Christopher L. Parkinson
University of Central Florida
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Featured researches published by Christopher L. Parkinson.
Systematic Biology | 2005
John J. Wiens; James W. Jr. Fetzner; Christopher L. Parkinson; Tod W. Reeder
How should characters and taxa be sampled to resolve efficiently the phylogeny of ancient and highly speciose groups? We addressed this question empirically in the treefrog family Hylidae, which contains > 800 species and may be nonmonophyletic with respect to other anuran families. We sampled 81 species (54 hylids and 27 outgroups) for two mitochondrial genes (12S, ND1), two nuclear genes (POMC, c-myc), and morphology (144 characters) in an attempt to resolve higher-level relationships. We then added 117 taxa to the combined data set, many of which were sampled for only one gene (12S). Despite the relative incompleteness of the majority of taxa, the resulting trees placed all taxa in the expected higher-level clades with strong support, despite some taxa being > 90% incomplete. Furthermore, we found no relationship between the completeness of a taxon and the support (parsimony bootstrap or Bayesian posterior probabilities) for its localized placement on the tree. Separate analysis of the data set with the most taxa (12S) gives a somewhat problematic estimate of higher-level relationships, suggesting that data sets scored only for some taxa (ND1, nuclear genes, morphology) are important in determining the outcome of the combined analysis. The results show that hemiphractine hylids are not closely related to other hylids and should be recognized as a distinct family. They also show that the speciose genus Hyla is polyphyletic, but that its species can be arranged into three monophyletic genera. A new classification of hylid frogs is proposed. Several potentially misleading signals in the morphological data are discussed.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
Todd A. Castoe; A. P. Jason de Koning; Hyunmin Kim; Wanjun Gu; Brice P. Noonan; Gavin J. P. Naylor; Zhi J. Jiang; Christopher L. Parkinson; David D. Pollock
Documented cases of convergent molecular evolution due to selection are fairly unusual, and examples to date have involved only a few amino acid positions. However, because convergence mimics shared ancestry and is not accommodated by current phylogenetic methods, it can strongly mislead phylogenetic inference when it does occur. Here, we present a case of extensive convergent molecular evolution between snake and agamid lizard mitochondrial genomes that overcomes an otherwise strong phylogenetic signal. Evidence from morphology, nuclear genes, and most sites in the mitochondrial genome support one phylogenetic tree, but a subset of mostly amino acid-altering substitutions (primarily at the first and second codon positions) across multiple mitochondrial genes strongly supports a radically different phylogeny. The relevant sites generally evolved slowly but converged between ancient lineages of snakes and agamids. We estimate that ≈44 of 113 predicted convergent changes distributed across all 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes are expected to have arisen from nonneutral causes—a remarkably large number. Combined with strong previous evidence for adaptive evolution in snake mitochondrial proteins, it is likely that much of this convergent evolution was driven by adaptation. These results indicate that nonneutral convergent molecular evolution in mitochondria can occur at a scale and intensity far beyond what has been documented previously, and they highlight the vulnerability of standard phylogenetic methods to the presence of nonneutral convergent sequence evolution.
Systematic Biology | 2004
Todd A. Castoe; Tiffany M. Doan; Christopher L. Parkinson
Phylogenetic studies incorporating multiple loci, and multiple genomes, are becoming increasingly common. Coincident with this trend in genetic sampling, model-based likelihood techniques including Bayesian phylogenetic methods continue to gain popularity. Few studies, however, have examined model fit and sensitivity to such potentially heterogeneous data partitions within combined data analyses using empirical data. Here we investigate the relative model fit and sensitivity of Bayesian phylogenetic methods when alternative site-specific partitions of among-site rate variation (with and without autocorrelated rates) are considered. Our primary goal in choosing a best-fit model was to employ the simplest model that was a good fit to the data while optimizing topology and/or Bayesian posterior probabilities. Thus, we were not interested in complex models that did not practically affect our interpretation of the topology under study. We applied these alternative models to a four-gene data set including one protein-coding nuclear gene (c-mos), one protein-coding mitochondrial gene (ND4), and two mitochondrial rRNA genes (12S and 16S) for the diverse yet poorly known lizard family Gymnophthalmidae. Our results suggest that the best-fit model partitioned among-site rate variation separately among the c-mos, ND4, and 12S + 16S gene regions. We found this model yielded identical topologies to those from analyses based on the GTR+I+G model, but significantly changed posterior probability estimates of clade support. This partitioned model also produced more precise (less variable) estimates of posterior probabilities across generations of long Bayesian runs, compared to runs employing a GTR+I+G model estimated for the combined data. We use this three-way gamma partitioning in Bayesian analyses to reconstruct a robust phylogenetic hypothesis for the relationships of genera within the lizard family Gymnophthalmidae. We then reevaluate the higher-level taxonomic arrangement of the Gymnophthalmidae. Based on our findings, we discuss the utility of nontraditional parameters for modeling among-site rate variation and the implications and future directions for complex model building and testing.
BMC Evolutionary Biology | 2007
Zhi J. Jiang; Todd A. Castoe; Christopher C. Austin; Frank T. Burbrink; Matthew D. Herron; Jimmy A. McGuire; Christopher L. Parkinson; David D. Pollock
BackgroundThe mitochondrial genomes of snakes are characterized by an overall evolutionary rate that appears to be one of the most accelerated among vertebrates. They also possess other unusual features, including short tRNAs and other genes, and a duplicated control region that has been stably maintained since it originated more than 70 million years ago. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of evolutionary dynamics in snake mitochondrial genomes to better understand the basis of these extreme characteristics, and to explore the relationship between mitochondrial genome molecular evolution, genome architecture, and molecular function. We sequenced complete mitochondrial genomes from Slowinskis corn snake (Pantherophis slowinskii) and two cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) to complement previously existing mitochondrial genomes, and to provide an improved comparative view of how genome architecture affects molecular evolution at contrasting levels of divergence.ResultsWe present a Bayesian genetic approach that suggests that the duplicated control region can function as an additional origin of heavy strand replication. The two control regions also appear to have different intra-specific versus inter-specific evolutionary dynamics that may be associated with complex modes of concerted evolution. We find that different genomic regions have experienced substantial accelerated evolution along early branches in snakes, with different genes having experienced dramatic accelerations along specific branches. Some of these accelerations appear to coincide with, or subsequent to, the shortening of various mitochondrial genes and the duplication of the control region and flanking tRNAs.ConclusionFluctuations in the strength and pattern of selection during snake evolution have had widely varying gene-specific effects on substitution rates, and these rate accelerations may have been functionally related to unusual changes in genomic architecture. The among-lineage and among-gene variation in rate dynamics observed in snakes is the most extreme thus far observed in animal genomes, and provides an important study system for further evaluating the biochemical and physiological basis of evolutionary pressures in vertebrate mitochondria.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2009
Juan M. Daza; Eric N. Smith; Vivian P. Páez; Christopher L. Parkinson
Lineage diversification in the Neotropics is an interesting topic in evolutionary biology but is also one of the least understood. The abiotic and biotic complexity of the region precludes generalizations that can be drawn regarding the historical evolutionary processes responsible for the diversity observed. The snake genus Leptodeira provides an excellent opportunity to investigate such processes because it spans the entire Neotropical region. In this study, we infer the phylogenetic position of Leptodeira within Dipsadinae, estimate evolutionary relationships among and within Leptodeira species, and estimate the diversification time and biogeography of the genus. Three mitochondrial gene regions were sequenced for individuals representing all the Leptodeira species and most subspecies currently recognized. Additionally, two nuclear protein-coding gene regions were sequenced for representatives of each species and several genera within the Dipsadinae. We infer that several Leptodeira species are either paraphyletic or polyphyletic as currently recognized, and that most recognized subspecies are not monophyletic lineages. Despite the taxonomic discordance with evolutionary relationships, clades appear to correspond very well to major biogeographic regions of Mexico, Central America and South America. Our results thus highlight the important role of the Miocene and Pliocene for lineage diversification in the Neotropics. Additionally, our time estimates suggest that recent intraspecific phylogeographic structure is likely the result of habitat and climatic fluctuations during the Pleistocene. Cumulatively, our inferences of lineage diversification within Leptodeira suggest a complex evolutionary scenario in the Mexican transition zone and a north to south expansion with a final colonization of the tropics in South America.
PLOS ONE | 2011
Ryan P. Lamers; Jason W. Stinnett; Gowrishankar Muthukrishnan; Christopher L. Parkinson; Alexander M. Cole
Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus has long been hypothesized to be a major vector for the transmission of virulent strains throughout the community. To address this hypothesis, we have analyzed the relatedness between a cohort of nasal carriage strains and clinical isolates to understand better the genetic conformity therein. To assess the relatedness between nasal carriage and clinical isolates of S. aureus, a genetic association study was conducted using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and typing of the hypervariable regions of clumping factor and fibronectin binding protein genes. At all loci analyzed, genetic associations between both nasal carriage and clinical isolates were observed. Computational analyses of MLST data indicate that nasal carriage and clinical isolates belong to the same genetic clusters (clades), despite differences in sequence type assignments. Genetic analyses of the hypervariable regions from the clumping factor and fibronectin binding protein genes revealed that not only do clinically relevant strains belong to identical genetic lineages as the nasal carriage isolates within our cohort, but they also exhibit 100% sequence similarity within these regions. The findings of this report indicate that strains of S. aureus being carried asymptomatically throughout the community via nasal colonization are genetically related to those responsible for high levels of morbidity and mortality.
Conservation Genetics | 2007
Jacob F. Degner; I. Jack Stout; James D. Roth; Christopher L. Parkinson
We investigated genetic diversity within the southeastern beach mouse (SEBM-Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris) and also tested the hypothesis that the subspecies recognition of P.p. niveiventris, based on size and color differences, is congruent with this taxon representing a discrete evolutionary lineage. We used ten polymorphic microsatellite loci and mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene DNA sequences to investigate genetic diversity and population structure within the SEBM, and to determine the level of divergence between the SEBM and the nearest known inland subspecies of the oldfield mouse (Peromyscus polionotus rhoadsi). Moderate genetic distances were observed between the SEBM and the inland oldfield mouse based on microsatellite data, with FST values ranging from 0.11 to 0.22 between these taxa. Additionally, mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of the SEBM formed a distinct monophyletic group relative to haplotypes sampled from P. p. rhoadsi. Based on previous estimates of rates of mitochondrial DNA evolution in rodents, we inferred that Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations are likely responsible for the historical isolation of the SEBM lineage from mainland P. polionotus. Our data demonstrate the genetic distinctiveness of the SEBM, justifying the current subspecies designation for the SEBM and its continued protection under the United States Endangered Species Act. We classify the Cape Canaveral and Smyrna Dunes Park populations of SEBM as a single evolutionary significant unit. The two known extant allopatric populations of the SEBM showed some differentiation in microsatellite frequencies and were moderately reciprocally distinguishable based on assignment to distinct genetic clusters by a Bayesian admixture procedure. These results justify the classification of these two extant SEBM populations as distinct management units that should be independent targets of management and conservation attention.
Conservation Genetics | 2005
Joshua S. Reece; Todd A. Castoe; Christopher L. Parkinson
Considerable phylogeographic and population genetic research has been conducted on marine turtles. Less attention, however, has been paid to the historical patterns and processes that have led to present patterns of genetic structure, and particularly, how these populations have responded to major climatic changes in the past. To address these questions, we analyzed previously published mitochondrial haplotype data independently for three marine turtle species, the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Considering all three species, we conducted analyses on a total of 657 individuals from 36 nesting beaches in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Our results suggest that much of the contemporary genetic structure has been significantly affected by complex patterns of historical population subdivision, long-distance dispersal, and restricted geneflow. These inferences also imply that the climatic and sea level fluctuations during the Pleistocene may have had contrasting effects on genetic structure (e.g., fragmenting versus homogenizing) and on population sizes. Estimates of historical and current effective population sizes further highlight differential demographic responses across species to historical climatic cycles. Collectively, our results provide evidence for the occurrence of historical refugia through climatic cycles and complex historical metapopulation dynamics, and identify common and unique patterns of metapopulation structure across species. These historical patterns provide a basis for predictive estimates of metapopulation responses to habitat loss, population extirpation, and global climatic change.
Herpetologica | 2003
Todd A. Castoe; Paul T. Chippindale; Jonathan A. Campbell; Loren K. Ammerman; Christopher L. Parkinson
We used 1400 bp of mitochondrial DNA sequence from two gene fragments (ND4 and cyt-b) to investigate phylogenetic relationships within Atropoides, with emphasis on the subspecies of A. nummifer. Although many relationships within the genus are strongly supported, monophyly of Atropoides was never supported, although it could not be rejected with statistical confidence. In most analyses, the genus was paraphyletic with respect to Porthidium and Cerrophidion, due to the problematic placement of A. picadoi. Our results suggest that the current taxonomy may underestimate species diversity within this group. Atropoides nummifer was found to comprise three distinct phylogroups, generally coinciding with the current subspecies recognized under A. nummifer but paraphyletic with respect to A. olmec. Additionally, disjunct populations previously thought to represent A. nummifer in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Baja Verapaz, Guatemala, appear to represent A. olmec. We use the phylogeny recovered for A. nummifer and A. olmec to discuss geological and climatic events that may historically have affected gene flow within this complex.
BMC Infectious Diseases | 2013
Gowrishankar Muthukrishnan; Ryan P. Lamers; Austin Ellis; Vanathy Paramanandam; Alana B Persaud; Sergio Tafur; Christopher L. Parkinson; Alexander M. Cole
BackgroundStaphylococcus aureus (SA) nasal colonization plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections and SA eradication from the nares has proven to be effective in reducing endogenous infections. To understand SA nasal colonization and its relation with consequent disease, assessment of nasal carriage dynamics and genotypic diversity among a diverse population is a necessity.ResultsWe have performed extensive longitudinal monitoring of SA nasal carriage isolates in 109 healthy individuals over a period of up to three years. Longitudinal sampling revealed that 24% of the individuals were persistent SA nasal carriers while 32% were intermittent. To assess the genetic relatedness between different SA isolates within our cohort, multi locus sequence typing (MLST) was performed. MLST revealed that not only were strains colonizing intermittent and persistent nasal carriers genetically similar, belonging to the same clonal complexes, but strain changes within the same host were also observed over time for both types of carriers. More highly discriminating genetic analyses using the hypervariable regions of staphylococcal protein A and clumping factor B virulence genes revealed no preferential colonization of specific SA strains in persistent or intermittent carriers. Moreover, we observed that a subset of persistent and intermittent carriers retained clinically relevant community-acquired methicillin-resistant SA (CA-MRSA) strains in their nares over time.ConclusionsThe findings of this study provides added perspective on the nasal carriage dynamics between strains colonizing persistent and intermittent carriers; an area currently in need of assessment given that persistent carriers are at greater risk of autoinfection than intermittent carriers.