
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014

Gemini multiconjugate adaptive optics system review – II. Commissioning, operation and overall performance

Benoit Neichel; Francois Rigaut; Fabrice Vidal; Marcos A. van Dam; Vincent Garrel; Eleazar R. Carrasco; Peter Pessev; Claudia Winge; Maxime Boccas; Céline d'Orgeville; Gustavo Arriagada; Andrew Serio; Vincent Fesquet; William Rambold; Javier Lührs; Cristian Moreno; Gaston Gausachs; Ramon Galvez; Vanessa Montes; Tomislav Vucina; Eduardo Marin; Cristian Urrutia; Ariel Lopez; Sarah J. Diggs; Claudio Marchant; Angelic Ebbers; Chadwick Trujillo; Matthieu Bec; Gelys Trancho; Peter J. McGregor

The Gemini Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics System - GeMS, a facility instrument mounted on the Gemini South telescope, delivers a uniform, near di↵raction limited images at near infrared wavelengths (0.95 µm - 2.5 µm) over a field of view of 120 00 . GeMS is the first sodium layer based multi laser guide star adaptive optics system used in astronomy. It uses five laser guide stars distributed on a 60 00 square constellation to measure for atmospheric distortions and two deformable mirrors to compensate for it. In this paper, the second devoted to describe the GeMS project, we present the commissioning, overall performance and operational scheme of GeMS. Performance of each sub-system is derived from the commissioning results. The typical image quality, expressed in full with half maximum, Strehl ratios and variations over the field delivered by the system are then described. A discussion of the main contributor to performance limitation is carried-out. Finally, overheads and future system upgrades are described.

Proceedings of SPIE | 2012

GeMS: first on-sky results

Franҫois Rigaut; Benoit Neichel; Maxime Boccas; Céline d'Orgeville; Gustavo Arriagada; Vincent Fesquet; Sarah J. Diggs; Claudio Marchant; Gaston Gausach; William Rambold; Javier Lührs; Shane Walker; Eleazar Rodrigo Carrasco-Damele; Michelle L. Edwards; Peter Pessev; Ramon Galvez; Tomislav Vucina; Claudio Araya; Alejandro Gutierrez; Angelic Ebbers; Andrew Serio; Cristian Moreno; Cristian Urrutia; Rolando Rogers; Roberto Rojas; Chadwick Trujillo; Bryan W. Miller; Douglas A. Simons; Ariel Lopez; Vanessa Montes

GeMS, the Gemini Laser Guide Star Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics facility system, has seen first light in December 2011, and has already produced images with H band Strehl ratio in excess of 35% over fields of view of 85x85 arcsec, fulfilling the MCAO promise. In this paper, we report on these early results, analyze trends in performance, and concentrate on key or novel aspects of the system, like centroid gain estimation, on-sky non common path aberration estimation. We also present the first astrometric analysis, showing very encouraging results.

Proceedings of SPIE | 2012

Gemini South multi-conjugate adaptive optics (GeMS) laser guide star facility on-sky performance results

Céline d'Orgeville; Sarah J. Diggs; Vincent Fesquet; Benoit Neichel; William Rambold; Francois Rigaut; Andrew Serio; Claudio Araya; Gustavo Arriagada; Rodrigo Balladares; Matthieu Bec; Maxime Boccas; Camila Duran; Angelic Ebbers; Ariel Lopez; Claudio Marchant; Eduardo Marin; Vanessa Montes; Cristian Moreno; Eric Petit Vega; Carlos Segura; Gelys Trancho; Chad Trujillo; Cristian Urrutia; Patricio Veliz; Tomislav Vucina

With two to three deformable mirrors, three Natural Guide Stars (NGS) and five sodium Laser Guide Stars (LGS), the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (Gemini MCAO a.k.a. GeMS) will be the first facility-class MCAO capability to be offered for regular science observations starting in 2013A. The engineering and science commissioning phase of the project was kicked off in January 2011 when the Gemini South Laser Guide Star Facility (GS LGSF) propagated its 50W laser above the summit of Cerro Pachón, Chile. GeMS commissioning has proceeded throughout 2011 and the first half of 2012 at a pace of one 6- to 10-night run per month with a 5-month pause during the 2011 Chilean winter. This paper focuses on the LGSF-side of the project and provides an overview of the LGSF system and subsystems, their top-level specifications, design, integration with the telescope, and performance throughout commissioning and beyond. Subsystems of the GS LGSF include: (i) a diode-pumped solid-state 1.06+1.32 micron sum-frequency laser capable of producing over 50W of output power at the sodium wavelength (589nm); (ii) Beam Transfer Optics (BTO) that transport the 50W beam up the telescope, split the beam five-ways and configure the five 10W beams for projection by the Laser Launch Telescope (LLT) located behind the Gemini South 8m telescope secondary mirror; and (iii) a variety of safety systems to ensure safe laser operations for observatory personnel and equipment, neighbor observatories, as well as passing aircrafts and satellites.

Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 4 – Conference Proceedings | 2015

GeMS, the path toward AO facility

Vincent Garrel; Gaetano Sivo; Eduardo Marin; Chadwick Aaron Trujillo; Rodrigo Carrasco Damele; Benoit Neichel; Marcos A. van Dam; Mark Ammons; Francois J. Rigaut; Rubén J. Díaz; Mischa Schirmer; German Gimeno; Pascale Hibon; Lucie Leboulleux; Vanessa Montes; Manuel Lazo; William Rambold; Pedro Gigoux; Ramon Galvez; Cristian Moreno; Constanza Araujo-Hauck; Tomislav Vucina Parga; Jeff Donahue; Gaston Gausachs; Ariel Lopez

GeMS, the Gemini South MCAO System, has now been in regular operation since mid-2013 with the imager instrument GSAOI. We review the performance obtained during this past year as well as some of its current limitations. While in operation, GeMS is still evolving to push them back and is currently in the path of receiving two major upgrades which will allow new exciting science cases: a new natural guide star wavefront sensor called NGS2 and a replacement of the current 50W laser. We are also actively moving along the path of further deeper integration with the future AO-fed instruments, we present our first preliminary results of astrometric and spectrometric calibrations with diverse Gemini instruments using an internal calibration source. We finally report our efforts to make GeMS a more robust instrument with the integration of a vibration rejection feature and a more user-friendly AO system as well with advanced gain optimization automatization.

arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics | 2014

Gems first science results

Benoit Neichel; Fabrice Vidal; Francois Rigaut; Eleazar R. Carrasco; Gustavo Arriagada; Andrew Serio; Peter Pessev; Claudia Winge; Marcos A. van Dam; Vincent Garrel; Constanza Araujo; Maxime Boccas; Vincent Fesquet; Ramon Galvez; Gaston Gausachs; Javier Lührs; Vanessa Montes; Cristian Moreno; William Rambold; Chadwick Trujillo; Cristian Urrutia; Tomislav Vucina

After 101 nights of commissioning, the Gemini MCAO system (GeMS) started science operations in December 2012. After a brief reminder on GeMS specificities, we describe the overall GeMS performance, and we focus then on the first science results obtained with GeMS, illustrating the unique capabilities of this new Gemini instrument.

Proceedings of SPIE | 2016

Reshaping and polishing the GeMS MCAO system

Vincent Garrel; Gaetano Sivo; Eduardo Marin; Eleazar Rodrigo Carrasco Damele; Vanessa Montes; Manuel Lazo; Pedro Gigoux; Cristian Moreno; Chadwick Trujillo; Jeff Donahue; Marcos A. van Dam; Francois Rigaut; Céline d'Orgeville; Caroline Kulcsár; Rémy Juvénal; Constanza Araujo Hauck; S. Mark Ammons; Benoit Neichel

GeMS, the Gemini South MCAO System, has now been in operation for 3 years with the near infrared imager GSAOI. We first review the performance obtained by the system, the science cases and the current operational model. In the very near future, GeMS will undergo a profound metamorphosis, as we will integrate a new NGS wavefront sensor, replace the current 50W laser with a more robust one and prepare for a new operational model where operations will shift from the mountain to the base facility. Along this major evolution, we are also presenting several improvements on the loop control, calibrations and automatization of this complex system. We discuss here the progress of the different upgrades and what we expect in terms of performance improvements and operational efficiency.

Proceedings of SPIE | 2016

Response to major earthquakes affecting Gemini twins

Michiel van der Hoeven; Rolando Rogers; Mathew J. Rippa; Gabriel Perez; Vanessa Montes; Cristian Moreno

Both Gemini telescopes, in Hawaii and Chile, are located in highly seismic active areas. That means that the seismic protection is included in the structural design of the telescope, instruments and auxiliary structure. We will describe the specific design features to reduce permanent damage in case of major earthquakes. At this moment both telescopes have been affected by big earthquakes in 2006 and 2015 respectively. There is an opportunity to compare the original design to the effects that are caused by these earthquakes and analyze their effectiveness. The paper describes the way the telescopes responded to these events, the damage that was caused, how we recovered from it, the modifications we have done to avoid some of this damage in future occasions, and lessons learned to face this type of events. Finally we will cover on how we pretend to upgrade the limited monitoring tools we currently have in place to measure the impact of earthquakes.

Proceedings of SPIE | 2016

Real-time implementation of an LQG tip-tilt controller for regular science observation on GeMS

Gaetano Sivo; Rémy Juvénal; Caroline Kulcsár; Vincent Garrel; Pedro Gigoux; Henri-François Raynaud; Eduardo Marin; Jean-Marc Conan; Cyril Petit; William Rambold; Vanessa Montes; Cristian Moreno; Jeff Donahue; Rodrigo Carrasco; Marcos A. van Dam; Benoit Neichel; Lucie Leboulleux; Chad Trujillo

AO systems aim at detecting and correcting for optical distortions induced by atmospheric turbulences. They are also extremely sensitive to extraneous sources of perturbation such as vibrations, which degrade the performance. The Gemini South telescope has currently two main AO systems: the Gemini Multi Conjugated AO System GeMS and the Gemini Planet Imager GPI. GeMS is operational and regularly used for science observation delivering close to diffraction limit resolution over a large field of view (85×85 arcsec2). Performance limitation due to the use of an integrator for tip-tilt control is here explored. In particular, this type of controller does not allow for the mitigation of vibrations with an arbitrary natural frequency. We have thus implemented a tip-tilt Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller with different underlying perturbation models: (i) a sum of autoregressive models of order 2 identified from an estimated power spectrum density (s-AR2) of the perturbation,1 already tested on CANARY2 and routinely used on SPHERE;3 (ii) cascaded ARMA models of order 2 identified using prediction error minimization (c-PEM) as proposed in.4, 5 Both s-AR2 and c-PEM were parameterized to produce tip or tilt state-space models up to order 20 and 30 respectively. We discuss the parallelized implementation in the real time computer and the expected performance. On-sky tests are scheduled during the November 2016 run or the January 2017 run.

4th Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, AO4ELT 2015, 26 October 2015 through 30 October 2015 | 2015

A New Slow Focus Sensor for GeMS

Eduardo Marin; Vincent Garrel; Gaetano Silvo; Vanessa Montes; Chadwick Trujillo; William Rambold; Pedro Gigoux; Cristian Moreno; Ramon Galvez; Gaston Gausachs

The Gemini South 8-meter telescope’s Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics System GeMS is about to enter a new era ofscience with an entire new upgrade for its Natural Guide Star wave front sensor (NGS2). With NGS2 the limitingmagnitude of the natural guide stars used for tip/tilt sensing is expected to increase from its current limit of 15.4 to 17+in R-band. This will provide a much greater sky coverage over the current system. NGS2 is a complete replacement ofthe current Natural Guide Star wave front sensor (NGS). This presents an interesting challenge as the current NGSincludes a Slow Focus Sensor (SFS) used to compensate for the sodium layer mean altitude variations. With the newNGS2 setup, this SFS will be removed and a suitable replacement must be found. Within the Gemini environment thereexist two facility wave front sensors, Peripheral Wave Front Sensors one and two (PWFS1 and PWFS2), that could actas an SFS. Only one of these (PWFS1) is located optically in front of the GeMS Adaptive Optics (AO) bench (Canopus).We are currently preparing this wave front sensor as the new SFS for GeMS under the NGS2 setup. The results ofseveral nighttime and daytime tests show that PWFS1 will be an adequate SFS for GeMS in the NGS2 setup providingexcellent sky coverage without compromising the GeMS Field of View (FoV).

Proceedings of SPIE | 2014

Life with quintuplets: transitioning GeMS into regular operations

Vincent Garrel; Marcos A. van Dam; Benoit Neichel; Fabrice Vidal; Gaetano Sivo; Eduardo Marin; Vanessa Montes; Andrew Serio; Gustavo Arriagada; Chadwick Trujillo; William Rambold; Pedro Gigoux; Ramon Galvez; Cristian Moreno; Constanza Araujo Hauck; Tomislav Vucina Parga; Jeff Donahue; Claudio Marchant; Gaston Gausachs; Fabian Collao; Eleazar Rodrigo Carrasco Damele; Peter Pessev; Ariel Lopez

The Gemini Multi-conjugate adaptive optics System (GeMS) at the Gemini South telescope in Cerro Pachon is the first sodium Laser Guide Star (LGS) adaptive optics (AO) system with multiple guide stars. It uses five LGSs and two deformable mirrors (DMs) to measure and compensate for distortions induced by atmospheric turbulence. After its 2012 commissioning phase, it is now transitioning into regular operations. Although GeMS has unique scientific capabilities, it remains a challenging instrument to maintain, operate and upgrade. In this paper, we summarize the latest news and results. First, we describe the engineering work done this past year, mostly during our last instrument shutdown in 2013 austral winter, covering many subsystems: an erroneous reconjugation of the Laser guide star wavefront sensor, the correction of focus field distortion for the natural guide star wavefront sensor and engineering changes dealing with our laser and its beam transfer optics. We also describe our revamped software, developed to integrate the instrument into the Gemini operational model, and the new optimization procedures aiming to reduce GeMS time overheads. Significant software improvements were achieved on the acquisition of natural guide stars by our natural guide star wavefront sensor, on the automation of tip-tilt and higher-order loop optimization, and on the tomographic non-common path aberration compensation. We then go through the current operational scheme and present the plan for the next years. We offered 38 nights in our last semester. We review the current system efficiency in term of raw performance, completed programs and time overheads. We also present our current efforts to merge GeMS into the Gemini base facility project, where night operations are all reliably driven from our La Serena headquarter, without the need for any spotter. Finally we present the plan for the future upgrades, mostly dedicated toward improving the performance and reliability of the system. Our first upgrade called NGS2, a project lead by the Australian National University, based a focal plane camera will replace the current low throughput natural guide wavefront sensor. On a longer term, we are also planning the (re-)integration of our third deformable mirror, lost during the early phase of commissioning. Early plans to improve the reliability of our laser will be presented.

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