Aline Sarturi Ponte
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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Featured researches published by Aline Sarturi Ponte.
Saúde (Santa Maria) | 2017
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Francini Jacques de Souza; Jodeli Pommerehn; Miriam Cabrera Corvelo Delboni
Abstract: The study sought to analyze the profile of the candidates with physically and motor deficiency competing in Affirmative Action B in the 2012 Vestibular Contest of a Public Higher Education Institution in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The importance of this is in exploring the biopsychosocial characteristics that define subject to the reserve of vacancies, as well as to know the environmental barriers. This study is documentary, descriptive, retrospective and quantitative. A total of 41 summary check lists of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) were analyzed, of which 22 were considered fit and 11 were unfit for vacancy reservations. Both groups had deficiencies in the Functions and Body Structures related mainly to the Movement, what differentiated them are the Limitations in Activities and Participation and Environmental Barriers. The ICF made it possible to understand the process of human functionality and incapacity based on the relation of the social participation of the candidate, as well as being in accordance with the laws that govern access by reserving places for people with special needs.
Saúde (Santa Maria) | 2016
Tayane Silva da Silva; Aline Sarturi Ponte; Jodeli Pommerehn; Miriam Cabrera Corvelo Delboni
Introducao: A Diabetes Mellitus (DM) e uma doenca cronica nao transmissivel que exige tratamento, controle, mudancas de habitos e rotina, estes fatores causam impactos no cotidiano e na Qualidade de Vida (QV) dos sujeitos acometidos pela doenca. Objetivo: Avaliar a QV de pessoas com DM usuarias de um servico ambulatorial hospitalar localizado na regiao central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, RS/Brasil. Metodologia : Pesquisa quantitativa do tipo descritiva baseada na correlacao de Pearson. Utilizaram-se dois instrumentos para coleta de dados, o Questionario de Informacoes Sociodemograficas e a Escala Paid. Na analise dos dados utilizou-se o software Statistical Package for Social Science 15.0 (SPSS). Resultados: A amostra foi composta por de 20 sujeitos, sendo que 60% de individuos do sexo masculino, com media de idade de 59,25 (±10,38) anos e 40% do sexo feminino, idade media de 60,00 (±8,12) anos. A dimensao definida como a mais problematica pelos entrevistados foi a que se refere a problemas emocionais relacionados ao diabetes. Consideracoes Finais: O tempo para o inicio do tratamento, apoio social, fatores emocionais e a preocupacao com as consequencias da doenca (principalmente as amputacoes e ulceras) apresentaram-se neste estudo como fatores que influenciam na QV dos sujeitos apos o diagnostico de DM. Descritores: Diabetes Mellitus; Qualidade de Vida; Percepcao Social; Atencao Primaria a Saude.
Revista Cefac | 2016
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Elenir Fedosse
Objetivo: analisar as condicoes sociodemograficas e de saude (inclusive os agravos neurologicos) de sujeitos com LEA em idade produtiva, bem como suas condicoes pregressas e atuais de trabalho. Metodos: estudo de natureza descritiva e de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados entre junho e dezembro de 2014, por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Resultados: participaram do estudo 48 sujeitos com Lesao Cerebral Adquirida; a incidencia entre o sexo masculino (52,1%) e feminino (47,9%) foi equilibrada; a media de idade, no momento da lesao, foi de 48,7 anos; 64,5% eram casados; 62,5% possuiam Ensino Fundamental Incompleto; a ocupacao anterior a lesao mais frequente foi a de domestica (18,7%); 47,9% dos sujeitos foram aposentados apos a lesao, 6,3% voltaram ao trabalho, e 93,7% gostariam de retornar. Quanto aos comprometimentos neurologicos, 41,1% foram acometidos por Acidente Vascular Cerebral Isquemico (52,1% apresentaram afasia, e 52,2% tiveram hemiplegia direita). A condicao de saude fisica de 60,4% foi considerada moderada; 58,3% avaliaram sua saude mental como ruim; 60,4% nunca fumaram; e 93,7% pararam de ingerir alcool apos a lesao. Notou-se, ainda, que 62,5% dos sujeitos eram acompanhados somente por fisioterapeutas e que 54,2% usavam algum recurso assistivo. Ademais, as atividades de lazer de 58,4% dos sujeitos estavam prejudicadas. Conclusao: a media de idade dos sujeitos deste estudo e inferior a outros estudos nacionais; o nivel de escolaridade e baixo; as ocupacoes anteriores a lesao eram de baixo rendimento financeiro; e o indice de aposentadoria apos a lesao foi alto. As sequelas neurologicas impactam, assim, negativamente a vida/saude dos sujeitos, condicao agravada pelo fato de os recursos terapeuticos serem incompletos.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2016
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Elenir Fedosse
This study correlated the impact of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) on the labor activity of individuals of working age on their quality of life (QOL) and that of their relatives/caregivers. It involved qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative (descriptive) research. Forty-eight individuals with ABI and 27 relatives/caregivers were interviewed. The correlation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life WHOQOL-BREF (52.1% men; mean age 48.7 years at the time of the injury; low schooling; 18,7% domestic) revealed that the Mental Functions compromised by ABI interfered in the four domains of QOL; Heart Functions and Blood Pressure compromised the social domain; Cerebral injury interfered with the Psychological and Environmental domains. With respect to relatives/caregivers (77.7% women; 96.3%, primary caregivers; mean age 52.6 years, and low schooling), we observed changes in the work routine and family structure (85.2%). The onset of ABI disrupts the injured individuals and their families, affecting QOL in all domains, especially in the physical, psychological and environmental domains of individuals with ABI and the physical and environmental domains of relatives/caregivers.This study correlated the impact of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) on the labor activity of individuals of working age on their quality of life (QOL) and that of their relatives/caregivers. It involved qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative (descriptive) research. Forty-eight individuals with ABI and 27 relatives/caregivers were interviewed. The correlation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life WHOQOL-BREF (52.1% men; mean age 48.7 years at the time of the injury; low schooling; 18,7% domestic) revealed that the Mental Functions compromised by ABI interfered in the four domains of QOL; Heart Functions and Blood Pressure compromised the social domain; Cerebral injury interfered with the Psychological and Environmental domains. With respect to relatives/caregivers (77.7% women; 96.3%, primary caregivers; mean age 52.6 years, and low schooling), we observed changes in the work routine and family structure (85.2%). The onset of ABI disrupts the injured individuals and their families, affecting QOL in all domains, especially in the physical, psychological and environmental domains of individuals with ABI and the physical and environmental domains of relatives/caregivers.
Saúde (Santa Maria) | 2014
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Maria Auracélia Marchi Ribas; Vanessa Medeiros Pinto
This article presents an account of curricular activities in the health care worker. This study aims to present the main risks to which employees are exposed kitchen/ scullery area hospitals in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul/RS. This study deals with a scientific observation, classified as a field observation of two practices Supervised Curricular Training in Occupational Therapy I and II, the course of Occupational Therapy Centro Universitario Franciscano – UNIFRA. Developed at the institution “A” from August to December 2011 and the institution “B” in period March to July 2012. From this study was observed on the important respect the worker on his way to prepare and perform their work, where everyone in his subjectivity has characteristics of the implementation of labor activity and can take ownership of their cause dignity, pleasure and autonomy.
Saúde (Santa Maria) | 2014
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Ana Cristina Von Bock Bolli; Maria Saleti Lock Vogt; Miriam Cabrera Corvelo Delboni; Rosimara Adilia Piovezan
Objective – characterize demographically users of mental health clinic in Santa Maria / RS. Methodology – is a research is descriptive, and quantitative analysis, we collected data from 708 records. Results – There was a predominance of females (74.3%); regarding the civil status 42.7% are married; the education of the majority (62.3%) of the subjects comprising the complete primary education; 51.7% of users are adults (40-65 years old); the most cited diagnosis is between F30 - F39 in 53%; functional impairment ranged between low and high, reaching almost all individuals. The use of drugs is prevalent among those surveyed. Discussion – a review of population studies is necessary for knowledge about the users of a service with the focus of outlining real goals of intervention for a certain region. Conclusion – the study revealed significant trends for the design of health care regarding people with mental disorders.
Revista Interinstitucional Brasileira de Terapia Ocupacional - REVISBRATO | 2018
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Bettina Janner; Miriam Cabrera Corvelo Delboni; Jodeli Pommerehn
Revista Interinstitucional Brasileira de Terapia Ocupacional - REVISBRATO | 2017
Andressa Ribas Mildner; Aline Sarturi Ponte; Miriam Cabrera Corvelo Delboni; Jodeli Pommerehn; Kátine Marchezan Estivalet; Bárbara Santos Luccas Duarte
Revista Dor | 2017
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Mithielle de Araujo Machado; Miriam Cabrera Corvelo Delboni; Thais Rosa Costa; Bárbara Santos Luccas Duarte
Revista Baiana de Saúde Pública | 2017
Aline Sarturi Ponte; Jodeli Pommerehn; Ana Lucia Cervi Prado; Elenir Fedosse