Featured Researches

Quantum Physics

Experimental quantum simulation of superradiant phase transition beyond no-go theorem via antisqueezing

Superradiant phase transition (SPT) in thermal equilibrium, as a fundamental concept bridging the statistical physics and electrodynamics, can offer the key resources for quantum information science. Notwithstanding its fundamental and practical significances, equilibrium SPT has never been observed in experiments since the first proposal in the 1970s. Furthermore, the existence of equilibrium SPT in the cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) systems is still subject of ongoing debates, due to the no-go theorem induced by the so-called A2 term. Based on the platform of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), here we experimentally demonstrate the occurrence of equilibrium SPT beyond no-go theorem by introducing the antisqueezing effect. The mechanism relies on the antisqueezing that recovers the singularity of the ground state via exponentially enhancing the zero point fluctuation (ZPF) of system. The strong entanglement and squeezed Schrodinger cat states of spins are achieved experimentally in the superradiant phase, which may play an important role in fundamental tests of quantum theory, implementing quantum metrology and high-efficient quantum information processing. Our experiment also shows the antisqueezing-enhanced signal-to-noise rate (SNR) of NMR spectrum, providing a general method for implementing high-precision NMR experiments.

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Quantum Physics

Exploiting dynamic quantum circuits in a quantum algorithm with superconducting qubits

The execution of quantum circuits on real systems has largely been limited to those which are simply time-ordered sequences of unitary operations followed by a projective measurement. As hardware platforms for quantum computing continue to mature in size and capability, it is imperative to enable quantum circuits beyond their conventional construction. Here we break into the realm of dynamic quantum circuits on a superconducting-based quantum system. Dynamic quantum circuits involve not only the evolution of the quantum state throughout the computation, but also periodic measurements of a subset of qubits mid-circuit and concurrent processing of the resulting classical information within timescales shorter than the execution times of the circuits. Using noisy quantum hardware, we explore one of the most fundamental quantum algorithms, quantum phase estimation, in its adaptive version, which exploits dynamic circuits, and compare the results to a non-adaptive implementation of the same algorithm. We demonstrate that the version of real-time quantum computing with dynamic circuits can offer a substantial and tangible advantage when noise and latency are sufficiently low in the system, opening the door to a new realm of available algorithms on real quantum systems.

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Quantum Physics

Exploring the relationship between the faithfulness and entanglement of two qubits

A conceptually simple and experimentally prevalent class of entanglement witnesses, known as fidelity witnesses, detect entanglement via a state's fidelity with a pure reference state. While existence proofs guarantee that a suitable witness can be constructed for every entangled state, such assurances do not apply to fidelity witnesses. Recent results have found that entangled states that cannot be detected by a fidelity witness, known as unfaithful states, are exceedingly common among bipartite states. In this paper, we show that even among two-qubit states, the simplest of all entangled states, unfaithful states can be created through a suitable application of decoherence and filtering to a Bell state. We also show that the faithfulness is not monotonic to entanglement, as measured by the concurrence. Finally, we experimentally verify our predictions using polarization-entangled photons and specifically demonstrate a situation where an unfaithful state is brought to faithfulness at the expense of further reducing the entanglement of the state.

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Quantum Physics

Exponential speedup of incoherent tunneling via dissipation

We study the escape rate of a particle in a metastable potential in presence of a dissipative bath coupled to the momentum of the particle. Using the semiclassical bounce technique, we find that this rate is exponentially enhanced. In particular, the influence of momentum dissipation depends on the slope of the barrier that the particle is tunneling through. We investigate also the influence of dissipative baths coupled to the position, and to the momentum of the particle, respectively. In this case the rate exhibits a non-monotonic behavior as a function of the dissipative coupling strengths. Remarkably, even in presence of position dissipation, momentum dissipation can enhance exponentially the escape rate in a large range of the parameter space. The influence of the momentum dissipation is also witnessed by the substantial increase of the average energy loss during inelastic (environment-assisted) tunneling.

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Quantum Physics

Exponential suppression of bit or phase flip errors with repetitive error correction

Realizing the potential of quantum computing will require achieving sufficiently low logical error rates. Many applications call for error rates in the 10 ??5 regime, but state-of-the-art quantum platforms typically have physical error rates near 10 ?? . Quantum error correction (QEC) promises to bridge this divide by distributing quantum logical information across many physical qubits so that errors can be detected and corrected. Logical errors are then exponentially suppressed as the number of physical qubits grows, provided that the physical error rates are below a certain threshold. QEC also requires that the errors are local and that performance is maintained over many rounds of error correction, two major outstanding experimental challenges. Here, we implement 1D repetition codes embedded in a 2D grid of superconducting qubits which demonstrate exponential suppression of bit or phase-flip errors, reducing logical error per round by more than 100? when increasing the number of qubits from 5 to 21. Crucially, this error suppression is stable over 50 rounds of error correction. We also introduce a method for analyzing error correlations with high precision, and characterize the locality of errors in a device performing QEC for the first time. Finally, we perform error detection using a small 2D surface code logical qubit on the same device, and show that the results from both 1D and 2D codes agree with numerical simulations using a simple depolarizing error model. These findings demonstrate that superconducting qubits are on a viable path towards fault tolerant quantum computing.

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Quantum Physics

Extended Wigner's friend problem and the internal consistency of standard quantum mechanics

The extended Wigner's friend problem deals with two Observers each measuring a sealed laboratory in which a friend is making a quantum measurement. We investigate this problem by relying on the basic rules of quantum mechanics as exposed by Feynman in the well-known "Feynman Lectures on Physics". Although recent discussions have suggested that the extended Wigner's friend problem cannot consistently be described by quantum theory, we show here that a straightforward application of these standard rules results in a non-ambiguous and consistent account of the measurement outcomes for all agents involved.

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Quantum Physics

Facial Expression Recognition on a Quantum Computer

We address the problem of facial expression recognition and show a possible solution using a quantum machine learning approach. In order to define an efficient classifier for a given dataset, our approach substantially exploits quantum interference. By representing face expressions via graphs, we define a classifier as a quantum circuit that manipulates the graphs adjacency matrices encoded into the amplitudes of some appropriately defined quantum states. We discuss the accuracy of the quantum classifier evaluated on the quantum simulator available on the IBM Quantum Experience cloud platform, and compare it with the accuracy of one of the best classical classifier.

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Quantum Physics

Factorizing time evolution into elementary steps

We propose an approach to factorize the time-evolution operator of a quantum system through a (finite) sequence of elementary operations that are time-ordered. Our proposal borrows from previous approaches based on Lie algebra techniques and other factorization procedures, and requires a set of optimization operations that provide the final result. Concretely, the algorithm produces at each step three optimal quantities, namely the optimal duration of the desired unitary operation, the optimal functional dependence of the driving function on the optimal time, and the optimal elementary Hermitian operation that induces the additional unitary operation to be implemented. The resulting sequence of unitary operations that is obtained this way is sequential with time. We compare our proposal with existing approaches, and highlight which key assumptions can be relaxed for practical implementations.

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Quantum Physics

Faking photon number on a transition-edge sensor

We study potential security vulnerabilities of a single-photon detector based on superconducting transition-edge sensor. In a simple experiment, we show that an adversary could fake a photon number result at a certain wavelength by sending a larger number of photons at a longer wavelength. In another experiment, we show that the detector can be blinded by bright continuous-wave light and then, a controlled response simulating single-photon detection can be produced by applying a bright light pulse. We model an intercept-and-resend attack on a quantum key distribution system that exploits the latter vulnerability and, under certain assumptions, succeeds to steal the key.

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Quantum Physics

Fast differentiable evolution of quantum states under Gaussian transformations

In a recent work we presented a recursive algorithm to compute the matrix elements of a generic Gaussian transformation in the photon-number basis. Its purpose was to evolve a quantum state by building the transformation matrix and subsequently computing the matrix-vector product. Here we present a faster algorithm that computes the final state without having to generate the full transformation matrix first. With this algorithm we bring the time complexity of computing the Gaussian evolution of an N -dimensional M -mode state from O(M N 2M ) to O(M( N 2 /2 ) M ) , which is an exponential improvement in the number of modes. In the special case of high squeezing, the evolved state can be approximated with complexity O(M N M ) . Our new algorithm is differentiable, which means we can use it in conjunction with gradient-based optimizers for circuit optimization tasks. We benchmark our algorithm by optimizing circuits to produce single photons, Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states and NOON states, showing that it is up to one order of magnitude faster than the state of the art.

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