Arícia Gomes Sprada
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Featured researches published by Arícia Gomes Sprada.
The Journal of Agricultural Science | 2017
Jorge Luiz Costa Castro; Rafael Huppes; Arícia Gomes Sprada; Josiane Morais Pazzini; Andrigo Barboza De Nardi; Thayana Neiva de Lima Queiroz; Ana Lúcia Pascoli
The reconstruction of large skin defects originated from the excision of large tumors or trauma may require the use of reconstructive techniques given the possibility of there not being enough skin to cover the skin wound in some situations. Axial pattern flaps from the caudal superficial epigastric artery are skin flaps supplied by a large artery and, therefore, have a larger chance of survival. They are the most versatile flaps for closing defects in the caudal part of the body and may be employed to close defects on the lateral abdomen, sacrum, dorsal pelvis, base of the tail, perineum, penile sheath, inguinal region, proximal pelvic member, knee, shin and metatarsal region in cats. This study aimed at reporting 16 cases of repairs of defects originated from tumoral resection and trauma employing axial pattern flaps from the caudal superficial epigastric artery in dogs and cats.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2015
Arícia Gomes Sprada; Matheus Pippi da Rosa; Alencar Machado; Ney Luis Pippi; Paulo Bayard; Ivana Beatrice Mânica da Cruz
Stem cells in regenerative therapy have received attention from researchers in recent decades. The culture of these cells allows studies about their behavior and metabolism. Thus, cell culture is the basis for cell therapy and tissue engineering researches. A major concern regarding the use of cultivated stem cell in human or veterinary clinical routine is the risk of carcinogenesis. Cellular activities require a balanced redox state. However, when there is an imbalance in this state, oxidative stress occurs. Oxidative stress contributes to cytotoxicity, which may result in cell death or genomic alterations, favoring the development of cancer cells. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences in the behavior of cultured mesenchymal stem cells from canine adipose tissue according to its site of collection (omentum and subcutaneous) evaluating the rate of proliferation, viability, level of oxidative stress and cytotoxicity over six passages. For this experiment, two samples of adipose tissue from subcutaneous and omentum where taken from a female dog corpse, 13 years old, Pitbull. The results showed greater levels of oxidative stress in the first and last passages of both groups, favoring cytotoxicity and cell death.
Revista Academica Ciências Agrarias e Ambientais | 2014
Gabriele Maria Callegaro Serafini; Bernardo Schmitt; Renato do Nascimento Libardoni; Érika Fernanda Villamayor Garcia; Arícia Gomes Sprada; Fabíola Dalmolin; Daniel Curvello de Mendonça Müller; João Eduardo Wallau Schossler
Osteossintese biologica e o tratamento dado, principalmente, as fraturas cominutivas diafisarias em quenao e possivel a reducao anatomica precisa dos fragmentos osseos, preservando o alinhamento articularsem interferir no suprimento sanguineo local. A fixacao pode ser alcancada atraves de longa ponte na areade fratura usando parafusos bloqueados, placas em ponte ou fixadores esqueleticos externos que levam acicatrizacao do tecido osseo fraturado. Demonstrou-se a utilizacao com sucesso desse principio em cao comfratura cominutiva iatrogenica da tibia causada pela colocacao equivocada do fixador esqueletico externo(FEE). A reintervencao cirurgica com a aplicacao do FEE baseando-se nos principios da osteossintese biologicapromoveu estabilidade aos fragmentos osseos envolvidos e garantiu boa cicatrizacao do tecido.
Ciencia Rural | 2014
Rogério Luizari Guedes; João Pedro Scussel Feranti; Marília Teresa de Oliveira; Arícia Gomes Sprada; Carlos Afonso de Castro Beck; Maurício Veloso Brun
Cholelithiasis, or gallstones, is rare in cats. This report describes the case of a six years-old mongrel cat male that had anorexia, abdominal pain, vomiting and hyperthermia. The abdominal ultrasound revealed a gallbladder with irregular shape andhyperechogenic structures, in the gallbladders neck and in the output of the cystic duct, suggesting gallstones. The patient was undergone to a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The animal was hospitalized for a week and after sixty days the owner no longer report clinical signs previously presented.
Ciencia Rural | 2011
Daniel Curvello de Mendonça Müller; Paula Cristina Basso; Gabriele Maria Callegaro Serafini; Maurício Borges da Rosa; Arícia Gomes Sprada; João Paulo Monteiro Carvalho Mori da Cunha; Ney Luis Pippi
The objective of this study is to point out an effective alternative in the treatment of the cranial and caudal cruciate ligaments rupture in dogs, with no association of external immobilization. Six dogs with rupture of both cruciate ligaments were included in the present study. Stifle joint was surgically stabilized by an intracapsular technique, using two polypropylene synthetic implants. The animals returned to full member support in 11.8±3.5 days and did not sustain any joint instability degree after 0, 30 and 90 days of clinical evaluation after surgery. At 90 days after surgery, it became apparent lameness in any of the six patients. It was concluded that the technique employed caused total joint stability in the absence of caudal and cranial cruciate ligaments.
Ciencia Rural | 2010
Érica Batista Fontes; Andréa Pacheco Batista Borges; Ney Luis Pippi; Maurício Borges da Rosa; Arícia Gomes Sprada; Monique Togni
Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas celulas mononucleares provenientes da medula ossea (MO) de ratos para implantacao em discos intervertebrais, a fim de estudar a sua participacao em possivel regeneracao tecidual. Essas celulas foram obtidas por centrifugacao, em gradiente de Ficoll-Paque™ PLUS, e cultivadas em frascos apropriados, por um periodo de 14 dias. Em etapa posterior, foram submetidas a marcacao celular, em que foi utilizado o marcador citoplasmatico CM-Dil, seguida de implantacao em discos intervertebrais de ratos, em um sistema de cultivo in vitro. Foram feitas avaliacoes diarias dos discos com utilizacao de um microscopio de fluorescencia, sendo constatadas alteracoes morfologicas com um formato alongado semelhante a celulas que originalmente compoem o anel fibroso. O exame histopatologico revelou a presenca de celulas mononucleares entremeadas em fibras de colageno. As alteracoes morfologicas das celulas e a presenca de celulas viaveis sao indicios de que essas celulas se integraram e proliferaram no disco intervertebral, interagindo com o microambiente deste, assumindo inclusive caracteristicas semelhantes as apresentadas por celulas-tronco mesenquimais.
Ciencia Rural | 2017
Rafael Ricardo Huppes; Josiane Morais Pazzini; Andrigo Barboza De Nardi; Jorge Luiz Costa Castro; Cristiano Gomes; Arícia Gomes Sprada; Ana Lúcia Pascolli
Clín. vet | 2016
Rafael Ricardo Huppes; Thaís Akelli Sanchez Kovacs; Rodrigo de Oliveira Mattosinho; Paulo Fernandes Marcusso; Emanuel Onofre de Souza Guedes; Josiane Morais Pazzini; Arícia Gomes Sprada; Fernando Wiecheteck de Souza; Rodrigo Jesus Paolozzi
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae | 2015
João Pedro Scussel Feranti; Anelise Bonilla Trindade; Marília Teresa de Oliveira; Fernando Wiecheteck de Souza; Luis Felipe Dutra Corrêa; Fabíola Dalmolin; Arícia Gomes Sprada; Maurício Veloso Brun
Veterinária e Zootecnia | 2014
Bernardo Schmitt; Gabriele Maria Callegaro Serafini; Arícia Gomes Sprada; João Eduardo Wallau Schossler