
Applied Radiation and Isotopes | 2001

Installation and calibration of Kayzero-assisted NAA in three Central European countries via a Copernicus project.

Frans De Corte; Robbert van Sluijs; A. Simonits; Jan Kučera; Borut Smodiš; A. R. Byrne; Antoine De Wispelaere; D. Bossus; Jaroslav Frána; Zbyněk Horák; Radojko Jaćimović

An account is given of the installation and calibration of k0-based NAA--assisted by the DSM Kayzero/Solcoi software package--at the KFKI-AEKI, Budapest, the NPI, Rez and the IJS, Ljubljana. Not only the calibration of the Ge-detectors and the irradiation facilities are discussed, but also other important topics such as gamma-spectrometric hard- and software, QC/QA of the IRMM-530 Al-Au flux monitor and the upgrade of the Kayzero/Solcoi code. The work was performed in the framework of a European Copernicus JRP, coordinated by the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Gent, with DSM Research, Geleen, as the industrial partner.


On the Quality of ENSDF γ‐Ray Intensity Data for γ‐Ray Spectrometric Determination of Th and U and Their Decay Series Disequilibria, in the Assessment of the Radiation Dose Rate in Luminescence Dating of Sediments

Frans De Corte; Dimitri Vandenberghe; Antoine De Wispelaere

In luminescence dating of sediments, one of the most interesting tools for the determination of the annual radiation dose is Ge γ‐ray spectrometry. Indeed, it yields information on both the content of the radioelements K, Th, and U, and on the occurrence — in geological times — of disequilibria in the Th and U decay series. In the present work, two methodological variants of the γ‐spectrometric analysis were tested, which largely depend on the quality of the nuclear decay data involved: (1) a parametric calibration of the sediment measurements, and (2) the correction for the heavy spectral interference of the 226Ra 186.2 keV peak by 235U at 185.7 keV. The performance of these methods was examined via the analysis of three Certified Reference Materials, with the introduction of γ‐ray intensity data originating from ENSDF. Relevant conclusions were drawn as to the accuracy of the data and their uncertainties quoted.

Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 2001

The validation of Kayzero-assisted NAA in Budapest, Rez, and Ljubljana via the analysis of three BCR certified reference materials.

F. De Corte; R. van Sluijs; A. Simonits; Jan Kučera; Borut Smodiš; A. R. Byrne; Antoine De Wispelaere; D. Bossus; Jaroslav Frána; Zbyněk Horák; Radojko Jaćimović

Analytical Chemistry | 1996

General Activation and Decay Formulas and Their Application in Neutron Activation Analysis with k0 Standardization

S. Pommé; Frank E. M. C. Hardeman; P. Robouch; Nestor Etxebarria; Frans De Corte; Antoine De Wispelaere; and Robbert van Sluijs; A. Simonits

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | 2001

The validation of Kayzero-assisted NAA in Budapest, Řež, and Ljubljana via the analysis of three BCR certified reference materials

Frans De Corte; Robbert van Sluijs; A. Simonits; Jan Kučera; B. Smodiš; A. R. Byrne; Antoine De Wispelaere; D. Bossus; Jaroslav Frána; Zbyněk Horák; Radojko Jaćimović

Book of Abstracts Radchem 2006 | 2006

Radon loss from encapsulated sediments in Ge gamma-ray spectrometry for the radiation dose rate determination in luminescence dating.

Frans De Corte; Dimitri Vandenberghe; Antoine De Wispelaere; Jan-Pieter Buylaert; Peter Van den haute

Book of Abstracts - Symp. on Radiation Meas. and Application | 2006

Modified thick-source preparation and calibration factors in GM beta counting for the assessment of the annual radiation dose in the luminescence datng of sediments

Frans De Corte; Dimitri Vandenberghe; Antoine De Wispelaere; Peter Van den haute

Book of Abstracts APSORC-05 | 2005

The preparation and characterization of loess sediment reference material for the QC/QA of the annual radiation dose determination in luminescence dating.

Frans De Corte; Dimitri Vandenberghe; S Hossain; Antoine De Wispelaere; Jan-Pieter Buylaert; Peter Van den haute

Book of Abstracts ND2004 | 2004

On the quality of ENSDF g-ray intensity data for -ray spectrometric determination of Th and U and their decay series disequilibria, in the assessment of the radiation dose rate in the luminescence dating of sediments.

Frans De Corte; Dimitri Vandenberghe; Antoine De Wispelaere

Book of Abstracts 8th International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques | 2004

Direct gamma-spectrometric measurement of the 226Ra 186.1 keV line for detecting 238U/Ra disequilibrium in determining the environmental dose rate for luminescence dating of sediments.

Frans De Corte; Herman Umans; Dimitri Vandenberghe; Antoine De Wispelaere; Peter Van den haute

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