Antonio Lucio Melo Martins
American Physical Therapy Association
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Featured researches published by Antonio Lucio Melo Martins.
Bragantia | 1999
Marcos Guimarães de Andrade Landell; Raphael Alvarez; Léo Zimback; M. P. Campana; Marcelo de Almeida Silva; José Carlos Vila Nova Alves Pereira; Dilermando Perecin; Paulo Boller Gallo; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins; Ricardo Augusto Dias Kanthack; Pery Figueiredo; Antônio Carlos Machado de Vasconcelos
ABSTRACTFIELD EVALUATION OF IAC SUGARCANE CLONES, AT THE RIBEIRAOPRETO REGION - STATE OF SAO PAULO, BRAZIL Twelve IAC sugar cane clones derived from crossings carried out in 1982, wereevaluated from 1990 to 1994, at three sites of the Ribeirao Preto/ region, in Rhodic Hapludoxsoils. Experimental trials were set up using a complete randomized blocks design, with sixreplications per site. Cane and sugar yield (t.ha -1 ), stalk sugar content, stalk fiber contentand stalk number were estimated in all four growing seasons. IAC82-2045 the clone signifi-cantly outperformed control varieties and other experimental clones regarding yield poten-tial, revealing intermediate sugar content and being proper for mid to late season harversting.Genetic parameter estimates have shown significant genotype x environment interactions,mostly for cane and sugar yield potentials.Index terms: sugarcane, improvement, breeding, interaction genotype-environment. 1. INTRODUCAOO melhoramento genetico da cana-de-acucar(Saccharum spp) tem inicio com a escolha dosparentais e obtencao de sementes pela hibridacao,mediante a qual se procura ampliar a variabilidadegenetica. A progenie obtida passa por sucessivas se-lecoes, nas quais se visa isolar os fenotipos desejadosque, levados a experimentacao em ensaios regionais,possibilita a indicacao de novas variedades comerciais.Desse modo, a obtencao de uma variedade de cana--de-acucar exige longo tempo, normalmente 12 a 15anos, desde a escolha dos parentais ate o plantio emescala comercial.O Instituto Agronomico (Campinas) vem man-tendo continuamente, desde 1947, um programa depesquisa (Segalla & Alvarez, 1968; Landell &Alvarez, 1993), que visa a ampliacao da variabilidadegenetica por meio de hibridacao. A partir de 1983, po-rem, optou-se por uma regionalizacao dos estudos, como intuito de observar a interacao genotipo-ambiente.Assim, ha na atualidade uma rede experimental abran-gendo seis regioes canavieiras paulistas (Landell etal., 1993). Dessa maneira, o programa possui a parti-cularidade de tentar identificar variedades com adap-tacao mais especifica as diferentes condicoes de soloe clima, alem de propiciar a obtencao de variedadesrusticas e longevas, que permitam manter os atuaisniveis de produtividade agroindustrial.Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar, na regiaode Ribeirao Preto (SP), o comportamento de clonesIAC originarios de hibridacoes realizadas em 1982,quanto a parâmetros de produtividade agroindustrial,e avaliar as interacoes genotipo-ambiente.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2009
Juliana Altafin Galli; Luis Cláudio Patterno Silveira; M. D. Michelotto; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins
The consumers profile change, allied to the risk of toxic substances contamination, is inducing the search for ecological alternatives of fruits production. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the anthracnose incidence, the development and nutritional status of mango varieties organically cultivated in Pindorama, SP. Seventeen mango varieties were used. The experiment was designed in completely randomized blocks, with 17 treatments (varieties) and six replications. The anthracnose severity in leaves was evaluated by a diagrammatic scale, with grades attributed to the symptoms. The growth and development (plant height, stem and crown perimeter) and the nutritional state indicated by leaf analysis were used for evaluation of the varietal behavior. The varieties Bourbon, Rocha and Rosa could be considered very susceptible to anthracnose and IAC 111, Alfa, Beta and Parvin were resistant; the mango varieties presented the same growth pattern; the largest plant heights corresponded to the largest diameters of the stem and crown; the Parvin variety presented the best performance among the varieties in relation to the anthracnose resistance, height and diameter of the stem and crown, and could be recommended for organic cultivation. The Omega and Alfa varieties also presented good development and could be indicated for that cultivation, at least in that initial phase; Surpresa and Rosa varieties did not present good field development in relation to the others, and should not be recommended for the organic cultivation, mainly the variety Rosa, which is quite susceptible to anthracnose. The concentrations of N, P and K were higher in the vegetative phase of the plants, when compared to the low concentration of Ca; there was lack of Boron in all the studied varieties; Rosa variety probably suffered toxicity to the excess of manganese, causing decrease in its development.
Bragantia | 2008
Juliana Altafin Galli; Marcos Doniseti Michelotto; Luís Cláudio Paterno Silveira; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins
The mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. The choice of variety for cultivation should be related with preferences of the consuming market, that include fruits with larger pulp percentage and larger tenor of total soluble solids, properties of great importance for industrial processing and for internal and external markets. The overall quality of fruits from 39 mango varieties (Adams, Alda, Brasil, Cacipura, Carabao, Carrie, Castro, Edward, Eldon, Familia, Foice, Haden, Haden 2H, Haden TR, IAC 10 Bourbon, Itamarati, Joe Welch, Julima, Lima Peru, M20-222 Winter, Mabrooca, Neves, Palmer, Pele de Moca, Petacon, Pope, Regina, Rocha, Rosa, Rubi, Sensation, Smith, Surpresa, Torbet, Torrinha, Uba, Wesley, White Langra and Zill) from the collection of Polo Apta Centro-Norte, located at Pindorama, Sao Paulo State, was appraised, with the objective of gathering information regarding fruits produced in this area. Twenty fruits of each variety were picked ripe traits such as fresh weight, weight of the peel, weight of the pit, pulp, peel and pit percentages, tenor of total soluble solids (SST) and infestation for fruit-flyes were evaluated. A design in randomized blocks was used for the analysis of the data of pulp percentage and SST. Averages were compared by the Tukey test of 5% of probability. Based on results, it can be concluded that the variety Smith stands out for exhibiting fruits with larger total weight (694 g), larger pulp percentage (85,7%), smaller pit percentage (6,3%) and larger tenor of SST (24,9o Brix), adequate for industrial processing and for internal and external markets.
Bragantia | 2012
Elcio Rodrigo Rufino; Walter José Siqueira; Márcia Ortiz Maio Marques; Carlos Augusto Colombo; Joaquim Adelino de Azevedo Filho; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins
The aromatic and medicinal species Lippia alba is vigorous and rugged native to the South America (Atlantic Rainforest). Because it is an allogamous and self-incompatible species, natural populations have high morphological and chemical variability. This work had as objective to conduct a preliminary screening to identify new promising clones from a novel (recombinant) base population of Lippia alba with regard to its agronomic and phytochemical traits, using the linalool oil or chemotype as model. The two superior linalool clones, obtained by collection, were used as controls. Traits evaluated included: dry mass of leaves (DML), oil yield percentage (EOY%), oil production per plant (OP), and linalool percentage (LN%). Forty linalool chemotype clones were evaluated in three experiments, in a random block design with four replicates and four cuttings (clones) per plot. Besides means comparisons, multivariate analysis was used in order to aid in the preliminary selection of clones. There were positive correlations from moderate to strong for DML vs. EOY%, OP vs. EOY% and DML vs. OP. Linalool clones superior or similar to both controls were identified for the DML, EOY%, OP, and LN% traits (univariate analyses), aimed at further validating experimentation. Five distinct groups were defined in the cluster analysis (UPGMA), each containing subgroups as well.
IAC. Boletim Técnico | 2002
M. G. A. de Landell; M. P. Campana; A. A. de Rodrigues; G. M. da Cruz; L. A. R. Batista; Pery Figueiredo; M. A. de Silva; Márcio Aurélio Pitta Bidóia; Raffaella Rossetto; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins; Paulo Boller Gallo; Ricardo Augusto Dias Kanthack; J. C. Cavichioli; A. C. M. de Vasconcelos; Mauro Alexandre Xavier
Arquivos do Instituto Biológico | 2011
M. D. Michelotto; E. L. Finoto; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins; Aildson Pereira Duarte
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | 2014
Ignácio José de Godoy; João Francisco dos Santos; Cássia Regina Limonta Carvalho; M. D. Michelotto; Denizart Bolonhezi; Rogério Soares de Freitas; Francisco Seiiti Kasai; Marcelo Ticelli; Everton Luis Finoto; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | 2017
Ignácio José de Godoy; João Francisco dos Santos; Marcos Doniseti Michelotto; Andrea Rocha Almeida de Moraes; Denizart Bolonhezi; Rogério Soares de Freitas; Cássia Regina Limonta Carvalho; Everton Luis Finoto; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins
Fruits | 2013
Juliana Altafin Galli; Maria Beatriz Bernardes Soares; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins; Júlio César Galli
Acta Horticulturae | 2016
Juliana Altafin Galli; Marcos Doniseti Michelotto; M.B.B. Soares; Antonio Lucio Melo Martins; M.C. de A. Palharini; Ivan Herman Fischer