Andrew R. Kemper
Wake Forest University
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Featured researches published by Andrew R. Kemper.
Journal of Biomechanics | 2012
Andrew R. Kemper; Anthony C. Santago; Joel D. Stitzel; Jessica L. Sparks; Stefan M. Duma
Blunt splenic injuries are most frequently caused as a result of motor vehicle collisions and are associated with high mortality rates. In order to accurately assess the risk of automotive related spleen injuries using tools such as finite element models, tissue level tolerance values and suitable material models must be developed and validated based on appropriate biomechanical data. This study presents a total of 41 tension tests performed on spleen parenchyma coupons and 29 tension tests performed on spleen capsule/parenchyma coupons. Standard dog-bone coupons were obtained from fresh human spleen and tested within 48 h of death. Each coupon was tested once to failure at one of the four loading rates to investigate the effects of rate dependence. Load and acceleration data were obtained at each of the specimen grips. High-speed video and optical markers placed on the specimens were used to measure local displacement. Failure stress and strain were calculated at the location of failure in the gage length of the coupon. The results of the study showed that both the spleen parenchyma and the capsule are rate dependent, with higher loading rates yielding higher failure stresses and lower failure strains. The results also show that the failure stress of the splenic capsule is significantly greater than that of the underlying parenchyma. Overall, this study provides novel biomechanical data that demonstrate the rate dependent tissue level tolerance values of human spleen tissue in tensile loading, which can aid in the improvement of finite element models used to assess injury risk in blunt trauma.
Accident Analysis & Prevention | 2012
Stephanie M. Beeman; Andrew R. Kemper; Michael L. Madigan; Christopher T. Franck; Stephen C. Loftus
A total of 34 dynamic matched frontal sled tests were performed, 17 low (2.5g, Δv=4.8kph) and 17 medium (5.0g, Δv=9.7kph), with five male human volunteers of approximately 50th percentile height and weight, a Hybrid III 50th percentile male ATD, and three male PMHS. Each volunteer was exposed to two impulses at each severity, one relaxed and one braced prior to the impulse. A total of four tests were performed at each severity with the ATD and one trial was performed at each severity with each PMHS. A Vicon motion analysis system, 12 MX-T20 2 megapixel cameras, was used to quantify subject 3D kinematics (±1mm) (1kHz). Excursions of select anatomical regions were normalized to their respective initial positions and compared by test condition and between subject types. The forward excursions of the select anatomical regions generally increased with increasing severity. The forward excursions of relaxed human volunteers were significantly larger than those of the ATD for nearly every region at both severities. The forward excursions of the upper body regions of the braced volunteers were generally significantly smaller than those of the ATD at both severities. Forward excursions of the relaxed human volunteers and PMHSs were fairly similar except the head CG response at both severities and the right knee and C7 at the medium severity. The forward excursions of the upper body of the PMHS were generally significantly larger than those of the braced volunteers at both severities. Forward excursions of the PMHSs exceeded those of the ATD for all regions at both severities with significant differences within the upper body regions. Overall human volunteers, ATD, and PMHSs do not have identical biomechanical responses in low-speed frontal sled tests but all contribute valuable data that can be used to refine and validate computational models and ATDs used to assess injury risk in automotive collisions.
Journal of Biomechanics | 2008
Sarah J. Manoogian; Jill A. Bisplinghoff; Craig McNally; Andrew R. Kemper; Anthony C. Santago; Stefan M. Duma
Automobile crashes are the largest cause of injury death for pregnant females and the leading cause of traumatic fetal injury mortality in the United States. Computational models, useful tools to evaluate the risk of fetal loss in motor vehicle crashes, are based on a limited number of quasi-static material tests of the placenta. This study presents a total of 20 dynamic uniaxial tensile tests on the maternal side of the placenta and 10 dynamic uniaxial tensile tests on the chorion layer of the placenta. These tests were completed from 6 human placentas to determine material properties at a strain rate of 7.0 strains/s. The results show that the average peak strain at failure for both the maternal portion and the chorion layer of the placenta are similar with a value of 0.56 and 0.61, respectively. However, the average failure stress for the chorion layer, 167.8 kPa, is much higher than the average failure stress for the placenta with the chorionic plate removed, 18.6 kPa. This is due to differences in the structure and function of these layers in the placenta. In summary, dynamic loading data for the placenta have been determined for use in computational modeling of pregnant occupant kinematics in motor vehicle crashes. Moreover the computational model should utilize the material properties for the placenta without the chorion layer.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-transactions of The Asme | 2009
Sarah J. Manoogian; Jill A. Bisplinghoff; Craig McNally; Andrew R. Kemper; Anthony C. Santago; Stefan M. Duma
Automobile crashes are the largest cause of injury death for pregnant females and the leading cause of traumatic fetal injury mortality in the United States. Computational models, useful tools to evaluate the risk of fetal loss in motor vehicle crashes, are based on a limited number of quasistatic material tests of the placenta. This study presents a total of 64 uniaxial tensile tests on coupon specimens from six human placentas at three strain rates. Material properties of the placental tissue were evaluated at strain rates of 0.07/s, 0.70/s, and 7.00/s. The test data have average failure strains of 0.34, 0.36, and 0.37, respectively. Failure stresses of 10.8 kPa, 11.4 kPa, and 18.6 kPa correspond to an increase in strain rate from 0.07/s to 7.0/s. The results indicate rate dependence only when comparing the highest strain rate of 7.0/s to either of the lower rates. There is no significant rate dependence between 0.07/s and 0.70/s. When compared with previous testing of placental tissue, the current study addresses the material response to more strain rates as well as provides a much larger set of available data. In summary, tensile material properties for the placenta have been determined for use in computational modeling of pregnant occupant kinematics in events ranging from low impact activities to severe impacts such as in motor vehicle crashes.
Clinical Anatomy | 2011
Stefan M. Duma; Andrew R. Kemper; Joel D. Stitzel; Craig McNally; Eric A. Kennedy; Fumio Matsuoka
The purpose of this article is to present data from dynamic belt loading tests on the thorax of human cadavers where the exact timing of all rib fractures is known. To quantify rib fracture timing, a total of 47 strain gages were placed throughout the thorax of two human cadavers (one male, one female). To simulate thoracic loading observed in a severe car crash, a custom table‐top belt loading device was developed. The belt loading pulse was configured to result in approximately 40% chest compression during a 150 ms load and unload cycle. The time histories of each strain gage were analyzed to determine the time of each rib fracture which was then directly compared with the reaction loads and chest displacements at that exact time, thereby creating a noncensored data set. In both cadavers, all rib fractures occurred within the first 35% compression of the thorax. As a general trend, fractures on the left side of the thorax, where the passenger belt passed over the abdomen, occurred first followed by fractures to the upper ribs on the right side of the thorax. By utilizing this technique, the exact timing of each injury level can be characterized relative to the mechanical parameters. For example, using rib fractures as the parameter for Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) scores in the female test, it was shown that AIS 1 injury occurred at a chest compression of 21.1%, AIS 2 at 21.6%, AIS 3 at 22.0%, and AIS 4 at 33.3%. Clin. Anat. 24:327–338, 2011.
JAMA | 2012
Vanessa D. Alphonse; Andrew R. Kemper; Brock T. Strom; Stephanie M. Beeman; Stefan M. Duma
Injuries from fireworks are prevalent among youth. The eye is the most frequently injured body part and accounts for more than 2000 injuries annually. Although it is suggested the pressure wave caused by explosions (i.e. blast overpressure) can cause serious eye injuries, there is no clear evidence to support this. The purpose of this research is to assess whether blast overpressure or projected material from fireworks causes eye injury. This study evaluates the response of six human cadaver eyes to charges at distances of 22 cm, 12 cm, and 7 cm from the cornea. Due to variability in consumer fireworks, 10 g charges of Pyrodex gunpowder were used to simulate fireworks in a controlled, repeatable manner. A pressure sensor inserted in the vitreous measured intraocular pressure, and four pressure sensors mounted around the eye measured total and static pressures. Pressure measurements were used to calculate rise time, positive duration, impulse, and wave velocity. The charges produced survivable peak overpressures (Average maximum pressure = 51.15 kPa) which correspond to detonating 0.45 kg TNT at approximately 3.0 m. Minor grain-sized corneal abrasions were the only injuries observed. The abrasion size and pattern suggested unspent gunpowder was projected onto the eye, which was confirmed with high speed video. Increasing proximity to the eye resulted in more abrasions. Intraocular pressure was used to calculate injury risk, which was less than or equal to 0.01% for hyphema, lens damage, retinal damage, and globe rupture. The low calculated injury risk further supports the lack of major injuries observed. The combined presence of injuries caused by projected material and lack of injuries directly caused by the blast overpressure indicated serious eye injuries could be caused by projectiles, but not blast overpressure, at these energy levels.
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-transactions of The Asme | 2013
Andrew R. Kemper; Anthony C. Santago; Joel D. Stitzel; Jessica L. Sparks; Stefan M. Duma
The liver is one of the most frequently injured organs in abdominal trauma. Although motor vehicle collisions are the most common cause of liver injuries, current anthropomorphic test devices are not equipped to predict the risk of sustaining abdominal organ injuries. Consequently, researchers rely on finite element models to assess the potential risk of injury to abdominal organs such as the liver. These models must be validated based on appropriate biomechanical data in order to accurately assess injury risk. This study presents a total of 36 uniaxial unconfined compression tests performed on fresh human liver parenchyma within 48 h of death. Each specimen was tested once to failure at one of four loading rates (0.012, 0.106, 1.036, and 10.708 s-1) in order to investigate the effects of loading rate on the compressive failure properties of human liver parenchyma. The results of this study showed that the response of human liver parenchyma is both nonlinear and rate dependent. Specifically, failure stress significantly increased with increased loading rate, while failure strain significantly decreased with increased loading rate. The failure stress and failure strain for all liver parenchyma specimens ranged from -38.9 kPa to -145.9 kPa and from -0.48 strain to -1.15 strain, respectively. Overall, this study provides novel biomechanical data that can be used in the development of rate dependent material models and the identification of tissue-level tolerance values, which are critical to the validation of finite element models used to assess injury risk.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials | 2014
Yuan-Chiao Lu; Andrew R. Kemper; Costin D. Untaroiu
Cadaveric tissue models play an important role in the assessment and optimization of novel restraint systems for reducing abdominal injuries. However, the effect of tissue preservation by means of freezing on the material properties of abdominal tissues remains unknown. The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of frozen storage time on the material responses of the liver parenchyma in tensile loading. Specimens from ten bovine livers were equally divided into three groups: fresh, 30-day frozen storage, and 60-day frozen storage. All preserved specimens were stored at -12°C. Dog-bone specimens from each preservation group were randomly assigned to one of three strain rates (0.01s(-1), 0.1s(-1), and 1.0s(-1)) and tested to failure in tensile loading. The local material response recorded at the tear location and the global material response of the whole specimen of the liver parenchyma specimens were investigated based on the experimental data and optimized analytical material models. The local and global failure strains decreased significantly between fresh specimens and specimens preserved for 30 days (p<0.05), and between fresh specimens and specimens preserved for 60 days (p<0.05) for all three loading rates. Changes on the material model parameters were also observed between fresh and preserved specimens. Preservation by means of frozen storage was found to affect both the material and failure response of bovine liver parenchyma in tensile loading. The stiffness of the tissue increased with increased preservation time and increased strain rate. In summary, significant changes (p<0.05) between the failure strain of previously frozen liver parenchyma samples and fresh samples were demonstrated at both global and local levels in this study. In addition, nonlinear and viscoelastic characteristics of the liver parenchyma were observed in tension for both fresh and preserved samples.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials | 2015
Costin D. Untaroiu; Yuan-Chiao Lu; Sundeep K. Siripurapu; Andrew R. Kemper
The rapid advancement in computational power has made human finite element (FE) models one of the most efficient tools for assessing the risk of abdominal injuries in a crash event. In this study, specimen-specific FE models were employed to quantify material and failure properties of human liver parenchyma using a FE optimization approach. Uniaxial tensile tests were performed on 34 parenchyma coupon specimens prepared from two fresh human livers. Each specimen was tested to failure at one of four loading rates (0.01s(-1), 0.1s(-1), 1s(-1), and 10s(-1)) to investigate the effects of rate dependency on the biomechanical and failure response of liver parenchyma. Each test was simulated by prescribing the end displacements of specimen-specific FE models based on the corresponding test data. The parameters of a first-order Ogden material model were identified for each specimen by a FE optimization approach while simulating the pre-tear loading region. The mean material model parameters were then determined for each loading rate from the characteristic averages of the stress-strain curves, and a stochastic optimization approach was utilized to determine the standard deviations of the material model parameters. A hyperelastic material model using a tabulated formulation for rate effects showed good predictions in terms of tensile material properties of human liver parenchyma. Furthermore, the tissue tearing was numerically simulated using a cohesive zone modeling (CZM) approach. A layer of cohesive elements was added at the failure location, and the CZM parameters were identified by fitting the post-tear force-time history recorded in each test. The results show that the proposed approach is able to capture both the biomechanical and failure response, and accurately model the overall force-deflection response of liver parenchyma over a large range of tensile loadings rates.
Current Sports Medicine Reports | 2005
Delmas Bolin; Andrew R. Kemper; P. Gunnar Brolinson
Although new technologies aid in making a rapid diagnosis and help predict clinical course of treatment, the diagnosis of stress fractures remains dependent on a high index of suspicion. Management of stress fractures involves clinical knowledge of those stress fractures that are prone to complication. The identification of predisposing factors to stress injury should be addressed. These include proper nutrition, hormonal balance, and correcting biomechanical deficits and training errors. Comprehensive evaluation and treatment is essential in facilitating recovery from stress fracture. Several new and more aggressive prevention and treatment strategies have been reported. The maintenance of cardiovascular fitness throughout the recovery process remains a key to the fastest return to full participation.