Akifumi Ohtaka
Hirosaki University
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Featured researches published by Akifumi Ohtaka.
Biological Invasions | 2005
Akifumi Ohtaka; Stuart R. Gelder; Tadashi Kawai; Kazuhiro Saito; Kazuyoshi Nakata; Machiko Nishino
This is the first report of two North American branchiobdellidans, Sathodrilus attenuatus Holt, 1981, and Xironogiton victoriensis Gelder and Hall, 1990, on the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) introduced into Japan from the Columbia River system, northwestern North America. Signal crayfish from 12 localities in eastern and northern Hokkaido, Japan, were examined and each supported S. attenuatus. In addition, an individual of this species was found on preserved material from Ishikawa Prefecture, central Honshu. All of these branchiobdellidans reported in Hokkaido most probably came from the original population of signal crayfish introduced into Lake Mashu, Hokkaido, Japan, in 1930. It is suggested that the use of non-pathogenic branchiobdellidans, when present, provides an easy method for tracing the spread of crayfishes around Japan and could also be applied in other countries and continents. Specimens of X. victoriensis were only found on crayfish in a stream at Akashina in Nagano Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Although the signal crayfish appears to be displacing the endemic Japanese crayfish, C. japonicus, no native branchiobdellidans were found on any of the introduced signal crayfish examined.
Limnology | 2011
Akifumi Ohtaka; Tetsuya Narita; Takahiro Kamiya; Haruo Katakura; Yuji Araki; Sokrithy Im; Rachna Chhay; Shinji Tsukawaki
Faunal composition of aquatic invertebrate communities associated with submerged parts of several species of macrophytes were studied in different areas in littoral Lake Tonle Sap in Cambodia, with special reference to those in root systems (interrhizon) of a free-floating water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Nine phyla of invertebrates were collected, of which oligochaetes, shrimps and Limnoperna mussels were abundant along with meiobenthic crustaceans. The macrophyte-associated invertebrates in Lake Tonle Sap might be unique in having abundant sessile animals, such as sponges, bryozoans and Limnoperna mussels. The Limnoperna mussels attached to macrophytes were more abundant in offshore and inundated forest than in secluded vegetational stands toward the shoreline. It suggests that water movement can be an important factor determining the distribution and abundance of the sessile animals by controlling larval dispersions and might be associated with the hydrological characteristic of the lake, i.e., the lake opens to the large Mekong River with drastic seasonal changes in water level.
Hydrobiologia | 1999
Akifumi Ohtaka; Machiko Nishino
At least 41 taxa of aquatic oligochaetes including five new records have been recorded from the ancient Lake Biwa in Japan. The lake is characterized by eurybathyal occurrence of Branchiura sowerbyi. The posterior gill filaments of B. sowerbyi develop normally in lagoons adjacent to the lake, while in the lake they weakly develop or often disappear at littoral and sublittoral depths shallower than 30 m, and they almost completely disappear in the profundal zone. The profundal population of B. sowerbyi also differs from other populations in eastern Asia in having fewer and shorter hairs, and simple-pointed crotchets, or bifid crotchets with parallel teeth, in dorsal bundles of chaetae. This suggests that an intralacustrine speciation is progressing in the profundal population. An aberrant modification is found in the pectination of dorsal crotchets in Tubifex tubifex occurring at deep profundal depths of the lake. The ventral chaetae in segment II of Teneridrilus mastix are rarely modified in Lake Biwa. This requires cancellation of the modification of chaetae in II as a diagnostic characteristic of the genus Teneridrilus. Limnodrilus amblysetus, previously known only from China, is recorded from Lake Biwa. Descriptions and taxonomic remarks are provided for Haemonais waldvogeli (new to Japan), Pristina longiseta, Stephensoniana trivandrana and Ripistes parasita (new to Lake Biwa), and Ophidonais serpentina, based on Lake Biwa material.
Ecological Research | 2009
Noriko Takamura; Tomiko Ito; Ryuhei Ueno; Akifumi Ohtaka; Isamu Wakana; Megumi Nakagawa; Youichi Ueno; Hirotsugu Nakajima
Effects of environmental variables on the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates inhabiting sediments were studied at 25 sites along the shoreline of Lake Takkobu in the Kushiro wetland of northern Japan in summer 2003. During the last decade, the lake’s status has undergone a drastic shift from clear water dominated by submerged macrophytes to turbid water dominated by phytoplankton. The canonical correspondence analysis showed that four environmental variables explained the significant variation in the macroinvertebrate species composition: submerged plant biomass, bottom sediment organic matter content (OMC), distance from the mouth of the Takkobu River, and bottom-layer pH. Five species of Chironomidae [Chironomus sp. (except plumosus group), Psectrocladius sp., Corynoneura sp., Parachironomus sp. arcuatus group, and Zavreliella sp.] occurred in sites with relatively lower pH and a high submerged plant biomass, whereas three species of Tubificidae (Tubifex tubifex, Aulodriluslimnobius and Aulodrilus sp.) and two of Chironomidae (Nanocladius sp. and Monodiamesa sp.) occurred in sites with high pH and little vegetation. The three Tubificidae species also preferred organic-rich sediments. Irrespective of aquatic vegetation, Sphaerium sp. (Bivalvia) and Monodiamesa sp. (Chironomidae) occurred in low-OMC sites, whereas Tanypus sp. (Chironomidae) preferred high-OMC sites. The number of macroinvertebrate taxa showed the highest correlation with the number of submerged plants, suggesting that macroinvertebrate species richness was related mostly to submerged plant species diversity in this lake. The quantity and species richness of submerged plants and OMC are thus important determinants of the community structure of macroinvertebrates inhabiting sediments in Lake Takkobu.
Limnology | 2010
Susumu Tanaka; Akifumi Ohtaka
Sixty species of freshwater Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) are recorded from Lake Tonle Sap and its adjacent waters, Cambodia. Four species, Ceriodaphnia laticaudata, Bunops cf. tuberculatus, Leydigia australis, and Chydorus cf. dentifer are newly recorded from Southeast Asia, and occurrence of Macrothrix pholpunthini is secondary confirmed in the world. The present cladoceran fauna is characterized by having rich epiphytic and benthic forms. It can be associated with the shallow and vegetation-rich habitats of the study sites.
Journal of Natural History | 2012
Akifumi Ohtaka; Stuart R. Gelder; Machiko Nishino; Minoru Ikeda; H. Toyama; Yongde Cui; Xuebao He; Hongzhu Wang; Rung-Tsung Chen; Z.-Y. Wang
Distribution of two ecologically similar but usually spatially separate ectosymbionts, branchiobdellidans (Annelida) and scutariellids (Platyhelminthes), on atyid shrimp (Neocaridina spp.) is reported from 18 localities in five Provinces of southeastern China. Prevalence was determined for the branchiobdellidan, Holtodrilus truncatus, found at seven locations, the scutariellid, Scutariella japonica, present at every site, and where cohabitation occurred. Both ectosymbionts showed a microhabitat predilection for the hosts branchial chambers and instances of cohabitation occurred at all seven locations where H. truncatus were collected, although not on every shrimp. On-site observations of live hosts supporting both ectosymbionts showed that neither H. truncatus nor S. japonica reacted aggressively or defensively towards the other when in close proximity. Instances of imported Chinese Neocaridina spp. into central Honshu Island, Japan, almost certainly came from areas in southeast China identified in this study. These imported populations are predicted to spread northwards into the area where endemic Japanese branchiobdellidans occur.
Limnology | 2006
Akifumi Ohtaka; Machiko Nishino; Tadashi Kobayashi
A benthological survey in a deep caldera, Lake Ikeda, southern Kyushu, Japan, in 1998 revealed that no zoobenthos were found in the deep profundal, although two tubificid oligochaetes, Tubifex tubifex and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, and a chironomid, Procladius sp., were distributed in the upper profundal zone. This is the first record of oligochaete composition in the lake. Lake Ikeda had been typically oligotrophic until the 1940s, and zoobenthic assemblages were recorded throughout the profundal bottom in the 1920s and 1970s. Recent disappearance of the deep profundal zoobenthos could be caused by the stagnation of anoxic waters in the hypolimnion, in connection with eutrophication triggered by nutrient loading, as well as change in the thermal circulation system presumably caused by global warming.
Limnology | 2003
Takanori Kakizaki; Takashi Saito; Akifumi Ohtaka; Kazuya Nagasawa
Abstract Isopods Asellus hilgendorfi were collected from a small lake in northern Japan and examined to determine whether their body size and reproduction were affected by infection with larval acanthocephalans (Acanthocephalus sp.). Seasonal changes in the breeding ratio of isopods and the prevalence of larval acanthocephalan infection showed a reverse trend. Acanthocephalan larvae occurred mainly in males and immature females and were rarely found in mature females. In late immature females, the body size, as indicated by the width of the pleotelson, of infected isopods was significantly larger than that of uninfected ones. These results suggest that acanthocephalans can prevent female isopods from attaining sexual maturity and increasing their body size.
Zoological Science | 1995
Akifumi Ohtaka
Abstract A new tubificid oligochaete, Rhyacodrilus hiemalis sp. nov., is described from four lakes in central Japan. This species resembles R. coccineus (Vejdovsky), R. sodalis (Eisen) and their unclear relatives (the Far East Russian R. sokolskajae Semernoi and R. sibiricus Semernoi, the Chinese R. sinicus (Chen)), but is distinguished from these congeners by having many long hair chaetae, many long intermediate teeth on the dorsal pectinate chaetae, ventral pectinate chaetae, and masses of gland cells around the male pores. This species is an annual that breeds during the cold season but aestivates in deeper sediment in summer.
Limnology | 2006
Akifumi Ohtaka; Machiko Nishino
Surveys for macroinvertebrates occurring in 20 small attached lakes (naiko) adjacent to Lake Biwa, central Japan, conducted in 2001–2002 yielded 44 taxa of aquatic oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata). Descriptions and taxonomic remarks are provided for nine species: Aulophorus furcatus, A. tonkinensis, A. flabelliger, Pristina biserrata, P. proboscidea, Ilyodrilus templetoni, Allonais pectinata, Stylaria fossularis, and Dero dorsalis; the former six species of these are new to Japan. Stylaria fossularis is regarded as a distinct species, distinguished from the congener S. lacustris, on the basis of prostomium morphology and geographical distribution. No distinctive oligochaete fauna can be seen in the individual naiko, but as a collective body they maintain a rich fauna. This fauna was richer in naidines, while poorer in other groups of oligochaetes than those in Lake Biwa, and basically can be regarded as an extension of the fauna of littoral Lake Biwa. Epiphytic oligochaetes were more diverse and more abundant in the naiko than those in littoral Lake Biwa, probably because of higher temperatures, denser aquatic vegetation, and higher primary production. Summer oligochaete assemblages in the naiko were predominated by Stylaria fossularis and include several species characteristic of subtropical and tropical Asia, suggesting a close relationship to the fauna of the Indo-Malayan zoogeographical subregion.