Cengiz Ataşoğlu
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Small Ruminant Research | 2004
Feyzi Ugur; Türker Savaş; M Dosay; Ali Karabayır; Cengiz Ataşoğlu
Abstract The influence of weaning age on various growth characteristics and behavioral traits of Turkish Saanen kids was investigated. The kids were weaned at 45 and 60 days of age. The body weights, body measurements and behavioral traits were monitored during the experimental period. The average daily live weight gains of the kids in both of the treatment groups were similar between weaning and 4 months of age, and birth and 4 months of age. Weaning age influenced roughage and water consumption, and lying. Although there were no difference between the two groups in terms of growth characteristics, kids in 45-day group consumed more roughage than those in 60-day group. Because of a 15-day difference between the two weaning practices, the kids, weaned at 45 days of age seemed more experienced and spent the rest of their spare time lying. The results of the present study indicated that no significant differences were found in the growth and behavioral traits of Turkish Saanen kids, weaned at 45 or 60 days of age, and suggested that kids could be weaned at 45 days of age.
Animal Production Science | 2012
Cemil Tölü; İsmail Yaman Yurtman; Harun Baytekin; Cengiz Ataşoğlu; Türker Savaş
Cereal pastures are a crucial source of forage to reduce grazing pressure on shrublands in the Mediterranean basin. This study aimed at investigating the grazing preferences and behaviours of goats with different genotypes, when a grazing area of shrubland (0.18 ha), which was composed of 88% shrubs, 10% herbaceous species and 2% footpath and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) pasture (0.20 ha) were offered together. Twelve lactating mature (in 2007) and 15 non-lactating yearling goats (in 2008) of three genotypes (Gokceada, Maltese and Turkish Saanen) were used. The study was carried out for 45 days during the months of April and May. Animals stayed in the pasture for 8 h daily. No roughage or concentrate was offered. Grazing, lying, standing and ruminating behaviours were recorded at 10-min intervals, whereas bipedal stance and walking behaviours were continuously monitored by observers. Mature goats spent one-third and yearling goats spent half of their time in the shrubs. The frequency of preferences to pasture types differed among mature goat genotypes (P ≤ 0.05), but not among the yearling goats (P > 0.05). Grazing of wheat pasture by Gokceada, of herbaceous plants in the shrubland by Maltese and of shrubs by Turkish Saanen goats were more prominent (P ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, goats gave priority to wheat pasture and grazing preferences and behaviours differed by genotypes. Turkish Saanen goats tended to show more bipedal stance behaviour than the other genotypes. However, there were high individual variations within genotype and age groups.
Food Chemistry | 2017
Ergün Şakalar; Şeyma Özçirak Ergün; Çiğdem Uysal Pala; Emine Akar; Cengiz Ataşoğlu
The aim of this study was to develop a molecular technique to determine the level of human originated DNA contamination in unhygienic food products. In the study, four model foods were prepared under both hygienic (H) and non-hygienic (NH) conditions and the human originated microbial loads of these products were determined. DNA was extracted from the model foods and human buccal samples by GIDAGEN Multi-fast DNA isolation kit. A primer specific region of human mitochondrial D-Loop was designed. The level of human DNA contamination in the model foods was determined by real-time PCR. The sensitivity of the technique developed here was 0.00001ng DNA/PCR. In addition, the applicability of the traceable molecular hygiene control method (TMHCM) was tested in 60 food samples from the market. The results of this study demonstrate that DNA based TMHCM can be used to predict to what extent foods meet the human oriented hygienic conditions.
Animal Science Journal | 2008
Cengiz Ataşoğlu; İsmail Yaman Yurtman; Türker Savaş; Mustafa Gültepe; Omer Ozcan
Archives Animal Breeding | 2005
Kevser Ayişiği; Cengiz Ataşoğlu; İsmail Yaman Yurtman; Mehmet Mendeş; Akin Pala
South African Journal of Animal Science | 2011
Cengiz Ataşoğlu; H.I. Akbağ; Cemil Tölü; Gürbüz Daş; Türker Savaş; İsmail Yaman Yurtman
Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2012
Gürbüz Daş; Cengiz Ataşoğlu; Hande Işıl Akbağ; Cemil Tölü; İsmail Yaman Yurtman; Türker Savaş
Animal Science Journal | 2007
Feyzi Ugur; Cengiz Ataşoğlu; Cemil Tölü; Figen Diken; Akin Pala
Hayvansal Üretim | 2006
Emrah Koyuncu; Akin Pala; Türker Savaş; Aynur Konyalı; Cengiz Ataşoğlu; Gürbüz Daş; I. Erbil Ersoy; Feyzi Ugur; I. Yaman Yurtman; Hasan Hüseyin Yurt
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering | 2016
Ergün Şakalar; Şeyma Özçirak Ergün; Emrah Yalazi̇; Emine Altinkaya; Cengiz Ataşoğlu