Anthony D. Del Genio
Goddard Institute for Space Studies
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Featured researches published by Anthony D. Del Genio.
Journal of Climate | 2006
Gavin A. Schmidt; Reto Ruedy; James E. Hansen; Igor Aleinov; N. Bell; Mike Bauer; Susanne Bauer; Brian Cairns; V. M. Canuto; Y. Cheng; Anthony D. Del Genio; Greg Faluvegi; Andrew D. Friend; Timothy M. Hall; Yongyun Hu; Max Kelley; Nancy Y. Kiang; D. Koch; A. Lacis; Jean Lerner; Ken K. Lo; Ron L. Miller; Larissa Nazarenko; Valdar Oinas; Jan Perlwitz; Judith Perlwitz; David Rind; Anastasia Romanou; Gary L. Russell; Makiko Sato
Abstract A full description of the ModelE version of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) and results are presented for present-day climate simulations (ca. 1979). This version is a complete rewrite of previous models incorporating numerous improvements in basic physics, the stratospheric circulation, and forcing fields. Notable changes include the following: the model top is now above the stratopause, the number of vertical layers has increased, a new cloud microphysical scheme is used, vegetation biophysics now incorporates a sensitivity to humidity, atmospheric turbulence is calculated over the whole column, and new land snow and lake schemes are introduced. The performance of the model using three configurations with different horizontal and vertical resolutions is compared to quality-controlled in situ data, remotely sensed and reanalysis products. Overall, significant improvements over previous models are seen, particularly in upper-atmosphere te...
Journal of Climate | 1997
Aiguo Dai; Inez Y. F Ung; Anthony D. Del Genio
The authors have analyzed global station data and created a gridded dataset of monthly precipitation for the period of 1900‐88. Statistical analyses suggest that discontinuities associated with instrumental errors are large for many high-latitude station records, although they are unlikely to be significant for the majority of the stations. The first leading EOF in global precipitation fields is an ENSO-related pattern, concentrating mostly in the low latitudes. The second leading EOF depicts a linear increasing trend (;2.4 mm decade21) in global precipitation fields during the period of 1900‐88. Consistent with the zonal precipitation trends identified in previous analyses, the EOF trend is seen as a long-term increase mostly in North America, mid- to high-latitude Eurasia, Argentina, and Australia. The spatial patterns of the trend EOF and the rate of increase are generally consistent with those of the precipitation changes in increasing CO 2 GCM experiments. The North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) accounts for ;10% of December‐February precipitation variance over North Atlantic surrounding regions. The mode suggests that during high-NAO-index winters, precipitation is above normal in northern (.508N) Europe, the eastern United States, northern Africa, and the Mediterranean, while below-normal precipitation occurs in southern Europe, eastern Canada, and western Greenland. Wet and dry months of one standard deviation occur at probabilities close to those of a normal distribution in midlatitudes. In the subtropics, the mean interval between two extreme events is longer. The monthly wet and dry events seldom (probability , 5%) last longer than 2 months. ENSO is the single largest cause of global extreme precipitation events. Consistent with the upward trend in global precipitation, globally, the averaged mean interval between two dry months increased by ;28% from 1900‐44 to 1945‐88. The percentage of wet areas over the United States has more than doubled (from ;12% to .24%) since the 1970s, while the percentage of dry areas has decreased by a similar amount since the 1940s. Severe droughts and floods comparable to the 1988 drought and 1993 flood in the Midwest have occurred 2‐9 times in each of several other regions of the world during this century.
Journal of Climate | 1996
Anthony D. Del Genio; Mao-Sung Yao; William Kovari; Kenneth K.-W. Lo
Abstract An efficient new prognostic cloud water parameterization designed for use in global climate models is described. The scheme allows for life cycle effects in stratiform clouds and permits cloud optical properties to be determined interactively. The parameterization contains representations of all important microphysical processes, including autoconversion, accretion, Bergeron–Findeisen diffusional growth, and cloud/rain water evaporation. Small-scale dynamical processes, including detrainment of convective condensate, cloud-top entrainment instability, and stability-dependent cloud physical thickness variations, are also taken into account. Cloud optical thickness is calculated from the predicted liquid/ice water path and a variable droplet effective radius estimated by assuming constant droplet number concentration. Microphysical and radiative properties are assumed to be different for liquid and ice clouds, and for liquid clouds over land and ocean. The parameterization is validated in several s...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | 2014
Gavin A. Schmidt; Max Kelley; Larissa Nazarenko; Reto Ruedy; Gary L. Russell; Igor Aleinov; Mike Bauer; Susanne E. Bauer; Maharaj K. Bhat; Rainer Bleck; V. M. Canuto; Thomas L. Clune; Rosalinda de Fainchtein; Anthony D. Del Genio; Nancy Y. Kiang; A. Lacis; Allegra N. LeGrande; Elaine Matthews; Ron L. Miller; Amidu Oloso; William M. Putman; David Rind; Drew T. Shindell; Rahman A. Syed; Jinlun Zhang
We present a description of the ModelE2 version of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) General Circulation Model (GCM) and the configurations used in the simulations performed for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). We use six variations related to the treatment of the atmospheric composition, the calculation of aerosol indirect effects, and ocean model component. Specifically, we test the difference between atmospheric models that have noninteractive composition, where radiatively important aerosols and ozone are prescribed from precomputed decadal averages, and interactive versions where atmospheric chemistry and aerosols are calculated given decadally varying emissions. The impact of the first aerosol indirect effect on clouds is either specified using a simple tuning, or parameterized using a cloud microphysics scheme. We also use two dynamic ocean components: the Russell and HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) which differ significantly in their basic formulations and grid. Results are presented for the climatological means over the satellite era (1980–2004) taken from transient simulations starting from the preindustrial (1850) driven by estimates of appropriate forcings over the 20th Century. Differences in base climate and variability related to the choice of ocean model are large, indicating an important structural uncertainty. The impact of interactive atmospheric composition on the climatology is relatively small except in regions such as the lower stratosphere, where ozone plays an important role, and the tropics, where aerosol changes affect the hydrological cycle and cloud cover. While key improvements over previous versions of the model are evident, these are not uniform across all metrics.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2002
Surabi Menon; Anthony D. Del Genio; D. Koch; George Tselioudis
Abstract In this paper the coupling of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) general circulation model (GCM) to an online sulfur chemistry model and source models for organic matter and sea salt that is used to estimate the aerosol indirect effect is described. The cloud droplet number concentration is diagnosed empirically from field experiment datasets over land and ocean that observe droplet number and all three aerosol types simultaneously; corrections are made for implied variations in cloud turbulence levels. The resulting cloud droplet number is used to calculate variations in droplet effective radius, which in turn allows one to predict aerosol effects on cloud optical thickness and microphysical process rates. The aerosol indirect effect is calculated by differencing the top-of-the-atmosphere net cloud radiative forcing for simulations with present-day versus preindustrial emissions. Both the first and second indirect effects are explored. The sensitivity of the results presented here to...
Journal of Climate | 1990
Rong Fu; Anthony D. Del Genio; William B. Rossow
Abstract We analyze the properties of deep convection over the equatorial Pacific and its relationship to sea surface temperature (SST) and surface wind divergence using ISCCP radiance data for July 1983 and January 1984. Deep convective clouds (DCC) are diagnosed with both a combined visible-infrared threshold method and an infrared-only threshold method. The visible channel is important in diagnosing deep convection in different regions with different surface and atmospheric properties because of the existence of large-scale variations of DCC top altitudes. The ITCZ and SPCZ exhibit changes in these two months that are characteristic of both the El Nino and seasonal cycles. Deep convection is latitudinally confined to a much smaller spatial scale than that suggested by maps of outgoing longwave radiation. Diurnal variations of DCC cover and associated mesoscale cirrus/anvil cloud (CAC) cover are out of phase, with deep convection peaking in the early morning throughout the equatorial Pacific. The diurna...
Journal of Climate | 2012
Anthony D. Del Genio; Yonghua Chen; Daehyun Kim; Mao-Sung Yao
We have identified several errors in the calculations that were performed to create Fig. 3 of Del Genio et al. (2012). These errors affect the composite evolution of precipitation and column water vapor versus lag relative to the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) peak presented in that figure. The precipitation and column water vapor data for the April and November 2009 MJO events were composited incorrectly because the date of the MJO peak at a given longitude was assigned to the incorrect longitude band. In addition, the precipitation data for all MJO events were first accumulated daily and the daily accumulations averaged at each lag to create the composite, rather than the averaging of instantaneous values that was used for other composite figures in the paper. One poorly sampled day in the west Pacific therefore biases the composite precipitation in that region at several lags after the MJO peak. Finally, a 4-day running mean was mistakenly applied to the precipitation and column water vapor data rather than the intended 5-day running mean. The results of the corrections are that an anomalous west Pacific precipitation maximum510 days after the MJO peak is removed and the maximum in west Pacific precipitation one pentad before the MJO peak is now more evident; there is now a clear maximum in precipitation for the entire warm pool one pentad before the MJO peak; west Pacific column water vapor now varies more strongly as a function of lag relative to the peak; and precipitation, and to a lesser extent column water vapor, in general vary more smoothly with time. The corrections do not affect any other parts of the paper nor do they change the scientific conclusions we reached. The 4-day running mean error also affects Figs. 1 and 2 therein, with almost imperceptible impacts that do not affect any results or necessitate major changes to the text.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2002
Shaocheng Xie; Kuan Man Xu; Richard T. Cederwall; Peter Bechtold; Anthony D. Del Genio; Stephen A. Klein; Douglas G. Cripe; Steven J. Ghan; David Gregory; Sam F. Iacobellis; Steven K. Krueger; Ulrike Lohmann; Jon Petch; David A. Randall; Leon D. Rotstayn; Richard C. J. Somerville; Yugesh C. Sud; Knut von Salzen; G. K. Walker; Audrey B. Wolf; J. John Yio; Guang J. Zhang; Minghua Zhang
This study reports the Single-Column Model (SCM) part of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)/the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Cloud System Study (GCSS) joint SCM and Cloud-Resolving Model (CRM) Case 3 intercomparison study, with a focus on evaluation of cumulus parametrizations used in SCMs. Fifteen SCMs are evaluated under summertime midlatitude continental conditions using data collected at the ARM Southern Great Plains site during the summer 1997 Intensive Observing Period. Results from ten CRMs are also used to diagnose problems in the SCMs. It is shown that most SCMs can generally capture well the convective events that were well-developed within the SCM domain, while most of them have difficulties in simulating the occurrence of those convective events that only occurred within a small part of the domain. All models significantly underestimate the surface stratiform precipitation. A third of them produce large errors in surface precipitation and thermodynamic structures. Deficiencies in convective triggering mechanisms are thought to be one of the major reasons. Using a triggering mechanism that is based on the vertical integral of parcel buoyant energy without additional appropriate constraints results in overactive convection, which in turn leads to large systematic warm/dry biases in the troposphere. It is also shown that a non-penetrative convection scheme can underestimate the depth of instability for midlatitude convection, which leads to large systematic cold/moist biases in the troposphere. SCMs agree well quantitatively with CRMs in the updraught mass fluxes, while most models significantly underestimate the downdraught mass fluxes. Neglect of mesoscale updraught and downdraught mass fluxes in the SCMs contributes considerably to the discrepancies between the SCMs and the CRMs. In addition, uncertainties in the diagnosed mass fluxes in the CRMs and deficiencies with cumulus parametrizations are not negligible. Similar results are obtained in the sensitivity tests when different forcing approaches are used. Finally, sensitivity tests from an SCM indicate that its simulations can be greatly improved when its triggering mechanism and closure assumption are improved.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 1990
William B. Rossow; Anthony D. Del Genio; Timothy Eichler
Abstract Analysis of ultraviolet image sequences, obtained from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter and covering five 80-day periods from 1979–1985, provides the first climatological description of the cloud top circulation on Venus. The average zonal winds can be characterized as a 5-day retrograde rotation of the whole cloud-level atmosphere with weak “jets” at middle to high latitudes. Both the midlatitude and equatorial zonal winds vary by about 5–8 m s−1 over time spans of 1–6 years. The average meridional circulation is poleward in both hemispheres up to at least 60° latitude, consistent with the presence of a thermally direct Hadley circulation associated with the clouds. The strength of the Hadley circulation also varies with time. Four wave modes are clearly identified: a diurnal solar tide, a semi-diurnal solar tide, a “4-day equatorial” wave, and a “5-day midlatitude” wave. The semidiurnal tide appears to have an amplitude of about 5 m s−1 and to be approximately constant with time...
Journal of Climate | 2012
Daehyun Kim; Adam H. Sobel; Anthony D. Del Genio; Yonghua Chen; Suzana J. Camargo; Mao-Sung Yao; Maxwell Kelley; Larissa Nazarenko
The tropical subseasonal variability simulated by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies general circulation model, Model E2, is examined. Several versions of Model E2 were developed with changes to the convective parameterization in order to improve the simulation of the Madden‐Julian oscillation (MJO). When the convective scheme is modified to have a greater fractional entrainment rate, Model E2 is able to simulate MJO-like disturbances with proper spatial and temporal scales. Increasing the rate of rain reevaporation has additionalpositive impacts on the simulated MJO. The improvement in MJO simulation comes at the cost of increased biases in the mean state, consistent in structure and amplitude with those found in other GCMs when tuned to have a stronger MJO. By reinitializing a relatively poor-MJO version with restart files from a relatively better-MJO version, a series of 30-day integrations is constructed to examine the impacts of the parameterization changes on the organization of tropical convection. The poor-MJO version with smaller entrainment rate has a tendency to allow convection to be activated over a broader area and to reduce the contrast between dry and wet regimes so that tropical convection becomes less organized. Besides the MJO, the number of tropical-cyclone-like vortices simulated by the model is also affected by changes in the convectionscheme.Themodelsimulatesasmallernumberof suchstormsgloballywithalargerentrainmentrate, while the number increases significantly with a greater rain reevaporation rate.