Alexandra Kraberg
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
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Featured researches published by Alexandra Kraberg.
Global Change Biology | 2016
Philip C. Reid; Renata E. Hari; Grégory Beaugrand; David M. Livingstone; Christoph Marty; Dietmar Straile; Jonathan Barichivich; Eric Goberville; Rita Adrian; Yasuyuki Aono; Ross Brown; James L. Foster; Pavel Ya. Groisman; Pierre Helaouët; Huang-Hsiung Hsu; Richard R. Kirby; Jeff R. Knight; Alexandra Kraberg; Jianping Li; Tzu-Ting Lo; Ranga B. Myneni; Ryan P. North; J. Alan Pounds; Tim H. Sparks; R. Stübi; Yongjun Tian; Karen Helen Wiltshire; Dong Xiao; Zaichun Zhu
Abstract Despite evidence from a number of Earth systems that abrupt temporal changes known as regime shifts are important, their nature, scale and mechanisms remain poorly documented and understood. Applying principal component analysis, change‐point analysis and a sequential t‐test analysis of regime shifts to 72 time series, we confirm that the 1980s regime shift represented a major change in the Earths biophysical systems from the upper atmosphere to the depths of the ocean and from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and occurred at slightly different times around the world. Using historical climate model simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) and statistical modelling of historical temperatures, we then demonstrate that this event was triggered by rapid global warming from anthropogenic plus natural forcing, the latter associated with the recovery from the El Chichón volcanic eruption. The shift in temperature that occurred at this time is hypothesized as the main forcing for a cascade of abrupt environmental changes. Within the context of the last century or more, the 1980s event was unique in terms of its global scope and scale; our observed consequences imply that if unavoidable natural events such as major volcanic eruptions interact with anthropogenic warming unforeseen multiplier effects may occur.
Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2011
Alexandra Kraberg; Norbert Wasmund; Jan Vanaverbeke; Doris Schiedek; Karen Helen Wiltshire
Regime shifts in the marine environment have recently received much attention. To date, however, few large-scale meta-analyses have been carried out due to insufficient data coverage and integration between sustained observational datasets because of diverse methodologies used in data collection, recording and archival. Here we review the available data on regime shifts globally, followed by a review of current and planned policies with relevance to regime shifts. We then focus on the North and Baltic Seas, providing examples of existing efforts for data integration in the MarBEF Network of Excellence. Existing gaps in data coverage are identified, and the added value from meta-analyses of multiple datasets demonstrated using examples from the MarBEF integrated data project LargeNet. We discuss whether these efforts are addressing current policy needs and close with recommendations for future integrated data networks to increase our ability to understand, identify and predict recent and future regime shifts.
Helgoland Marine Research | 2012
Martin Löder; Alexandra Kraberg; Nicole Aberle; Silvia Peters; Karen Helen Wiltshire
A monitoring programme for microzooplankton was started at the long-term sampling station “Kabeltonne” at Helgoland Roads (54°11.3′N; 7°54.0′E) in January 2007 in order to provide more detailed knowledge on microzooplankton occurrence, composition and seasonality patterns at this site and to complement the existing plankton data series. Ciliate and dinoflagellate cell concentration and carbon biomass were recorded on a weekly basis. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates were considerably more important in terms of biomass than ciliates, especially during the summer months. However, in early spring, ciliates were the major group of microzooplankton grazers as they responded more quickly to phytoplankton food availability. Mixotrophic dinoflagellates played a secondary role in terms of biomass when compared to heterotrophic species; nevertheless, they made up an intense late summer bloom in 2007. The photosynthetic ciliate Myrionecta rubra bloomed at the end of the sampling period. Due to its high biomass when compared to crustacean plankton especially during the spring bloom, microzooplankton should be regarded as the more important phytoplankton grazer group at Helgoland Roads. Based on these results, analyses of biotic and abiotic factors driving microzooplankton composition and abundance are necessary for a full understanding of this important component of the plankton.
Frontiers in Marine Science | 2015
Rafael Gonçalves-Araujo; Colin A. Stedmon; Birgit Heim; Ivan Dubinenkov; Alexandra Kraberg; Denis Moiseev; Astrid Bracher
Connectivity between the terrestrial and marine environment in the Artic is changing as a result of climate change, influencing both freshwater budgets and the supply of carbon to the sea. This study characterizes the optical properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) within the Lena Delta region and evaluates the behavior of DOM across the fresh water-marine gradient. Six fluorescent components (four humic-like; one marine humic-like; one protein-like) were identified by Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) with a clear dominance of allochthonous humic-like signals. Colored DOM (CDOM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were highly correlated and had their distribution coupled with hydrographical conditions. Higher DOM concentration and degree of humification were associated with the low salinity waters of the Lena River. Values decreased towards the higher salinity Laptev Sea shelf waters. Results demonstrate different responses of DOM mixing in relation to the vertical structure of the water column, as reflecting the hydrographical dynamics in the region. Two mixing curves for DOM were apparent. In surface waters above the pycnocline there was a sharper decrease in DOM concentration in relation to salinity indicating removal. In the bottom water layer the DOM decrease within salinity was less. We propose there is a removal of DOM occurring primarily at the surface layer, which is likely driven by photodegradation and flocculation.
Hydrobiologia | 2010
Leen Vandepitte; B. Vanhoorne; Alexandra Kraberg; Natalie Anisimova; Chryssanthi Antoniadou; Rita Araújo; Inka Bartsch; Beatriz Beker; Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi; Iacopo Bertocci; Sabine Cochrane; Keith M Cooper; J.A. Craeymeersch; Epaminondas Christou; Dennis J Crisp; Salve Dahle; Marilyse De Boissier; Mario de Kluijver; Stanislav G. Denisenko; Doris De Vito; G.C.A. Duineveld; Vincent Escaravage; Dirk Fleischer; Simona Fraschetti; Adriana Giangrande; Carlos Heip; Herman Hummel; Uuszula Janas; Rolf Karez; Monika Kędra
The general aim of setting up a central database on benthos and plankton was to integrate long-, medium- and short-term datasets on marine biodiversity. Such a database makes it possible to analyse species assemblages and their changes on spatial and temporal scales across Europe. Data collation lasted from early 2007 until August 2008, during which 67 datasets were collected covering three divergent habitats (rocky shores, soft bottoms and the pelagic environment). The database contains a total of 4,525 distinct taxa, 17,117 unique sampling locations and over 45,500 collected samples, representing almost 542,000 distribution records. The database geographically covers the North Sea (221,452 distribution records), the North-East Atlantic (98,796 distribution records) and furthermore the Baltic Sea, the Arctic and the Mediterranean. Data from 1858 to 2008 are presented in the database, with the longest time-series from the Baltic Sea soft bottom benthos. Each delivered dataset was subjected to certain quality control procedures, especially on the level of taxonomy. The standardisation procedure enables pan-European analyses without the hazard of taxonomic artefacts resulting from different determination skills. A case study on rocky shore and pelagic data in different geographical regions shows a general overestimation of biodiversity when making use of data before quality control compared to the same estimations after quality control. These results prove that the contribution of a misspelled name or the use of an obsolete synonym is comparable to the introduction of a rare species, having adverse effects on further diversity calculations. The quality checked data source is now ready to test geographical and temporal hypotheses on a large scale.
Nature Ecology and Evolution | 2017
Diana E. Bowler; Christian Hof; Peter Haase; Ingrid Kröncke; Oliver Schweiger; Rita Adrian; L Baert; Hans-Günther Bauer; Theo Blick; Rob W. Brooker; Wouter Dekoninck; Sami Domisch; Reiner Eckmann; Frederik Hendrickx; Thomas Hickler; Stefan Klotz; Alexandra Kraberg; Ingolf Kühn; Silvia Matesanz; Angelika Meschede; Hermann Neumann; Robert B. O’Hara; David J. Russell; Anne F. Sell; Moritz Sonnewald; Stefan Stoll; Andrea Sundermann; Oliver Tackenberg; Michael Türkay; Fernando Valladares
Climate change, land-use change, pollution and exploitation are among the main drivers of species’ population trends; however, their relative importance is much debated. We used a unique collection of over 1,000 local population time series in 22 communities across terrestrial, freshwater and marine realms within central Europe to compare the impacts of long-term temperature change and other environmental drivers from 1980 onwards. To disentangle different drivers, we related species’ population trends to species- and driver-specific attributes, such as temperature and habitat preference or pollution tolerance. We found a consistent impact of temperature change on the local abundances of terrestrial species. Populations of warm-dwelling species increased more than those of cold-dwelling species. In contrast, impacts of temperature change on aquatic species’ abundances were variable. Effects of temperature preference were more consistent in terrestrial communities than effects of habitat preference, suggesting that the impacts of temperature change have become widespread for recent changes in abundance within many terrestrial communities of central Europe.
Helgoland Marine Research | 2015
Eileen Bresnan; Alexandra Kraberg; Sheila Fraser; Lyndsay Brown; Sarah L. Hughes; Karen Helen Wiltshire
Abstract Species within the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Peragallo) have been identified as producers of domoic acid, the toxin responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning. Toxin- and non-toxin-producing species of Pseudo-nitzschia have been reported globally; however, as Pseudo-nitzschia species cannot be routinely identified to species level using light microscopy, cells are rarely recorded to species level during long-term monitoring studies. Here, we report the results of a comparative survey of Pseudo-nitzschia species at two monitoring sites in the North Sea: Stonehaven on the east coast of Scotland and Helgoland Roads in the German Bight. A difference in the seasonality of this genus was observed between the sites with Pseudo-nitzschia cells playing a major role in the spring bloom as well at the summer and autumn diatom community at Stonehaven. In contrast, Pseudo-nitzschia was abundant only during the summer months at Helgoland. Pseudo-nitzschia cells constitute a higher proportion of the diatom community at Stonehaven than at Helgoland, particularly during the late summer, autumn and winter and thus may be considered more ‘ecologically important’ at this site. A total of eight different species were recorded during this survey with five Pseudo-nitzschia species observed at the Helgoland site: P. pungens, P. fraudulenta, P. americana, P. cf. delicatissima and the potentially toxic species P. multiseries. Six species were also recorded at Stonehaven; P. australis, P cf. delicatissima, P. pungens, P. cf. pseudodelicatissima, P. subpacifica and P. seriata. This study represents the first examination of the seasonality of Pseudo-nitzschia species around Helgoland and the first comparison between two long-term monitoring sites in the North Sea. P. americana and P. multiseries are also recorded at the Helgoland Roads time-series site for the first time.
Science of The Total Environment | 2017
Sonja Knapp; Oliver Schweiger; Alexandra Kraberg; Harald Asmus; Ragnhild Asmus; Thomas Brey; Stephan Frickenhaus; Julian Gutt; Ingolf Kühn; Matthias Liess; Martin Musche; Hans-O. Pörtner; Ralf Seppelt; Stefan Klotz; Gesche Krause
Cross-system studies on the response of different ecosystems to global change will support our understanding of ecological changes. Synoptic views on the planets two main realms, the marine and terrestrial, however, are rare, owing to the development of rather disparate research communities. We combined questionnaires and a literature review to investigate how the importance of anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity change differs among marine and terrestrial systems and whether differences perceived by marine vs. terrestrial researchers are reflected by the scientific literature. This included asking marine and terrestrial researchers to rate the relevance of different drivers of global change for either marine or terrestrial biodiversity. Land use and the associated loss of natural habitats were rated as most important in the terrestrial realm, while the exploitation of the sea by fishing was rated as most important in the marine realm. The relevance of chemicals, climate change and the increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 were rated differently for marine and terrestrial biodiversity respectively. Yet, our literature review provided less evidence for such differences leading to the conclusion that while the history of the use of land and sea differs, impacts of global change are likely to become increasingly similar.
Ices Journal of Marine Science | 2017
Mark Dickey-Collas; Abigail McQuatters-Gollop; Eileen Bresnan; Alexandra Kraberg; John P. Manderson; Richard D.M. Nash; Saskia A. Otto; Anne F. Sell; Jacqueline F. Tweddle; Verena M. Trenkel
Acknowledgements This food for thought contribution was initiated by theme session J “What is a good pelagic habitat?” at the 2016 ICES annual science conference All who took part in the session are thanked for their contributions. All participants were welcome to contribute to this article. Funding J. F. Tweddle was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [NERC grant reference number NE/P005756/1]. E. Bresnan was supported by the Scottish Government’s schedules of service ST02a and ST03r. A. McQuatters-Gollop was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [NERC grant reference number NE/L002663/1].
Ecosphere | 2014
Martin Löder; Maarten Boersma; Alexandra Kraberg; Nicole Aberle; Karen Helen Wiltshire
This study elucidates the interspecific interactions between competing unicellular predators in an intraguild predation system. The organisms studied were two microzooplankton (MZP) predators competing for the phototrophic dinoflagellate prey Scrippsiella trochoidea. Since the smaller dinoflagellate predator Gyrodinium dominans was also potential prey for the larger predator, the tintinnid ciliate Favella ehrenbergii, the experimental system included the probability of intraguild predation (IGP). The development of the three species was studied in set-ups containing either one of the two predators or both together with their prey. The IG predator F. ehrenbergii grew at a mean rate of 0.77 d-1 independent of the presence of the IG prey G. dominans. High grazing of the IG predator on the smaller IG prey was detected in treatments containing only the two predators. However, when all three species were present, the IG prey displayed significantly higher growth rates (0.42 d-1) compared to treatments containing only the IG prey as predator (0.32 d-1). The results of further experiments allowed the exclusion of mechanical or chemical signals induced by the IG predator being responsible for the observed increase in growth rate of IG prey. Live observations revealed that the IG predator rejected a significant proportion of its S. trochoidea catch after initial uptake. This behavior led to an immobilization of around 26% of the caught cells. We tested if this prey immobilization by the IG predator facilitated prey uptake by the IG prey and thus could be potentially responsible for the higher growth rates of the IG prey. Indeed, the smaller predator selected positively for immobilized prey and reacted with higher grazing and growth rates. Consequently, the IG prey benefitted from this commensalism between IG predator and IG prey and the strength of this pattern predominated IGP in our model system. As both predators co-occur in the same environment their feeding relationship could increase exploitation efficiency of common mobile prey items. Furthermore, such commensalism potentially opens a loophole for a stable coexistence of MZP predators despite their competition.