Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
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Featured researches published by Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello.
International Journal of Production Research | 2012
Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Valério Antonio Pamplona Salomon; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello
New product development (NPD) is a managerial process, performed by many activities. The purpose of this paper is to present the application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to prioritise activities of NPD for manufacturing companies of electronic products. Mathematical modelling was the research method adopted. An electronics cluster located in the southeast region of Brazil was studied. Therefore, 10 of the 42 activities from an NPD model were suggested to be excluded for the electronics companies. These activities have less than 0.5% overall priority. The results from the AHP application were welcomed by the companies’ NPD experts.
Production Journal | 2011
Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; João Batista Turrioni; Amanda Fernandes Xavier; Danielle Fernandes Campos
A pesquisa-acao e um metodo de pesquisa qualitativa que cada vez mais se destaca como estrategia de pesquisa adotada em engenharia de producao. Contudo, esse metodo sofre com preconceitos a respeito do seu merito cientifico, bem como com uma indefinicao de como sua conducao pode ser validada. Visando minimizar essas lacunas da literatura, a partir de uma pesquisa de cunho conceitual-teorico, o presente trabalho visa propor um processo para o planejamento e conducao de pesquisas na engenharia da producao por meio da pesquisa-acao. Consideram-se como contribuicoes cientificas do presente trabalho a discussao acerca das formas de iniciacao e das etapas de validacao das pesquisas que empregam o metodo da pesquisa-acao. Conclui-se que, dentro do paradigma cientifico do realismo, os criterios mais adequados para a validacao da pesquisa-acao sao a adequacao ontologica, a validade contingente, a percepcao multipla dos participantes, a fidedignidade metodologica, a generalizacao analitica e a validade do construto.
International Journal of Production Research | 2014
Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Eduardo da Silva Oliveira; Fabiano Leal
As a reason for competitiveness, the process of product development evolves using, in some situations, improvement methods, e.g. design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA). In the framework of the product development process, it is desirable that engineers and managers have a systemic view of the effects that changes in local processes will have on the overall performance of the entire production system. This vision of such effects can be achieved with computer simulation. This study aims at assessing how DFMA can be integrated with computer simulation and the benefits from the alternatives identified by such method during production and assembly. Using the electronic voting machine printer as object of study, options to improve design by means of DFMA principles are identified. Five models were developed to represent the current assembly process and two models following the implementation of the changes proposed by the DFMA. The sale price is confidential (exclusive product of the Brazilian government). The company provided data in assembly costs. The results show the production increase in assembly time (9.94%) and average daily sales (
Gestão & Produção | 2012
Bernardo Vasconcelos de Carvalho; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello
Gestão & Produção | 2011
Eliane D´Martin Fowler; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Pedro Luiz de Oliveira Costa Neto
This study presents the result of an action research that was carried out in a small technology-based company, in which the Scrum agile methodology was applied in software product project. The company object of this research operates in Itajuba/MG, and its main products are software systems. Studies have shown that the software industry is inefficient and ineffective. Micro and small technology-based companies have an even greater challenge, considering their limited resources. Furthermore, traditional methods of software product development are expensive. Considering that the strategic importance of micro and small technology-based companies in regional development, Scrum should be compatible with their processes, so that they could become more competitive and reap its benefits The objective of this paper is to monitor and assist the implementation of Scrum agile methodology in new software product development in a small technology-based company to understand and measure the impact of the use of this methodology in the company. The final results of the research show that this methodology increased the teams motivation, reduced the cost, time, and risk of the project, and increased productivity. Therefore, with these results, the organization tends to be more competitive since a successful product development management is crucial to the success of a technology-based company.
International Journal of Production Research | 2016
Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Luiz Alberto Beijo; Paulo Sampaio; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Pedro M. Saraiva
atualmente tem-se dado importância a qualidade dos servicos publicos prestados ao cidadao. Propostas de gestao tem surgido para as organizacoes privadas, publicas, inclusive para Instituicoes de Ensino, como um diferencial para a melhoria dos servicos oferecidos. Programas da Qualidade, como o GESPUBLICA, tornam-se uma opcao para Instituicoes interessadas na melhoria da qualidade. O objetivo desse trabalho e averiguar quais Instituicoes Federais de Educacao Superior possuem um programa da qualidade como o GESPUBLICA implementado e, a partir de tal informacao, conhecer as motivacoes e as restricoes (inibidores), por parte dos gestores, para adesao ao programa. Dentre os fatores motivadores destacam-se melhoria do atendimento e a conquista do cidadao; melhoria continua na gestao dos processos institucionais; reducao da cultura burocratica; gestao baseada em fatos e maior valorizacao, capacitacao dos servidores; gerenciamento eficaz da informacao. Dentre os inibidores, citam-se a estrutura/recursos insuficientes para implantacao do programa; custos envolvidos no programa; baixa capacitacao, quadro reduzido e idade media avancada dos servidores; inexperiencia institucional com programas da qualidade; excesso de burocracia e escassez de exemplos consolidados da implementacao do programa nas Instituicoes de Ensino.
Gestão & Produção | 2010
Lilian Maria de Souza Almeida; Luiz Gonzaga Mariano de Souza; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello
The ISO 9001 standard is considered as an effective tool to support a quality management system (QMS). A steady growth in the number of ISO 9001 issued certificates is observed worldwide, confirming the interest of companies in this approach. However, information regarding this behaviour over time in the American Continent is scarce. This paper presents a set of qualitative and quantitative analyses related to the ISO 9001 certification (globally and at the country level of the Americas), the use of this standard in countries that were part of the ISO Survey 2011 and modelling the ISO 9001 certification for American countries, in order to characterise through mathematical models, the evolution of the certification process and to identify factors that influence the ISO 9001 issued certificates in the various countries analysed. Based on the work developed, a positive relationship was found between the number of issued certificates in each country per 1000 inhabitants and the indicators of economic development (Gross National Income Per Capita). It is determined that the total reserves of a country is an economic variable that directly affects the number of issued certificates, a finding not observed in other forecasting models.
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2014
Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Valério Antonio Pamplona Salomon; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva
Despite the wide adoption of quality management systems and standards recognized all over the world by organizations, little attention has been given to internal communication practices which may contribute to an organization-s quality promotion. If an organization wants its members to commit to the delivery of good quality products and services, the individuals must receive information that enables them to understand and accept their individual and collective roles in this process. This research seeks to understand how internal communication can be utilized as a quality promotion instrument. The investigation was conducted through the case study method with the contribution of a global communication company. The results obtained enabled the identification of the combined determinant factors to be considered in the use of internal communication as a quality promotion instrument, with proposals focused on: segmentation of internal public; language coherence; strategic use of visual resources; results communication; development of a quality culture, and the understanding of internal communication as a process.
Production Journal | 2012
Monique Samaan; Eduardo Gomes Salgado; Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello
New Product development (NPD) is getting even more significant to the entrepreneurship competitiveness due to the increasing market internationalization, to the product diversity and variety and the reduction of the product life cycle. This present work has as its main goal to propose a reference model adapted to NPD of technology-based companies (TBC) that produce electronics. This research follows a combined methodology approach, that is, a qualitative-quantitative approach. First, a qualitative approach is applied with the study of multiple cases in order to identify the NPD features based on electronics manufacturing. Then, a qualitative approach is employed with application on multi-criterion decision-making method as to select macro-phases, phases and activities from the proposed model for NPD. Finally, studies of multiple cases are carried out to verify the proposed model adequacy. The results analyses suggests that the proposed model may be considered convenient.
Production Journal | 2010
Carlos Eduardo Sanches da Silva; Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello; Natália Fernanda Gabriela Siqueira; Henrique Andrade Godoy; Eduardo Gomes Salgado
O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos e critico para a competitividade das empresas, devido ao aumento da variedade de produtos, a reducao do ciclo de vida dos produtos e principalmente a internacionalizacao dos mercados. Dessa forma, a identificacao dos fatores criticos de sucesso e imprescindivel no desenvolvimento de um novo produto devido ao alto grau de risco e incerteza. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal a identificacao dos fatores criticos de sucesso no desenvolvimento de produtos (DP) das empresas de biotecnologia do estado de Minas Gerais. O metodo de pesquisa utilizado foi a survey, ou seja, um questionario foi elaborado e enviado para uma amostra de 31 empresas do setor de biotecnologia do estado de Minas Gerais, a fim de coletar informacoes necessarias. As variaveis foram correlacionadas pelo metodo de regressao dos minimos quadrados parciais. Desse modo, foram identificadas as variaveis que tendem a contribuir, limitar ou sao neutras com relacao ao tempo de desenvolvimento e aumento da idade da empresa.