Featured Researches

Quantum Physics

Generating high-order quantum exceptional points

Recently, there has been intense research in proposing and developing various methods for constructing high-order exceptional points (EPs) in dissipative systems. These EPs can possess a number of intriguing properties related to, e.g., chiral transport and enhanced sensitivity. Proposals to realize high-order EPs have been based on the use of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians (NHHs) of composite systems, i.e., the operators describing the evolution of coupled post-selected systems or coupled intense light fields. In both cases, quantum jumps play no role. Here, by considering the full quantum dynamics of a quadratic Liouvillian superoperator, we introduce a simple and effective method for engineering NHHs with high-order quantum EPs, derived from evolution matrices of system operators moments. That is, by quantizing higher-order moments of system operators, e.g., of a quadratic two-mode system, the resulting evolution matrices can be interpreted as the new NHHs describing, e.g., networks of coupled resonators. Notably, such a mapping allows to correctly reproduce the results of the Liouvillian dynamics, including quantum jumps. By applying this mapping, we demonstrate that quantum EPs of any order can be engineered in dissipative systems and can, thus, be probed by the coherence and spectral functions. As an example, we consider a U(1) -symmetric quadratic Liouvillian describing an optical cavity with incoherent mode coupling, which can also possess anti- PT -symmetry. Compared to their PT -symmetric counterparts, such anti- PT -symmetric systems could be easier to scale and, thus, can serve as a promising platform for engineering quantum systems with high-order EPs.

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Quantum Physics

Genuine entanglement, distillability and quantum information masking under noise

Genuineness and distillability of entanglement play a key role in quantum information tasks, and they are easily disturbed by the noise. We construct a family of multipartite states without genuine entanglement and distillability sudden death across every bipartition, respectively. They are realized by establishing the noise as the multipartite high dimensional Pauli channels. Further, we construct a locally unitary channel as another noise such that the multipartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state becomes the D{ΓΌ}r's multipartite state. We also show that the quantum information masking still works under the noise we constructed, and thus show a novel quantum secret sharing scheme under noise. The evolution of a family of three-qutrit genuinely entangled states distillable across every bipartition under noise is also investigated.

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Quantum Physics

Geometric Approach Towards Complete Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities

In this paper, we use the Carnot-Caratheodory distance from sub-Riemanian geometry to prove entropy decay estimates for all finite dimensional symmetric quantum Markov semigroups. This estimate is independent of the environment size and hence stable under tensorization. Our approach relies on the transference principle, the existence of t -designs, and the sub-Riemannian diameter of compact Lie groups and implies estimates for the spectral gap.

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Quantum Physics

Geometric and algebraic approaches to quantum theory

We show how to formulate quantum theory taking as a starting point the set of states (geometric approach). We give the equations of motion and the formulas for probabilities of physical quantities in this approach. A heuristic proof of decoherence in our setting is used to justify the formulas for probabilities. The geometric approach can be used to formulate quantum theory in terms of Jordan algebras, generalizing the algebraic approach to quantum theory. The scattering theory can be formulated in geometric approach.

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Quantum Physics

Geometric and algebraic aspects of spectrality in order unit spaces: a comparison

Two approaches to spectral theory of order unit spaces are compared: the spectral duality of Alfsen and Shultz and the spectral compression bases due to Foulis. While the former approach uses the geometric properties of an order unit space in duality with a base norm space, the latter notion is purely algebraic. It is shown that the Foulis approach is strictly more general and contains the Alfsen-Shultz approach as a special case. This is demonstrated on two types of examples: the JB-algebras which are Foulis spectral if and only if they are Rickart, and the centrally symmetric state spaces, which may be Foulis spectral while not necessarily Alfsen-Shultz spectral.

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Quantum Physics

Gigahertz-Bandwidth Optical Memory in Pr 3+ :Y 2 SiO 5

We experimentally study a broadband implementation of the atomic frequency comb (AFC) rephasing protocol with a cryogenically cooled Pr 3+ :Y 2 SiO 5 crystal. To allow for storage of broadband pulses, we explore a novel regime where the input photonic bandwidth closely matches the inhomogeneous broadening of the material (??GHz) , thereby significantly exceeding the hyperfine ground and excited state splitting (??0MHz) . Through an investigation of different AFC preparation parameters, we measure a maximum efficiency of 10% after a rephasing time of 12.5 ns. With a suboptimal AFC, we witness up to 12 rephased temporal modes.

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Quantum Physics

Global sensing and its impact for quantum many-body probes with criticality

Quantum sensing is one of the key areas which exemplifies the superiority of quantum technologies. Nonetheless, most quantum sensing protocols operate efficiently only when the unknown parameters vary within a very narrow region, i.e., local sensing. Here, we provide a systematic formulation for quantifying the precision of a probe for multi-parameter global sensing when there is no prior information about the parameters. In many-body probes, in which extra tunable parameters exist, our protocol can tune the performance for harnessing the quantum criticality over arbitrarily large sensing intervals. For the single-parameter sensing, our protocol optimizes a control field such that an Ising probe is tuned to always operate around its criticality. This significantly enhances the performance of the probe even when the interval of interest is so large that the precision is bounded by the standard limit. For the multi-parameter case, our protocol optimizes the control fields such that the probe operates at the most efficient point along its critical line. Interestingly, for an Ising probe, it is predominantly determined by the longitudinal field. Finally, we show that even a simple magnetization measurement significantly benefits from our optimization and moderately delivers the theoretical precision.

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Quantum Physics

Global sensitivity analysis for optimization of the Trotter-Suzuki decomposition

The Trotter-Suzuki decomposition is one of the main approaches for realization of quantum simulations on digital quantum computers. Variance-based global sensitivity analysis (the Sobol method) is a wide used method which allows to decompose output variance of mathematical model into fractions allocated to different sources of uncertainty in inputs or sets of inputs of the model. Here we developed a method for application of the global sensitivity analysis to the optimization of Trotter-Suzuki decomposition. We show with a proof-of-concept example that this approach allows to reduce the number of exponentiations in the decomposition and provides a quantitative method for finding and truncation 'unimportant' terms in the system Hamiltonian.

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Quantum Physics

Graphical Language with Delayed Trace: Picturing Quantum Computing with Finite Memory

Graphical languages, like quantum circuits or ZX-calculus, have been successfully designed to represent (memoryless) quantum computations acting on a finite number of qubits. Meanwhile, delayed traces have been used as a graphical way to represent finite-memory computations on streams, in a classical setting (cartesian data types). We merge those two approaches and describe a general construction that extends any graphical language, equipped with a notion of discarding, to a graphical language of finite memory computations. In order to handle cases like the ZX-calculus, which is complete for post-selected quantum mechanics, we extend the delayed trace formalism beyond the causal case, refining the notion of causality for stream transformers. We design a stream semantics based on stateful morphism sequences and, under some assumptions, show universality and completeness results. Finally, we investigate the links of our framework with previous works on cartesian data types, signal flow graphs, and quantum channels with memories.

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Quantum Physics

Ground-State Cooling of Levitated Magnets in Low-Frequency Traps

We present a ground-state cooling scheme for the mechanical degrees of freedom of mesoscopic magnetic particles levitated in low-frequency traps. Our method makes use of a binary sensor and suitably shaped pulses to perform weak, adaptive measurements on the position of the magnet. This allows us to precisely determine the position and momentum of the particle, transforming the initial high-entropy thermal state into a pure coherent state. The energy is then extracted by shifting the trap center. By delegating the task of energy extraction to a coherent displacement operation we overcome the limitations associated with cooling schemes that rely on the dissipation of a two-level system coupled to the oscillator. We numerically benchmark our protocol in realistic experimental conditions, including heating rates and imperfect readout fidelities, showing that it is well suited for magnetogravitational traps operating at cryogenic temperatures. Our results pave the way for ground-state cooling of micron-scale particles.

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