Budi Marwoto
Crops Research Institute
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Featured researches published by Budi Marwoto.
Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science | 2017
Hanudin Hanudin; Kurniawan Budiarto; Budi Marwoto
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) application in combination with other antagonist microbes as biopesticide have been considered in many crops. Our research was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of these useful combinations with the carrying agent for growth promotion, thus lowering white rust incidence in chrysanthemum production. The experiment was carried out at three cooperative farmer sites located in Cipanas, Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia from January to December 2016. The production process was arranged in a paired treatment; a combination of PGPR and antagonist fungi (without supplemental chemical fertilizers and fungicide), furtherly called biofungicide and common farmer practices. The results showed that the application of biofungicide promoted equal plant growth quality as common practices. White rust incidency was lower at biofungicide treatment sites, thus increased the markertable flowers quantity. The production cost was considered more efficient in biofungicide sites, due to cheaper price of biofungicide than chemical fertilizers and fungicide. The increase of marketable stalks and cost efficiency led to an increase of net income of biofungicide-based production as also viewed from higher Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) than common farmer practices.
Jurnal Hortikultura | 2016
nFN Hanudin; Wakiah Nuryani; Budi Marwoto
Penyakit karat putih yang disebabkan oleh Puccinia horiana Henn. merupakan salah satu penyebab masalah yang paling penting pada tanaman krisan (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.). Serangan pada tanaman ini dapat menurunkan nilai komersial bunga krisan. Induksi resistensi merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mengendalikan penyakit ini. Beberapa jenis tanaman elisitor terbukti efektif meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap serangan berbagai jenis patogen. Tujuan penelitian adalah memperoleh minimal dua spesies ekstrak tanaman elisitor yang efektif menginduksi ketahanan tanaman krisan terhadap P. horiana, dan mendapatkan informasi kandungan asam salisilat pada tanaman krisan yang terbukti tahan terhadap P. horiana akibat perlakuan ekstrak tanaman elisitor. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias pada Januari hingga Desember 2013. Tujuh tanaman elisitor yang diuji, yaitu daun tanaman ivy (Hedera helix), batang tanaman wilow (Salix sp.), daun bunga pukul empat (Mirabilis jalapa), daun Phytholacca americana (anti viral), daun kecubung (Datura suaveolens), daun pagoda (Clerodendron japonicum), dan daun lengkuas (Alpinia galanga) yang masing-masing diencerkan dengan perbandingan 1 : 1 w/v (100 g bagian bahan tananam digerus menggunakan mortal sampai halus, kemudian ditambah 100 ml larutan 0,01 M fosfat buffer pH 7,0). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak batang Salix sp. dan daun C. japonicum efektif menginduksi ketahanan tanaman krisan terhadap P. horiana dengan persentase penekanan masing-masing mencapai 80,20 dan 75,46%. Kandungan asam salisilat pada tanaman krisan tahan P. horiana yang diinduksi oleh tanaman elisitor, masing-masing bervariasi antara 1.767,55– 3.767,55 ppm. Pemanfaatan hasil penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan daya saing bunga krisan di pasar internasional melalui aplikasi ekstrak tanaman elisitor sehingga ramah lingkungan dan ekonomis. Keywords Dendranthema grandiflora; Efektivitas; Tanaman elisitor; Induksi resistensi; Puccinia horiana Abstract White rust disease caused by Puccinia horiana Henn. Is one of the most important problems in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev.) cultivation system. Attacks on these plants can reduce the commercial value of the Chrysanthemum flowers. Induction of resistance is one of reliable strategies for controlling the disease. Some types of plants elicitor are proved to be effective to improve plant resistance to various pathogens. The purpose of this study is to obtain at least two species of plant extracts that its effective to induce plant resistance to P. horiana of chrysanthemum, and obtain information on the content of salicylic acid of resistant plant has been induced by application of plant elicitor extract. The research was conducted in the Laboratory and Greenhouse Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute conducted between January until December 2013. Seven elicitor plants that are leaf ivy (Hedera helix), the plant stem willow (Salix sp.). Leaves flowers at four o’clock (Mirabilis jalapa) , leaves Phytholacca americana (anti-viral), cone-shaped leaves (Datura suaveolens), leaf pagoda (Clerodendron japonicum), and leaves galangal (Alpinia galanga), were tested. Each of which is diluted in the ratio 1: 1 w / v (100 g of the material plants crushed using a mortal until smooth, then add 100 ml of 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.0). The results showed that stem extract of Salix sp. and the leaves extract of C. japonicum were effectively induced plant resistance to P. horiana of chrysanthemum with emphasis percentages respectively reached 80.20 and 75.46%. Salicylic acid content in chrysanthemum effectively induced by elicitor plants, each contained varying between 1,767.55 to 3,767.55 ppm. The used of leave extract of both species can improve resistance plant species.
Buletin Plasma Nutfah | 2016
Kurniawan Budiarto; Budi Marwoto; Rudy Soehendi
Local variety is the major component in upland rice cultivation as well as breeding material in variety improve-ment. Local upland rice varieties have been adapted to specific location, preferred and adopted by farmers although they are late in maturity. These reasons make it majority of farmers in West Pasaman District (West Sumatra) still cultivate local upland rice varieties. To know the yield potential and agronomic characters of widely cultivated of upland rice in West Pasaman District, a variety trial conducted in 2010. Five local varieties and one improve variety planted a Randomized complete block arrangement with three replications. Observa-tion conducted on agronomic characters and yield and yield components. The results showed that local variteies were tall (153-171 cm) and late maturity (130-157 days). The local varieties also showed higher number of spikelet/panicle (249-454) lighter 1.000 grains weight (<20 g) and higher yield than improved variety (4.27-5.51 compared to 2.85 t/ha). In general all plant characters showed high heritability estimate (except number of productive tiller/hillr). High estimated of genetic variation coefficient and genetic advance were shown on number of grain per panicle. Based on these genetic parameters, selection at early generation for high yield can conducted on number of grain per panicle.Phosporus (P) deficiency is one of limiting factor for rice growth. In Indonesia P deficiency much occurs in acid soils. The use of P deficiency tolerant varieties is the best solution compared to the application of P fertilizer due to more efficient in cost. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the local rice germplasm collected from several regions in Indonesia to P deficiency in acid soil. The study was conducted in Jasinga West Java during wet season of 2006- 2007 with the soil condition lack of P. The experiments were conducted with the two treatments: first, without P fertilizer and second with P fertilizer equivalent of 25 kg P/ha. The total 100 accessions of rice germplasm were screened in this field based on a randomized block design with three replications. Fertilizing were given on experiments I and II with the composition: urea 300 kg/ha and 100 kg KCl. The field design was done by plotting size is 1 x 5 m2, spacing plant of 25 cm x 25 cm, and planting two seeds per hole. The yield components characters which were observed: number of tillers, plant dry weight, plant height and flowering. The results of combined analysis showed that there is a significant interaction between P and genotype on the tiller number, whereas the dry weight of plant, plant height, and flowering were is not significant. The evaluation of 100 local rice genotypes to P deficiency by indicators of the tiller number and dry weight of plants obtained 19 genotypes that are tolerant to P deficiency with the relative value of tillers number and dry weight of plants more than 80%. Local varieties Mandalet, Ganefo, Padi Belanda, Pulut Jangan, Padi Ubek Bala, and Padi Krayan were the most tolerant to conditions without P which showed the tillers number more 1-21% rather than the conditions with P fertilizer. There are three selected genotypes, Pulut Jangan, Padi Ubek Bala, and Padi Krayan which increased the number of tillers and dry weight of plants in without P conditions. The increasing of tillers number were reach 1-17% while the dry weight increased 12-41%.
Pengembangan Inovasi Pertanian | 2015
Hanudin Hanudin; Budi Marwoto; Ika Djatnika
Mutu bunga krisan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam menghadapi persaingan global dan menjadi indikator utama keberhasilan pengelolaan usaha tani krisan. Berbagai faktor dapat menurunkan mutu bunga potong/pot krisan, di antaranya cekaman lingkungan fisik, serangan penyakit, dan lemahnya sumber daya manusia. Di antara ketiga faktor tersebut, serangan penyakit paling berpengaruh terhadap mutu produk florikultura. Pada era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), tuntutan terhadap penerapan standar keamanan pangan dan lingkungan makin tinggi seiring dengan meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan dan lingkungan. Tuntutan tersebut berimplikasi terhadap praktik budi daya tanaman pertanian, termasuk krisan. Penggunaan bahan kimia sintetis yang berdampak buruk terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan tidak dapat dipertahankan lagi. Tulisan ini membahas penyakit pada tanaman hias, epidemiologi penyakit, prinsip pengendalian penyakit ramah lingkungan, dan penerapannya menyongsong era MEA pada 2015. Sejak pengembangan industri krisan di Indonesia pada 1980-an, usaha krisan menghadapi kendala utama serangan penyakit. Besarnya kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh serangan penyakit ditentukan oleh tipe epidemiologi. Untuk mencegah kerugian akibat infeksi penyakit, perlu penerapan pengendalian penyakit ramah lingkungan dengan prinsip melakukan tindakan yang tepat pada saat patogen berada dalam fase perkembangan yang paling lemah dengan menggunakan tindakan yang memerhatikan kelestarian lingkungan dan keamanan pangan.
Pengembangan Inovasi Pertanian | 2015
Lia Sanjaya; Budi Marwoto; Rudy Soehendi
Chrysanthemum industry has developed rapidly since the last two decades characterized by increased planting area, production, productivity, exports and the number of farmers. To face the increasing international competition, especially entering the ASEAN Economic Community era, it is necessary to increase the competitiveness of domestic chrysanthemum industry in order to remain growing. Breeding is a strategic step to improve competitiveness by assembling improved varieties that are adaptive to climate change, resistant to pests/diseases, and in accordance with consumer preferences. Mutation breeding combined with tissue culture technology is the reliable breeding method to produce improved chrysanthemum varieties, considering this technique can improve one or more characters without changing the basic character of native varieties. Breeding of new varieties of chrysanthemum through mutation induction consists of two main activities, namely application of mutagen-induced variability and systematic selection on mutant population resulted in the individuals with the desired character. Development of chrysanthemum mutants need to be implemented on an ongoing basis, followed by the development of seed industry. Breeder seed (BS) in the form of plantlets was acclimatized on husk charchoal at optimal environmental conditions (low light and moist). The acclimatized seed was used for the parent plant that will produce cuttings as foundation seed (FS). The FS was then down-graded to stock seed (SS) and extension seed (ES) to be used by farmers to support the development of chrysanthemum agribusiness.
Jurnal Hortikultura | 2013
Hanudin Hanudin; Wakiah Nuryani; Evi Silvia; Ika Djatnika; Budi Marwoto
ABSTRAK. Karat putih yang disebabkan oleh Puccinia horiana merupakan salah satu penyakit pada krisan yang dapat menimbulkan kehilangan hasil sampai 100% . Selama ini untuk mengendalikan patogen tersebut, petani sering menggunakan pestisida kimiawi. Hal tersebut sangat mengkhawatirkan mengingat penggunaan fungisida sintetik secara berlebihan dapat mencemari lingkungan yang membahayakan bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup. Oleh karena itu, cara pengendalian alternatif yang efektif dan aman bagi lingkungan diperlukan untuk mengendalikan penyakit karat putih pada krisan. Salah satu alternatif cara pengendalian penyakit karat yaitu dengan mengaplikasikan biopestisida yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium, rumah kaca, dan rumah plastik Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (1.100 m dpl), pada bulan April 2009 sampai Februari 2010. Tiga spesies bakteri antagonis sebagai bahan aktif biopestisida (Bacillus subtilis Cs 1a, Corynebacterium sp.1, dan Pseudomonas flurescens 3 Sm) dan bahan pembawa (campuran antara ekstrak kascing, molase, gula pasir, dan atau kentang), masing-masing diformulasi dalam 12 jenis formula biopestisida cair. Formulasi biopestisida difermentasikan selama 3 minggu dalam keadaan aerobik menggunakan biofermentor. Viabilitas bahan aktif dalam bahan pembawa diuji setiap bulan, yaitu pada periode sebelum dan sesudah fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi bahan aktif setelah difermentasi selama 3 minggu selalu meningkat, populasi bahan aktif sebelum fermentasi sejumlah 105 cfu/ml meningkat menjadi 106-7 cfu/ml. Dua bulan setelah fermentasi, populasi bahan aktif biopestisida masih tetap tinggi yaitu berkisar antara 106-11 cfu/ml. Perlakuan ekstrak kascing + gula pasir + B. subtilis + P. fluorescens + Corynebacterium pada tingkat konsentrasi 0,3% merupakan perlakuan terbaik. Disamping dapat menekan intensitas serangan P. horiana (38,49%), formulasi biopestisida tersebut juga dapat menaikkan hasil panen bunga krisan layak jual sebanyak 14,58%. ABSTRACT. Hanudin, W. Nuryani, E. Silvia, I. Djatnika, and B. Marwoto. 2010. Formulation of Biopesticide Containing Bacilllus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Corynebacterium sp. for Controlling White Rust Disease on Chrysanthemum. White rust caused by Puccinia horiana is one of the contagious diseases of chrysanthemum that is able to cause yield losses up to 100%. Chemical synthetic fungicides have been used to control the disease. Because of harmful effects of the synthetic fungicides, the other alternative measure to control the disease have to be developed in order to support the sustainable farming system. One of the recommended control measures is the application of biopesticide which is environmentaly friendly. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory, glasshouse, and plastichouse of Indonesia Ornamental Crops Research Institute (1,100 m asl), from April 2009–February 2010. Three candidates of biocontrol agents, i.e. B. subtilis Cs 1a, Corynebacterium sp.1, and P. fluorescens 3 Sm, were formulated with organic basal medium made from fermented worm manure, molasses, sugar, and or potatoes extracts. Twelve formulations were tested for their effectiveness to control the disease in the field. The viability of the biocontrol agents in the formulations was monthly tested before and after fermentation process during storage. Population of the biocontrol agents, after fermentation for 3 weeks was increased from 105 to 106-7 cfu/ml. Two months after fermentation the population of the biocontrol agents was still high (106-11 cfu/ml). The results showed that the formulation of vermicompost + sugar + B. subtilis + P. fluorescens + Corynebacterium at the concentration level of 0.3%, was proven to be the best treatment. The treatment was effective to supress white rust up to 38.49%, and could also increase the yield of marketable chrysanthemum flowers up to 14.58%.ABSTRAK. Pertanaman jeruk saat ini, di Kabupaten Karo, memperlihatkan produktivitas rendah dan umur tanaman yang pendek. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh serangan Phytophthora spp. yang merupakan patogen penyebab penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada tanaman jeruk. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi Phytophthora spp., patogen penyebab penyakit busuk pangkal batang pada tanaman jeruk. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Penyakit, Kebun Percobaan Tanaman Buah Berastagi dalam bulan Januari-Februari 2007. Daerah pengambilan sampel ialah di Desa Sumbul Kecamatan Kabanjahe, dan Desa Barusjahe Kecamatan Barusjahe. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jamur Phytophthora palmivora, P. citrophthora, dan P. parasitica ditemukan di Desa Sumbul. Jamur P. citrophthora dan P. parasitica juga diperoleh di Desa Barusjahe. Sporangia dan misellium P. palmivora di Desa Sumbul berwarna merah jambu dan putih, P. citrophthora berwarna putih dan hijau kehitaman, serta P. parasitica berwarna putih dan kuning muda, sedangkan di Desa Barusjahe P. citrophthora berwarna putih dan merah jambu dan P. parasitica berwarna putih. Ukuran (panjang x lebar) sporangia P. palmivora (33-45) x (30-50) μm, P. citrophthora di Desa Sumbul (40-50) x (34-50) μm, dan di Desa Barusjahe (30-45) x (30-45) μm, P. parasitica di Desa Sumbul (33-35) x (29-30) μm, dan di Desa Barusjahe (30-40) x (28-30) μm. Ukuran sporangiofor P. palmivora pada umumnya sebesar 6,25-250 μm, panjang sporangiofor P. citrophthora di Desa Sumbul antara 25-68,75 μm dan di Desa Barusjahe 12,5-100 μm, sedangkan panjang sporangiofor P. parasitica di Desa Sumbul 43,75-162,5 μm dan di Desa Barusjahe 6,25-150 μm. Spesies phytophthora yang paling banyak ditemukan di Desa Sumbul adalah P. palmivora, sedangkan di daerah Barusjahe adalah P. citrophthora. Hasil identifikasi yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini akan bermanfaat dalam menentukan cara pengendalian Phytophthora spp. pada tanaman jeruk. ABSTRACT. Marpaung, A.E., F.H. Silalahi, and E.I.Y. Purba. 2010. Identification of the Causal Agent of Brown Rot Gummosis on Citrus in Karo Region. Citrus cultivation in Karo region has exhibited low yielding and short plant lifetime. This condition was caused by the infection of Phytophthora spp., the causal agent of brown rot gummosis on citrus. The objectives of the research was to identify the occurence of Phytophthora spp. on citrus plants. The research was conducted in Berastagi Fruits Plant Research Farm, from January to February 2007. The samples were collected from Kabanjahe District at the viilage of Sumbul and Barusjahe. The results indicated, that Phytophthora palmivora, P. citrophthora, and P. parasitica were obtained from Sumbul village, while P. citrophthora and P. parasitica were also found in Barusjahe village. The color of sporangia and misellium of P. palmivora originated from Sumbul Village was white, P. citrophthora was white and dark green, and P. parasitica were pink and yellow, meanwhile the color of at P. citrophthora obtained from Barusjahe village were white and pink and P. parasitica was white. The size of sporangia P. palmivora was (33-45) x (30-50) μm, P. citrophthora at Sumbul Village was (40-50) x (34-50) μm, and from Barusjahe Village was (30-45) x (30-45) μm, P. parasitica at Sumbul Village was (33-35) x (29-30) μm and Barusjahe Village was (30-40) x (28-30) μm. The general length of sporangiofor P. palmivora was 6.25-250 μm. The length of sporangiofor P. citrophthora at Sumbul Village was 25-68.75 μm and at Barusjahe Village was 12.5-100 μm, even though P. parasitica at Sumbul Village was 43.75-162.5 μm and Barusjahe Village was 6.25-150 μm. The most species of phytophthora found at Sumbul Village was P. palmivora and at Barusjahe Village was P. citrophthora. The result of the identification wil beneficial for the development of easier control measures of Phytophthora spp. disease on citrus.
Jurnal Hortikultura | 2010
Budi Winarto; Nurhayati Anshori Mattjik; Agus Purwito; Budi Marwoto
ABSTRAK. Beberapa kultivar lengkeng toleran dataran rendah telah diintroduksi ke Indonesia termasuk lengkeng cv. Diamond River. Kultivar tersebut telah dibudidayakan secara komersial di daerah Kalimantan Barat. Namun, pengembangannya menghadapi kendala dalam hal penyediaan bibit. Dalam rangka memperoleh bibit lengkeng dalam jumlah yang berlimpah, perlu penerapan teknik kultur in vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginduksi dan meregenerasikan kalus embriogenik lengkeng cv. Diamond River. Induksi kalus dilakukan menggunakan daun muda sebagai eksplan. Regenerasi kalus embriogenik dilakukan dalam 4 tahap. Pada tahap pertama digunakan air kelapa pada konsentrasi 5 dan 10%. Pada tahap kedua, diuji pengaruh auksin (IBA dan NAA) serta sitokinin (BA dan kinetin) masing-masing pada taraf 0,5 ppm. Pada tahap ketiga, diuji pengaruh auksin IBA dan NAA pada taraf 0,1; 0,5; dan 1 ppm. Pada tahap keempat diuji perlakuan sukrosa pada taraf 2 dan 3% dengan atau tanpa auksin (IBA dan NAA) masing-masing pada taraf 0,5 dan 1 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa regenerasi melalui embriogenesis somatik berpeluang diterapkan pada tanaman lengkeng cv. Diamond River. Respons kalus embriogenik lebih dominan ke arah pembentukan akar daripada tunas. Penggunaan media yang mengandung NAA 1 ppm mampu meningkatkan pembentukan tunas hingga mencapai lebih dari 30%, sedangkan penggunaan sukrosa 3% tanpa auksin mampu meningkatkan pembentukan planlet hingga mencapai 12%. Persentase keberhasilan aklimatisasi adalah sebesar 14%. ABSTRACT. Roostika, I., V.N. Arief, and N. Sunarlim. 2009. Regeneration of Lowland Longan cv. Diamond River through Somatic Embryogenesis. Several low-land longan cultivars have been introduced to Indonesia, including cultivar of Diamond River. This cultivar has been planted commercially and produced well in West Kalimantan. Unfortunately, the development of this cultivar was facing a problem on the availability of planting materials. In order to provide large number of Diamond River seedlings, tissue culture technique was used. The aim of the study was to induce and regenerate embryogenic calli of longan cv. Diamond River. A research on callus induction was conducted using young leaves as explants source. Regeneration of embryogenic calli was conducted in 4 steps. The first, coconut water at the rate of 5 and 10% were used. The second, the auxin (IBA and NAA) and cytokinin (BA and kinetin) at the level of 0.5 ppm, respectively were tested. The third, the IBA and NAA at the level of 0.1, 0.5, and 1 ppm were used. The fourth, the sucrose at the level of 2 and 3% with or without addition of IBA and NAA at the level of 0.5 and 1 ppm were used respectively. The results showed that somatic embryogenesis regeneration was potentially applied to longan cv. Diamond River. The root formation was more dominant than the shoot formation. The use of 1 ppm NAA could increase the shoot formation up to more than 30% whereas the use of 3% sucrose without auxin could increase the plantlet formation up to 12%. The 14% of plantlet produced by this technique grew well during acclimatization period.ABSTRAK. Tanaman jeruk mengandung metabolit sekunder flavonoid, karotenoid, dan limonoid yang banyak terdapat dalam daun, kulit buah, biji, dan pulp. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kandungan flavonoid dan limonoid pada berbagai fase pertumbuhan tanaman jeruk Kalamondin dan Purut serta mendapatkan informasi kandungan limonoid pada fase embrio dan planlet hasil perbanyakan in vitro melalui embriogenesis somatik. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Balitjestro) sejak bulan Mei sampai dengan Desember 2009. Ruang lingkup penelitian terdiri atas (1) identifikasi metabolit sekunder yaitu flavonoid dan limonoid pada berbagai fase pertumbuhan tanaman jeruk Kalamondin dan Purut dan (2) identifikasi limonoid pada fase embrio dan planlet tanaman jeruk Kalamondin yang diperbanyak dengan metode embriogenesis somatik secara in vitro. Analisis kandungan metabolit sekunder dilakukan di Unit Layanan Pengujian, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Airlangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan flavonoid dan limonoid dapat diproduksi dari berbagai bagian tanaman, seperti pada pulp, biji, kulit buah, dan daun pada berbagai fase pertumbuhan jeruk Purut dan Kalamondin. Kandungan flavonoid pada jeruk Purut dan Kalamondin tertinggi terdapat pada buah tua, masing-masing 18,8 ppm. Kandungan limonoid pada jeruk Purut hanya terdeteksi pada daun pendukung buah tua (1 ppm) dan biji (61 ppm), sedangkan pada jenis Kalamondin hanya terdeteksi pada biji yaitu sebesar 74 ppm. ABSTRACT. Devy, N.F., F. Yulianti, and Andrini. 2010. Flavonoid and Limonoid Contents in Every Growth Phase of Kalamondin (Citrus mitis Blanco) and Purut (Citrus hystrix Dc.). Citrus contains secondary metabolites such as flavonoid, carotenoid, and limonoid, which can be found in the leaf, peel of fruit, seeds, and pulp. The aims of this research were to determine flavonoid and limonoid contents in every growth phase of Kalamondin and Purut and the limonoid contents in embryo and plantlet phases derived from in vitro somatic embryogenesis. The research was conducted in Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute (ICISFRI) from May to December 2009. The research consisted of two activities as follows: (1) analyses of flavonoid and limonoid contents in every growth phase of Kalamondin and Purut and (2) analyses of the limonoid contents in embryos and plantlet proliferated from somatic embryogenesis culture. Flavonoid and limonoid contents were analyzed at the Assessment Service Unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University. The results showed that flavonoid and limonoid compounds could be produced in all parts of plant i.e, such as pulp, seeds, peel of fruit, and leaves from every growth phase of Kalamondin and Purut. In Purut and Kalamondin, the highest flavonoid content was obtained from ripen fruit, with concentration 18.8 ppm. Liminoid content in Purut was detected only in leaf supporting ripen fruit (1 ppm) and seeds (61 ppm), and in Kalamondin was only in seeds with concentration 74 ppm.
Scientia Horticulturae | 2010
Budi Winarto; Nurhayati Ansori Mattjik; Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva; Agus Purwito; Budi Marwoto
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy | 2009
Syarifah Iis Aisyah; Hajrial Aswidinnoor; Asep Saefuddin; Budi Marwoto; Sarsidi Sastrosumarjo
Jurnal Natur Indonesia | 2012
Budi Winarto; Nurhayati Ansori Mattjik; Agus Purwito; Budi Marwoto