Beth A. Newingham
Agricultural Research Service
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Featured researches published by Beth A. Newingham.
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2014
Aaron M. Sparks; Luigi Boschetti; Alistair M. S. Smith; Wade T. Tinkham; Karen O. Lannom; Beth A. Newingham
Although fire is a common disturbance in shrub–steppe, few studies have specifically tested burned area mapping accuracy in these semiarid to arid environments. We conducted a preliminary assessment of the accuracy of the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) burned area product on four shrub–steppe fires that exhibited varying degrees of within-fire patch heterogeneity. Independent burned area perimeters were derived through visual interpretation and were used to cross-compare the MTBS burned area perimeters with classifications produced using set thresholds on the Relativised differenced Normalised Burn Index (RdNBR), Mid-infrared Burn Index (MIRBI) and Char Soil Index (CSI). Overall, CSI provided the most consistent accuracies (96.3–98.6%), with only small commission errors (1.5–4.4%). MIRBI also had relatively high accuracies (92.2–97.9%) and small commission errors (2.1–10.8%). The MTBS burned area product had higher commission errors (4.3–15.5%), primarily due to inclusion of unburned islands and fingers within the fire perimeter. The RdNBR burned area maps exhibited lower accuracies (92.9–96.0%). However, the different indices when constrained by the MTBS perimeter provided variable results, with CSI providing the highest and least variable accuracies (97.4–99.1%). Studies seeking to use MTBS perimeters to analyse trends in burned area should apply spectral indices to constrain the final burned area maps. The present paper replaces a former paper of the same title (, which was withdrawn owing to errors discovered in data analysis after the paper was accepted for publication.
Rangeland Ecology & Management | 2013
Heidi Schmalz; Robert V. Taylor; Tracey N. Johnson; Patricia L. Kennedy; Sandra J. DeBano; Beth A. Newingham; P. A. McDaniel
Abstract Soil properties that influence the capacity for infiltration and moisture retention are important determinants of rangeland productivity. Monitoring effects of grazing on dynamic soil properties can assist managers with stocking rate decisions, particularly if monitoring takes into account environmental variability associated with inherent soil morphological properties. On a Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie in northeast Oregon, we applied three cattle stocking rates (0.52, 1.04, and 1.56 animal unit months · ha−1) and an ungrazed control in a randomized complete block design for two 42-d grazing seasons and measured the change in four dynamic soil properties: soil penetration resistance, soil aggregate stability, bare ground, and herbaceous litter cover. To address apparent environmental heterogeneity within experimental units, we also utilized a categorical soil factor (termed Edaphic Habitat Types or EHT), determined by characterizing soil depth, texture, and rock fragment content at sample sites. Stocking rate did not affect extent of bare ground or soil aggregate stability. Stocking rate had a significant effect on penetration resistance, which was greatest at the high stocking rate (1.6 J · cm−1 ± 0.1 SE) and lowest in the control (1.1 J · cm−1 ± 0.1 SE). For litter cover, the effects of stocking rate and EHT interacted. In two rocky EHTs, litter cover was highest in the controls (60% ± 6 SE; 50% ± 3 SE) and ranged from 27% ± 3 SE to 33% ± 6 SE in the stocking rate treatments. Measures of penetration resistance, aggregate stability, and bare ground were different across EHTs regardless of stocking rate, but did not interact with stocking rate. Our study demonstrates that response of dynamic soil properties to stocking rates should be considered as a useful and accessible approach for monitoring effects of livestock management decisions on rangeland conditions.
Aob Plants | 2015
Philip A. Fay; Beth A. Newingham; H. Wayne Polley; Jack A. Morgan; Daniel R. LeCain; Robert S. Nowak; Stanley D. Smith
Continued increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide will increase the productivity of rangelands partly by plant community change. Soil moisture increases may contribute more in arid systems or on coarser-textured soils, but not in deserts. Surprisingly, community change explained virtually all of yearly productivity increases in semi-arid grassland and up to 80% in mesic grassland, but only on some soil types, and a xeric shrubland exhibited no productivity, soil moisture or community change responses. Thus, community change dominated the productivity response to CO2 enrichment in grasslands, and the contribution of yearly soil moisture responses requires further research.
Rangelands | 2017
Nicholas P. Webb; Justin W. Van Zee; Jason W. Karl; Jeffrey E. Herrick; Ericha M. Courtright; Benjamin J. Billings; Robert C. Boyd; Adrian Chappell; Michael C. Duniway; Justin D. Derner; Jenny L. Hand; Emily Kachergis; Sarah E. McCord; Beth A. Newingham; Frederick B. Pierson; Jean L. Steiner; John Tatarko; Negussie H. Tedela; David Toledo; R. Scott Van Pelt
On the Ground Wind erosion is a major resource concern for rangeland managers because it can impact soil health, ecosystem structure and function, hydrologic processes, agricultural production, and air quality. Despite its significance, little is known about which landscapes are eroding, by how much, and when. The National Wind Erosion Research Network was established in 2014 to develop tools for monitoring and assessing wind erosion and dust emissions across the United States. The Network, currently consisting of 13 sites, creates opportunities to enhance existing rangeland soil, vegetation, and air quality monitoring programs. Decision-support tools developed by the Network will improve the prediction and management of wind erosion across rangeland ecosystems.
Journal of remote sensing | 2016
Vincent S. Jansen; Crystal A. Kolden; Robert V. Taylor; Beth A. Newingham
ABSTRACT Grassland systems provide important habitat for native biodiversity and forage for livestock, with livestock grazing playing an important role influencing sustainable ecosystem function. Traditional field techniques to monitor the effects of grazing on vegetation are costly and limited to small spatial scales. Remote sensing has the potential to provide quantitative and repeatable monitoring data across large spatial and temporal scales for more informed grazing management. To investigate the ability of vegetation metrics derived from remotely sensed imagery to detect the effect of cattle grazing on bunchgrass grassland vegetation across a growing season, we sampled 32 sites across four prescribed stocking rates on a section of Pacific Northwest bunchgrass prairie in northeastern Oregon. We collected vegetation data on vertical structure, biomass, and cover at three different time periods: June, August, and October 2012 to understand the potential to measure vegetation at different phenological stages across a growing season. We acquired remotely sensed Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data closest in date to three field sampling bouts. We correlated the field vegetation metrics to Landsat spectral bands, 14 commonly used vegetation indices, and the tasselled cap wetness, brightness, and greenness transformations. To increase the explanatory value of the satellite-derived data, full, stepwise, and best-subset multiple regression models were fit to each of the vegetation metrics at the three different times of the year. Predicted vegetation metrics were then mapped across the study area. Field-based results indicated that as the stocking rate increased, the mean vegetation amounts of vertical structure, cover, and biomass decreased. The multiple regression models using common vegetation indices had the ability to discern different levels of grazing across the study area, but different spectral indices proved to be the best predictors of vegetation metrics for differing phenological windows. Field measures of vegetation cover yielded the highest correlations to remotely sensed data across all sampling periods. Our results from this analysis can be used to improve grassland monitoring by providing multiple measures of vegetation amounts across a growing season that better align with land management decision making.
Weather, Climate, and Society | 2015
P. Zion Klos; John T. Abatzoglou; Alycia Bean; Jarod J. Blades; Melissa A. Clark; Megan Dodd; Troy E. Hall; Amanda Haruch; Philip E. Higuera; Joseph D. Holbrook; Vincent S. Jansen; Kerry B. Kemp; Amber Lankford; Timothy E. Link; Troy S. Magney; Arjan J. H. Meddens; Liza Mitchell; Brandon C. Moore; Penelope Morgan; Beth A. Newingham; Ryan J. Niemeyer; Ben Soderquist; Alexis A. Suazo; Kerri T. Vierling; Von P. Walden; Chelsea Walsh
AbstractClimate change is well documented at the global scale, but local and regional changes are not as well understood. Finer, local- to regional-scale information is needed for creating specific, place-based planning and adaption efforts. Here the development of an indicator-focused climate change assessment in Idaho is described. This interdisciplinary framework couples end users’ data needs with observed, biophysical changes at local to regional scales. An online statewide survey of natural resource professionals was conducted to assess the perceived impacts from climate change and determine the biophysical data needed to measure those impacts. Changes to water resources and wildfire risk were the highest areas of concern among resource professionals. Guided by the survey results, 15 biophysical indicator datasets were summarized that included direct climate metrics (e.g., air temperature) and indicators only partially influenced by climate (e.g., wildfire). Quantitative changes in indicators were de...
Rangeland Ecology & Management | 2016
Jeffrey E. Ott; Robert D. Cox; Nancy L. Shaw; Beth A. Newingham; Amy C. Ganguli; Mike Pellant; Bruce A. Roundy; Dennis L. Eggett
ABSTRACT Objectives of postfire seeding in the Great Basin include reestablishment of perennial cover, suppression of exotic annual weeds, and restoration of diverse plant communities. Nonconventional seeding techniques may be required when seeding mixes of grasses, forbs, and shrubs containing seeds of different sizes. We conducted an operational-scale experiment to test the effectiveness of two rangeland drills (conventional and minimum-till) for seeding native plant mixes following wildfire in Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & Young) communities. Both drills were configured to place small and large seeds in alternate rows. We hypothesized that the minimum-till drills advanced featureswould improve establishment compared with the conventional drill. We also hypothesized that theminimum-till drill would cause less damage to residual perennials, whereas the conventional drill would have a greater impact on annual weeds. The experiment was replicated at three burned sites and monitored for 2 yr at each site. Seeded plant establishment was lowest at a low-precipitation site that became dominated by exotic annuals. Another site had high perennial grass establishment, which effectively suppressed exotic annuals, while a third site attained high diversity of seeded species and life forms but became invaded by exotic annuals in plant interspaces. Small-seeded species generally established better with the minimum-till drill equipped with imprinter wheels than the conventional drill with drag-chains. However, large-seeded species frequently established better with the conventional drill despite its lack of depth bands and press wheels. Soil disturbance associated with the conventional drill had a negative effect on residual perennials and exotic annuals at some sites. Results indicate that different drill features are advantageous in different ways, but that either of the tested drills, if properly used, can be effective for seeding native plant mixes provided site conditions are otherwise favorable for seedling establishment.
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2016
Alistair M. S. Smith; Alan F. Talhelm; Crystal A. Kolden; Beth A. Newingham; Henry D. Adams; Jack D. Cohen; Kara M. Yedinak; Robert Kremens
A recent study by Davies et al. sought to test whether winter grazing could reduce wildfire size, fire behaviour and intensity metrics, and fire-induced plant mortality in shrub–grasslands. The authors concluded that ungrazed rangelands may experience fire-induced mortality of native perennial bunchgrasses. The authors also presented several statements regarding the benefits of winter grazing on post-fire plant community responses. However, we contend that the study by Davies et al. has underlying methodological errors, lacks data necessary to support their conclusions, and does not provide a thorough discussion on the effect of grazing on rangeland ecosystems. Importantly, Davies et al. presented no data on the post-fire mortality of the perennial bunchgrasses or on the changes in plant community composition following their experimental fires. Rather, Davies et al. inferred these conclusions based on their observed fire behaviour metrics of maximum temperature and a term described as the ‘heat load’. However, we contend that neither metric is appropriate for describing the heat flux impacts on plants. This lack of post-fire data, several methodological errors and the use of inappropriate thermal metrics limit the authors’ ability to support their stated conclusions.
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2014
Karen O. Lannom; Wade T. Tinkham; Alistair M. S. Smith; John T. Abatzoglou; Beth A. Newingham; Troy E. Hall; Penelope Morgan; Eva K. Strand; Travis B. Paveglio; John W. Anderson; Aaron M. Sparks
Restoration Ecology | 2014
Matt C. Bruce; Beth A. Newingham; Charles C. Harris; Edwin E. Krumpe