Brian D. Edwards
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by Brian D. Edwards.
Geology | 1982
Michael E. Field; James V. Gardner; Anne E. Jennings; Brian D. Edwards
On November 8, 1980, a major earthquake (magnitude 6.5 to 7.2) occurred 60 km off the coast of northern California. A survey of the area using high-resolution seismic-reflection and side-scan sonar equipment revealed the presence of extensive sediment failure and flows in a zone about 1 km wide and 20 km long that trends parallel to the shelf on the very gently sloping ( c and a prominent 1- to 2-m high, seaward-facing toe scarp on the outer margin of the terrace. This toe scarp is sinuous, appears to be nearly continuous for a distance of 20 km, and closely parallels the 60-m isobath. Evidence indicates that the toe scarp is the terminus of lateral spreads and lobes of sediment flows. Side-scan sonar records show evidence of gas vents and small (10 × 3 × 0.5 m high) pressure ridges formed seaward of and parallel to the sediment flow scarp. Indicators of liquefaction (sand boils and collapse craters) are present on the sediment flow terrace. Extensive sediment failure occurred on a sea-floor slope of less than 0.25°, and we can unequivocally pinpoint the cause as an earthquake of known location, magnitude, and time.
Marine Geology | 2002
Brian D. Edwards
Abstract The storm-protected continental shelf of Monterey Bay, part of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, north-central California, is subject to abundant, episodic sediment input from fluvial sources. North of Monterey Bay, conditions of reduced sediment supply combined with the exposed nature of the shelf provide an effective laboratory for studying the contrasting effects of storm- versus fluvial-dominated conditions on modern sedimentation. Textural analyses performed on surface sediment samples collected from more than 380 box cores and MultiCores™ document the existence of a clearly defined mud belt occupying the mid-shelf throughout the region. Inshore sands combined with these mid-shelf muds represent deposits from modern sedimentation processes. In Monterey Bay, where episodic fluvial input from winter storms dominates sedimentation, the mid-shelf mud belt extends across the shelf to the shelf break. North of Monterey Bay, where sediment loads are reduced and both oceanographic and storm processes dominate, the mid-shelf mud belt is bordered by relict sediments occupying the outer shelf. In the study area, mass accumulation rates established by radiochemical studies support the contention that storm-induced along-shelf processes result in northward transport of sediment within the mud belt. The continuity of transport, however, is interrupted by topographic highs which are barriers or inhibitors to sediment transport created by wrench-style tectonics associated with the San Andreas fault system.
Marine Geology | 2002
Roger C. Lewis; Kenneth H. Coale; Brian D. Edwards; Marci Marot; Jocelyn N. Douglas; Erica J. Burton
Abstract The distribution of excess 210Pb in 31 sediment cores was used to determine modern (last 100 yr) mass accumulation rates and the depth of sediment mixing on the continental shelf between Pacifica and Monterey, California, USA. Apparent mass accumulation rates average 0.27 g cm−2 yr−1 and range from 0.42 g cm−2 yr−1 to 0.12 g cm−2 yr−1. Accumulation rates were highest at mid-shelf water depths (60–100 m) adjacent to major rivers and near the head of the Ascension submarine canyon. Cores from water depths of less than 65 m had low, uniform 210Pb activity profiles and sandy textures. The uppermost 5–13 cm of 15 cores had uniform 210Pb activity profiles above a region of steadily decreasing 210Pb activity. This phenomenon was attributed to sediment mixing. The thickness of this upper layer of uniform 210Pb activity decreased southward from 13 cm, west of Pacifica, to less than 5 cm, near Monterey Canyon. This southward decrease may be attributed to shallower bioturbation in the southern study area. Integrated excess 210Pb activities were generally higher where sedimentation rates were high. They were also higher with increasing distance from major rivers. Thus, sedimentation rate alone does not explain the distribution of integrated excess 210Pb in this study area. Excess 210Pb in the seafloor is controlled by other factors such as sediment texture, the atmospheric deposition rate of 210Pb, and the residence time of sediment particles in the water column.
Marine Geology | 2002
Stephen L. Eittreim; Jingping Xu; Marlene A. Noble; Brian D. Edwards
A conceptual model is presented for the northern Monterey Bay continental shelf in which coarse sediment moves southward along the coast in the littoral zone while fine sediment moves to the north by advection and diffusion along the midshelf. Data from measurements and estimates of various sediment sources and sinks show that the midshelf mudbelt is the dominant sink for fine-grained sediment introduced into Monterey Bay. The principal sources of the fine sediment are the three rivers that enter Monterey Bay: the San Lorenzo, Pajaro and Salinas rivers. Accumulation rates in the midshelf mudbelt are high relative to documented yields of rivers and cliff erosion, and also are high relative to other documented mud accumulations of the west coast continental shelves.
Marine Environmental Research | 2003
Brian D. Edwards; Peter Dartnell; Henry Chezar
Seafloor photography from three cruises is combined with multibeam sonar imagery to characterize benthic substrates and associated fauna of Santa Monica Bay, California. The multibeam EM1000 imagery was collected in 1996. Two sampling cruises (in 1998 and 1999) provided photographs at 142 sites throughout the Bay; a final cruise (in 2000) collected still photographs and continuous video along nine transects on the mainland shelf from Pt. Dume to the Palos Verdes peninsula. Muddy substrates (typically low backscatter) were the predominant habitat throughout the Santa Monica Bay, from the 20 m isobath to the adjacent Santa Monica basin floor (780 m). Bioturbation was pervasive as evidenced by abundant open burrows, mounds, and faunal tracks and trails. Sandy substrates (typically intermediate to high backscatter) were restricted to the innermost mainland shelf and a narrow outer shelf band north of Santa Monica Canyon. Cobble and gravel substrates (high backscatter) were restricted to the innermost shelf south of El Segundo and limited parts of the shelf edge. Rocky substrates (high backscatter) with interspersed patches of sand and gravel occurred on the high-relief marginal plateau and along parts of the shelf break offshore of Malibu.
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 1991
Homa J. Lee; William C. Schwab; Brian D. Edwards; Robert E. Kayen
Abstract The concept of the steady‐state of deformation can be applied to predicting the ultimate form a landslide will take. The steady‐state condition, defined by a line in void ratio‐effective stress space, exists at large levels of strain and remolding. Conceptually, if sediment initially exists with void ratio‐effective stress conditions above the steady‐state line, the sediment shear strength will decrease during a transient loading event, such as an earthquake or storm. If the reduced shear strength existing at the steady state is less than the downslope shear stress induced by gravity, then large‐scale internal deformation, disintegration, and flow will occur. If sediment exists at a state that is on or below the steady‐state line, disintegration and flow will typically not occur. Confirming these concepts, studies of subaerial landslides show an association between disintegrative flows and void ratio‐effective stress states above the steady‐state line. Nondisintegrative landslides are associated ...
Marine Geology | 2002
Roberto J. Anima; Stephen L. Eittreim; Brian D. Edwards; Andrew J. Stevenson
A combination of side-scanning sonar and high-resolution seismic reflection data image seafloor bedrock exposures and erosional features across the nearshore shelf. Sediment-filled troughs incise the inner shelf rock exposures and tie directly to modern coastal streams. The resulting bedrock geometry can be related to its resistance to erosion. Comparison of the depth of the transgressive erosional surface to recently developed sea level curves suggests a period of slow sea level rise during the early stages of post-interglacial marine transgression. The slow rise of sea level suggests an erosional episode that limited the preservation of buried paleo-channels beyond 70 m water depth. Seafloor features suggest that localized faulting in the area may have influenced the morphology of bedrock exposures and the coastline.
Sedimentary Geology | 1996
J.R. Schwalbach; Brian D. Edwards; Donn S. Gorsline
Abstract Long-range large-scale side-scan (GLORIA) information, other seismic reflection profiling studies, and data from cores in the California Continental Borderland, have defined active levee-channel systems extending basinward from the lower fan of Hueneme-Mugu Submarine Fan, Redondo Submarine Fan, and Santa Cruz Canyon Fan in Santa Monica, San Pedro and Santa Cruz Basins, respectively. The Holocene distributaries have been created by a series of turbidity current events. These distributaries range in length from 10–25 km, and are wide (2–5 km) and low-relief (1–10 m) in their distal parts. They are also active conduits for nepheloid flows. Distributions of sedimentological parameters typically mimic the pattern of levee-channel systems. Organic carbon and biogenic carbonate content roughly outline the systems. Channels are incised in the upper to middle fan areas, and become constructional leveed channels in the lower fan and basin plain as the channel gradient adjusts to maintain a graded profile. Thus sediment gravity flows are generally confined to channels in the upper fan zones, but deposit both channelized and over-bank deposits on the lower fan and basin floor. The deposits show that the canyon-fan activity has continued during a rising sea level phase. It is evident that canyon headward erosion rates have been equal to or greater than the transgression rate, and that the canyon-fan systems have remained linked with their sediment sources. Frequency of events was probably higher, and volumes of the events were often larger, during the glacially lowered sea level episodes. However, turbidity currents of sufficient volume to reach the basin floors continue to occur at century or multi-century intervals. As one progresses headward in each system, the number of flows per length of core increases. Small flows that do not pass beyond the distributaries are much more frequent, and may be decadal in frequency, or even more frequent in the Santa Monica Basin system. These California borderland basins are probably typical of narrow active margins where rate of lateral sea level transgression is less than or equal to the rate of canyon headward erosion. The canyons maintain connections with sediment sources during sea level rise, and the systems therefore are active during the entire sea level cycle. Thus sediment supply is not a simple function of eustacy. This contrasts with the simplified sequence model developed on passive margins where canyons turn off as sea level rises.
Journal of Sedimentary Research | 1995
Brian D. Edwards; Homa J. Lee; Michael E. Field
ABSTRACT The morphology and internal geometry of a mudflow deposit on the mainland slope of the Santa Barbara Basin are defined using high-resolution seismic-reflection data in combination with core samples. Sediment failure occurred on a 4° slope in the uppermost part of late Quaternary well-bedded slope deposits. The failure zone extends from water depths of 374-510 m near the base of slope, occupies an area of 4 km2, and involved the translation of 0.01-0.02 km3 of sediment. Major geomorphic features of the mudflow deposit include a headscarp 6-8 m high, a scar 50-700 m wide, and a main body 1 km long and 12 m thick. The hummocky surface of the mudflow deposits, their chaotic internal structure, and the bulbous toe tapering upslope to a thin tail are consistent wit mass flow involving extensive internal deformation. Sediment failed in stages, ending with upslope retrogressive retreat of the headwall along the east side of the failure zone. Known sedimentation rates of 0.8-1.4 m/k.y., as well as the presence of a thin (0.15-0.5 m thick) sediment cap resting atop the scar surface, indicate that the failure probably occurred within the past few centuries. A geotechnical analysis incorporating the results of both static and dynamic triaxial strength tests shows that the failure was probably caused by a strong (M 7.5) nearby earthquake. The weakened sediment that remained after earthquake shaking continued to flow down the gentle basin slope under the stresses generated by gravity alone. The analysis also shows that much of the slope sediment is marginally stable and that additional mudflows will probably occur during future strong seismic shaking.
Geology | 2014
Charles K. Paull; Mary L. McGann; Esther J. Sumner; Philip M. Barnes; Eve Lundsten; Krystle Anderson; Roberto Gwiazda; Brian D. Edwards; David W. Caress
Remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicle technologies were used to image and sample exceptional deep sea outcrops where an ~100-m-thick section of turbidite beds is exposed on the headwalls of two giant submarine scours on Eel submarine fan, offshore northern California (USA). These outcrops provide a rare opportunity to connect young deep-sea turbidites with their feeder system. 14 C measurements reveal that from 12.8 ka to 7.9 ka, one turbidite was being emplaced on average every 7 yr. This emplacement rate is two to three orders of magnitude higher than observed for turbidites elsewhere along the Pacific margin of North America. The turbidites contain abundant wood and shallow-dwelling foraminifera, demonstrating an efficient connection between the Eel River source and the Eel Fan sink. Tur bidite recurrence intervals diminish fivefold to ~36 yr from 7.9 ka onward, reflecting sea-level rise and re-routing of Eel River sediments.