Christophe Tavéra
University of Rennes
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Featured researches published by Christophe Tavéra.
Applied Economics | 2005
Roger Perman; Christophe Tavéra
The paper examines whether or not evidence is consistent with convergence of the Okuns Law coefficient (OLC) among several alternative groupings of European economies. A two-step empirical strategy is employed. The first step obtains rolling regression estimates of the OLC for individual European countries. The second step examines how the cross-country variance of the OLC evolves over the decade until 2002 in the selected country groupings. Evidence is found consistent with convergence of the OLC among northern European countries, and among countries with centralized wage bargaining, but an absence of convergence in other country groups.
The Manchester School | 2015
Roger Perman; Gaëtan Stephan; Christophe Tavéra
type=main> This paper seeks to identify whether there is a representative empirical Okuns law coefficient (OLC) and to measure its size. We carry out a meta-regression analysis on a sample of 269 estimates of the OLC to uncover reasons for differences in empirical results and to estimate the ‘true’ OLC. On statistical (and other) grounds, we find it appropriate to investigate two separate subsamples, using respectively (some measure of) unemployment or output as dependent variable. Our results can be summarized as follows. First, there is evidence of type II publication bias in both subsamples, but a type I bias is present only among the papers using some measure of unemployment as the dependent variable. Second, after correction for publication bias, authentic and statistically significant OLC effects are present in both subsamples. Third, bias-corrected estimated true OLCs are significantly lower (in absolute value) with models using some measure of unemployment as the dependent variable. Using a bivariate MRA approach, the estimated true effects are −0.25 for the unemployment subsample and −0.61 for the output subsample; with a multivariate MRA methodology, the estimated true effects are −0.40 and −1.02 for the unemployment and the output subsamples respectively.
Applied Economics | 2015
Silvia Palombi; Roger Perman; Christophe Tavéra
This article tests for the presence of a medium-run asymmetric Okun’s Law relationship between regional output and regional unemployment rate in UK regions. The test is performed with a panel data version of the hidden cointegration technique suggested by Granger and Yoon. A novelty of the article is to combine the method of hidden cointegration with a panel data method of removing cross-sectional dependence. The medium-run Okun relationship for regions in the UK appears to confirm results found elsewhere in the literature on countries as a whole, although the coefficients tend to be smaller.
Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia | 2016
Christophe Tavéra; Roger Perman; Gaëtan Stephan
A partir d’un echantillon compose de 522 estimateurs du coefficient d’Okun, nous effectuons une meta regression pour analyser les origines des differences entre les valeurs estimees et publiees de ce coefficient . L’analyse revele la presence de biais de selection de type I et de type II dans l’echantillon. Apres prise en compte de ces biais, nous obtenons un intervalle de confiance a 95% pour le veritable coefficient d’Okun compris entre une valeur minimale de –0,40 et une valeur maximale de –0,12. L’analyse multivariee revele ensuite que les coefficients d’Okun estimes sont significativement plus grands (en valeur absolue) lorsque les analyses econometriques sont basees sur des donnees regionales ou utilisent une filtre de type trend lineaire deterministe. Par contre les coefficients d’Okun estimes sont plus faibles (en valeur absolue) lorsque les analyses empiriques sont effectuees a partir de donnees trimestrielles ou semestrielles, ou bien utilisent des donnees relatives a des pays en developpement, ou bien encore utilisent des specifications non lineaires.
Revue Libanaise de Gestion et d'Économie | 2009
Isabelle Cadoret; Charbel Macdissi; Christophe Tavéra
Lexistence et la persistance de disparites regionales en matiere de chomage sont des problemes communs a de nombreux pays europeens. Dans ce papier, nous analysons les disparites des mecanismes dajustement des taux de chomage regionaux de la France a la suite de chocs economiques purement locaux ou nationaux. Les resultats mettent en evidence des disparites significatives dans les caracteristiques des mecanismes dajustement dynamiques (vitesse dajustement, effet multiplicateur) des taux de chomage regionaux en cas de choc macroeconomique national.
Revue économique | 1996
Christophe Tavéra; Isabelle Cadoret; Claude Jessua
[fre] Lorsque la dynamique du taux dendettement est analysee a partir dune verxadsion lineaire de la contrainte budgetaire de letat avec taux dinteret exogene, le resultat standard est que la dynamique du ratio dette/PIB est stable (resp. instaxadble) lorsque le taux dinteret est inferieur (resp. superieur) au taux de croissance du PIB. Dans cet article, nous proposons de reexaminer la dynamique du taux dendettement sous lhypothese que le taux dinteret est une fonction croissante du ratio dette/PIB. Selon la forme de cette fonction, il apparait alors une multiplixadcite dequilibres du taux dendettement ainsi que la possibilite deffets dhysteresis dans la dynamique du taux dendettement dequilibre. [eng] In this article, we analyze the dynamics of the debt-income ratio when the intexadrest rate is an increasing function of this ratio. Within such a framework, we show that the equilibrium debt-income ratios are multiple and that their dynamics can exhbit hysteresis effect. An empirical illustration permits to show how these theoxadretical results can be used to show that the 60 % debt-income ratio imposed by the Maastricht Treaty may be inadequate.
Empirica | 2007
Roger Perman; Christophe Tavéra
Economic Modelling | 2006
Jean-Philippe Boussemart; Walter Briec; Isablelle Cadoret; Christophe Tavéra
International Economics | 2015
Christophe Tavéra; Jean-Christophe Poutineau; Jean-Sébastien Pentecôte; Isabelle Cadoret-David; Arthur Charpentier; Chantal Guéguen; Marilyne Huchet-Bourdon; Julien Licheron; Guillaume L'Oeillet; Nathalie Payelle; Sébastien Pommier
Post-Print | 2015
Silvia Palombi; Roger Perman; Christophe Tavéra