Celal Ilgaz
Gazi University
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Featured researches published by Celal Ilgaz.
Annals of Anatomy-anatomischer Anzeiger | 1996
Karaöz E; Celal Ilgaz; Deniz Erdogan; Attila Dagdeviren
UNLABELLED The integrin receptors are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins comprising non-covalent heterodimers. They interact with a wide variety of ligands including extracellular matrix glycoproteins, complement and other cells while their intracellular domains interact with the cytoskeleton. They participate in cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion in many physiologically important processes including embryological development, hemostasis, thrombosis, wound healing, immune and nonimmune defense mechanisms, and oncogenic transformation. This investigation is focused on the histological distribution of the beta 1-integrins in the human thymus, using an indirect immunoperoxidase method. With the exception of VLA-4, none of the beta 1 integrins were expressed on thymocytes which were strongly positive in the cortex and perivascular compartment, somewhat weaker in the medulla. Thymic epithelial cells were positive for VLA-1, VLA-2, VLA-3 and VLA-6, but the distribution pattern of these molecules in epithelial cells at certain locations was quite different. VLA-1 was weakly expressed by both cortical and medullary epithelial cells. VLA-2 was strongly positive in cortical epithelial cells forming a dense framework at the peripheral cortex. VLA-3 and VLA-6 selectively stained a single flattened epithelial cell layer (perilobular epithelial cells) demarcating the peripheral cortex from the surrounding perivascular compartment. VLA-1,3,5,6 were also demonstrated in the endothelial cells and subendothelial layer of the thymic vasculature. IN CONCLUSION the distribution of integrins in human thymus tissues is of special interest. Such distribution shows that the VLA integrins may have different functions in different areas. The data presented in this study may be important in evaluating the functional role of the VLA integrins in thymocyte maturation in different compartments of the thymus.
Annals of Anatomy-anatomischer Anzeiger | 1997
Karaöz E; Celal Ilgaz; Deniz Erdogan; Attila Dagdeviren
The integrin receptors are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins comprising non-covalent heterodimers. They interact with a wide variety of ligands including extracellular matrix glycoproteins, complement and other cell, while their intracellular domains interact with the cytoskeleton. They participate in cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion in many physiologically important processes including embryological development, hemostasis, thrombosis, wound healing, immune and nonimmune defense mechanisms, and in oncogenic transformation. This investigation was focused on the histological distribution of the beta 1-integrins in the human tonsil using an indirect immunoperoxidase method. Present data suggest that lymphocyte and antigen presenting cells (FDCs, IDCs, and macrophages) interact with each other following adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins (e.g. fibronectin) through their integrin receptors in order to carry out special immunological functions. In addition, stromal elements and epithelial components were shown to express VLA integrins providing interactions for tissue organization and compartmentalization.
International Journal of Neuroscience | 2005
Mete Koksal; Celal Ilgaz; Deniz Erdogan; Candan Ozogul; Ebru K. Tong; Hakan Kalender
This study was intended to investigate the effects of alcohol on the ultrastructure of fetal cerebellar Purkinje cells. Twelve adult female rats of Sprague-Dawney species were utilized. Control and experiment groups were formed. Rats were made pregnant. Rats in experiment group were administered liquid diet containing 6% alcohol. Cerebellums of infant rats were taken on 6th, 8th, and 10th days after birth. For electron microscopy, tissue sections were processed and stained with the usual methods. When control and experiment groups were compared for electron microscopic investigation, degeneration of mithocondriaas cristolysis, dilatations of rough endoplasmic reticulum tubuli, and ring-shaped appearance of Golgi apparatus unit were determined. In some groups, nuclear membrane disintegrated. In cytoplasms of Purkinje cells, multivesicular bodies were distinguished. It was determined that liquid diet containing 6% alcohol had toxic effects on Purkinje cells and caused ultrastructural signs of degeneration in these cells.
Indian Journal of Pharmacology | 2014
Erhan Sahin; Celal Ilgaz; Deniz Erdogan; Gulnur Take; Guleser Goktas
Objective: This study aimed to observe the possible protective effects of resveratrol (RSV) against damage induced by di-n-butylphthalate (DBP), on the ductus epididymis and deferens in rats. Materials and Methods: Six groups of rats were used in the experiment: Group 1: Control group; Group 2: Solvent (carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), 10ml/kg); Group 3: 500 mg/kg/day DBP; Group 4: 500 mg/kg/day DBP+20 mg/kg/day RSV; Group 5: 1000 mg/kg/day DBP; Group 6: 1000mg/kg/day DBP + 20 mg/kg/day RSV. Groups were treated by gavage for 30 days. Immunohistochemical, electronmicroscopic and histomorphometric examinations were carried out in the epididymis and deferens. Results: In the ductus epididymis and deferens mitochondrial crystolysis, exfoliation of the stereocilia and openings in lateral surface increased with DBP dosage, but these structures were recovered with RSV. DBP reduced the epithelial height of epididymis and vas deferens. Lumen dilatation was observed in both tissues. These disorders may lead to dysfunction of epithelial absorption. In the TUNEL examinations in both tissues, there were no apoptotic cells or apoptotic bodies. Conclusion: In conclusion, DBP administration caused structural degeneration in the epididymis and deferens, parallel to dose evaluation and RSV can reverse these changes with its protective effects.
Biotechnic & Histochemistry | 1999
Celal Ilgaz; Kocabiyik H; Deniz Erdogan; Candan Ozogul; Tuncay Peker
The fetal skeleton double staining method is used to reveal developmental abnormalities in the skeletal system. We used alizarin red S and alcian blue successfully with microwave irradiation for skeletal double staining. The fixation time was reduced from 4-7 days to 2-2.5 min and the staining time was reduced from 4 days to 23 min.
Archives of Andrology | 2005
Deniz Erdogan; Çiğdem Elmas; Celal Ilgaz
The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of hematoxylin, safranin, light green and picric acid as counterstain in sperm immunohistochemistry. This is important to visualize the best staining procedure and to determine the advantage of picric acid as a counterstain in some situations. Picric acid used for counterstaining in the immunohistochemical procedure gives the best image of reaction on sperms when DAB was used as a chromogen.
Gazi Medical Journal | 2013
Guleser Goktas; Deniz Erdogan; Celal Ilgaz; Gülşen Gülüzade Mehrabova
Amac: Vucut sicakligi 41°C ya da daha ust bir degere yukseldiginde hipertermi olusur ve bu isi denetim duzeneklerinin bozulmasina yol acabilir. Tuba uterinada sicakligin artmasi silli hucrelerin apoptozisine, epitel hucrelerinde oksidatif stres gelisimine ve erken embriyonik olumlere neden olur. Superoksit dismutaz (SOD) serbest oksijen radikallerini ortadan kaldirarak oksidatif stresi engelleyebilen ve apoptotik sureci geri dondurebilecegi dusunulen bir antioksidandir. Bu calismada; hipertermi ile olusturulan isi stresinin ve stres oncesinde kullanilan SOD’ un, tuba uterina uzerindeki koruyucu etkilerinin apoptotik ve oksidatif stres belirtecleri kullanilarak immunohistokimyasal olarak belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Yontemler: Calismada kullanilan 18 adet Wistar-albino cinsi disi sicanlar, her grupta 6 denek olacak sekilde 3 gruba ayrilmistir. Kontrol grubundaki denekler, sicakligi 22° C’ye ayarlanmis havuzda 20 dakika sure ile tutulmus ve 24 saat sonra kesilmis, ikinci ve ucuncu gruptaki denekler ise; sicakligi 42°C’ ye ayarlanmis havuzda 20 dakika bekletilerek sirasiyla 30. dakika ve 24. saatte kesilerek tuba uterina dokulari alinmistir. Hipertermi uygulamasi yapilan gruplara, uygulamadan 1 saat once NaCl+Katalaz+SOD enjeksiyonu yapilmistir. Alinan dokulara, hiperterminin neden oldugu apoptozisi belirlemek icin Kaspaz-3, Kaspaz-8 ile Kaspaz-9 protein yapilarina etkisinin belirlenebilmesi amaciyla HSP-70 primer antikorlariyla indirekt immunohistokimyasal yontem uygulanmistir. Bulgular: Yapilan degerlendirmelerde; Kaspaz-9 tutulumunun daha belirgin oldugu saptanmistir. Immunoreaktivitenin ozellikle epitelde, hucre sitoplazmasinda ve silyalarda, hipertermi uygulamasina kosut arttigi izlenmistir. Kaspaz-3 tutulumunun hipertermi ile cok belirgin artmadigi saptanmistir. Tum kaspazlar icin SOD uygulamasinin sureye kosut tutulumu azalttigi gozlenmistir. HSP-70 tutulumunun genelde epitel hucrelerinde sitoplazmik duzeyde ve orta dereceli oldugu, SOD uygulamasi ile tutulumun sureye kosut arttigi belirlenmistir. Sonuc: Sonuc olarak apoptotik programin merkezi bilesenleri olan kaspazlarin aktivasyonuyla, hiperterminin ozellikle epitel hucrelerinde dis yolaktan apoptozisi baslattigi yargisina varilmistir. Ancak SOD uygulamasinin sureye kosut apoptozisi baskiladigi, bunun da artan HSP-70’in koruyucu etkisi araciligiyla gerceklesmis olabilecegi sonucuna varilmistir.
Gazi Medical Journal | 2011
Gülser Ak; Celal Ilgaz; Deniz Erdogan; Fatma Helvacioglu; Mahmut Bagirzade; Gülnur Take Kaplanoğlu
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the ultrastructural effect of fasting and applications of histamine and gastrin after fasting in gastric parietal cell. Methods: In this study, nine groups were composed of Swiss albino male rats. Group 1: Control, group 2: fasting for 12 hours, group 3: 12 hours fasting +1hour histamine, group 4: 12 hours fasting + 3min. gastrin, group 5: 12 hours fasting + 3min. DMSO (solvent of gastrin), group 6: 12 hours fasting + 7min. gastrin, group 7: 12 hours fasting + 7min. DMSO, group 8: 12 hours fasting + 15min. gastrin, group 9: 12 hours fasting + 15min. DMSO. At the end of the study time, the tissue samples were passed through routine electron microscopic preparation methods and tissues were embedded in araldite CY212 kit. Thin sections were evaluated on Carl Zeiss EM 900 electron microscope. Results: It was determined in the executed research, by using the electron microscope, that tubulovesicular structures were increased in the fasting group independently of the control group, vacuolar structures were also observed in patches and histamine application did not reveal any difference except for mitochondrial differences in small amounts. However, it was determined that gastrin application increased the cellular degeneration parallel to increasing duration. This transformation was especially observed in nuclear structures, mitochondria and intracytoplasmic canaliculi in the cells.
Saudi Medical Journal | 2007
Gulnur Take; Celal Ilgaz; Deniz Erdogan; Candan Ozogul; Çiğdem Elmas
Gazi Medical Journal | 1997
Celal Ilgaz; Hatice Kocabiyik; Deniz Erdoğan; Candan Özoğul; Tuncay Peker