Featured Researches

Mathematical Finance

Law-invariant functionals that collapse to the mean

We discuss when law-invariant convex functionals "collapse to the mean". More precisely, we show that, in a large class of spaces of random variables and under mild semicontinuity assumptions, the expectation functional is, up to an affine transformation, the only law-invariant convex functional that is linear along the direction of a nonconstant random variable with nonzero expectation. This extends results obtained in the literature in a bounded setting and under additional assumptions on the functionals. We illustrate the implications of our general results for pricing rules and risk measures.

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Mathematical Finance

Lifetime Ruin under High-watermark Fees and Drift Uncertainty

This paper aims to make a new contribution to the study of lifetime ruin problem by considering investment in two hedge funds with high-watermark fees and drift uncertainty. Due to multi-dimensional performance fees that are charged whenever each fund profit exceeds its historical maximum, the value function is expected to be multi-dimensional. New mathematical challenges arise as the standard dimension reduction cannot be applied, and the convexity of the value function and Isaacs condition may not hold in our ruin probability minimization problem with drift uncertainty. We propose to employ the stochastic Perron's method to characterize the value function as the unique viscosity solution to the associated Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation without resorting to the proof of dynamic programming principle. The required comparison principle is also established in our setting to close the loop of stochastic Perron's method.

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Mathematical Finance

Limit order books, diffusion approximations and reflected SPDEs: from microscopic to macroscopic models

Motivated by a zero-intelligence approach, the aim of this paper is to connect the microscopic (discrete price and volume), mesoscopic (discrete price and continuous volume) and macroscopic (continuous price and volume) frameworks for the modelling of limit order books, with a view to providing a natural probabilistic description of their behaviour in a high to ultra high-frequency setting. Starting with a microscopic framework, we first examine the limiting behaviour of the order book process when order arrival and cancellation rates are sent to infinity and when volumes are considered to be of infinitesimal size. We then consider the transition between this mesoscopic model and a macroscopic model for the limit order book, obtained by letting the tick size tend to zero. The macroscopic limit can then be described using reflected SPDEs which typically arise in stochastic interface models. We then use financial data to discuss a possible calibration procedure for the model and illustrate numerically how it can reproduce observed behaviour of prices. This could then be used as a market simulator for short-term price prediction or for testing optimal execution strategies.

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Mathematical Finance

Linear Stochastic Dividend Model

In this paper we propose a new model for pricing stock and dividend derivatives. We jointly specify dynamics for the stock price and the dividend rate such that the stock price is positive and the dividend rate non-negative. In its simplest form, the model features a dividend rate that is mean-reverting around a constant fraction of the stock price. The advantage of directly specifying dynamics for the dividend rate, as opposed to the more common approach of modeling the dividend yield, is that it is easier to keep the distribution of cumulative dividends tractable. The model is non-affine but does belong to the more general class of polynomial processes, which allows us to compute all conditional moments of the stock price and the cumulative dividends explicitly. In particular, we have closed-form expressions for the prices of stock and dividend futures. Prices of stock and dividend options are accurately approximated using a moment matching technique based on the principle of maximal entropy.

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Mathematical Finance

Liquidity Provider Returns in Geometric Mean Markets

Geometric mean market makers (G3Ms), such as Uniswap and Balancer, comprise a popular class of automated market makers (AMMs) defined by the following rule: the reserves of the AMM before and after each trade must have the same (weighted) geometric mean. This paper extends several results known for constant-weight G3Ms to the general case of G3Ms with time-varying and potentially stochastic weights. These results include the returns and no-arbitrage prices of liquidity pool (LP) shares that investors receive for supplying liquidity to G3Ms. Using these expressions, we show how to create G3Ms whose LP shares replicate the payoffs of financial derivatives. The resulting hedges are model-independent and exact for derivative contracts whose payoff functions satisfy an elasticity constraint. These strategies allow LP shares to replicate various trading strategies and financial contracts, including standard options. G3Ms are thus shown to be capable of recreating a variety of active trading strategies through passive positions in LP shares.

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Mathematical Finance

Log-modulated rough stochastic volatility models

We propose a new class of rough stochastic volatility models obtained by modulating the power-law kernel defining the fractional Brownian motion (fBm) by a logarithmic term, such that the kernel retains square integrability even in the limit case of vanishing Hurst index H . The so-obtained log-modulated fractional Brownian motion (log-fBm) is a continuous Gaussian process even for H=0 . As a consequence, the resulting super-rough stochastic volatility models can be analysed over the whole range 0≤H<1/2 without the need of further normalization. We obtain skew asymptotics of the form log(1/T ) −p T H−1/2 as T→0 , H≥0 , so no flattening of the skew occurs as H→0 .

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Mathematical Finance

Log-optimal portfolio and numéraire portfolio for market models stopped at a random time

This paper focuses on numéraire portfolio and log-optimal portfolio (portfolio with finite expected utility that maximizes the expected logarithm utility from terminal wealth), when a market model (S,F) -specified by its assets' price S and its flow of information F - is stopped at a random time τ . This setting covers the areas of credit risk and life insurance, where τ represents the default time and the death time respectively. Thus, the progressive enlargement of F with τ , denoted by G , sounds tailor-fit for modelling the new flow of information that incorporates both F and τ . For the resulting stopped model ( S τ ,G) , we study the two portfolios in different manners, and describe their computations in terms of the F -observable parameters of the pair (S,τ) .

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Mathematical Finance

Log-optimal portfolio without NFLVR: existence, complete characterization, and duality

This paper addresses the log-optimal portfolio for a general semimartingale model. The most advanced literature on the topic elaborates existence and characterization of this portfolio under no-free-lunch-with-vanishing-risk assumption (NFLVR). There are many financial models violating NFLVR, while admitting the log-optimal portfolio on the one hand. On the other hand, for financial markets under progressively enlargement of filtration, NFLVR remains completely an open issue, and hence the literature can be applied to these models. Herein, we provide a complete characterization of log-optimal portfolio and its associated optimal deflator, necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence, and we elaborate their duality as well without NFLVR.

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Mathematical Finance

Lévy-Ito Models in Finance

We present an overview of the broad class of financial models in which the prices of assets are Lévy-Ito processes driven by an n -dimensional Brownian motion and an independent Poisson random measure. The Poisson random measure is associated with an n -dimensional Lévy process. Each model consists of a pricing kernel, a money market account, and one or more risky assets. We show how the excess rate of return above the interest rate can be calculated for risky assets in such models, thus showing the relationship between risk and return when asset prices have jumps. The framework is applied to a variety of asset classes, allowing one to construct new models as well as interesting generalizations of familiar models.

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Mathematical Finance

Machine Learning for Yield Curve Feature Extraction: Application to Illiquid Corporate Bonds (Preliminary Draft)

This paper studies the application of machine learning in extracting the market implied features from historical risk neutral corporate bond yields. We consider the example of a hypothetical illiquid fixed income market. After choosing a surrogate liquid market, we apply the Denoising Autoencoder algorithm from the field of computer vision and pattern recognition to learn the features of the missing yield parameters from the historically implied data of the instruments traded in the chosen liquid market. The results of the trained machine learning algorithm are compared with the outputs of a point in- time 2 dimensional interpolation algorithm known as the Thin Plate Spline. Finally, the performances of the two algorithms are compared.

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