Featured Researches

Mathematical Finance

Multi-asset Generalised Variance Swaps in Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model

This paper proposes swaps on two important new measures of generalized variance, namely the maximum eigenvalue and trace of the covariance matrix of the assets involved. We price these generalized variance swaps for Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model used in financial markets. We consider multiple assets in the portfolio for theoretical purpose and demonstrate our approach with numerical examples taking three stocks in the portfolio. The results obtained in this paper have important implications for the commodity sector where such swaps would be useful for hedging risk.

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Mathematical Finance

Multi-time state mean-variance model in continuous time

In the continuous time mean-variance model, we want to minimize the variance (risk) of the investment portfolio with a given mean at terminal time. However, the investor can stop the investment plan at any time before the terminal time. To solve this kind of problem, we consider to minimize the variances of the investment portfolio at multi-time state. The advantage of this multi-time state mean-variance model is that we can minimize the risk of the investment portfolio along the investment period. To obtain the optimal strategy of the multi-time state mean-variance model, we introduce a sequence of Riccati equations which are connected by a jump boundary condition. Based on this sequence Riccati equations, we establish the relationship between the means and variances of this multi-time state mean-variance model. Furthermore, we use an example to verify that minimizing the variances of the multi-time state can affect the average of Maximum-Drawdown of the investment portfolio.

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Mathematical Finance

Multi-utility representations of incomplete preferences induced by set-valued risk measures

We establish a variety of numerical representations of preference relations induced by set-valued risk measures. Because of the general incompleteness of such preferences, we have to deal with multi-utility representations. We look for representations that are both parsimonious (the family of representing functionals is indexed by a tractable set of parameters) and well behaved (the representing functionals satisfy nice regularity properties with respect to the structure of the underlying space of alternatives). The key to our results is a general dual representation of set-valued risk measures that unifies the existing dual representations in the literature and highlights their link with duality results for scalar risk measures.

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Mathematical Finance

Multiple Subordinated Modeling of Asset Returns

Subordination is an often used stochastic process in modeling asset prices. Subordinated Levy price processes and local volatility price processes are now the main tools in modern dynamic asset pricing theory. In this paper, we introduce the theory of multiple internally embedded financial time-clocks motivated by behavioral finance. To be consistent with dynamic asset pricing theory and option pricing, as suggested by behavioral finance, the investors' view is considered by introducing an intrinsic time process which we refer to as a behavioral subordinator. The process is subordinated to the Brownian motion process in the well-known log-normal model, resulting in a new log-price process. The number of embedded subordinations results in a new parameter that must be estimated and this parameter is as important as the mean and variance of asset returns. We describe new distributions, demonstrating how they can be applied to modeling the tail behavior of stock market returns. We apply the proposed models to modeling S&P 500 returns, treating the CBOE Volatility Index as intrinsic time change and the CBOE Volatility-of-Volatility Index as the volatility subordinator. We find that these volatility indexes are not proper time-change subordinators in modeling the returns of the S&P 500.

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Mathematical Finance

Multiscale Asymptotic Analysis for Portfolio Optimization under Stochastic Environment

Empirical studies indicate the presence of multi-scales in the volatility of underlying assets: a fast-scale on the order of days and a slow-scale on the order of months. In our previous works, we have studied the portfolio optimization problem in a Markovian setting under each single scale, the slow one in [Fouque and Hu, SIAM J. Control Optim., 55 (2017), 1990-2023], and the fast one in [Hu, Proceedings of IEEE CDC 2018, accepted]. This paper is dedicated to the analysis when the two scales coexist in a Markovian setting. We study the terminal wealth utility maximization problem when the volatility is driven by both fast- and slow-scale factors. We first propose a zeroth-order strategy, and rigorously establish the first order approximation of the associated problem value. This is done by analyzing the corresponding linear partial differential equation (PDE) via regular and singular perturbation techniques, as in the single-scale cases. Then, we show the asymptotic optimality of our proposed strategy within a specific family of admissible controls. Interestingly, we highlight that a pure PDE approach does not work in the multi-scale case and, instead, we use the so-called epsilon-martingale decomposition. This completes the analysis of portfolio optimization in both fast mean-reverting and slowly-varying Markovian stochastic environments.

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Mathematical Finance

Multivariate General Compound Point Processes in Limit Order Books

In this paper, we focus on a new generalization of multivariate general compound Hawkes process (MGCHP), which we referred to as the multivariate general compound point process (MGCPP). Namely, we applied a multivariate point process to model the order flow instead of the Hawkes process. Law of large numbers (LLN) and two functional central limit theorems (FCLTs) for the MGCPP were proved in this work. Applications of the MGCPP in the limit order market were also considered. We provided numerical simulations and comparisons for the MGCPP and MGCHP by applying Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Intel trading data.

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Mathematical Finance

Multivariate Systemic Optimal Risk Transfer Equilibrium

A Systemic Optimal Risk Transfer Equilibrium (SORTE) was introduced in: "Systemic optimal risk transfer equilibrium", Mathematics and Financial Economics (2021), for the analysis of the equilibrium among financial institutions or in insurance-reinsurance markets. A SORTE conjugates the classical Bühlmann's notion of a Risk Exchange Equilibrium with a capital allocation principle based on systemic expected utility optimization. In this paper we extend such a notion to the case when the value function to be optimized is multivariate in a general sense, and it is not simply given by the sum of univariate utility functions. This takes into account the fact that preferences of single agents might depend on the actions of other participants in the game. Technically, the extension of SORTE to the new setup requires developing a theory for multivariate utility functions and selecting at the same time a suitable framework for the duality theory. Conceptually, this more general framework allows us to introduce and study a Nash Equilibrium property of the optimizer. We prove existence, uniqueness, and the Nash Equilibrium property of the newly defined Multivariate Systemic Optimal Risk Transfer Equilibrium.

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Mathematical Finance

Near-Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation in Financial Markets with Trading Constraints

We develop a dual-control method for approximating investment strategies in incomplete environments that emerge from the presence of trading constraints. Convex duality enables the approximate technology to generate lower and upper bounds on the optimal value function. The mechanism rests on closed-form expressions pertaining to the portfolio composition, from which we are able to derive the near-optimal asset allocation explicitly. In a real financial market, we illustrate the accuracy of our approximate method on a dual CRRA utility function that characterises the preferences of a finite-horizon investor. Negligible duality gaps and insignificant annual welfare losses substantiate accuracy of the technique.

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Mathematical Finance

No Arbitrage in Continuous Financial Markets

We derive integral tests for the existence and absence of arbitrage in a financial market with one risky asset which is either modeled as stochastic exponential of an Ito process or a positive diffusion with Markov switching. In particular, we derive conditions for the existence of the minimal martingale measure. We also show that for Markov switching models the minimal martingale measure preserves the independence of the noise and we study how the minimal martingale measure can be modified to change the structure of the switching mechanism. Our main mathematical tools are new criteria for the martingale and strict local martingale property of certain stochastic exponentials.

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Mathematical Finance

No arbitrage SVI

We fully characterize the absence of Butterfly arbitrage in the SVI formula for implied total variance proposed by Gatheral in 2004. The main ingredient is an intermediary characterization of the necessary condition for no arbitrage obtained for any model by Fukasawa in 2012 that the inverse functions of the -d1 and -d2 of the Black-Scholes formula, viewed as functions of the log-forward moneyness, should be increasing. A natural rescaling of the SVI parameters and a meticulous analysis of the Durrleman condition allow then to obtain simple range conditions on the parameters. This leads to a straightforward implementation of a least-squares calibration algorithm on the no arbitrage domain, which yields an excellent fit on the market data we used for our tests, with the guarantee to yield smiles with no Butterfly arbitrage.

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