Axel Gerdes
Goethe University Frankfurt
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Featured researches published by Axel Gerdes.
Geology | 2013
Jörn-Frederik Wotzlaw; Urs Schaltegger; Daniel A. Frick; Michael A. Dungan; Axel Gerdes; Detlef Günther
The most voluminous silicic volcanic eruptions in the geological past were associated with caldera collapses above giant silicic magma reservoirs. The thermal evolution of these subcaldera magma reservoirs controls the volume of eruptible magma and eruptive style. Here we combine high-precision zircon U-Pb geochronology, trace element analyses of the same mineral grains, and mass balance modeling of zircon trace element compositions allowing us to track the thermal and chemical evolution of the Oligocene Fish Canyon Tuff magma reservoir (Colorado, United States) as a function of absolute time. Systematic compositional variations in U-Pb dated zircons record ~440 k.y. of magma evolution. An early phase of volumetric growth was followed by a period of cooling and crystallization, during which the Fish Canyon magma approached complete solidifi cation. Subsequent remelting, due to underplated andesitic recharge magmas, began 219 ± 45 k.y. prior to eruption, and led to the generation of ~5000 km3 of eruptible crystal-rich (~45 vol%) dacite. Age-equivalent, but compositionally different, zircons in an andesite enclave from late-erupted Fish Canyon Tuff tie the growth and thermal evolution of the upper-crustal reservoir to a lower-crustal magma processing zone. Our results demonstrate that the combination of high-precision dating and trace element analyses of accessory zircons can reveal invaluable information about the chemical and thermal histories of silicic magmatic systems and provides critical input parameters for fl uid dynamic modeling.
Journal of the Geological Society | 2000
Axel Gerdes; G. Wörner; Andreas Henk
The Palaeozoic Variscan Orogen of Europe is a well‐documented example of a collision zone characterized by widespread late‐orogenic high‐temperature metamorphism and associated crustal magmatism. However, the heat source is still under debate. Based on the Bohemian Massif in the internal zone of the Variscides as case study, we present geological, geochemical, petrological and geochronological data arguing against a substantial mantle involvement in metamorphism and magma genesis in the area of the South Bohemian Batholith. In order to provide an alternative explanation consistent with heat transfer mechanism, we apply a two‐dimensional thermal–kinematic modelling approach. The model calculates the transient lithospheric temperature field during crustal thickening and subsequent thinning by erosiorf from material parameters and boundary conditions specific to the study area. Model results show that the increased contribution of radiogenic heat in the thickened crust can indeed cause a substantial temperature increase in the middle and lower crust. Model predictions are in good agreement with observations, e.g. the P–T–t evolution of the country rocks, the formation of syn‐kinematic migmatites, the large volumes of peraluminous granites derived from dehydration melting of metasediments and the small volumes of lamprophyric melts from the mantle lithosphere. The results of this study emphasize the importance of radiogenic heat as the source for high‐temperature metamorphism and granite petrogenesis in the Bohemian Massif and potentially in other areas of the Variscan Orogen.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2010
Jacobo Abati; Axel Gerdes; Javier Fernández Suárez; Ricardo Arenas; Martin J. Whitehouse; Rubén Díez Fernández
In situ uranium-lead dating (LA-SF-ICPMS and SIMS) and Lu-Hf isotope analyses (LA-MC-ICP-MS) of zircon from eclogite facies rocks from the basal units of the Variscan Belt in Galicia constrain their magmatic and metamorphic evolution and give some clues about the nature and origin of the involved basement. The samples studied are two felsic gneisses, two eclogites, and one eclogitic gneiss of intermediate composition (metatonalite). Oscillatory-zoned zircon cores from the felsic samples gave a main clustering of U-Pb ages at 493 ± 2 and 494 ± 2 Ma, and some older ages that represent inherited cores. Zircon grains from the intermediate and one of the mafi c rocks show no inherited cores and yielded ages of 494 ± 3 and 498 ± 6 Ma, respectively, interpreted as time of protolith crystallization. Variably developed homogeneous zircon rims in one felsic gneiss yielded an age of 372 ± 3 Ma, and very tiny zircons of one eclogite gave 350 ± 2 Ma, both of which we interpret as metamorphic ages. The new age data demonstrate that the calc-alkaline magmatic suite described in the basal unit is ca. 20 Ma older than the alkaline to peralkaline plutonic suite of the same unit (dated at 472 ± 2 Ma; Rodriguez et al., 2007), and thus probably represents a distinct geologic event. Overgrowth rims are interpreted as metamorphic on the basis of their Lu/Hf and Th/U ratios. The 372 ± 3 age is considered as dating the high-pressure (high-P) metamorphism, and is essentially in agreement with previous Ar-Ar and Rb-Sr data. This high-P metamorphism marks the initial early-Variscan subduction of the Gondwana margin. The inherited zircon ages and Hf isotopic composition of zircons point to a considerable input of crustal material with West African Craton provenance to the felsic magma.
Journal of the Geological Society | 2011
Armin Zeh; Axel Gerdes; Leo J. Millonig
Abstract: Combined U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope analyses of zircons from 16 tonalite–trondjemite–granodiorite (TTG) gneiss and granite samples from Swaziland reveal that the oldest rocks of the Ancient Gneiss Complex in southern Africa formed by reworking of Early Archaean or perhaps Late Hadean crust at 3.66 Ga, and that new crust was extracted from a depleted mantle source during Palaeoarchaean events between 3.54 and 3.32 Ga. This interpretation is supported by εHft of −1.6 ± 2.0 obtained from 3.66 Ga TTG gneisses, corresponding to hafnium model ages between 3.77 ± 0.18 Ga, for a presumed Hadean–Early Archaean chondritic mantle, and 4.08 ± 0.18 Ga, for a presumed Hadean depleted mantle reservoir, with the first model age being the most likely in the light of recent data from worldwide sources. Furthermore, it is reflected by superchondritic εHft up to +2.2 ± 2.0 for TTGs formed at 3.54, 3.45 and 3.32 Ga. The new datasets additionally show that the Palaeoarchaean crust formed between 3.54 and 3.32 Ga was intensely reworked afterwards, without significant addition of depleted mantle derived material, during orogenic and intracratonic melting processes at 3.23, 3.1 and 2.7 Ga. This is well reflected by an array of decreasing εHft from +2.2 to −7.2 between 3.3 and 2.7 Ga, which can be forced by 176Lu/177Hf of 0.0113, which is similar to that of present-day average continental crust, and might result from lower crust zircon fractionation during Archaean crust reworking. Supplementary material: Results of in situ U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope zircon analyses and concordia diagrams are available at
The Journal of Geology | 2009
Dewashish Upadhyay; Axel Gerdes; M. Raith
The geochemical behavior of detrital zircon and monazite during granulite facies anatexis in metapelites from the Eastern Ghats Belt (EGB), India, is explored using U‐Pb geochronology, Hf isotopes, and trace elements. In a metapelite from the Ongole Domain, detrital zircon reequilibrated by coupled dissolution‐reprecipitation and diffusion reaction during ultrahigh‐temperature metamorphism at 1.63 Ga. The event completely reset the U‐Pb systems, but Hf isotopes and trace elements were only partially reequilibrated. Overgrowths on the altered cores date migmatization at 1.61 Ga. Monazite yields metamorphic ages similar to those of zircon. In metapelites from the Eastern Ghats Province (EGP), detrital zircon grains give 2.44–1.40‐Ga ages and metamorphic ones 1.2–0.5‐Ga ages. Metamorphic components include detrital grains reequilibrated by coupled dissolution‐reprecipitation in the presence of anatectic melt and newly crystallized overgrowths and grains. In reequilibrated domains, the U‐Pb system was completely reset, but Hf isotope compositions of precursors were often retained. The 176Hf/177Hf of most zircon scatters between 2.7‐ and 1.9‐Ga crust evolution lines, indicating late Archaean to Mesoproterozoic juvenile provenance with major crust formation between 2.7 and 1.9 Ga and only minor perturbation of the Lu‐Hf system during metamorphism. The 1.2–0.92‐ and 0.62–0.50‐Ga metamorphic populations are related to Rodinia and Gondwana assembly, respectively. The 1.63‐, 1.2–0.92‐, and 0.62–0.50‐Ga ages allow correlation of the Ongole Domain and EGP with the Rayner Complex, suggesting that East Antarctica was contiguous with Proto‐India in the Paleoproterozoic. Rifting in this terrane and sedimentation in the resulting basin deposited the EGP metapelites between 1.42 and 1.2 Ga, culminating in reamalgamation of East Antarctica with Proto‐India during Rodinia assembly. The final crustal architecture of the belt was attained during Pan‐African orogenesis when the EGB granulites were thrust westward over the cratons.
Geology | 2011
Navot Morag; Dov Avigad; Axel Gerdes; Elena Belousova; Yehudit Harlavan
A voluminous Cambrian–Ordovician sequence of quartz-rich sandstones was deposited in northern Gondwana following its assembly by a series of Neoproterozoic–Cambrian orogenic events. Paleocurrent markers indicate that the sediments were carried from Gondwana hinterland toward the supercontinent margins in the north (present coordinates). Derivation from Neoproterozoic terranes is evident from the ubiquity of detrital zircons with Neoproterozoic U-Pb ages, but the exact provenance of these siliciclastic deposits remains unclear. Herein we present new Hf isotopic data from U-Pb dated detrital zircons of the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstone that tops the juvenile Neoproterozoic basement of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in Israel and Jordan. It is remarkable that the detrital zircon Hf isotopic signal is in marked contrast to the Nd and Hf isotopic signature of the underlying basement. A preponderance (61%) of the Neoproterozoic-aged detrital zircons from the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstones yielded negative e Hf(t) values incompatible with a juvenile source. Therefore, most of the detrital zircons were derived from distant terranes comprising pre-Neoproterozoic crust reworked during the assembly of Gondwana, rather than from the adjacent Arabian-Nubian Shield. Because our sampling sites are situated at the northern tip of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, sand must have been transported several thousand kilometers before deposition. This finding also implies that the Arabian-Nubian Shield and other Neoproterozoic orogens of northeast Africa were completely worn down by the onset of Cambrian deposition and that vast areas in the northern part of Gondwana were low lying at that time.
European Journal of Mineralogy | 2010
Franziska D.H. Wilke; Patrick J. O’Brien; Axel Gerdes; Martin J. Timmerman; Masafumi Sudo; M. Ahmed Khan
Amphibole and mica 40Ar/39Ar ages as well as zircon, rutile and titanite U-Pb geochronology of eclogites and associated host rocks from the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Nappes (Indian Plate) in the Upper Kaghan Valley, Pakistan allow distinction of a multistage exhumation history. An Eocene age for peak-pressure metamorphism has been obtained by phengite 40Ar/39Ar (47.3 ± 0.3 Ma) and zircon U-Pb (47.3 ± 0.4 and 47.4 ± 0.3 Ma) ages from cover and basement gneisses. A very short-lived metamorphic peak and rapid cooling is documented by an amphibole 40Ar/39Ar age of 46.6 ± 0.5 Ma and a rutile U-Pb age of 44.1 ± 1.3 Ma from eclogites. Phengite and biotite ages from cover and basement sequences metamorphosed during the Himalayan orogeny are 34.5 ± 0.2 to 28.1 ± 0.2 Ma whereas youngest biotites, yielding 23.6 ± 0.1 and 21.7 ± 0.2 Ma, probably reflect argon partial resetting. The amphibole age, together with those derived from phengite and zircon demonstrate a rate of initial exhumation of 86–143 mm/a i.e . an extremely rapid transport of the Indian Plate continental crust from ultra-high pressure (UH P ) conditions back to crustal levels (47–46 Ma for transport from 140 to 40 km depth). Subsequent exhumation (46–41 Ma, 40–35 km) slowed to about 1 mm/a at the base of the continental crust but increased again later towards slightly higher exhumation rates of ca . 2 mm/a (41–34 Ma, 35–20 km). This indicates a change from buoyancy-driven exhumation at mantle depths to compression forces related to continent-continent collision and accompanied crustal folding, thrusting and stacking that finally exposed the former deeply-buried rocks.
American Mineralogist | 2010
Christoph Lenting; Thorsten Geisler; Axel Gerdes; Ellen Kooijman; Erik E. Scherer; Armin Zeh
Abstract The application of the Hf isotope composition of zircon as a geochemical tracer requires the preservation of Lu-Hf systematics within individual grains. We performed hydrothermal experiments on a self-irradiation-damaged zircon to test whether hydrothermal alteration would affect its Hf isotopic composition. Severely radiation-damaged zircon from Sri Lanka was reacted in either Teflon reactors or gold capsules at 200 °C (1080 h, autogeneous pressure), 400 °C (120 h, 1 kbar), and 600 °C (72 h, 1 kbar) in a 1 M HCl-0.2 M HF solution that was spiked with 300 ppm non-natural Hf (98.2% 180Hf) and 970 ppm Yb. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry measurements of the Hf- and U-Pb isotope compositions of the altered domains revealed that the U-Pb system of such domains was severely disturbed, resulting in a discordia pointing toward the origin of the concordia diagram, but that the Hf isotope composition was unaffected. In addition, Yb enrichment was observed in the reacted zircon domains, predominantly near the zircon-solution interface. The Yb has apparently diffused into the altered domains. The new data are fully consistent with a diffusion-controlled aqueous alteration process occurring within radiation-damaged zircon.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2000
Axel Gerdes; G. Wörner; Fritz Finger
Abstract The composite Rastenberg Pluton in the South Bohemian Massif preserves an example of generation of relatively homogeneous granitoid hybrids by mixing of mafic and felsic magmas. Metaluminous melagranites and quartz monzonites, the main lithologies of the pluton, are interpreted to be hybrids. In contrast, a slightly peraluminous biotite granodiorite is considered to be a lower-crustal melt. In addition, abundant mafic ultrapotassic enclaves, country-rock lamprophyres and quartz monzodiorite bodies represent distinct lithospheric mantle-derived magmas, which were only slightly modified by fractionation and/ or magma mixing. Almost continuous linear chemical and isotope correlations joining the enclaves, quartz monzonites, melagranites and granodiorites indicate the importance of a mixing process in the generation of these rocks. Incompatible elements decrease with increasing silica and moderate negative Eu anomalies disappear towards the granodioritic endmember. Pb, Sr and Nd isotopes show typical crustal values in all granitoids but are more radiogenic in the ultrapotassic endmember. In the Rastenberg Pluton, the interaction of mantle- and crustal-derived magmas has produced unequivocal petrographic, chemical and isotopic evidence for mixing and mingling. Because similar features are lacking in most other Variscan plutons, we suggest that mantle magmas were not substantially involved in their genesis. Nevertheless, small-volumes of hybrids, involving variably enriched mantle-derived melts, do crop out locally throughout the central Variscides. In view of the generally strongly enriched nature of these small volume hybrid magmas, we suggest that voluminous mantle melting and large-scale magmatic underplating are unlikely to have occurred.
Journal of the Geological Society | 2011
Sonia Sánchez Martínez; Ricardo Arenas; Axel Gerdes; Pedro Castiñeiras; Alain Potrel; Javier Fernández-Suárez
Abstract: In the Purrido Ophiolite (Cabo Ortegal Complex), new U–Pb zircon dating of the amphibolite G03-8 (by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) confirms the existence of a dominant Mesoproterozoic zircon population with a refined age of 1155 ± 14 Ma. However, the U–Pb zircon dating of two more amphibolite samples (by sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe) has provided new ages of 395 ± 3 Ma and 395 ± 2 Ma, respectively, interpreted as the crystallization age. Hf isotope data for zircon show that most of the Devonian zircons crystallized from a juvenile depleted mantle source. The Mesoproterozoic zircons have relatively juvenile Hf isotopic composition reflecting some influence of an older component. A few Devonian zircon crystals show evidence of mixing with an older component represented by the Mesoproterozoic zircons. The whole-rock Sm–Nd isotope data indicate an important heterogeneity in the composition of the Purrido amphibolites, only compatible with the generation of their protoliths from two sources. We interpret these puzzling data as resulting from the mixing of a Devonian mantle-derived magma with a Mesoproterozoic basement. These new data provide new perspectives in the interpretation of the most common ophiolites across the Variscan suture in Europe. Supplementary material: Analytical methods, zircon U–Th–Pb SHRIMP analytical data, zircon U–Th–Pb LA-ICP-MS analytical data, zircon Lu–Hf LA-MC-ICPMS analytical data and whole-rock Sm–Nd isotope data are available at