Brandon C. Johnson
Brown University
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Featured researches published by Brandon C. Johnson.
Science | 2013
H. J. Melosh; Andrew M. Freed; Brandon C. Johnson; David M. Blair; Jeffrey C. Andrews-Hanna; Gregory A. Neumann; Roger J. Phillips; David E. Smith; Sean C. Solomon; Mark A. Wieczorek; Maria T. Zuber
Lunar Mascons Explained The origin of lunar mass concentrations (or mascons), which appear as prominent bulls-eye patterns on gravitational maps of both the near- and far side of the Moon, has been a mystery since they were originally detected in 1968. Using state-of-the-art simulation codes, Melosh et al. (p. 1552, published online 30 May; see the Perspective by Montesi) developed a model to explain the formation of mascons, linking the processes of impact cratering, tectonic deformation, and volcanic extrusion. A detailed model of impact basin formation explains the gravity signatures near two lunar craters. [Also see Perspective by Montesi] High-resolution gravity data from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory spacecraft have clarified the origin of lunar mass concentrations (mascons). Free-air gravity anomalies over lunar impact basins display bull’s-eye patterns consisting of a central positive (mascon) anomaly, a surrounding negative collar, and a positive outer annulus. We show that this pattern results from impact basin excavation and collapse followed by isostatic adjustment and cooling and contraction of a voluminous melt pool. We used a hydrocode to simulate the impact and a self-consistent finite-element model to simulate the subsequent viscoelastic relaxation and cooling. The primary parameters controlling the modeled gravity signatures of mascon basins are the impactor energy, the lunar thermal gradient at the time of impact, the crustal thickness, and the extent of volcanic fill.
Nature | 2015
Brandon C. Johnson; David A. Minton; H. J. Melosh; Maria T. Zuber
Chondrules are the millimetre-scale, previously molten, spherules found in most meteorites. Before chondrules formed, large differentiating planetesimals had already accreted. Volatile-rich olivine reveals that chondrules formed in extremely solid-rich environments, more like impact plumes than the solar nebula. The unique chondrules in CB chondrites probably formed in a vapour-melt plume produced by a hypervelocity impact with an impact velocity greater than 10 kilometres per second. An acceptable formation model for the overwhelming majority of chondrules, however, has not been established. Here we report that impacts can produce enough chondrules during the first five million years of planetary accretion to explain their observed abundance. Building on a previous study of impact jetting, we simulate protoplanetary impacts, finding that material is melted and ejected at high speed when the impact velocity exceeds 2.5 kilometres per second. Using a Monte Carlo accretion code, we estimate the location, timing, sizes, and velocities of chondrule-forming impacts. Ejecta size estimates indicate that jetted melt will form millimetre-scale droplets. Our radiative transfer models show that these droplets experience the expected cooling rates of ten to a thousand kelvin per hour,. An impact origin for chondrules implies that meteorites are a byproduct of planet formation rather than leftover building material.
Nature | 2012
Brandon C. Johnson; H. J. Melosh
Impact craters are the most obvious indication of asteroid impacts, but craters on Earth are quickly obscured or destroyed by surface weathering and tectonic processes. Earth’s impact history is inferred therefore either from estimates of the present-day impactor flux as determined by observations of near-Earth asteroids, or from the Moon’s incomplete impact chronology. Asteroids hitting Earth typically vaporize a mass of target rock comparable to the projectile’s mass. As this vapour expands in a large plume or fireball, it cools and condenses into molten droplets called spherules. For asteroids larger than about ten kilometres in diameter, these spherules are deposited in a global layer. Spherule layers preserved in the geologic record accordingly provide information about an impact even when the source crater cannot be found. Here we report estimates of the sizes and impact velocities of the asteroids that created global spherule layers. The impact chronology from these spherule layers reveals that the impactor flux was significantly higher 3.5 billion years ago than it is now. This conclusion is consistent with a gradual decline of the impactor flux after the Late Heavy Bombardment.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Andrew M. Freed; Brandon C. Johnson; David M. Blair; H. J. Melosh; Gregory A. Neumann; Roger J. Phillips; Sean C. Solomon; Mark A. Wieczorek; Maria T. Zuber
Positive free-air gravity anomalies associated with large lunar impact basins represent a superisostatic mass concentration or “mascon.” High-resolution lunar gravity data from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory spacecraft reveal that these mascons are part of a bulls-eye pattern in which the central positive anomaly is surrounded by an annulus of negative anomalies, which in turn is surrounded by an outer annulus of positive anomalies. To understand the origin of this gravity pattern, we modeled numerically the entire evolution of basin formation from impact to contemporary form. With a hydrocode, we simulated impact excavation and collapse and show that during the major basin-forming era, the preimpact crust and mantle were sufficiently weak to enable a crustal cap to flow back over and cover the mantle exposed by the impact within hours. With hydrocode results as initial conditions, we simulated subsequent cooling and viscoelastic relaxation of topography using a finite element model, focusing on the mare-free Freundlich-Sharonov and mare-infilled Humorum basins. By constraining these models with measured free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies as well as surface topography, we show that lunar basins evolve by isostatic adjustment from an initially subisostatic state following the collapse stage. The key to the development of a superisostatic inner basin center is its mechanical coupling to the outer basin that rises in response to subisostatic stresses, enabling the inner basin to rise above isostatic equilibrium. Our calculations relate basin size to impactor diameter and velocity, and they constrain the preimpact lunar thermal structure, crustal thickness, viscoelastic rheology, and, for the Humorum basin, the thickness of its postimpact mare fill.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016
Brandon C. Johnson; Charles S. Campbell; H. Jay Melosh
Campbell et al. (1995) modeled long runout landslides as granular flow using a soft particle code. Their model essentially simulates landslides from first principles, and although no fluid or obvious mechanism for reduction of friction is included, the model successfully reproduced many field observations of landslides (e.g., the preservation of source stratigraphy in the final slide mass and a decreasing effective friction with increasing slide volume). We extend the work of Campbell et al. (1995) with a focus on the mechanism that reduces friction in these slides. We find sliding preferentially occurs when the overburden is relieved by pressure variations in the slide. Further analysis shows that our results are very similar to the predictions of the acoustic fluidization hypothesis. Moreover, we determine that for long runout landslides the wavelength of vibrations associated with acoustic fluidization is determined by the size of the rock fragments in the slide.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Jason M. Soderblom; Alexander J. Evans; Brandon C. Johnson; H. Jay Melosh; Katarina Miljković; Roger J. Phillips; Jeffrey C. Andrews-Hanna; C. J. Bierson; James W. Head; Colleen Milbury; Gregory A. Neumann; Francis Nimmo; David E. Smith; Sean C. Solomon; Michael M. Sori; Mark A. Wieczorek; Maria T. Zuber
We have analyzed the Bouguer anomaly (BA) of ~1200 complex craters in the lunar highlands from Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory observations. The BA of these craters is generally negative, though positive BA values are observed, particularly for smaller craters. Crater BA values scale inversely with crater diameter, quantifying how larger impacts produce more extensive fracturing and dilatant bulking. The Bouguer anomaly of craters larger than 93 þ47 � 19 km in diameter is independent of crater size, indicating that there is a limiting depth to impact-generated porosity, presumably from pore collapse associated with either overburden pressure or viscous flow. Impact-generated porosity of the bulk lunar crust is likely in a state of equilibrium for craters smaller than ~30km in diameter, consistent with an ~8km thick lunar megaregolith, whereas the gravity signature of larger craters is still preserved and provides new insight into the cratering record of even the oldest lunar surfaces.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Colleen Milbury; Brandon C. Johnson; H. J. Melosh; Gareth S. Collins; David M. Blair; Jason M. Soderblom; Francis Nimmo; C. J. Bierson; Roger J. Phillips; Maria T. Zuber
We model the formation of lunar complex craters and investigate the effect of preimpact porosity on their gravity signatures. We find that while preimpact target porosities less than ~7% produce negative residual Bouguer anomalies (BAs), porosities greater than ~7% produce positive anomalies whose magnitude is greater for impacted surfaces with higher initial porosity. Negative anomalies result from pore space creation due to fracturing and dilatant bulking, and positive anomalies result from destruction of pore space due to shock wave compression. The central BA of craters larger than ~215 km in diameter, however, are invariably positive because of an underlying central mantle uplift. We conclude that the striking differences between the gravity signatures of craters on the Earth and Moon are the result of the higher average porosity and variable porosity of the lunar crust.
Science | 2016
Brandon C. Johnson; David M. Blair; Gareth S. Collins; H. Jay Melosh; Andrew M. Freed; G. Jeffrey Taylor; James W. Head; Mark A. Wieczorek; Jeffrey C. Andrews-Hanna; Francis Nimmo; James Tuttle Keane; Katarina Miljković; Jason M. Soderblom; Maria T. Zuber
titOn the origin of Orientale basinle Orientale basin is a major impact crater on the Moon, which is hard to see from Earth because it is right on the western edge of the lunar nearside. Relatively undisturbed by later events, Orientale serves as a prototype for understanding large impact craters throughout the solar system. Zuber et al. used the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission to map the gravitational field around the crater in great detail by flying the twin spacecraft as little as 2 km above the surface. Johnson et al. performed a sophisticated computer simulation of the impact and its subsequent evolution, designed to match the data from GRAIL. Together, these studies reveal how major impacts affect the lunar surface and will aid our understanding of other impacts on rocky planets and moons. Science, this issue pp. 438 and 441 Simulations of the formation of the Orientale basin on the Moon reveal the origin of its multiple rings Multiring basins, large impact craters characterized by multiple concentric topographic rings, dominate the stratigraphy, tectonics, and crustal structure of the Moon. Using a hydrocode, we simulated the formation of the Orientale multiring basin, producing a subsurface structure consistent with high-resolution gravity data from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft. The simulated impact produced a transient crater, ~390 kilometers in diameter, that was not maintained because of subsequent gravitational collapse. Our simulations indicate that the flow of warm weak material at depth was crucial to the formation of the basin’s outer rings, which are large normal faults that formed at different times during the collapse stage. The key parameters controlling ring location and spacing are impactor diameter and lunar thermal gradients.
Science | 2016
Maria T. Zuber; David E. Smith; Gregory A. Neumann; Sander Goossens; Jeffrey C. Andrews-Hanna; James W. Head; Walter S. Kiefer; Sami W. Asmar; Alexander S. Konopliv; Frank G. Lemoine; Isamu Matsuyama; H. Jay Melosh; Patrick J. McGovern; Francis Nimmo; Roger J. Phillips; Sean C. Solomon; G. Jeffrey Taylor; Michael M. Watkins; Mark A. Wieczorek; J. G. Williams; Johanna C. Jansen; Brandon C. Johnson; James Tuttle Keane; Erwan Mazarico; Katarina Miljković; Ryan S. Park; Jason M. Soderblom; Dah Ning Yuan
On the origin of Orientale basin Orientale basin is a major impact crater on the Moon, which is hard to see from Earth because it is right on the western edge of the lunar nearside. Relatively undisturbed by later events, Orientale serves as a prototype for understanding large impact craters throughout the solar system. Zuber et al. used the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission to map the gravitational field around the crater in great detail by flying the twin spacecraft as little as 2 km above the surface. Johnson et al. performed a sophisticated computer simulation of the impact and its subsequent evolution, designed to match the data from GRAIL. Together, these studies reveal how major impacts affect the lunar surface and will aid our understanding of other impacts on rocky planets and moons. Science, this issue pp. 438 and 441 Detailed maps of the Moon’s gravitational field reveal structure in the Orientale impact crater. The Orientale basin is the youngest and best-preserved major impact structure on the Moon. We used the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft to investigate the gravitational field of Orientale at 3- to 5-kilometer (km) horizontal resolution. A volume of at least (3.4 ± 0.2) × 106 km3 of crustal material was removed and redistributed during basin formation. There is no preserved evidence of the transient crater that would reveal the basin’s maximum volume, but its diameter may now be inferred to be between 320 and 460 km. The gravity field resolves distinctive structures of Orientale’s three rings and suggests the presence of faults associated with the outer two that penetrate to the mantle. The crustal structure of Orientale provides constraints on the formation of multiring basins.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015
Devon Parkos; Alina Alexeenko; Marat Kulakhmetov; Brandon C. Johnson; H. Jay Melosh
The Chicxulub impact 66.0 Ma ago initiated the second biggest extinction in the Phanerozoic Eon. The cause of the concurrent oceanic nitrogen isotopic anomaly, however, remains elusive. The Chicxulub impactor struck the Yucatan peninsula, ejecting 2 × 1015 kg of molten and vaporized rock that reentered globally as approximately 1023 microscopic spherules. Here we report that modern techniques indicate that this ejecta generates 1.5 × 1014 moles of NOx, which is enough to cause the observed nitrogen enrichment of the basal layer. Additionally, reentry-based NO production would explain the anomalously heavy isotopic composition of the observed nitrogen. We include N, O, N2, O2, and NO species in simulations of nonequilibrium chemically reacting flow around a reentering spherule. We then determine the net production of NO from all the spherules and use turbulence models to determine how quickly this yield diffuses through the atmosphere. Upon reaching the stratosphere and troposphere, cloud moisture absorbs the NOx and forms nitric acid. We model this process and determine the acidity of the resulting precipitation, which peaks about 1 year after the impact. The precipitation ultimately reaches the upper ocean, where we assume that the well-mixed surface layer is 100 m deep. We then model the naturally occurring carbonate/bicarbonate buffer and determine the net pH. We find that insufficient NOx reaches the ocean to directly cause the observed end-Cretaceous oceanic extinction via acidification and buffer removal. However, the resulting nitrates are sufficient to explain the concurrent nitrogen isotopic anomaly and facilitate an end-Cretaceous algae bloom.