Caner Açikada
Hacettepe University
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Featured researches published by Caner Açikada.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2009
Mehmet Kale; Alper Aşçi; Coşkun Bayrak; Caner Açikada
Kale, M, Aşçi, A, Bayrak, C, and Açikada, C. Relationships among jumping performances and sprint parameters during maximum speed phase in sprinters. J Strength Cond Res 23(8): 2272-2279, 2009-The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among jumping performances and speed parameters during maximum speed phase in sprinters. Twenty-one men sprinters volunteered to participate at the beginning of the preparation training phase. All tests-including 100-m sprint running, squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), drop jump (DJ), 60-second repetitive jump (RJ), standing long jump (SLJ), standing triple jump (STJ), standing quintuple jump (SQJ), and standing 10-stride jump (STENJ)-were done on switching mats. Flight (FT) and contact times (CT) during the vertical jump tests and 10-m split times during 100-m sprint running were measured by a 2-channel precision timing system (PTS) connected to the mats. The trace marking method was used for measuring the stride length (SL) through 60 m in 100-m sprint running. Stride frequency (SF), maximum velocity (Vmax), jump height for all vertical jumps, and lower-body power in DJ and RJ were calculated. Statistical analysis showed that the highest significant correlation was found between Vmax and DJ height (r = 0.69; p < 0.05). However, the lowest significant correlation coefficient was found between SL at maximum velocity phase of sprint running and SJ (r = 0.39; p < 0.05). In conclusion, DJ height is demonstrated to be a more effective way to reflect Vmax during sprint running than the other vertical and horizontal jump tests at the beginning of the preparation training phase.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research | 2007
Alper Aşçi; Caner Açikada
The purpose of this study was to compare 1 repetition maximum (1RM) strength, maximum power (MP), linear momentum (Mp), and the loads of 1RM responsible for maximum power (MP%) and for linear momentum (Mp%) generated in explosive concentric bench press (CBP) motion among athletes from different sports. A total of 56 athletes (13 sprinters, 16 basketball players, 16 handball players, 5 volleyball players, and 6 bodybuilders) performed CBP in the loads of 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80% of 1RM with 1-minute rest intervals. MP and Mp were assessed during CBP by customized apparatus with 3 separate displacement transducers. There were no significant differences in MP, Mp, MP%, and Mp% among the athletes. The only significant positive correlation was found between overall 1RM and Mp for athletes (r = 0.37). In conclusion, long-term sport-specific training adaptations do not play a major role on speed-strength parameters in athletes with similar strength from different sports backgrounds.
Pediatrics International | 2013
Alpay Güvenç; Alper Aslan; Caner Açikada
No objective data regarding the physical activity (PA) levels of young Turkish children currently exist. Furthermore, whether habitual PA is associated with the components of health‐related fitness among children is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the patterns and levels of objectively measured PA in prepubertal Turkish children and its relationship with body fatness, aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
Sport Science Review | 2016
Mehmet Kale; Caner Açikada
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of additional short and long running stride workouts on acceleration kinematics and jumping performances with respect to the competition phase. Thirteen voluntary male sprinters participated in this study (100 m PB: 10.45-11.30s). The sprinters were separated into three groups [control group (CG), short stride group (SSG), long stride group (LSG)] in a randomised order. Sprinters continued their competition phase training over a two-week period; however, the SSG and LSG run an additional 6 × 40 m three times per week. The pre- and post-training results regarding, acceleration kinematics and jumping performances were compared using the Kruskal Wallis test for several independent samples of intergroup and the Wilcoxon Two Related Samples Test for intragroup differences. If there were intergroup differences, the Mann Whitney U test was used for two related comparisons of the groups. The probability level for statistical significance was set to p≤0.05. Only the LSG showed significant pre- and post-training differences with respect to certain acceleration kinematics (sprint time, sprint velocity, stride length) (Z= −2.023, 2.032, 2.060, respectively; p<0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study show that there is no significant effect of a two-week training regimen involving additional long and short stride running workouts on Turkish sprinters in the competition phase; however, long stride running workouts may be useful for sprinters who have short stride sprint characteristics.
Spor Bilimleri Dergisi Hacettepe Üniversitesi | 2016
Caner Açikada; Tahir Hazir
Elit sporda basari arayislarinin bir uzantisi olarak “Uzun Sureli Sporcu Gelistirme Modelleri” son yillarda bircok ulkede yogun bir uygulama alani olusturmustur. Bu ayni zamanda da akademik dunyanin da merak konusu haline gelmistir. Yaygin bir dusunce olarak sporda basarili bircok ulkenin etkili olarak uyguladigi “Yetenek Modelleri” veya son yillarda daha yaygin olarak kullanilan “Uzun Sureli Sporcu Gelistirme Modeli” uygulamalarinin literaturde “Spor Katilimli Gelisim Modeli” (DMSP) ve “Uzun Sureli Sporcu Gelisimi” (LTAD) basliklari altinda yer aldiklari gorulmektedir. DMSP modelinin elit sporcular uzerinde yapilan geriye donuk sorgulamalarla “Katilim”, “Ozellesme” ve “Gelisim” antrenman evreleri ile tanimlanan bir model olarak ortaya ciktigi gorulmektedir. Bu evrelerin ortaya cikmasinin bir bilimsel kontrollu calismadan cok; mevcut olan uygulamalarin sorgulanmasiyla antrenman evrelerinin belirlenmis oldugu bilinmektedir. Elde edilen verilerden hareketle her antrenman evresi icin kronolojik yas araliklari belirlenmistir. Bunun yaninda LTAD, biyolojik gelisim evrelerini ve bu evrelerin antrene edilebilirlik iliskilerini dikkate alan bir anlayis uzerine yapilandirilmistir. Biyolojik gelisim evreleri farkli kondisyonel bilesenler icin “duyarli pencereler” olarak adlandirilmis; soz konusu duyarli evrelerin optimal gelisim icin onemli oldugu varsayimi one surulmustur. Gelisim evreleri ve spor dallarinin yapilari iliskilendirilerek spor dallari “Erken Ozellesilen Sporlar” ve “Gec Ozellesilen Sporlar” olarak iki gruba ayrilmislardir. Erken ozellesilen sporlar icin beceri ve koordinasyon agirlikli ve norolojik sistemin erken gelisimi uzerine yapilandirilmis bir varsayimla ele alinmistir. Buna karsilik gec ozellesilen spor dallari yaklasimi biyolojik fonksiyonlarin gelisimiyle ilgili olarak iliskilendirilen kondisyonel ozellikler uzerine yapilandirilmistir. Her iki modelde de one surulen varsayimlarin kontrollu ve uzunlamasina arastirma bulgulariyla kanitlanmamis varsayimlar uzerinden yapilandirildiklari gorulmektedir.
Spor Bilimleri Dergisi | 2011
Alper Aslan; Alpay Güvenç; Tahir Hazir; Caner Açikada
Bu calismanin amaci, supramaksimum siddette The aim of this study was to compare recovery speed yuklenme sonrasinda bazi fizyolojik degiskenlere iliskin toparlanma hizinin farkli mevkilerdeki futbolcular arasinda karsilastirilmasidir. Calismaya 13 defans, 13 orta saha ve 11 forvet olmak uzere toplam 37 genc futbolcu gonullu olarak katilmistir. Arastirma grubundaki sporcularin dinlenik, Wingate testi sirasinda ve testi takip eden 20 dakikalik toparlanma doneminde oksijen tuketimi (VO2), ve kalp atim hizi (KAH) degerleri olculmustur. Ayrica, Wingate testi oncesinde, testin tamamlanmasinin hemen ardindan ve takip eden 3 dakikalik araliklar ile kan laktat (LA) konsantrasyonlari belirlenmistir. Maksimum oksijen tuketimi (VO2maks) ve 4 mmol/L LA kosu hizi degerleri ise 100 m’lik dairesel parkurda uygulanan modifiye mekik testi suresince solunum gazlarinin toplanmasi ve testin her hiz asamasinin sonunda alinan kan ornekleri yardimiyla belirlenmistir. VO2 ve KAH degerlerine iliskin toparlanma yuzdesi asagidaki esitlik yardimiyla belirlenmistir. [(Test Ortalamasi – Dinlenik Ortalama) – (Toparlanma Dakikasindaki Ortalama – Dinlenik Ortalama) x 100 / (Test Ortalamasi – Dinlenik Ortalama)]. LA eliminasyon hizinin gostergesi olarak ise test sonrasinda ulasilan zirve LA konsantrasyonunun yarilanma suresi (LAys) kabul edilmistir. Incelenen degiskenler acisindan mevkiler arasinda fark olup olmadigi tek yonlu varyans analizi ile test edilmistir. Defans, orta saha ve forvet mevkilerinde oynayan futbolcularin VO2maks ve 4 mmol/L LA kosu hizi degerleri benzer bulunmustur (p>0.05). Ayni sekilde, VO2ve KAH degerleri acisindan toparlanmanin ilk 3 dakikasi icerisinde (hizli toparlanma periyodu) ve sonrasinda (yavas toparlanma periyodu) toparlanma hizlarinin mevkiler arasinda benzer oldugu saptanmistir (p>0.05). Ayrica, LAys degerleri acisindan da mevkiler arasindaki fark anlamli bulunmamistir (p>0.05). Bu sonuclar, aerobik antrenmanlilik duzeyi benzer olan musabaka donemindeki genc futbolcularda supramaksimum bir yuklenme ardindan toparlanma dinamiklerinin mevkiler arasinda benzer oldugunu gostermektedir
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | 2007
Ümid Karli; Alpay Güvenç; Alper Aslan; Tahir Hazir; Caner Açikada
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | 2012
Alper Aslan; Caner Açikada; Alpay Güvenç; Hasan Gören; Tahir Hazir; Asaf Özkara
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica | 2004
Caner Açikada
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | 2011
Alpay Güvenç; Caner Açikada; Alper Aslan; Kamil Özer