Aldo Merotto Junior
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Featured researches published by Aldo Merotto Junior.
Ciencia Rural | 2000
Milton Luiz de Almeida; Aldo Merotto Junior; Luis Sangoi; Márcio Ender; Altamir Frederico Guidolin
The development of earlier hybrids, with shorter plant height, lower leaf number and upright leaves has increased maize potential adaptability to withstand high plant densities. This trend may be emphasized on the high lands of Southern Brazil due to their mild Spring and Summer temperatures and shorter maize growing season. Four trials were carried out, aiming to investigate the viability of using higher than recommended plant populations, as an alternative to improve grain yield. The maize hybrids Cargill 901 and XL 370 were evaluated at several plant populations, ranging from 37000 to 100000pl ha-1, under different management situations. In three out of four experiments, plant populations above 60000pl ha-1 maximized grain yield. The greater competition among individuals verified at high plant populations did not decrease substantially the number of ears per plant, which contributed to improve maize adaptation to high plant densities. Therefore, for regions with a short growing season, the use of early small stature maize hybrids may be accompanied by an increment in plant population up to a value varying between 65000 and 80000pl ha-1. This is conceivable as long as there is adequate soil fertility, water availability and stem lodging resistant genotypes.^lpt^aO surgimento de novos cultivares de milho, de ciclo mais curto, estatura reduzida, menor numero de folhas e folhas mais eretas aumentou o potencial de resposta da cultura a densidade de plantas. Essa tendencia pode ser acentuada nos planaltos do Sul do Brasil, que apresentam temperatura media nos meses mais quentes inferiores a 22°C, o que resulta em menor estacao estival de crescimento. Quatro experimentos foram conduzidos objetivando avaliar a viabilidade de se trabalhar com densidade de plantas maiores do que as atualmente recomendadas para esta regiao, como uma forma de aumentar o rendimento de graos. Nestes experimentos, submeteram-se os hibridos Cargill 901 e XL 370 a uma populacao que variou de 37.000 a 100.000pl ha-1, sob diferentes situacoes de manejo. Em tres dos quatro experimentos realizados, o uso de densidade de plantas superior a 60.000plha-1 maximizou o rendimento de graos. A maior competicao intraespecifica verificada nas densidades mais elevadas nao reduziu drasticamente o numero de espigas por planta, o que contribuiu para a melhor adaptacao da cultura a densidades elevadas. Dessa forma, para locais com estacao estival de crescimento mais curta, o uso de cultivares precoces, de menor porte, pode ser acompanhado pelo incremento na densidade para valores compreendidos entre 65.000 e 80.000pl ha-1. Isso e possivel desde que se tenha bom nivel de fertilidade no solo, boa disponibilidade hidrica e cultivares resistentes ao acamamento.^len^aThe development of earlier hybrids, with shorter plant height, lower leaf number and upright leaves has increased maize potential adaptability to withstand high plant densities. This trend may be emphasized on the high lands of Southern Brazil due to their mild Spring and Summer temperatures and shorter maize growing season. Four trials were carried out, aiming to investigate the viability of using higher than recommended plant populations, as an alternative to improve grain yield. The maize hybrids Cargill 901 and XL 370 were evaluated at several plant populations, ranging from 37000 to 100000pl ha-1, under different management situations. In three out of four experiments, plant populations above 60000pl ha-1 maximized grain yield. The greater competition among individuals verified at high plant populations did not decrease substantially the number of ears per plant, which contributed to improve maize adaptation to high plant densities. Therefore, for regions with a short growing season, the use of early small stature maize hybrids may be accompanied by an increment in plant population up to a value varying between 65000 and 80000pl ha-1. This is conceivable as long as there is adequate soil fertility, water availability and stem lodging resistant genotypes.
Ciencia Rural | 2001
Dirceu Agostinetto; Nilson Gilberto Fleck; Mauro Antonio Rizzardi; Aldo Merotto Junior; Ribas Antonio Vidal
Interference caused by red rice (Oryza sativa L.) on cultivated rice (O. sativa L.) is the main factor that limits increasing grain yield potential of the cereal in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This literature review has the objective of describing ecophysiological characteristics of red rice, as well as to discuss strategies that favour cultivated rice in the competition process for environmental resources or that limit its establishment. Due to morphophysiological similarities between both, red rice control cannot be accomplished through the use of selective herbicides alone, requiring the combination of several integrated actions, involving preventive, cultural, physical and chemical methods. The presence of a high red rice population makes rice production impracticable, especially when the field extension turns hand weeding impossible. In such a condition, the most effective methods of control have been: the usage of pre-germinated seeds, early soil preparation combined with no-till seeding, and adaptation of crop rotation.
Ciencia Rural | 1999
Aldo Merotto Junior; Luis Sangoi; Márcio Ender; Altamir Frederico Guidolin; Hector Silvio Haverroth
High maize grain yields are related to a fast, complete and regular plant emergence. This experiment was carried out in Lages, SC, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the effects of an uneven plant emergence on maize grain yield at different plant populations. A split plot design was used, with the main plots disposed in randomized complete blocks. Four plant populations, equivalent to 40,000, 60,000, 80,000 and 100,000 pl.ha-1 were tested in the main plots. Different levels of unevenness in plant emergence were analyzed in the split plots by varying the sowing dates of adjacent hills inside each as it follows: 1 - even emergence (0-0-0-0); 2 - unevenness of 12 days (0-12-0-12); 3 - unevenness of 19 days (0-19-0-19); 4 - unevenness of 12 and 19 days (0-12-19-0-12-19). The increase in plant population up to 76,500 pl.ha-1 enhanced grain yield to 12,900kg.ha-1. At this plant population, the difference in yield grain per hectare among treatments with even and uneven emergence was nearly 2,900kg. This indicates that under similar productivity levels replanting maize may be on economically viable option. Besides reducing grain yield, uneven emergence also limited maize response to the increment in plant population.
Planta Daninha | 1997
Aldo Merotto Junior; Altamir F. Gliidolin; Milton L. de Almeida; Hector Silvio Haverroth
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of increasing corn plant population in association with differe nt methods to control weeds. The trial was conduted in Lages, SC, using a randomized complete block desing in a split plot arragement. Fiv e methods of weed control were located at the main plots: 1) check without control, 2) atrazine + metolachlor (1,4 + 2,1 kg/ha) in pre-emergency, 3) nicosulfuron (60 g/ha) in post emergency, 4) atrazine + metolachlor in pre-emergency and nicosulfuron in post emergency, and 5) hoeing up to flowerin g. Four plant population were tested at split plots: 35000, 50000, 68000 and 80000 plants ha-1. Incre asing plant population was more effective to decrease weed dry matter when no additional control was performed or herbicide was used in pre emergent. Weed influence on corn grain yield was greater at 80000 plantas ha-1 due to both weed and intraespecific competition. The use of high plant population can mitigate weed competition. However, it should be complemented with other methods of control during the early stages of corn development to achive high grain yields.
Ciencia Rural | 2004
Jefferson Luís Meirelles Coimbra; Altamir Frederico Guidolin; Milton Luiz de Almeida; Luis Sangoi; Márcio Ender; Aldo Merotto Junior
Grain yield is a variable of complex association which has an economic importance. A trial was conducted in Lages, SC, during the 1996-growing season, in order to determine the association and the direct and indirect effects of some agronomic traits on grain yield of 12 canola genotypes, through the study of the phenotypic correlation and path analysis. A randomized complete block design with four replications per treatment was used. According to the analyses performed on the trial, plant height didn’t show any association with weight of 1,000 grains and grain yield. Path analysis showed that the primary components plant population per area and number of grains per plant have the largest direct impact on grain yield. On the other hand, the number of grains produced per plant is the major responsible for the increase in the weight of 1,000 grains. Path analysis also evidenced that the secondary component number of grains per pod has the highest direct effect on grain yield.
Ciencia Rural | 2010
Aldo Merotto Junior; Valmir Kupas; Anderson Luis Nunes; Ives Clayton Gomes dos Reis Goulart
California arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis Cham. & Schlecht) is an aquatic weed often found in rice paddy fields. Several biotypes of California arrowhead resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides were found in Brazil and in several rice fields worldwide. The objective of this study was to sequence the ALS gene of California arrowhead and to identify the occurrence of mutations related to target site insensitivity as the mechanism of herbicide resistance. The plant material consisted of seeds collected in rice paddy fields located in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Nine pairs of primers were designed for the amplification of the domains C, A and D of the ALS gene. PCR reactions with four pairs of primers resulted in amplification of fragments with size close to expected, ranging from 360 to 393 nucleotides. These sequences showed high homology to the standard ALS gene Arabdopsis thaliana and rice having only three point mutations. One of these mutations was Pro 197 Phe that is related with herbicide resistance in several weeds. The sequences obtained indicated that the ALS gene evaluated was heterozygous. These results suggest the occurrence of insensitivity of the site of action as the mechanism of resistance to ALS-inhibitors herbicides in California arrowhead. The prevention and control of resistance to ALSinhibitors in California arrowhead should be based on the rotation of herbicides with different mechanisms of action.
Ciencia Rural | 2000
Milton Luiz de Almeida; Aldo Merotto Junior; Luis Sangoi; Márcio Ender; Altamir Frederico Guidolin
The development of earlier hybrids, with shorter plant height, lower leaf number and upright leaves has increased maize potential adaptability to withstand high plant densities. This trend may be emphasized on the high lands of Southern Brazil due to their mild Spring and Summer temperatures and shorter maize growing season. Four trials were carried out, aiming to investigate the viability of using higher than recommended plant populations, as an alternative to improve grain yield. The maize hybrids Cargill 901 and XL 370 were evaluated at several plant populations, ranging from 37000 to 100000pl ha-1, under different management situations. In three out of four experiments, plant populations above 60000pl ha-1 maximized grain yield. The greater competition among individuals verified at high plant populations did not decrease substantially the number of ears per plant, which contributed to improve maize adaptation to high plant densities. Therefore, for regions with a short growing season, the use of early small stature maize hybrids may be accompanied by an increment in plant population up to a value varying between 65000 and 80000pl ha-1. This is conceivable as long as there is adequate soil fertility, water availability and stem lodging resistant genotypes.^lpt^aO surgimento de novos cultivares de milho, de ciclo mais curto, estatura reduzida, menor numero de folhas e folhas mais eretas aumentou o potencial de resposta da cultura a densidade de plantas. Essa tendencia pode ser acentuada nos planaltos do Sul do Brasil, que apresentam temperatura media nos meses mais quentes inferiores a 22°C, o que resulta em menor estacao estival de crescimento. Quatro experimentos foram conduzidos objetivando avaliar a viabilidade de se trabalhar com densidade de plantas maiores do que as atualmente recomendadas para esta regiao, como uma forma de aumentar o rendimento de graos. Nestes experimentos, submeteram-se os hibridos Cargill 901 e XL 370 a uma populacao que variou de 37.000 a 100.000pl ha-1, sob diferentes situacoes de manejo. Em tres dos quatro experimentos realizados, o uso de densidade de plantas superior a 60.000plha-1 maximizou o rendimento de graos. A maior competicao intraespecifica verificada nas densidades mais elevadas nao reduziu drasticamente o numero de espigas por planta, o que contribuiu para a melhor adaptacao da cultura a densidades elevadas. Dessa forma, para locais com estacao estival de crescimento mais curta, o uso de cultivares precoces, de menor porte, pode ser acompanhado pelo incremento na densidade para valores compreendidos entre 65.000 e 80.000pl ha-1. Isso e possivel desde que se tenha bom nivel de fertilidade no solo, boa disponibilidade hidrica e cultivares resistentes ao acamamento.^len^aThe development of earlier hybrids, with shorter plant height, lower leaf number and upright leaves has increased maize potential adaptability to withstand high plant densities. This trend may be emphasized on the high lands of Southern Brazil due to their mild Spring and Summer temperatures and shorter maize growing season. Four trials were carried out, aiming to investigate the viability of using higher than recommended plant populations, as an alternative to improve grain yield. The maize hybrids Cargill 901 and XL 370 were evaluated at several plant populations, ranging from 37000 to 100000pl ha-1, under different management situations. In three out of four experiments, plant populations above 60000pl ha-1 maximized grain yield. The greater competition among individuals verified at high plant populations did not decrease substantially the number of ears per plant, which contributed to improve maize adaptation to high plant densities. Therefore, for regions with a short growing season, the use of early small stature maize hybrids may be accompanied by an increment in plant population up to a value varying between 65000 and 80000pl ha-1. This is conceivable as long as there is adequate soil fertility, water availability and stem lodging resistant genotypes.
Ciencia Rural | 2012
Ives Clayton Gomes dos Reis Goulart; Anderson Luis Nunes; Valmir Kupas; Aldo Merotto Junior
The botanical similarity of the invasive weed Eragrostis plana Nees (South African lovegrass) difficult its selective control in natural pastures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the association between herbicides and safeners on the control of E. plana and on the selectivity to the natural pastures. Two experiments were conducted at field conditions in area of natural grassland of the Biome Pampa where several herbicides were evaluated in pre and post-emergence. A third experiment was carried out in greenhouse evaluating the herbicides glufosinate-ammonium and imazethapyr and the species E. plana and Paspalum notatum. In both experiments, the herbicides were evaluated isolated and in association with the safeners anhydride naphtalic, dietholate and fluxofenim. The field experiments indicated that the evaluated safeners did not increase E. plana control and native grassland selectively. The greenhouse experiment indicated the occurrence of synergism on E. plana for the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium in mixture with the safeners anhydride naphtalic, dietholate and fluxofenim. The different results in the field and greenhouse experiments are related to the plant stage and density. The use of herbicides in association with safeners indicated a potentiality for selective control of E. plana when applied to plants in the early stages of development.
Ciencia Rural | 2015
Guilherme Vestena Cassol; Luis Antonio de Avila; Carla Rejane Zemolin; Andrey Piveta; D. Agostinetto; Aldo Merotto Junior
Pesticidas: Revista de Ecotoxicologia e Meio Ambiente | 2013
Andrew Rerison Silva de Queiroz; Ribas Antonio Vidal; Aldo Merotto Junior