Christian Gorldt
University of Bremen
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Featured researches published by Christian Gorldt.
evoworkshops on applications of evolutionary computing | 2009
Thomas Weise; Alexander Podlich; Kai Reinhard; Christian Gorldt; Kurt Geihs
In this paper, we present the freight transportation planning component of the INWEST project. This system utilizes an evolutionary algorithm with intelligent search operations in order to achieve a high utilization of resources and a minimization of the distance travelled by freight carriers in real-world scenarios. We test our planner rigorously with real-world data and obtain substantial improvements when compared to the original freight plans. Additionally, different settings for the evolutionary algorithm are studied with further experiments and their utility is verified with statistical tests.
RFID Systems and Technologies (RFID SysTech), 2009 5th European Workshop on | 2009
Bernd Scholz-Reiter; Dieter Uckelmann; Christian Gorldt
The structural und dynamic complexity in logistics and production has increased steadily during the last years. Main causes for higher structural complexity are the shift from supply chains to logistic networks and an increased number of product variants. Dynamic customer behavior intensifies this situation. Centralized systems and structures do not provide the necessary flexibility, adaptibility and scalability. A solution to this dilemma is the decentralized storage of necessary information on the logistic object itself as well as the capability of local decision-making. The emergence of these intelligent objects is the foundation for autonomous cooperating logistic processes. The main idea of this concept is to develop decentralized and heterarchical planning and control methods as opposed to existing centralized and hierarchical planning and control approaches.
international conference on advances in production management systems | 2014
Stefan Wiesner; Christian Gorldt; Mathias Soeken; Klaus-Dieter Thoben; Rolf Drechsler
According to a widely shared view, manufacturing is currently un- dergoing its fourth industrial revolution, termed “Industrie 4.0” in the high-tech strategy of the German government. Smart Factories with vertically and hori- zontally integrated production systems are enabled through the realization of machines, storage systems and utilities as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), which are able to share information, act, and control each other autonomously. The development of CPS requires the collaboration of different disciplines, like mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. This cre- ates new challenges for Requirements Engineering (RE), which needs to estab- lish a common perception of the targeted CPS for the involved stakeholders. This paper will elaborate the specific challenges in RE for CPS based on a lit- erature review. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used as an approach to automatically translate shared informal requirements specifications to formal domain specific models for the involved disciplines, to develop a comprehen- sive RE methodology for CPS.
Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2014 International ICE Conference on | 2014
Heiko Duin; Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge; Christian Gorldt; Klaus-Dieter Thoben
The port of the future is likely to have specialized functions. Two examples of that are the fully automated handling of containers (i.e. loading, unloading, moving and storing in the harbor) and the handling of very large and heavy goods such as components for off-shore wind farms. Together with the trend towards specialization ports are facing the demographic change. Many of todays stevedores are older than 50 years, they are very experienced, but they will soon retire. This paper discusses these two developments and introduces a research approach based on the implementation of Serious Gaming as a mean to support work process oriented competence development for dock workers. The main questions behind this approach are: How can novice workers gain experience faster compared to the traditional way, and how can elder workers keep track with the introduction of new technologies likely to be implemented in the port of the future?
Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 2014 International ICE Conference on | 2014
Matthias Kalverkamp; Christian Gorldt
The more complex the processes, the higher the need for process transparency through high-quality real-time data. The steady improvement of Internet-of-Things technologies, or of the recently phrased cyber physical systems, during the last years ensures this process transparency. Although these technologies are promising, the potential of IoT/CPS technologies is not yet fully applied in practice. One reason is that technology novices have difficulties participating in development processes and consequently prevent case-specific and relevant services from being described. This paper presents an adaptive interface approach to support the development and utilization of IoT solutions. An exemplary solution is presented based on an IoT toolkit with a GUI for configuration, making service development possible without coding skills. Based on experiment observations, design improvements of the GUI are implemented. Furthermore, a more sophisticated design is introduced. This will allow users with different competence levels to improve their interaction with sensor and actuator networks further; consequently, more appropriate solutions can be developed and used.
ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb | 2006
Bernd Scholz-Reiter; Dieter Uckelmann; Christian Gorldt; Uwe Hinrichs
Kurzfassung Innerbetriebliche Handhabungsprozesse sind gekennzeichnet durch den Einsatz automatisierter Systeme, die jedoch nur in den seltensten Fällen in der Lage sind, dezentral Entscheidungen zu treffen und somit zeitnah auf den Materialfluss einzuwirken. Auf Grund aktueller Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet moderner Identifikationstechnologien, wie z.B. der Radio Frequency Identifikation (RFID)-Technologie, ist es nun jedoch möglich, den Materialfluss direkt mit dem Informationsfluss zu verknüpfen und so den bewegten Waren Informationen mitzugeben. Der elektronische Datenaustausch zwischen Ware und Handhabungssystem mittels RFID kann zur dezentralen Steuerung in der gesamten Supply Chain eingesetzt werden und ermöglicht eine flexible Nutzung zur Bewältigung eingehender, ausgehender und innerbetrieblicher Warenströme. Durch den flächendeckenden Einsatz ist eine flexiblere und kostengünstigere inner- und außerbetriebliche Logistik zu erwarten.
SNE Simulation Notes Europe | 2018
Benjamin Knoke; Mareike Voskuhl; Marcel Tebbe; Markus Häveker; Christian Gorldt; Klaus-Dieter Thoben
This paper describes an attempt to provide assistance during the teach-in process of welding robots by an experimental adaptation of training simulator components. A mounted camera system continuously monitors the relative position and orientation of the welding torch and workpiece. The simulation contains images of metal textures and a welding seam that are computed in real-time and that are displayed using augmented reality technology. Feedback on deviations from the ideal position, orientation, and movement is displayed during the process and can also be analysed afterwards. The experimental application is strongly limited by the restriction to a given set of basic workpieces. However, the visual feedback was considered by the programmers to be very helpful and the application showed great potential that could be used for dedicated industrial products. Introduction 1 State of the Technology 1.1 Programming of welding robots Knoke et al. Experimental Adaptation of a Training Simulator for Manual Welding 28 SNE 28(1) – 3/2018 EN 1.2 Training simulators for manual welding Figure 1. Soldamatic welding simulator. Figure 2. Soldamatic evaluation screen.
International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics | 2018
Aaron Heuermann; Heiko Duin; Christian Gorldt; Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Logistics is an essential industrial sector for the digital transformation. Particularly maritime container logistic processes, which include many regional and global distributed stakeholders and numerous interfaces for data exchange between these parties, will benefit from digitalization. Using real time data about container vessels, truck fleets and containers for process predictions and adaptions will enable more efficient maritime container supply chains. In this paper, a concept for prediction and adaption of suitable cut-off times in maritime container supply chain will be introduced. Dynamic cut-off times at ports instead of static promise several process improvements, e.g. shorter throughput and storage times at container terminals and an increased utilized capacity of completely booked container vessels. Furthermore, the impact of adaptive times on selected process times will be estimated using a sample calculation in this paper.
Archive | 2017
Christian Gorldt; Stefan Wiesner; Ingo Westphal; Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Die Realisierung von Industrie 4.0 Systemen erfordert eine disziplinubergreifende Zusammenarbeit von Maschinenbau, Elektro- und Informationstechnik. Das volle Potenzial von Industrie 4.0 kann sich aber nur entfalten, wenn neben technischen Herausforderungen auch betriebswirtschaftliche Perspektiven in die Entwicklung einbezogen werden. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, Anforderungen aus der Dienstleistungsperspektive fur die Entwicklung von CPS Systemen darzustellen sowie daraus Ansatze fur die Konzeption von Cyber-Physischen Produkt-Service Systemen (CPSS) abzuleiten.
ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb | 2006
Bernd Scholz-Reiter; Uwe Hinrichs; Christian Gorldt; Jan Topi Tervo
Kurzfassung Die Einführung der kontaktlosen Objektidentifizierung mittels Radio Frequenz Identifikation (RFID) gerät vermehrt in den Fokus kleiner und mittelständischer Industrieunternehmen. Gründe hierfür liegen einerseits im Potenzial, das die RFID-Technologie bietet, Abläufe in Produktion und Logistik zu optimieren, und andererseits in der Notwendigkeit zur Erfüllung von technischen Kundenvorgaben innerhalb von Zuliefernetzwerken. An dieser Stelle kann das Erfordernis zur angepassten qualifizierten und zertifizierten Schulung im Umgang mit RFID festgestellt werden, da bislang in den Unternehmen kaum vertieftes Wissen im Umgang mit dieser Technologie bereit steht [1]. Dadurch sollen in internen Abläufen Prozesssicherheit hergestellt und darüber hinaus innerhalb von Zuliefernetzwerken einheitliche Standards bezüglich der Handhabung und Implementierung von RFID garantiert und nachgewiesen werden.