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Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1929

Untersuchungen über die Physiologie der Tuba uterina bei Macacus Rhesus-Affen

Axel Westman

Bis vor einigen wenigen Jahren griindete sich unsere hauptsachliche Ansicht iiber die Physiologie der Tuba uterina auf die Schliisse, die man aus der makroskopischen und mikroskopischen Anatomie des Eileiters unter normalen und pathologischen Verhaltnissen ziehen konnte. Das eigentliche Interesse kniipfte sich dabei anfanglich an die Beobachtung, dass die Schleimhaut der Tube im geschlechtsreifen Alter in grossem Ausmasse mit Zilienzellen ausgekleidet ist, deren Bewegungsrichtung gegen den Uterus gewendet ist, und dass die soeben erwahnten Zellen bei solchen krankhaften Prozessen -vor allem entzundlicher Natur, die zu Sterilitat fuhren, oft durch weniger differentiierte Zellformen ersetzt werden. Unter diesen Verhaltnissen lag es nahe anzunehmen, dass die Eier durch die von den Flimmerepithelien hervorgerufene

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1953

Hormonal influence on the uterine arteries; an arteriographic study in the human.

Ulf Borell; Ingmar Fernström; Axel Westman

Experiments on animals have shown that oestrogenic hormone causes uterine hyperaemia. Microscopical studies of human endometrium have shown that the ovarian hormones, especially oestrogenic hormone, evoke hyperaemia of the uterine mucosa. In vestigation of hormonal influence on the uterine arteries and their larger branches has not hitherto been carried out in the human, to the best of our knowledge. As we had available a comparatively large number of cases of arteriography of the true pelvis, carried out for different conditions, in which good visualization of the uterine arteries had been obtained, we were prompted to investigate the problem as to whether changes occur in these arteries under hormonal influence in the human, particularly in regard to the width of the uterine arteries, density of the intramural vessels of the uterus, and velocity of blood flow in the uterine arteries. I t is fully appreciated that in arteriography of the true pelvis it is not possible to study branches smaller in calibre than the arcuate and radial arteries.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1950

Aetiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Treatment of Female Sterility

Axel Westman

Sterility and its management have heen much discussed in latter years, and the number of men and women seeking relief from sterility has been steadily increasing. This is largely due to the fact that the general mental attitude towards these problems has k e n greatly modified. The desire to have children impels many couples to seek medical advice, and the wish to make full use of the therapeutic aids available has become greater, particularly since it is generally known that our resources in this field have been expanded. Nevertheless, our therapeutic means are unfortunately still rather limited and for this reason the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities in sterility should be assessed with great care.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1932

Studien über den Sexualzyklus bei Makakus‐Rhesus‐Affen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über den menstruellen Blutungsmechanismus

Axel Westman

ion .faite des modification periodiques du vagin, il existe la plus grande analogie entre le singe e t l’homme en ce qui concerne les processus de dkveloppement et de dkgknkrescence dont les organes gknitaux sont le siege pendant le cycle menstruel. IV. Dans deux cas, on a not6 des hemorragies cycliques sans ovulation. L’un de ces cas fut examink au cours de l’hkmorragie. Celle-ci provenait d’un endometre d’intervalle a glandes courtes et rectilignes; la partie superficielle de la muqueuse est nkcrotique. Dans les ovaires, on trouve des follicules en voie d’accroissement, dont les plus volumineux sont d6ja en voie d’atrksie. Pas de corps jaunes, ni de cellules interstitielles. Dans le second cas, il n’existait que des follicules en voie d’accroissement et un endometre d’intervalle. Aucun reste de corps jaunes dans les ovaires. L’existence d’hkmorragies et de nkcrose de l’endometre sans ovulation prkalable est interprktke comme une conskquence de l’atrksie des follicules en voie de croissance. Cette opinion est confirmke par les experiences d’Au.m et d’autres auteurs, qui ont montre que l’hkmorragie se produit apres castration ou apres cessation des injections d’oestrine chez les animaux chiitrks. En principe, une disfincfion est kfablie enfre l’hkmorragie conskcufive d la dkgkndressance du corps jaune, ou mensfruation vraie, et celle qui faif suite d la dkgknkrescence folliculaire, ou pseudomensfruafion. V. L’hkmorragie et la nkcrose de l’endometre tient a la suppression d’une action hormonique (oestrine, progestine). Dans la production de la necrose, il y a lieu d’attribuer un r61e important a l’action exercke par la contraction du myometre sur la circulation dans les vaisseaux de l’endometre. C’est la un fait qui est expkrimentalement Ctabli. VI. La difference la plus importante qui existe entre le cycle ovulaire des animaux inferieurs e t le cycle menstruel du singe consiste surtout en ce fait que, chez le singe, la prolifkration prooestrale n’est pas arrCtke, ainsi que l’ktablit l’examen de la muqueuse vaginale, au moment de la rupture folliculaire, ce qui est au contraire STUDIEN UBER DEN SEXUALZYKLUS BEI MAKAKUS-RHESUS-AFFEN. 325 le cas chez les animaux infkrieurs, mais que cette proliferation continue pendant la phase lutkale du cycle. I1 n’existe donc aucune dklimitation marquk entre les phases prk-oestrale e t lutkale, et il n’existe pas de phiode fixe de rut. La menstruation est une dkgenkrescence i la fois de la proliferation prk-oestrale e t de la proliferation lut6ale. La pseudo-menstruation n’est qu’une d6gherescence de la premiere de ces prolifkrations. Literaturverzeichnis. ALLEN, E.: Progress of Work on the Mechanism of the Menstrual Cycle of the Monkey, Macacus Rhesus. Anat. Rec. Vol. X X X I I , 1926, p. 226. (Abstr). ALLEN, E.: The Time of Ovulation in the Menstrual Cycle of the Monkey, Macacus Rhesus. Proc. SOC. Exper. Biol. and Med. Vol. XXIII , 1926, p. 381. ALLEN, E.: The Menstrual Cycle in the Monkey: Effect of Double Ovarieectomy and Injury to Large Follicles. Ibid. p. 434. ALLEN, E.: The Menstrual Cycle of the Monkey, Macacus rhesus: Observations Normal Animals, the Effects of Removal of the Ovaries and the Effects of Injections of Ovarian and Placental Extracts into the Spayed Animals. Contribut. to Embryol. Washington. Vol. XIX, 1927, p. 1. ALLEN, E.: Effects of Ovariectomy upon Menstruation in Monkeys. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. LXXXV, 1928, p. 471. ALLEN, E.: Further Experiments with an Ovarian Hormone in the Ovariectomized adult Monkey, Macacus rhesus, especially the Degenerative Phase of the Experimental Menstrual Cycle. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. XLII , 1928, p. 467. CANNON, D. J.: Recent Advances in the Physiology of Menstruation. Brit. Med. Journ. 1930, p. 201. CANNON, D. J. The Physiology of Menstruation. Journ. of Obst. a. Gyn. of the Brit. Empire. Vol. XLVIII, 1931, p. 743. CLAUBERG, C.: Das Horrnon des Corpus luteum. Zbl. f . Gyn. 1930, p. 7. COLLINGS, M. R.: A Study of the Cutaneous Reddening and Swelling about the Genitalia of the Monkey, M. rhesus. Anat. Rec. Vol. X X X I I I , 1926, p. 271. CORNER, G. W.: Oestrus, Ovulation and Menstruation. Physiol. Review. Vol. 111, 1923, p. 457. CORNER, G. W.: Ovulation and Menstruation in Macacus rhesus. Contrib. to Embryol. Washington. Vol. XV, 1923, p. 73. CORNER, G. W.: The Relation between Menstruation and Ovulation in the Monkey. Journ. Arner. Med. Assoc., Vol. LXXXIX. 1927, p.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1957

The Movements in the Mechanism of Disengagement with Special Reference to the Attitude of the Fœtal Head

Ulf Borell; Ingmar Fernström; Kriut Litidblom; Axel Westman

Radiographic studies of the movements in the mechanism of labour during the stage of expulsion have shown:(i) that the head was flexed during its passage through the lower part of the birth canal and at the time of disengagement, except a few cases where it was less acutely flexed.(ii) that impingement of the sub-occipital part of the head on the lower border of the symphysis pubis does not occur, the head gliding continuously downwards.(iii) that the mechanism of labour just described results in the smallest circumference of the head, i. e. the sub-occipitobregmatic diameter presenting in the lower part of the birth canal.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1956

Diffuse Stromal Luteinization of the Ovaries Associated with Masculinization Syndrome and Endometrial Hyperplasia: Report of a Case

Carl A. Gemzell; Karl-Gunnar Tillinger; Axel Westman

The present report describes a wonian with amenorrhea, adi posity, virilism, endometrial hyperplasia, and diffuse luteinization of the ovaries. The special interest of the case lies in the fact that the ovaries were completely removed and examined histologically, that the urinary excretion of gonadotrophin, estrogens, I 7-ketosteroids and pregnandiol and the plasma levels of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids were estimated before as well as after operation.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1935

Die hormonale Therapie der Menstruationsstörungen und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen1

Axel Westman

Von AXEL WESTMAN . I n h a l t . Seite: Einleitung ...................................................... 235 Uebersicht uber die Anatomie und Physiologie ...................... 238 Allgemeines iiber Diagnose und hormonale Behandlung der Menstruationsstorungen .............................................. 246 Storungen im Gesamtorganismus ............................ 246 Konstitution ................................................ 247 Nervensystem .............................................. 247 Endokrine Driisen .......................................... 249 Thyreoidea ............................................ 249 Nebennieren ............................................ 250 Pankreas .............................................. 250 Hypophyse ............................................ 251 Ovarium ................................................ 252

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1951

A Study of the Effect of Intravenous Administration of Progesterone

E. Diczfalusy; Axel Westman

The need for a rapid progesterone-effect in the treatment of some cases has long k e n felt. Since it seemed plausible that a prompt effect can be achieved by the intravenous administration of progesterone, attempts were made to render this compound suitable for intravenous admiaistration. These attempts were mainly characterized by the use of various detergents, since the high specificity of the compound practically excluded the p s sibility of improving its solu1)ility by modifying its chemical structure. In view of the fact that our knowledge of the effect of intravenous administration of progesterone is still incomplete, experiments were carried out in this study using a preparation of progesterone in nicotinamide.

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1933

Einige Bemerkungen aus Anlass des Aufsatzes von Jägerroos: “Die Sexualzyklischen Umwandlungen in Der Tuba Uterina Beim Menschen und Bei den Niedrigeren Primaten”

Axel Westman

Im oben genannten Artikel D i e sexualzyklischen Urnwandlungen in der Tuba uterina beim Menschen und bei den niedrigeren Primaten, bringt JAGERROOS einige kritische Bemerkungen uber meine im Jahre 1932 veroffentlichte Arbeit ,Studien uber den .Sexualzyklus bei Makakus-Rhesus-Affen etc.)) vor. Durch Entgegenkommen der Redaktion der Acta bin ich in der Lage, diese Einwendungen unmittelbar zu beantworten. Der Artikel J:s lauft auf folgendes hinaus:

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 1959

The cyclical changes occurring in the epithelium lining the endometrial glands: an electron-microscopical study in the human being.

Ulf Borell; O. Nilsson; Axel Westman


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Ulf Borell

Karolinska University Hospital

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E. Diczfalusy

Karolinska University Hospital

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Ingmar Fernström

Karolinska University Hospital

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Sam Brody

Karolinska University Hospital

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A. Baidins

Karolinska University Hospital

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Karl-Gunnar Tillinger

Karolinska University Hospital

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L. Claesson

Karolinska University Hospital

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Carl A. Gemzell

Karolinska University Hospital

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Kriut Litidblom

Karolinska University Hospital

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