Bethany L. Ehlmann
California Institute of Technology
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Featured researches published by Bethany L. Ehlmann.
Science | 2014
John P. Grotzinger; Dawn Y. Sumner; L. C. Kah; K. Stack; S. Gupta; Lauren A. Edgar; David M. Rubin; Kevin W. Lewis; Juergen Schieber; N. Mangold; Ralph E. Milliken; P. G. Conrad; David J. DesMarais; Jack D. Farmer; K. L. Siebach; F. Calef; Joel A. Hurowitz; Scott M. McLennan; D. Ming; D. T. Vaniman; Joy A. Crisp; Ashwin R. Vasavada; Kenneth S. Edgett; M. C. Malin; D. Blake; R. Gellert; Paul R. Mahaffy; Roger C. Wiens; Sylvestre Maurice; J. A. Grant
The Curiosity rover discovered fine-grained sedimentary rocks, which are inferred to represent an ancient lake and preserve evidence of an environment that would have been suited to support a martian biosphere founded on chemolithoautotrophy. This aqueous environment was characterized by neutral pH, low salinity, and variable redox states of both iron and sulfur species. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus were measured directly as key biogenic elements; by inference, phosphorus is assumed to have been available. The environment probably had a minimum duration of hundreds to tens of thousands of years. These results highlight the biological viability of fluvial-lacustrine environments in the post-Noachian history of Mars.
Science | 2014
D. T. Vaniman; David L. Bish; D. W. Ming; Thomas F. Bristow; Richard V. Morris; David F. Blake; S. J. Chipera; Shaunna M. Morrison; Allan H. Treiman; E. B. Rampe; Melissa S. Rice; C. N. Achilles; John P. Grotzinger; Scott M. McLennan; J. Williams; James F. Bell; H. Newsom; Robert T. Downs; Sylvestre Maurice; Philippe Sarrazin; Albert S. Yen; J. M. Morookian; Jack D. Farmer; K. Stack; Ralph E. Milliken; Bethany L. Ehlmann; Dawn Y. Sumner; Gilles Berger; Joy A. Crisp; Joel A. Hurowitz
Sedimentary rocks at Yellowknife Bay (Gale crater) on Mars include mudstone sampled by the Curiosity rover. The samples, John Klein and Cumberland, contain detrital basaltic minerals, calcium sulfates, iron oxide or hydroxides, iron sulfides, amorphous material, and trioctahedral smectites. The John Klein smectite has basal spacing of ~10 angstroms, indicating little interlayer hydration. The Cumberland smectite has basal spacing at both ~13.2 and ~10 angstroms. The larger spacing suggests a partially chloritized interlayer or interlayer magnesium or calcium facilitating H2O retention. Basaltic minerals in the mudstone are similar to those in nearby eolian deposits. However, the mudstone has far less Fe-forsterite, possibly lost with formation of smectite plus magnetite. Late Noachian/Early Hesperian or younger age indicates that clay mineral formation on Mars extended beyond Noachian time.
Science | 2014
Scott M. McLennan; R. B. Anderson; James F. Bell; John C. Bridges; F. Calef; John Campbell; B. C. Clark; S. M. Clegg; P. G. Conrad; A. Cousin; D. J. Des Marais; Gilles Dromart; M. D. Dyar; Lauren A. Edgar; Bethany L. Ehlmann; Claude Fabre; O. Forni; O. Gasnault; R. Gellert; S. Gordon; A. Grant; John P. Grotzinger; S. Gupta; K. E. Herkenhoff; J. A. Hurowitz; Penelope L. King; S. Le Mouélic; L. A. Leshin; R. Leveille; Kevin W. Lewis
Sedimentary rocks examined by the Curiosity rover at Yellowknife Bay, Mars, were derived from sources that evolved from an approximately average martian crustal composition to one influenced by alkaline basalts. No evidence of chemical weathering is preserved, indicating arid, possibly cold, paleoclimates and rapid erosion and deposition. The absence of predicted geochemical variations indicates that magnetite and phyllosilicates formed by diagenesis under low-temperature, circumneutral pH, rock-dominated aqueous conditions. Analyses of diagenetic features (including concretions, raised ridges, and fractures) at high spatial resolution indicate that they are composed of iron- and halogen-rich components, magnesium-iron-chlorine–rich components, and hydrated calcium sulfates, respectively. Composition of a cross-cutting dike-like feature is consistent with sedimentary intrusion. The geochemistry of these sedimentary rocks provides further evidence for diverse depositional and diagenetic sedimentary environments during the early history of Mars.
Science | 2013
P.-Y. Meslin; O. Gasnault; Olivier Forni; S. Schröder; A. Cousin; G. Berger; S. M. Clegg; J. Lasue; S. Maurice; Violaine Sautter; S. Le Mouélic; Roger C. Wiens; C. Fabre; W. Goetz; David L. Bish; Nicolas Mangold; Bethany L. Ehlmann; N. Lanza; A.-M. Harri; R. B. Anderson; E. B. Rampe; Timothy H. McConnochie; P. Pinet; Diana L. Blaney; R. Leveille; D. Archer; B. L. Barraclough; Steve Bender; D. Blake; Jennifer G. Blank
The ChemCam instrument, which provides insight into martian soil chemistry at the submillimeter scale, identified two principal soil types along the Curiosity rover traverse: a fine-grained mafic type and a locally derived, coarse-grained felsic type. The mafic soil component is representative of widespread martian soils and is similar in composition to the martian dust. It possesses a ubiquitous hydrogen signature in ChemCam spectra, corresponding to the hydration of the amorphous phases found in the soil by the CheMin instrument. This hydration likely accounts for an important fraction of the global hydration of the surface seen by previous orbital measurements. ChemCam analyses did not reveal any significant exchange of water vapor between the regolith and the atmosphere. These observations provide constraints on the nature of the amorphous phases and their hydration.
Nature | 2016
M.C. De Sanctis; A. Raponi; E. Ammannito; M. Ciarniello; Michael J. Toplis; Harry Y. McSween; Julie C. Castillo-Rogez; Bethany L. Ehlmann; F.G. Carrozzo; S. Marchi; F. Tosi; F. Zambon; F. Capaccioni; M. T. Capria; S. Fonte; M. Formisano; A. Frigeri; M. Giardino; A. Longobardo; G. Magni; E. Palomba; Lucy A. McFadden; Carle M. Pieters; R. Jaumann; Paul M. Schenk; R. Mugnuolo; C. A. Raymond; C. T. Russell
The typically dark surface of the dwarf planet Ceres is punctuated by areas of much higher albedo, most prominently in the Occator crater. These small bright areas have been tentatively interpreted as containing a large amount of hydrated magnesium sulfate, in contrast to the average surface, which is a mixture of low-albedo materials and magnesium phyllosilicates, ammoniated phyllosilicates and carbonates. Here we report high spatial and spectral resolution near-infrared observations of the bright areas in the Occator crater on Ceres. Spectra of these bright areas are consistent with a large amount of sodium carbonate, constituting the most concentrated known extraterrestrial occurrence of carbonate on kilometre-wide scales in the Solar System. The carbonates are mixed with a dark component and small amounts of phyllosilicates, as well as ammonium carbonate or ammonium chloride. Some of these compounds have also been detected in the plume of Saturn’s sixth-largest moon Enceladus. The compounds are endogenous and we propose that they are the solid residue of crystallization of brines and entrained altered solids that reached the surface from below. The heat source may have been transient (triggered by impact heating). Alternatively, internal temperatures may be above the eutectic temperature of subsurface brines, in which case fluids may exist at depth on Ceres today.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
M. Nachon; Samuel Michael Clegg; N. Mangold; Susanne Schröder; L. C. Kah; Gilles Dromart; A. M. Ollila; Jeffrey R. Johnson; D. Z. Oehler; John C. Bridges; S. Le Mouélic; O. Forni; Roger C. Wiens; R. B. Anderson; Diana L. Blaney; James F. Bell; B. C. Clark; A. Cousin; M. D. Dyar; Bethany L. Ehlmann; C. Fabre; O. Gasnault; John P. Grotzinger; J. Lasue; E. Lewin; R. Leveille; Scott M. McLennan; Sylvestre Maurice; P.-Y. Meslin; W. Rapin
The Curiosity rover has analyzed abundant light-toned fracture-fill material within the Yellowknife Bay sedimentary deposits. The ChemCam instrument, coupled with Mastcam and ChemCam/Remote Micro Imager images, was able to demonstrate that these fracture fills consist of calcium sulfate veins, many of which appear to be hydrated at a level expected for gypsum and bassanite. Anhydrite is locally present and is found in a location characterized by a nodular texture. An intricate assemblage of veins crosses the sediments, which were likely formed by precipitation from fluids circulating through fractures. The presence of veins throughout the entire similar to 5 m thick Yellowknife Bay sediments suggests that this process occurred well after sedimentation and cementation/lithification of those sediments. The sulfur-rich fluids may have originated in previously precipitated sulfate-rich layers, either before the deposition of the Sheepbed mudstones or from unrelated units such as the sulfates at the base of Mount Sharp. The occurrence of these veins after the episodes of deposition of fluvial sediments at the surface suggests persistent aqueous activity in relatively nonacidic conditions.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Violaine Sautter; C. Fabre; O. Forni; Michael J. Toplis; A. Cousin; A. M. Ollila; P.-Y. Meslin; Sylvestre Maurice; Roger C. Wiens; David Baratoux; Nicolas Mangold; S. Le Mouélic; O. Gasnault; Gilles Berger; J. Lasue; R. A. Anderson; E. Lewin; Mariek E. Schmidt; D. Dyar; Bethany L. Ehlmann; John C. Bridges; B. C. Clark; P. C. Pinet
Textural and compositional analyses using Chemistry Camera (ChemCam) remote microimager and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) have been performed on five float rocks and coarse gravels along the first 100 m of the Curiosity traverse at Bradbury Rise. ChemCam, the first LIBS instrument sent to another planet, offers the opportunity to assess mineralogic diversity at grain-size scales (~ 100 µm) and, from this, lithologic diversity. Depth profiling indicates that targets are relatively free of surface coatings. One type of igneous rock is volcanic and includes both aphanitic (Coronation) and porphyritic (Mara) samples. The porphyritic sample shows dark grains that are likely pyroxene megacrysts in a fine-grained mesostasis containing andesine needles. Both types have magnesium-poor basaltic compositions and in this respect are similar to the evolved Jake Matijevic rock analyzed further along the Curiosity traverse both with Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer and ChemCam instruments. The second rock type encountered is a coarse-grained intrusive rock (Thor Lake) showing equigranular texture with millimeter size crystals of feldspars and Fe-Ti oxides. Such a rock is not unique at Gale as the surrounding coarse gravels (such as Beaulieu) and the conglomerate Link are dominated by feldspathic (andesine-bytownite) clasts. Finally, alkali feldspar compositions associated with a silica polymorph have been analyzed in fractured filling material of Preble rock and in Stark, a putative pumice or an impact melt. These observations document magmatic diversity at Gale and describe the first fragments of feldspar-rich lithologies (possibly an anorthosite) that may be ancient crust transported from the crater rim and now forming float rocks, coarse gravel, or conglomerate clasts.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Mariek E. Schmidt; John Campbell; R. Gellert; Glynis M. Perrett; A. H. Treiman; Diana L. Blaney; A. Olilla; F. Calef; Lauren A. Edgar; Beverley E. Elliott; John P. Grotzinger; Joel A. Hurowitz; Penelope L. King; M. E. Minitti; Violaine Sautter; Kathryn M. Stack; Jeff A. Berger; John C. Bridges; Bethany L. Ehlmann; O. Forni; L. A. Leshin; Kevin W. Lewis; S. M. McLennan; D. W. Ming; H. Newsom; Irina Pradler; S. W. Squyres; Edward M. Stolper; Lucy M. Thompson; Scott J. V. VanBommel
The first four rocks examined by the Mars Science Laboratory Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer indicate that Curiosity landed in a lithologically diverse region of Mars. These rocks, collectively dubbed the Bradbury assemblage, were studied along an eastward traverse (sols 46–102). Compositions range from Na- and Al-rich mugearite Jake_Matijevic to Fe-, Mg-, and Zn-rich alkali-rich basalt/hawaiite Bathurst_Inlet and span nearly the entire range in FeO* and MnO of the data sets from previous Martian missions and Martian meteorites. The Bradbury assemblage is also enriched in K and moderately volatile metals (Zn and Ge). These elements do not correlate with Cl or S, suggesting that they are associated with the rocks themselves and not with salt-rich coatings. Three out of the four Bradbury rocks plot along a line in elemental variation diagrams, suggesting mixing between Al-rich and Fe-rich components. ChemCam analyses give insight to their degree of chemical heterogeneity and grain size. Variations in trace elements detected by ChemCam suggest chemical weathering (Li) and concentration in mineral phases (e.g., Rb and Sr in feldspars). We interpret the Bradbury assemblage to be broadly volcanic and/or volcaniclastic, derived either from near the Gale crater rim and transported by the Peace Vallis fan network, or from a local volcanic source within Gale Crater. High Fe and Fe/Mn in Et_Then likely reflect secondary precipitation of Fe^(3+) oxides as a cement or rind. The K-rich signature of the Bradbury assemblage, if igneous in origin, may have formed by small degrees of partial melting of metasomatized mantle.
Science | 2016
E. Ammannito; M.C. Desanctis; M. Ciarniello; A. Frigeri; F.G. Carrozzo; J.-Ph. Combe; Bethany L. Ehlmann; S. Marchi; Harry Y. McSween; A. Raponi; Michael J. Toplis; F. Tosi; Julie C. Castillo-Rogez; F. Capaccioni; M. T. Capria; S. Fonte; M. Giardino; R. Jaumann; A. Longobardo; Steven Peter Joy; G. Magni; T. B. McCord; L. A. McFadden; E. Palomba; Carle M. Pieters; C. Polanskey; Marc D. Rayman; C.A. Raymond; Paul M. Schenk; F. Zambon
INTRODUCTION The surface of the dwarf planet Ceres is known to host phyllosilicate minerals, but their distribution and origin have not previously been determined. Phyllosilicates are hydrated silicates, and their presence on the surface of Ceres is intriguing given that their structure evolves through an aqueous alteration process. In addition, some phyllosilicates are known to bear NH4, which places a constraint on the pH and redox conditions during the evolution of Ceres. We studied the distribution of phyllosilicates across the planet’s surface to better understand the evolutionary pathway of Ceres. RATIONALE Using the data acquired by the mapping spectrometer (VIR) onboard the Dawn spacecraft, we mapped the spatial distribution of different minerals on Ceres on the basis of their diagnostic absorption features in visible and infrared spectra. We studied the phyllosilicates through their OH-stretch fundamental absorption at about 2.7 µm and through the NH4 absorption at about 3.1 µm. From our composition maps, we infer the origin of the materials identified. RESULTS We found that Mg- and NH4-bearing phyllosilicates are ubiquitous across the surface of Ceres and that their chemical composition is fairly uniform. The widespread presence of these two types of minerals is a strong indication of a global and extensive aqueous alteration—i.e., the presence of water at some point in Ceres’ geological history. Although the detected phyllosilicates are compositionally homogeneous, we found variations in the intensity of their absorption features in the 3-µm region of the reflectance spectrum. Such variations are likely due to spatial variability in relative mineral abundance (see the figure). CONCLUSION The large-scale regional variations evident in the figure suggest lateral heterogeneity in surficial phyllosilicate abundance on scales of several hundreds of kilometers. Terrains associated with the Kerwan crater (higher concentration of phyllosilicates) appear smooth, whereas the Yalode crater (lower concentration of phyllosilicates) is characterized by both smooth and rugged terrains. These distinct morphologies and phyllosilicate concentrations observed in two craters that are similar in size may reflect different compositions and/or rheological properties. On top of this large-scale lateral heterogeneity, small-scale variations associated with individual craters could result from different proportions of mixed materials in a stratified upper crustal layer that has been exposed by impacts. Variations associated with fresh craters, such as the 34-km-diameter Haulani, indicate the presence of crustal variations over a vertical scale of a few kilometers, whereas much larger craters, such as the 126-km-diameter Dantu, suggest that such stratification may extend for at least several tens of kilometers. Abundance maps. Qualitative maps of the abundances of (top) phyllosilicates and (bottom) NH4, based on the depth of their absorption features. The two maps have a similar global pattern, although they differ in some localized regions such as Urvara. The scale bar is valid at the equator. The dwarf planet Ceres is known to host phyllosilicate minerals at its surface, but their distribution and origin have not previously been determined. We used the spectrometer onboard the Dawn spacecraft to map their spatial distribution on the basis of diagnostic absorption features in the visible and near-infrared spectral range (0.25 to 5.0 micrometers). We found that magnesium- and ammonium-bearing minerals are ubiquitous across the surface. Variations in the strength of the absorption features are spatially correlated and indicate considerable variability in the relative abundance of the phyllosilicates, although their composition is fairly uniform. These data, along with the distinctive spectral properties of Ceres relative to other asteroids and carbonaceous meteorites, indicate that the phyllosilicates were formed endogenously by a globally widespread and extensive alteration process.
American Mineralogist | 2015
Thomas F. Bristow; David L. Bish; David T. Vaniman; Richard V. Morris; David F. Blake; John P. Grotzinger; E. B. Rampe; Joy A. Crisp; C. N. Achilles; Douglas W. Ming; Bethany L. Ehlmann; Penelope L. King; John C. Bridges; Jennifer L. Eigenbrode; Dawn Y. Sumner; S. J. Chipera; John Michael Moorokian; Allan H. Treiman; Shaunna M. Morrison; Robert T. Downs; Jack D. Farmer; David J. Des Marais; Philippe Sarrazin; Melissa Floyd; Michael A. Mischna; A. C. McAdam
Abstract The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover Curiosity has documented a section of fluvio-lacustrine strata at Yellowknife Bay (YKB), an embayment on the floor of Gale crater, approximately 500 m east of the Bradbury landing site. X‑ray diffraction (XRD) data and evolved gas analysis (EGA) data from the CheMin and SAM instruments show that two powdered mudstone samples (named John Klein and Cumberland) drilled from the Sheepbed member of this succession contain up to ~20 wt% clay minerals. A trioctahedral smectite, likely a ferrian saponite, is the only clay mineral phase detected in these samples. Smectites of the two samples exhibit different 001 spacing under the low partial pressures of H2O inside the CheMin instrument (relative humidity <1%). Smectite interlayers in John Klein collapsed sometime between clay mineral formation and the time of analysis to a basal spacing of 10 Å, but largely remain open in the Cumberland sample with a basal spacing of ~13.2 Å. Partial intercalation of Cumberland smectites by metal-hydroxyl groups, a common process in certain pedogenic and lacustrine settings on Earth, is our favored explanation for these differences. The relatively low abundances of olivine and enriched levels of magnetite in the Sheepbed mudstone, when compared with regional basalt compositions derived from orbital data, suggest that clay minerals formed with magnetite in situ via aqueous alteration of olivine. Mass-balance calculations are permissive of such a reaction. Moreover, the Sheepbed mudstone mineral assemblage is consistent with minimal inputs of detrital clay minerals from the crater walls and rim. Early diagenetic fabrics suggest clay mineral formation prior to lithification. Thermodynamic modeling indicates that the production of authigenic magnetite and saponite at surficial temperatures requires a moderate supply of oxidants, allowing circum-neutral pH. The kinetics of olivine alteration suggest the presence of fluids for thousands to hundreds of thousands of years. Mineralogical evidence of the persistence of benign aqueous conditions at YKB for extended periods indicates a potentially habitable environment where life could establish itself. Mediated oxidation of Fe2+ in olivine to Fe3+ in magnetite, and perhaps in smectites provided a potential energy source for organisms.