Anita Gramigna
University of Ferrara
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Featured researches published by Anita Gramigna.
Revista De Educacion | 2012
Juan Carlos González Faraco; Anita Gramigna
In this article we examine some fundamental aspects of the thought of Michel Foucault, those that, in our judgment, can represent an important contribution to education, specifically in the area of citizenship education. In order to develop these arguments, we apply hermeneutical rules to the study of the diverse texts of the French philosopher, in which are reflected, although normally in an implicit manner, his thinking about education. It is certain that Foucault did not pretend to develop an educational theory, nor did he manifest any interest in pedagogy, at least in the strict sense, and his never took education as an overriding question. However, his analysis of the function of knowledge in relation to power, his concept of reason, the double dimension of his method and other categories of his thought,
international conference on interactive collaborative learning | 2017
Anita Gramigna; Giorgio Poletti
According to recent research [1, 2], the latest generation technology causes disturbing forms of dependence on children, young people and adolescents, as well as increasing concentration and abstinence problems with obvious cognitive consequences and school behaviors. Moreover, subtle forms of solipsism would affect our young people; young people would try to solve such solipsism in virtual relationships that are consumed predominantly in social networks.
Historia y Memoria de la Educación | 2017
Anita Gramigna
espanolEste trabajo reconstruye, con un objetivo educativo, un rastro de estudios personales que van desde los anos 80 hasta el presente. La creencia en la que se basa es que la teoria del Don de Marcel Mauss, en particular en la reelaboracion de Ricoeur al cruzarse con el tema del Riconoscimento, abre significativas fronteras educativas. Desplegar la generosidad hacia el otro, asi como reconocerla recibiendo algo a cambio, mas alla de cualquier logica de mercado, implica un itinerario de enriquecimiento cultural sobre el significado universalmente compartible de la dignidad de la vida. Eso guarda relacion no solo con el enfoque cognoscitivo hacia la diferencia, sino tambien con un compromiso moral que sabe reconocer la profundidad de los valores cuando se orientan a la practica de los derechos. El sistema de analisis epistemologico es, siguiendo la leccion de Ricoeur, hermeneutico; la metodologia, aqui entendida como una epistemologia normativa, es de tipo cualitativo EnglishWith an educational goal in mind, this work reconstructs a trail of personal studies stretching from the eighties to the present day. The underlying premise is that the theory of the Gift of Marcel Mauss, in particular in Ricoeur’s reworking when he intersects it with the theme of recognition, opens significant educational perspectives. Practicing generosity towards others, as well as acknowledging and reciprocating it, implies, regardless of any markets logic, a path of cultural enrichment and of the universally shared meaningof life’s dignity. This has to do not only with the cognitive approach to difference, but also with a moral commitment that recognizes the depth of values when they are directed towards the practice of rights. The epistemological framework of the analysis is, in accordance with Ricoeur’s lesson, hermeneutic; the methodology, intended here as a normative epistemology, is of a qualitative kind. italianoQuesto lavoro ricostruisce, con intento pedagogico, una traccia di studi personali che va dagli anni Ottanta al presente. La convinzione di fondo e che la teoria del Dono di Marcel Mauss, in particolare nella rielaborazione di Ricoeur quando la interseca con il tema del Riconoscimento, apra significative frontiere educative. Mettere in campo la generosita verso l’altro, cosi come riconoscerla contraccambiando, al di fuori di ogni logica di mercato, implica un itinerario di arricchimento culturale sul significato universalmente condivisibile della dignita di vita. Esso ha a che fare con l’approccio conoscitivo verso la differenza, ma anche con un impegno morale che sa riconoscere la profondita dei valori quando si orientano alla pratica dei diritti. L’impianto epistemologico dell’analisi e,seguendo la lezione di Ricoeur, ermeneutico; la metodologia, intesa qui come una epistemologia normativa, e di tipo qualitativo
Revista Linhas | 2014
Anita Gramigna
El fundamento teorico de este trabajo se proyecta hacia cuestiones propias de la investigacion cualitativa y a una teoria del conocimiento que recoge la dimension estetica de la educacion, una concepcion constructivista del aprendizaje, una pedagogia interpretativa mas que prescriptiva. El metodo de analisis es, por tanto, de caracter cualitativo basado en una bibliografia reconocida acerca del debate internacional que se lleva a cabo actualmente sobre este tema. La discusion se refiere primero a la critica de nuestras solidas tradiciones gnoseologicas. La narracion – esta es nuestra tesis- ofrece una aproximacion de tipo hermeneutico al conocimiento que tiende a conjugar diversos enfoques gnoseologicos. En este articulo se proponen hipotesis y ejemplos de un nuevo modelo para educar e instruir en la escuela. Palabras Claves: Narracion; Hermeneutica; Epistemologia; Inovacion; Logos; Pathos.
The History Education Review | 2012
J. Carlos González-Faraco; Anita Gramigna
Purpose – In the Europe of the nineteenth century, a significant increase in abandoned children was caused by demographic pressures and growing economic difficulties that progressively afflicted the lowest social strata of the population. Those who had neither family, nor school, educated themselves in the streets or learned from patron‐tutors who aspired to produce a specific social subject, channelizing their “congenitally” subversive tendencies through a certain kind of structured apprenticeship. This model of education (or “bad education”) can be defined as the formalization, paradoxically devoid of symbols and alphabet, of the experience of the street within a specific system of knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to seek to encounter in literary sources the traces of the education of these marginalized children. Design/methodology/approach – The authors intend to study, by means of the testimony of novels, the mentality of this historic period and the phenomenon of this very different kind of childhood. The epistemological and methodological viewpoint that is adopted is both ethnographic and historical, since the authors are attempting to understand and establish the evolving nexuses and dynamics of the educational phenomenon that is the object of the investigation. Findings – The central objective of this investigation lies in the notion of “bad education”. By “bad education” the authors mean the presence of an educational itinerary, an acculturation, a personality formation, and a professionalization that have all strayed from the dominant, hegemonic social models. This “model” of education forms part of the prevailing educational philosophy of a particular epoch and historical situation, as demonstrated throughout this paper. Originality/value – This paper proposes an operation of educational archaeology. However, this operation can contribute to an epistemological awareness that can greatly benefit both the pedagogical reflections of our time and the educations of so many marginalized children who inhabit the destitute streets of the contemporary metropolis.
Comunicar | 2009
Anita Gramigna; Juan Carlos González-Faraco
Teoria De La Educacion | 2010
Juan Carlos González Faraco; Anita Gramigna
Perfiles Educativos | 2005
Anita Gramigna
Revista Española de Educación Comparada | 2010
Anita Gramigna
Revista de ciencias de la educación: Organo del Instituto Calasanz de Ciencias de la Educación | 2009
Juan Carlos González Faraco; Anita Gramigna