Bertold Reuter
Technical University of Berlin
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Featured researches published by Bertold Reuter.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 1977
J. Gopalakrishnan; G. Colsmann; Bertold Reuter
A new series of solid solutions of composition La2−xSrxNiO4 (0 ⩽ x ⩽ 1) in which the oxidation state of nickel varies from +2 at x = 0 to +3 at x = 1 has been prepared. All the members of the system crystallize in the tetragonal K2NiF4 structure. The tetragonality ratio ca shows a maximum at x = 0.5 which is interpreted as arising from a weak cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion due to octahedral site low-spin Ni3+ ions. The variation of electrical properties in the system is attributed to changes in electronic configuration of Ni3+.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 1979
Lothar Schütte; G. Colsmann; Bertold Reuter
Abstract The formation of the spinel Li[Mn2]O4 (2) from Li2CO3 and Mn3O4 by solid state reaction was examined as a function of temperature. The lattice parameter, the oxygen parameter and the infrared spectrum as well as the temperature dependence of the resistivity, the Seebeck coefficient, the magnetic properties and neutron diffraction have been studied.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 1974
W. Laqua; Bertold Reuter
Abstract The solid state reaction in a sandwich type diffusion couple of NiO and β-Ga 2 O 3 has been investigated between 1240 and 1550°C in air and inert gas atmosphere. Optical microscope and X-ray methods are used to identify the reaction product, which is a singlephased spinel of the general formula Ni 1−y Ga 2+ 2y 3 O 4 . The homogeneity range of the spinel phase was investigated by X-ray methods; there is a high solubility of β-Ga 2 O 3 in the spinel lattice. The growth of the thickness of the reaction layer follows a parabolic rate law, and therefore a diffusion process must be rate determining. The activation energy of the rate controlling step is 82 kcal/mole. Pt-marker experiments are not sufficient for determining the reaction mechanism. Investigations with an electron-probe microanalyzer, an connection with a modified marker technique, resulted in a Wagner-mechanism of counterdiffusion of cations for formation of nickel-gallium spinel; the total amount in Ga 3+ ions is lost for spinel formation before there is an appreciable solubility of gallium in NiO.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 1975
Joachim Pickardt; Bertold Reuter; E. Riedel; J. Söchtig
Abstract The formation of synthetic ferroselite single crystals, FeSe 2 , during chemical transport experiments in the system FeCrSe was observed. The crystals are orthorhombic, a = 4.804(2), b = 5.784(3), and c = 3.586(2) A. They were characterized by X-ray structure analysis, and refined atom parameters are reported.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 1974
von D. Arndt; K. Müller; Bertold Reuter; E. Riedel
Abstract The spinels of the system Li x Mn 1− x V 2 O 4 (0 ⩽ x ⩽ 1) have been prepared at 700–750°C from LiV 2 O 4 and MnV 2 O 4 . The lattice constants decrease linearly with increasing x . In the region x >0.75, the d -electrons of V should be delocalized as the VV distances are lower than the critical VV separation of 2.94 A. Experimentally, the samples with x >0.6 show no IR absorption bands and the Seebeck coefficient is near zero. The Seebeck coefficient can be described with a model of intermediate polarons and can be expressed by the equation Θ = 198 log [1 + (1 − x) 5 x ] .
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1965
Bertold Reuter; Jörg Jaskowsky; Wolfgang Laqua
SummaryA simple method is described for the combined direct titration of the oxidation number of vanadium and of the vanadium content in vanadium oxide systems. The sample is dissolved in phosphoric acid using a KMnO4 solution of known content as oxidizing agent. The titration with KMnO4 is continued until the equivalence point of vanadium(V) is reached, indicated by the redox indicator ferroin. The equivalence point may also be observed visually, without a redox indicator, after buffering the solution until colourless polyvanadate(V) ions are formed. Then the vanadium content is determined by titration of the vanadium(V) solution with FeSO4 solution to the equivalence point of vanadium(IV), indicated by the colour change of sodium N-methyldiphenylamine-p-sulphonate. From the KMnO4/FeSO4 ratio the oxidation number of vanadium can be calculated.ZusammenfassungEs wird ein vereinfachtes ma\analytisches Verfahren beschrieben, das die kombinierte direkte Bestimmung der Oxydationsstufe des Vanadins und des Vanadingehalts in Vanadinoxidsystemen gestattet. Es beruht darauf, da\ die Substanz in PhosphorsÄure mit einer eingestellten KMnO4-Lösung oxydierend gelöst und gegen Ferroin bis zum Äquivalenzpunkt von Vanadin(V) titriert wird. Nach genügender Pufferung, die zur Bildung farbloser Polyvanadat(V)-Ionen führt, ist es möglich, den Endpunkt der manganometrischen Titration auch ohne Verwendung eines Redoxindicators visuell mit hinreichender Genauigkeit zu erkennen. Anschlie\end wird die Lösung zur Bestimmung des Vanadingehalts mit einer FeSO4-Lösung gegen Natrium-N-methyldiphenylamin-p-sulfonat bis zum Äquivalenzpunkt von Vanadin(IV) titriert. Aus dem VerhÄltnis zwischen KMnO4- und FeSO4-Verbrauch wird die Oxydationsstufe des Vanadins berechnet.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 1976
W. Laqua; B. Küter; Bertold Reuter
The solid-state reaction of the second kind in a sandwich type diffusion couple of Co1−zGa2z3O and β-Ga2O3 has been investigated between 1249 and 1550°C in air. The quantity z, which corresponds to the saturation concentration of β-Ga2O3 in CoO, was determined as a function of temperature by X-ray methods and the optical microscope; the homogeneity range of the spinel phase Co1−yGa2+2y3O4 was investigated also. The growth of the thickness of the reaction layer follows a parabolic rate law; the activation energy is 71.6 kcal/mole. A comparison of reaction rate constants of the first and second kind in connection with experimental results, achieved with a modified marker technique, leads to confirmation of the Wagner mechanism for the formation of CoGa2O4 spinel as supposed before by Laqua. Reaction rate constants of the second kind, calculated from interdiffusion profiles in CoO-β-Ga2O3 diffusion couples, are in good agreement with experimental values. Presented data are used for estimating interdiffusion coefficients for the CoO-β-Ga2O3 system according to theoretical aspects developed by Pelton, Schmalzried, and Greskovich.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 1958
Bertold Reuter; Johannes Siewert
ZusammenfassungEs wird ein Verfahren beschrieben, das es gestattet, in Metall- Vanadin-Sauerstoffverbindungen in einer Probe hintereinander die Oxydationsstufe des Vanadins und den Vanadingehalt auf maßanalytischem Wege mit großer Genauigkeit zu bestimmen. Zur Ermittlung der Oxydationsstufe wird mit einer bekannten Menge KMnO4-Lösung oxydierend gelöst und mit FeSO4-Lösung bis zum Vanadin(IV) zurücktitriert. Als Indicator wird Natrium-N-methyldiphenylamin-p-sulfonat verwendet. Anschließend wird mit KMnO4 zum Vanadin(V) oxydiert, der KMnO4-Überschuß mit Nitrit entfernt, das nicht umgesetzte Nitrit mit Harnstoff zerstört und der Vanadingehalt durch erneute Titration mit FeSO4-Lösung bestimmt.
Naturwissenschaften | 1970
Bertold Reuter; G. Buxbaum
* Dip lomarbe i t Univ. Bonn, April t970 [11 Neuhaus, A., Heide, H., Steffen, R. : Fes tschr i f t Leo Brandt , in: J ah r buc h des Landesamtes t. Forschg. N R W 1968, 59. F2~ Neuhaus, A.: Chimia 18, 93 (t964)[3J Neuhaus, A., et al. : J a h r b u c h des Landesamtes f. Forschg. N R W 1965, 487 (jetzt Rheim Westfi~l. Akademie der Wissenschaf ten) . [4] Neuhaus, A.: GeM. Rdsch. ~7, 972 (t968). en t s tehende EssigsXure zersetzt sich wei tgehend [71Dadurch verl~uft die Reakt ion quant i ta t iv . Auch bier Mud die Prgpara te gr6Btenteils feinkristallin, jedoch wurden einzelne Nadeln bis zu einer Lgllge yon 0.3 mm beobachte t . Die Phosphor und die Arsenverb indung waren grauweil3, das Vanada t gelblichgrau. Das Vorliegen der hexagonalen Hydr oxylapat i te Pbs(XO~)sOH wurde durch hochaufl6sende GuinierPu lveraufnahmen, IR-Spek t r en ulld chemisclle Analyse bewiesen. Die Ifir Pbs(PO~)sOH gefundenen Gi t t e rkons tan ten (s. Tabelle) s t immen sehr gut mi t den in [4, 61 angegebenen fiberein. Die a -Kons t an te voI1 Pbs(PO~)aOH ist dent l ich gr6ger als die des Oxypyromorph i t s Pb~0(POa)sO [t] (s. Tabelle).
Archive | 1977
W. Laqua; B. Küter; Bertold Reuter
The kinetics of a solid state reaction between two oxides AO and B2O3 (A, B = cations in the oxidation state +2, +3 resp.),which may form the compound AB2O4, can be influenced by the mutual solu-bility of the reactants as stated by Pelton, Schmalzried and Greskovich (1). Therefore we have to distinguish between so-called reactions of the first and second kind (2); reactions of the first kind take place between pure oxides AO and B2O3, while reactions of the second kind occur between the phase AO, presaturated with B2O3, and the phase B2O3, presaturated with AO.