Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
Columbia University
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Featured researches published by Bastiaan van Diedenhoven.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2012
Ann M. Fridlind; Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Andrew S. Ackerman; Alexander Avramov; Agnieszka A. Mrowiec; Hugh Morrison; Paquita Zuidema; Matthew D. Shupe
Observations of long-lived mixed-phase Arctic boundary layer clouds on 7 May 1998 during the First International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Regional Experiment (FIRE)‐Arctic Cloud Experiment(ACE)/SurfaceHeatBudgetoftheArcticOcean(SHEBA)campaignprovideauniqueopportunity to test understanding of cloud ice formation. Under the microphysically simple conditions observed (apparently negligible ice aggregation, sublimation, and multiplication), the only expected source of new ice crystals is activation of heterogeneous ice nuclei (IN) and the only sink is sedimentation. Large-eddy simulations with size-resolved microphysics are initialized with IN number concentration NIN measured above cloudtop,butdetailsofINactivationbehaviorareunknown.Ifactivatedrapidly(indeposition,condensation,
Optics Express | 2012
Kirk Knobelspiesse; Brian Cairns; Michael I. Mishchenko; Jacek Chowdhary; Kostas Tsigaridis; Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; William Martin; Matteo Ottaviani; Mikhail D. Alexandrov
Remote sensing of aerosol optical properties is difficult, but multi-angle, multi-spectral, polarimetric instruments have the potential to retrieve sufficient information about aerosols that they can be used to improve global climate models. However, the complexity of these instruments means that it is difficult to intuitively understand the relationship between instrument design and retrieval success. We apply a Bayesian statistical technique that relates instrument characteristics to the information contained in an observation. Using realistic simulations of fine size mode dominated spherical aerosols, we investigate three instrument designs. Two of these represent instruments currently in orbit: the Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and the POLarization and Directionality of the Earths Reflectances (POLDER). The third is the Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor (APS), which failed to reach orbit during recent launch, but represents a viable design for future instruments. The results show fundamental differences between the three, and offer suggestions for future instrument design and the optimal retrieval strategy for current instruments. Generally, our results agree with previous validation efforts of POLDER and airborne prototypes of APS, but show that the MISR aerosol optical thickness uncertainty characterization is possibly underestimated.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2012
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Ann M. Fridlind; Steven A. Ackerman; Brian Cairns
Satellite measurements are used to evaluate the glaciation, particle shape, and effective radius in cloudresolvingmodel simulationsof tropicaldeepconvection.Multidirectional polarized reflectancesconstrainthe ice crystal geometry and the thermodynamic phase of the cloud tops, which in turn are used to calculate nearinfrared reflectances so as to constrain the simulated ice effective radius, thereby avoiding inconsistencies between retrieval algorithms and model simulations. Liquid index values derived from Polarization and Directionality of the Earth’s Reflectances (POLDER) measurements indicate only ice-topped clouds at brightness temperatures (BTs) lower than 2408C, only liquid clouds at BT .2 208C, and both phases occurringattemperaturesinbetween.Liquidindexvaluescalculatedfrommodelsimulationsgenerallyreveal too many ice-topped clouds at BT .2 208C. The model assumption of platelike ice crystals with an aspect ratioof0.7isfoundconsistentwithPOLDERmeasurementsforBT,2408Cwhenveryroughicecrystalsare assumed, leading to an asymmetry parameter of 0.74, whereas measurements indicate more extreme aspect ratios of ;0.15 at higher temperatures, yielding an asymmetry parameter of 0.84. MODIS-retrieved ice effective radii are found to be 18‐28 m ma t BT ,2 408C, but biased low by about 5 mm owing primarily to the assumption of pristine crystals in the retrieval. Simulated 2.13-mm reflectances at BT ,2 408C are found to be about 0.05‐0.1 too large comparedto measurements, suggesting that model-simulated effective radii are 7‐15 mm too small. Two simulations with contrasting ice nucleation schemes showed little difference in simulated effective radii at BT ,2 408C, indicating that homogeneous nucleation is dominating in the simulations. Changes around 2408C in satellite observations suggest a change in cloud-top ice shape and/or size in natural deep convection possibly related to a change in the freezing mechanism.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2014
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Andrew S. Ackerman; B Rian Cairns; Ann M. Fridlind
A parameterization is presented that provides extinction cross section se, single-scattering albedo v, and asymmetryparametergof ice crystals for any combination of volume, projected area, aspect ratio, and crystal distortionatanywavelengthintheshortwave.Similartopreviousparameterizations,theschememakesuseof geometric optics approximations and the observation that optical properties of complex, aggregated ice crystals can be well approximated by those of single hexagonal crystals with varying size, aspect ratio, and distortion levels. In the standard geometric optics implementation used here, se is always twice the particle projectedarea.Itisshownthatvislargelydeterminedbythenewlydefinedabsorptionsizeparameterandthe particle aspect ratio. These dependences are parameterized using a combination of exponential, lognormal, and polynomial functions. The variation of g with aspect ratio and crystal distortion is parameterized for one reference wavelength using a combination of several polynomials. The dependences of g on refractive index and v are investigated and factors are determined to scale the parameterized g to provide values appropriate for other wavelengths. The parameterization scheme consists of only 88 coefficients. The scheme is tested for a large variety of hexagonal crystals in several wavelength bands from 0.2 to 4mm, revealing absolute differences with reference calculations of v and g that are both generally below 0.015. Over a large variety of cloud conditions, the resulting root-mean-squared differences with reference calculations of cloud reflectance,transmittance,andabsorptanceare1.4%,1.1%,and3.4%,respectively.Somepracticalapplications of the parameterization in atmospheric models are highlighted.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Ann M. Fridlind; Brian Cairns; Andrew S. Ackerman
The variation of ice crystal properties in the tops of deep convective clouds off the north coast of Australia is analyzed. Cloud optical thickness, ice effective radius, aspect ratio of ice crystal components, crystal distortion parameter and asymmetry parameter are simultaneously retrieved from combined measurements of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Polarization and Directionality of the Earths Reflectances (POLDER) satellite instruments. The data are divided into periods with alternating weak and strong convection. Mostly plate-like particle components with aspect ratios closer to unity and lower asymmetry parameters characterize strongly convective periods, while weakly convective periods generally show lower aspect ratios, relatively more column-like shapes and somewhat greater asymmetry parameters. Results for strongly convective periods show that, with increasing cloud top temperature, the distortion parameter generally decreases, while the asymmetry parameter and effective radius increase. For one of the strongly convective periods, the rate at which effective radii increase with cloud top temperature is more than double that of the other periods, while the temperature dependence of the other microphysical quantities for this period is substantially weaker. Atmospheric state analysis indicates that these differences are concurrent with differences in middle-to-upper tropospheric zonal wind shear. The observed variation of microphysical properties may have significant effects on the shortwave radiative fluxes and cloud absorption associated with deep convection. Additionally, MODIS collection 5 effective radii are estimated to be biased small with an artificially narrow range. Collection 6 products are expected to have less severe biases that depend on cloud top temperature and atmospheric conditions.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Ann M. Fridlind; Brian Cairns; Andrew S. Ackerman; John E. Yorks
A novel technique is used to estimate derivatives of ice effective radius with respect to height near convective cloud tops (dre /dz) from airborne shortwave reflectance measurements and lidar. Values of dre /dz are about -6 μm/km for cloud tops below the homogeneous freezing level, increasing to near 0 μm/km above the estimated level of neutral buoyancy. Retrieved dre /dz compares well with previously documented remote sensing and in situ estimates. Effective radii decrease with increasing cloud top height, while cloud top extinction increases. This is consistent with weaker size sorting in high, dense cloud tops above the level of neutral buoyancy where fewer large particles are present, and with stronger size sorting in lower cloud tops that are less dense. The results also confirm that cloud-top trends of effective radius can generally be used as surrogates for trends with height within convective cloud tops. These results provide valuable observational targets for model evaluation.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology | 2011
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Ann M. Fridlind; Andrew S. Ackerman
AbstractLidar measurements obtained during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) experiment under a mixed-phase stratus cloud that was lightly precipitating ice show a range of surprisingly low depolarization ratios (4%–23%), despite an absence of cloud droplets there. These depolarization ratios are much lower than the range of theoretical values obtained for various ice habits. The depolarization ratios correlate well with radar reflectivity, suggesting that the variation in depolarization ratios results from variations in ice water content, rather than variation in ice habits or orientation. By calculating lidar depolarization based on (i) large-eddy simulations and (ii) in situ ice size distribution measurements, it is shown that the presence of humidified aerosol particles in addition to the ice precipitation can explain the distribution and vertical profile of the observed depolarization ratios, although uncertainties related to the aerosol size distributions are substantial. These cal...
Reviews of Geophysics | 2018
Daniel P. Grosvenor; Odran Sourdeval; Paquita Zuidema; Andrew S. Ackerman; Mikhail D. Alexandrov; Ralf Bennartz; R. Boers; Brian Cairns; J. Christine Chiu; Matthew W. Christensen; Hartwig Deneke; Michael S. Diamond; Graham Feingold; Ann M. Fridlind; Anja Hünerbein; Christine Knist; Pavlos Kollias; Alexander Marshak; Daniel T. McCoy; Daniel Merk; David Painemal; John Rausch; Daniel Rosenfeld; H.W.J. Russchenberg; Patric Seifert; Kenneth Sinclair; P. Stier; Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Manfred Wendisch; Frank Werner
Abstract The cloud droplet number concentration (N d) is of central interest to improve the understanding of cloud physics and for quantifying the effective radiative forcing by aerosol‐cloud interactions. Current standard satellite retrievals do not operationally provide N d, but it can be inferred from retrievals of cloud optical depth (τ c) cloud droplet effective radius (r e) and cloud top temperature. This review summarizes issues with this approach and quantifies uncertainties. A total relative uncertainty of 78% is inferred for pixel‐level retrievals for relatively homogeneous, optically thick and unobscured stratiform clouds with favorable viewing geometry. The uncertainty is even greater if these conditions are not met. For averages over 1° ×1° regions the uncertainty is reduced to 54% assuming random errors for instrument uncertainties. In contrast, the few evaluation studies against reference in situ observations suggest much better accuracy with little variability in the bias. More such studies are required for a better error characterization. N d uncertainty is dominated by errors in r e, and therefore, improvements in r e retrievals would greatly improve the quality of the N d retrievals. Recommendations are made for how this might be achieved. Some existing N d data sets are compared and discussed, and best practices for the use of N d data from current passive instruments (e.g., filtering criteria) are recommended. Emerging alternative N d estimates are also considered. First, new ideas to use additional information from existing and upcoming spaceborne instruments are discussed, and second, approaches using high‐quality ground‐based observations are examined.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
Lianghai Wu; Otto P. Hasekamp; Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Brian Cairns; John E. Yorks; Jacek Chowdhary
We demonstrate that multi-angle polarization measurements in the near-UV and blue part of the spectrum are very well suited for passive remote sensing of aerosol layer height. For this purpose we use simulated measurements with different set-ups (different wavelength ranges, with and without polarization, different polarimetric accuracies) as well as airborne measurements from the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) obtained over the continental USA. We find good agreement of the retrieved aerosol layer height from RSP with measurements from the Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL) showing a mean absolute difference of less than 1 km. Furthermore, we found that the information on aerosol layer height is provided for large part by the multi-angle polarization measurements with high accuracy rather than the multi-angle intensity measurements. The information on aerosol layer height is significantly decreased when the shortest RSP wavelength (410 nm) is excluded from the retrieval and is virtually absent when 550 nm is used as shortest wavelength.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2016
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven; Andrew S. Ackerman; Ann M. Fridlind; Brian Cairns
The use of ensemble-average values of aspect ratio and distortion parameter of hexagonal ice prisms for the estimation of ensemble-average scattering asymmetry parameters is evaluated. Using crystal aspect ratios greater than unity generally leads to ensemble-average values of aspect ratio that are inconsistent with the ensemble-average asymmetry parameters. When a definition of aspect ratio is used that limits the aspect ratio to below unity (α≤1) for both hexagonal plates and columns, the effective asymmetry parameters calculated using ensemble-average aspect ratios are generally consistent with ensemble-average asymmetry parameters, especially if aspect ratios are geometrically averaged. Ensemble-average distortion parameters generally also yield effective asymmetry parameters that are largely consistent with ensemble-average asymmetry parameters. In the case of mixtures of plates and columns, it is recommended to geometrically average the α≤1 aspect ratios and to subsequently calculate the effective asymmetry parameter using a column or plate geometry when the contribution by columns to a given mixtures total projected area is greater or lower than 50%, respectively. In addition, we show that ensemble-average aspect ratios, distortion parameters and asymmetry parameters can generally be retrieved accurately from simulated multi-directional polarization measurements based on mixtures of varying columns and plates. However, such retrievals tend to be somewhat biased toward yielding column-like aspect ratios. Furthermore, generally large retrieval errors can occur for mixtures with approximately equal contributions of columns and plates and for ensembles with strong contributions of thin plates.