Barry M. Pryor
University of Arizona
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Featured researches published by Barry M. Pryor.
Phytopathology | 2002
Barry M. Pryor; Themis J. Michailides
ABSTRACT Alternaria isolates were obtained from various pistachio tissues collected in five orchards in California. For all isolates, morphological characteristics of the colony and sporulation apparatus were determined and compared with those of representative isolates of A. alternata, A. tenuissima, A. arborescens, and A. infectoria. A selection of the pistachio isolates and the representative Alternaria isolates were evaluated for pathogenicity to pistachio. Molecular characteristics of these isolates were determined using random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) analysis, polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of nuclear intergenic spacer rDNA, and sequence analysis of nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA. Based on morphological characteristics, the pistachio isolates were grouped as identical or very similar to either A. alternata, A. tenuissima, A. arborescens, or A. infectoria. Isolates from the alternata, tenuissima, and arborescens species-groups were pathogenic to pistachio and no significant differences in pathogenicity were observed. Isolates from the infectoria species-group were only weakly pathogenic to pistachio. Based on cluster analysis of RAPD and PCR-RFLP data, three distinct clusters were evident; the infectoria cluster, the arborescens cluster, and a combined alternata/tenuissima cluster. Based on analysis of ITS sequence data, the infectoria species-group was phylogenetically distinct from the other species-groups. Isolates of the alternata, tenuissima, and arborescens species-groups comprised a monophyletic clade in which the three species-groups could not be further resolved.
Fungal Biology | 2000
Barry M. Pryor; Robert L. Gilbertson
To elucidate relationships among Alternaria, Ulocladium, and Stemphylium species, nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and mitochondrial small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences from 18 Alternaria, four Ulocladium and four Stemphylium spp. were determined and compared. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS and SSU rDNA sequences, performed by the neighbour joining and maximum parsimony methods, revealed that the Stemphylium spp. were phylogenetically distinct from the Alternaria and Ulocladium spp. Most Alternaria spp. and the Ulocladium spp. were placed together in a large Alternaria/Ulocladium clade. Within this large clade, the Alternaria spp. clustered into several distinct species-clades, most of which correlated with species-groups previously established based upon morphological characteristics. The Ulocladium spp. were placed into two species-clades, each of which also included Alternaria spp. A. longissima was distantly related to the other Alternaria spp., as well as the Ulocladium and Stemphylium spp. Based upon ITS and nuclear 18S rDNA sequence identities, A. longissima was most closely related to Leptosphaeria.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2006
Kevin P. Drees; Julia W. Neilson; Julio L. Betancourt; Jay Quade; David A. Henderson; Barry M. Pryor; Raina M. Maier
ABSTRACT Soils from the hyperarid Atacama Desert of northern Chile were sampled along an east-west elevational transect (23.75 to 24.70°S) through the driest sector to compare the relative structure of bacterial communities. Analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles from each of the samples revealed that microbial communities from the extreme hyperarid core of the desert clustered separately from all of the remaining communities. Bands sequenced from DGGE profiles of two samples taken at a 22-month interval from this core region revealed the presence of similar populations dominated by bacteria from the Gemmatimonadetes and Planctomycetes phyla.
Biodiversity and Conservation | 1999
S. Patricia Stock; Barry M. Pryor; Harry K. Kaya
A total of 270 soil samples from 30 different habitats in 10 geographic regions of California were evaluated for the presence of rhabditid entomopathogenic nematodes. Nematodes were isolated from 26.3% of the samples. The recovered isolates were identified as Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae, S. kraussei, S. longicaudum, S. oregonense, Heterorhabditis marelatus and H.bacteriophora. Among the steinernematids, S. kraussei and S. feltiae were the most commonly encountered species, generally occurring in acidic soils high in organic matter. Among the heterorhabditids, H. bacteriophora was isolated along the southern coast, whereas H. marelatus was recovered along the northern coast of California. Steinernematids were recovered from coniferous forests, oak woodlands and grasslands whereas heterorhabditids were isolated from coastal marshes.
Mycologia | 2009
M. Andrew; Tobin L. Peever; Barry M. Pryor
Small-spored Alternaria species are a taxonomically challenging group of fungi with few morphological or molecular characters that allow unambiguous discrimination among taxa. The protein-coding genes most commonly employed in fungal systematics are invariant among these taxa, so noncoding, anonymous regions of the genome were developed to assess evolutionary relationships among these organisms. Nineteen sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCAR) were screened for phylogenetic utility by comparing sequences among reference isolates of small-spored Alternaria species. Five of nineteen loci were consistently amplifiable and had sufficient phylogenetic signal. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with 150 small-spored Alternaria isolates using sequence data from an endopolygalacturonase gene and two anonymous loci. Associations among phylogenetic lineage, morphological classification, geography and host were evaluated for use as practical taxonomic characters. Samples included isolates from citrus in Florida, pistachio in California, desert plants in Arizona, walnuts in France/Italy and apples in South Africa. No associations were found between host or geographic associations and phylogenetic lineage, indicating that these characters were not useful for cladistic classification of small-spored Alternaria. Similarly strict congruence between morphology and phylogenetic lineage was not found among isolates grouped morphologically with A. alternata or A. tenuissima. In contrast 34 isolates grouped morphologically with A. arborescens fell into discrete clades for all datasets. Although 5–9 well supported clades were evident among isolates, it is currently unclear if these clades should be considered phylogenetic species or emerging evolutionary line-ages within the phylogenetically defined alternata species-group.
Microbial Ecology | 2007
Luisa A. Ikner; Rickard S. Toomey; Ginger Nolan; Julia W. Neilson; Barry M. Pryor; Raina M. Maier
Kartchner Caverns in Benson, AZ, was opened for tourism in 1999 after a careful development protocol that was designed to maintain predevelopment conditions. As a part of an ongoing effort to determine the impact of humans on this limestone cave, samples were collected from cave rock surfaces along the cave trail traveled daily by tour groups (200,000 visitors year–1) and compared to samples taken from areas designated as having medium (30–40 visitors year–1) and low (2–3 visitors year–1) levels of human exposure. Samples were also taken from fiberglass moldings installed during cave development. Culturable bacteria were recovered from these samples and 90 unique isolates were identified by using 16S rRNA polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. Diversity generally decreased as human impact increased leading to the isolation of 32, 27, and 22 strains from the low, medium, and high impact areas, respectively. The degree of human impact was also reflected in the phylogeny of the isolates recovered. Although most isolates fell into one of three phyla: Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, or Proteobacteria, the Proteobacteria were most abundant along the cave trail (77% of the isolates), while Firmicutes predominated in the low (66%) and medium (52%) impact areas. Although the abundance of Proteobacteria along the cave trail seems to include microbes of environmental rather than of anthropogenic origin, it is likely that their presence is a consequence of increased organic matter availability due to lint and other organics brought in by cave visitors. Monitoring of the cave is still in progress to determine whether these bacterial community changes may impact the future development of cave formations.
Mycologia | 2013
Daniel P. Lawrence; Philipp B. Gannibal; Tobin L. Peever; Barry M. Pryor
The systematics of Alternaria and allied genera traditionally has been based on the characteristics of conidia and the sporulation apparatus. This emphasis on morphology in the reconstruction of organismal relationships has resulted in taxonomic uncertainty and flux for a number of taxa in Alternaria and the related genera Stemphylium, Embellisia, Nimbya and Ulocladium. The present study used a molecular phylogenetic approach for systematic resolution and incorporated extensive taxon sampling (n = 176 species) representing 10 genera and analyses of 10 protein-coding loci. Phylogenetic analyses based on five of these genes revealed eight distinct asexual lineages of Alternaria that cluster as the sister group to the asexual paraphyletic genus Ulocladium, while taxa with known teleomorphs currently circumscribed as Alternaria (the infectoria species-group) cluster among genera that also have representatives with known teleomorphs. This work proposes to elevate the eight well supported asexual lineages of Alternaria to the taxonomic rank of section. Evolutionary relationships among Alternaria and closely related genera are discussed.
Phytopathology | 2007
Gladys Y. Mbofung; Soon Gyu Hong; Barry M. Pryor
ABSTRACT Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, causal agent of Fusarium wilt of lettuce, is a serious pathogen recently reported in Arizona. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (EF-1alpha) gene, and the nuclear ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer (IGS) region was conducted to resolve relationships among f. sp. lactucae isolates, F. oxysporum isolates from other hosts, and local non-pathogenic isolates. Analysis of mtSSU sequences provided limited phylogenetic resolution and did not differentiate the lactucae isolates from 13 other F. oxysporum isolates. Analysis of EF-1alpha sequences resulted in moderate resolution, grouping seven formae speciales with the lactucae isolates. Analysis of the IGS region revealed numerous sequence polymorphisms among F. oxysporum formae speciales consisting of insertions, deletions, and single nucleotide transitions and substitutions. Repeat sequence analysis revealed several duplicated subrepeat units that were distributed across much of the region. Based on analysis of the IGS sequence data, lactucae race 1 isolates resolved as a monophyletic group with three other formae speciales of F. oxysporum. In all analyses, lactucae race 2 isolates composed a separate lineage that was phylo-genetically distinct and distantly related to the lactucae race 1 isolates.
Fungal Biology | 2008
Birgitte Andersen; Anita Dongo; Barry M. Pryor
Chemotaxonomy (secondary metabolite profiling) has been shown to be of great value in the classification and differentiation in Ascomycota. However, few studies have investigated the use of metabolite production for classification and identification purposes of plant pathogenic Alternaria species. The purpose of the present study was to describe the methodology behind metabolite profiling in chemotaxonomy using A. dauci, A. porri, A. solani, and A. tomatophila strains as examples of the group. The results confirmed that A. dauci, A. solani, and A. tomatophila are three distinct species each with their own specific metabolite profiles, and that A. solani and A. tomatophila both produce altersolanol A, altertoxin I, and macrosporin. By using automated chemical image analysis and other multivariate statistic analyses, three sets of species-specific metabolites could be selected, one each for A. dauci, A. solani, and A. tomatophila.
Plant Disease | 2001
Barry M. Pryor; Robert L. Gilbertson
A pair of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers was developed based upon the sequence of a cloned random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragment of Alternaria radicina, and a PCR-based seed assay was developed for the detection of A. radicina from infested carrot seed. The seed assay involved a 5-day incubation step, in which seed was maintained under high humidity conditions in order to increase fungal biomass. Seed was then incubated with lysis buffer, extracted with phenol-chloroform, and DNA was recovered using a silica matrix. PCR amplification of the target A. radicina DNA sequence was enhanced by the addition of skim milk to the PCR reaction mixture. With this PCR-based seed assay, A. radicina was detected from carrot seed lots with natural infestation rates as low as 0.3%. In seed lots prepared by mixing known amounts of A. radicina-infested seed with noninfested seed, this assay allowed for the detection of the pathogen from lots with infestation rates as low as 0.1%.