therefore consistent with the expectation for a doubly-magic nucleus even at top collider energies. The v 2 -to- v 3 puzzle remains a challenge for hydrodynamic models.

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Nuclear Theory

Practical method for decomposing discretized breakup cross sections into components of each channel

Background: In the continuum-discretized coupled-channel method, a breakup cross section (BUX) is obtained as an admixture of several components of different channels in multi-channel scattering. Purpose: Our goal is to propose an approximate way of decomposing the discretized BUX into components of each channel. This approximation is referred to as the "probability separation (P-separation)". Method: As an example, we consider 11 Be scattering by using the three-body model with core excitation ( 10 Be+n+T , where T is a target). The structural part is constructed by the particle-rotor model and the reaction part is described by the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). Results: The validity of the P-separation is tested by comparing with the exact calculation. The approximate way reproduces the exact BUXs well regardless of the configurations and/or the resonance positions of 11 Be. Conclusion: The method proposed here can be an alternative approach for decomposing discretized BUXs into components in four- or five-body scattering where the strict decomposition is hard to perform.

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Nuclear Theory

Predictions for production of 3 Λ H and 3 Λ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ H ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ in isobaric 96 44 Ru+ 96 44 Ru and 96 40 Zr+ 96 40 Zr collisions at s NN − − − √ = 200 GeV

The production of 3 Λ H and 3 Λ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ H ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ , as well as 3 H , 3 H ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ , 3 He , and 3 He ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ are studied in central collisions of isobars 96 44 Ru+ 96 44 Ru and 96 40 Zr+ 96 40 Zr at s NN − − − √ =200 GeV, using the dynamically constrained phase-space coalescence model and the {\footnotesize PACIAE} model with chiral magnetic effect. The yield, yield ratio, coalescence parameters, and strangeness population factor of (anti-)hypertriton and (anti-)nuclei produced in isobaric 96 44 Ru+ 96 44 Ru and 96 40 Zr+ 96 40 Zr collisions are predicted. The (anti-)hypertriton and (anti-)nuclei production is found to be insensitive to the chiral magnetic effects. Experimental data of Cu+Cu, Au+Au and Pb+Pb collisions from RHIC, LHC, and the results of {\footnotesize PACIAE+DCPC} model are presented in the results for comparison.

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Nuclear Theory

Probing Lorentz violation in 2νββ using single electron spectra and angular correlations

We show that the current search for Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) in the summed energy spectra of electrons in 2νββ decay can be extended by investigating the single electron spectra and the angular correlation between the emitted electrons. We derive and calculate the LIV contributions to these spectra associated with the anisotropic part of the countershaded operator and controlled through the coefficient a ˚ (3) of and discuss possible signatures that may be probed in experiments. First, we show that some distortion occurs in the single electron spectrum, maximal at small electron energies. Then, we show that other LIV effects may be highlighted by analysing the angular correlation spectra and the ratio between the Standard Model Extension (SME) electron spectra and their Standard Model (SM) forms. We found that these LIV signatures depend on the magnitude of a ˚ (3) of , manifest differently for positive and negative values of this coefficient, and become more pronounced as the electron energy approaches the Q -value. Finally, we propose an alternative, new method to constrain a ˚ (3) of through the measurement of the angular correlation coefficient. Using this method, and considering only statistical uncertainties, we obtain bounds of a ˚ (3) of at the level of present ones, obtained from summed energy spectra. We show that future experiments can improve these limits significantly. Our study is performed for 100 Mo, but the results hold qualitatively for other nuclei that undergo a double-beta decay. We hope our results will provide additional motivation for the LIV analyses performed in DBD experiments.

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Nuclear Theory

Probing chemical freeze-out criteria in relativistic nuclear collisions with coarse grained transport simulations

We introduce a novel approach based on elastic and inelastic scattering rates to extract the hyper-surface of the chemical freeze-out from a hadronic transport model in the energy range from E lab =1.23 AGeV to s NN − − − √ =62.4 GeV. For this study, the Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) model combined with a coarse-graining method is employed. The chemical freeze-out distribution is reconstructed from the pions through several decay and re-formation chains involving resonances and taking into account inelastic, pseudo-elastic and string excitation reactions. The extracted average temperature and baryon chemical potential are then compared to statistical model analysis. Finally we investigate various freeze-out criteria suggested in the literature. We confirm within this microscopic dynamical simulation, that the chemical freeze-out at all energies coincides with ⟨E⟩/⟨N⟩≈1 GeV, while other criteria, like s/ T 3 =7 and n B + n B ¯ ≈0.12 fm −3 are limited to higher collision energies.

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Nuclear Theory

Probing high-density symmetry energy using heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies

The nuclear symmetry energy, which describes the energy difference of per proton and neutron in nuclear matter, has been extensively studied within the last two decades. Around saturation density, both the value and the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy have been roughly constrained, its high-density behavior is now still in argument. Probing high-density symmetry energy at terrestrial laboratories is being carried out at facilities that offer radioactive beams worldwide. While relevant experiments are being conducted, we theoretically developed more advanced isospin-dependent transport model including new physics such as nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations and in-medium isospin-dependence of baryon-baryon scattering cross section. New sensitive probes of high-density symmetry energy are provided, such as squeezed-out neutron to proton ratio, photon and light cluster as well as the production of mesons with strangeness or hidden strangeness. The blind spots of probing the high-density symmetry energy by sensitive observable are demonstrated. Model dependence of frequently used sensitive probes of the symmetry energy has been studied thoroughly based on different transport models. A qualitative observable of neutron to proton ratio at high emitting energy is proposed to probe the high-density symmetry energy qualitatively. The probed density regions of the symmetry energy are carefully studied. Effects of nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations on the some sensitive observables of the symmetry energy in heavy-ion collisions are explored carefully. Probing the curvature of the symmetry energy by involving the slope information of the symmetry energy at saturation point in the transport model is proposed.

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Nuclear Theory

Probing in-medium nucleon-nucleon inelastic scattering cross section by using energetic n/p ratio

Based on the Isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (IBUU) transport model, the in-medium nucleon-nucleon inelastic scattering ( which is dominated by pion production at low and intermediate energies) is explored. It is found that the in-medium modification of nucleon-nucleon inelastic scatterings appears to reduce the neutron to proton ratio n/p at higher kinetic energies. Although the in-medium modification of nucleon-nucleon inelastic scatterings, as expected, affects the value of π − / π + ratio, considering a series of undetermined properties of delta resonance and π in medium, the energetic neutron to proton ratio n/p is more suitable to be used to probe the in-medium correction of nucleon-nucleon inelastic scatterings.

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Nuclear Theory

Probing the multi-scale dynamical interaction between heavy quarks and the QGP using JETSCAPE

The dynamics of shower development for a jet traveling through the QGP involves a variety of scales, one of them being the heavy quark mass. Even though the mass of the heavy quarks plays a subdominant role during the high virtuality portion of the jet evolution, it does affect longitudinal drag and diffusion, stimulating additional radiation from heavy quarks. These emissions partially compensate the reduction in radiation from the dead cone effect. In the lower virtuality part of the shower, when the mass is comparable to the transverse momenta of the partons, scattering and radiation processes off heavy quarks differ from those off light quarks. All these factors result in a different nuclear modification factor for heavy versus light flavors and thus for heavy-flavor tagged jets. In this study, the heavy quark shower evolution and the fluid dynamical medium are modeled on an event by event basis using the JETSCAPE Framework. We present a multi-stage calculation that explores the differences between various heavy quark energy-loss mechanisms within a realistically expanding quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Inside the QGP, the highly virtual and energetic portion of the shower is modeled using the MATTER generator, while the LBT generator models the showers induced by energetic and close-to-on-shell heavy quarks. Energy-momentum exchange with the medium, essential for the study of jet modification, proceeds using a weak coupling recoil approach. The JETSCAPE framework allows for transitions, on the level of individual partons, from one energy-loss prescription to the other depending on the parton's energy and virtuality and the local density. This allows us to explore the effect and interplay between the different regimes of energy loss on the propagation and radiation from hard heavy quarks in a dense medium.

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Nuclear Theory

Production of super-heavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions

The model for the cold-fusion reactions related to the synthesis of super-heavy nuclei in collisions of heavy projectile-nuclei with 208 Pb target nucleus is discussed. In the framework of this model the production of the compound nucleus by two paths through, the di-nuclear system and the fusion way, are taken into account simultaneously. The formation of the compound nucleus in the framework of the di-nuclear system is related to the transfer of nucleons from the light nucleus to the heavy one. The fusion way is linked to the sequential evolution of the nuclear shape from the system of contacting nuclei to the compound nucleus. It is shown that the compound nucleus is mainly formed by the fusion way in the cold-fusion reactions. The landscape of the potential energy related to the fusion path is discussed in detail. This landscape for very heavy nucleus-nucleus systems has the intermediate state, which is linked to the formation of both the compound nucleus and the quasi-fission fragments. The decay of the intermediate state is taken into account in the calculation of the compound nucleus production cross sections and the quasi-fission cross sections. The values of the cold-fusion cross sections obtained in the model are well agreed with the experimental data.

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Nuclear Theory

Prolate-to-oblate transition and backbending along the yrast line induced by quasiparticle alignment

The yrast lines in Kr isotopes with N=42 , 44, and 46 are investigated in a beyond mean field framework with both prolate-oblate coexistence and quasiparticle alignment taken into account. Quasiparticle orbitals with high- j and low- Ω on the oblate side are shown to be responsible for the sharp backbending observed in 82 Kr, by driving the yrast shape from prolate to oblate. This suggests that quasiparticle alignment may not be neglected in the investigation of the shape evolution along the yrast line.

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